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<br /> `,;, � lf.Borroxer'e Copy. Bocr�war stwll be qlvr,n one conformed copy of thc Note snd of this Secudty Instrrimcnt. � , ��
<br /> '`" .. ' , 17.Tne�frr a�ti�e Prc►pert or�Beselkia!Iatcreat iu Burro�vrr. It all or any part of tho PropertY or any irstcrest in it is �
<br /> soid uP sc:�l:fi;re�(or li a ts:.�c^�c� intenest in B�roer_n i9 B lt�or trr.�esfer�eT�d Borrowcr is not e nauualperson) wlihou�t I „ �
<br /> • �� j i.aKkr'a prior wriqrn cor�xnt,L.c n d e r msy.u i�o�t l o n,rWuiro i m m e d i a t a paymea[i n fu l!o f a ll F u m s s e c w�e d by t h i s S x u r i t y . •�:
<br /> ,._ . 's I(�nswmen� However.thiv opUon at�all nnt be c�cacucd by Lcnder if caerclse is p�oh►bitod by federal law u of t h e datc of this
<br /> y.... JC�('.UI1 �flS�(l�dl{.
<br /> ' : �+'��. _ � .'
<br /> � y;;..,,wH �' exactses�his�ptbn.Lenda shall give Bormwe,r nntica o£acaieration.'iTN►nqFir,c shni!pmvide a periai of not kss '
<br /> '� :;,,',. ..:•. than 30 d�ps fran�he dato Ihe notice is dellverud or mai{rd wi�hin�vxiir.h AQexov,ar mnrt{�ny all,��ema sccurrad by this Security
<br /> ,�.. . Insuuma�t If Barowu fail.s w pay Uuse sums prbr to tba axpinttion�ri�hin peri�ci,I�endnr ms►y ur�nkc any cunad:�e per�niucd .
<br /> by this^sc�urity in�ment withont fiuthu nc►tbe or d�emynd tH►Bat��arot.
<br /> IS.Bormwer'e Ri�6t la Re�tate. U Bo�rower rnxts catain �or►ditions, Barower slutl! tuivc thn r�qhr. ur. tutva
<br /> anforament of Ihis Security Inst�urr�nt discontinued at any drne prinr ta the earlier of: (a) 5 dnyo(�such o�h�r penocl a�+ •
<br /> applkHbb law mxy apocify Ca�einstaterc�t)befare sale of ttx�Pa�pe�ty�Stusuant co�ny pc,wu oi sr�la contamed in this Security ;
<br /> ttx
<br /> Innrumen�tx(by enuy of n judgtnent cnfoc�cing thEs 5xurity Inswrt�tnl."Ilwse axiditions are Ihat H+oerowcr.(a)pays Lcnder all � .
<br /> �:���5�'� ., sums which ihen would be due w�de�this Security Insaumrnt and tbe Note as if no acce3aation t�aQ cxxumed; N)cures ar►y , �,
<br /> ,:.;'i':" def�lt of any othu covenants or agreertier�ts:(c)Pa�aU expenses incumed in�forcing this Security Insuume�►t,incl�d'ueg,but . .
<br /> ''�^ " not limited to.rea9onabk etWir�ys'feas�and(d)tpicts such action u L.a1da ra�a�c+easonabty i+equine to assure th�t the lia�of this ,,,..w�--�.
<br /> . . ' a.. ._:;_ -
<br /> -� �� �ity Icts�uss�t, I.�:4tt s righis in �.hc �Ptng�ty ax�d Bu�rr►wer a i►bGgatwn to pny the sums socurod by ihia Security .- -- =___
<br /> . _ Instnunait shall ca�tinue unchar�god. Upon reiastaument by Borcower.�hi� Seeunty Instnune�t and the obliAa�oc�s sticurc�d , ' _�`��-x'--
<br /> -� t�reby st�all runain fuUy etfactive a9 if no acoeieration had occurrod.Noweva,this right W rcinstate stwil no1 app�y in the c�9e of :;�;�+a.:,--
<br /> _ ac;celetation uttider paragreph 17. '��":'`i-"'`;_
<br /> - � 19.Sale oi Note:Chanae of 14.oAn Servioer. 'ihe Note ot a �attnal intcirst in the Note (togcther.with this Secur.ty ,;,;o�:�•,"r.'^=.
<br /> � ' Instnuneat)may 6e sold oae a moro tIrt�witt�out pei�or noti�to Borrowa.A sa{e may�esult in a cfuwge�n tbe earity(lu�own -.'r�+=<:_ ..._
<br /> ° aS the"Losn Sesvioer")that cotlocts monthlly ymeri�s due undu the Note and tS�is Secunty Iaswmen�'Yt�ere also may 6e atie a . . '�,."`� _
<br /> "u�,a.-- _-_
<br /> t p� {� . �:�.:��
<br /> � o � g . �w°,,,�, �c `_••_ •• �_ • � .�,._�'
<br /> • - :�=._ ;n�C.,�:g.;,a,L�C i.�^ott �s:.�.�:..�io:�W.. .YW!\UW.u Il(G�Ci� c1�an¢c of the I.oen Setv'r�et.Barowei will be ---�.--
<br /> t,;�� givet►writt�an notioe of the chu�ge in acooc►-lance with para�raph 14 atwve snd applicabk law.'L'hs cwtice will state the�ume and ���,�y�'�.::.—_-
<br /> address of the ncw Laan Servictt and the address w whxh payraaiu sl�ould be made.'Il�e�wdce will a190 cant�in any Wlxt �;'��-:
<br /> . ,� info�mation roquicrd by appliable law. ��+��°=-
<br /> . ..- _ 20.Hararda�Su6�soes. Barnwer ahaU not r,ause or pecmit tt�e pr�erce. use. dis�wsal, s1a'�Be. or relcase of any ��;rs��;��
<br /> � �-3 Ha��rdous Substsnces on or in the Pr�paty.Barower st�aIi nui do�nor allow auyoue else in do.a�ytf��affcs�ting tk:,Pre�ty =��------- —
<br /> ' �ha�ic in vinlatinn of anv Enviroanxntal Iaw.'Ibe orocedin�two senten�es shat!not�pply W ttte pre�t►ce.use.or sta'�{ge on the � °` --
<br />_ ^►� I'copr,nty of small qoanuties of A� •,+�N�c Substancas that sue genaaIl�y xe�ognizod w 6e a�(x�opeiate to naa�U c+edAa�tlu uxs
<br /> '. and w mainuaance of the propc:ty.
<br /> Bamwer shall qanptlY give Lender writiai naice af any invc�tigation.claim, demand,I�wsait a atlsei action by any
<br /> s
<br /> � �. gavanmaetal or regulatory age�ncy or privat,s;�ty invaiving the Pro�xrty end any Haurdous Substu��e or Frvironmental l.aH ';s:
<br /> of which E�arnwa has a�Wal hnoNled ge.If Bamwu leams.a is ncvFied by any govatunaital or ngulsto�►auttw�itY.th�t an Y
<br /> . ranoval a ott�er remodiatioi►of any Ha�ardous Substance sffax•nq ep►c Propdty is neoessacy, Bomnwer s b s a l pmm(x 1y W�c a l l
<br /> .''�;,'::.:�,, �orssary�dial ections in accordance with Enviionmental Iaw.
<br /> ,�``��::;'°4:. As used in this pasaigraph 7a7�"Ha�rdous Substances" are those subst�rw�s defined as toxic a huacdous substa�wes by
<br /> Envlronmrntal I�w snd the followirig snbst�ces: gasoline. kemsene. otlsar f]ammable a toaic petrokum Froducts. tnxic
<br /> . paticides aod he�bicides.volati3e solva►ts.maeaials contaiaing asbestns or focmalrlehyde.and redioactive mata�als.As wad in
<br /> . this pe�caph 2(1."Fnvironmental Law"mean.s fe3�xd laws and laws of tho jacisdi�tion whae Qw Propaty is bcated thst rrlate
<br /> - w txsalth.sstety ar environme+�tal pcntection. •
<br /> :,, -
<br /> . . . NON-UNII�ORM COVF.[VANTS.Bocnnwer and Lcnda fuNkz oovenant aad agre�av follows: _
<br /> � ' Zl.Aa�elaaUon;Remedi�.y.esder shaU 6ive eotk+e to�orrower prior to aflcdn�atioa fdbwia6 Bornr�r'a bstaci a� ' -'�
<br />- ' •.. �: '„ an� covenaat or oarree�c�t in thE� Sawrity Insfra�mcat (but oot prjor to aoocler�tlw under p�ra=rapb 17 a�iw� �4....-- ,•
<br /> • �. aPABabie tiw pmvides MLer�vise).TBe notioe sh�t!!saecif�:(a�the defantt�(b)tlts actio�required to crre tIK ddaWh,(c) �-,`=�"-��_-_
<br /> . �� a date��ot leas tLan 30 da�tro�t�e date tLe eotio�tv giveo to Bormvver►b�w6{c6 t6e defarlt m�st 6e caned;ud(d) �--_
<br /> � tbat failare to can the de�:Wt oe or befa•e the date speeJ�a R6e notice ma�resnk in�atior o�tk sua�s$ecured s�=:�--�-
<br /> . 1 b'Wis Secarit�Iastrumeet anid sak oT the Prope�t�.Tde eotke sball furlher intorm Borro�er o�tbc r�itt to re�tate -_='�-_—___ �
<br /> aner accderAtion�uod We rlght to 6r+ng a oourt act�`�o to r�ssert t6e ooaexicteeoe ot a dtfnult or uy oq�ar de�a�e o/ .;,,�,�,_- --
<br /> Barrowes Q�o aoa�aation and,ile.U t6e defauLt b not cured on or 6efore We date specJied io the aotioer I.mder�st ita .;�•--
<br /> � � .. t� � / O e � �_ a.t..n__ �"'w
<br /> .: Op�ll��'dl�f 7'l�QCILY I�t10CQ�i1tC pf1>u�"sui w�� ^v.�..o��:w�.i■w v�iuo.xtilECUy i�Db��il�Wff�OYi 1YlI11LT OClrl� 'YY:�='F;`°'T,�,'
<br /> ' . , . and msy involce tLe power of sa�e and aa'otLv r�medie�permitted by applica6k law.Leoder shall be ea�itkd to ca9kct �-�a.n�aas ..
<br />_ � a1!e:peases incurred in pursuing tbe remedies pr�vided in tl� paraCraph 21,indudin�,bnt not timi��to�ra�wabk '';:�;:•.: ; .
<br /> ,.•.r
<br />- . ' sttorneys'fa�aod oosta of titk evideooe. 1: � , . .
<br /> . . U the power of s�k�invoicrd.Trustc�s shall rea►rd a eotiee ot default in eash eoa�ty in whirL auy part ot t6e .�� �
<br /> '� ' Propertj i�locatdf aed sYaO m�l o�i�s of such noti�oe in the m�ener prcscribed by applir,�bk Itw to Bormwer and to ths
<br />-- . otLer per�t�ay pr+escribed by appl�9e 1a�v,A�3�r¢Le tione reqnircd by spplicable b�v,TraStee shsl!give public notjoe o� , �
<br />_ ,, s�fe to the pereaos and in t6e msnna�pn�cmn'bad t��apptirabk law. Tnu��re,�►it6out de��nd on Bon+a�rcr,sYaD seU the
<br /> � Property at public auciion to the hSghest bidd�r�c;:be tim�e and plsoe and��Aer the tam�aes�natcd in the notioe M a�k ,
<br /> �� Form � i �
<br /> ` �-iR(NE)�oz��i Pao.soie inifi�
<br /> - ,>1"
<br /> - --�--
<br /> , _--._.-r-_ � ------ --.._---•--•---- -�— -� _..,--._. ... _.. _...----..,. .. .— _
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