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<br />*"�b,��}'';:! ' �' 7�043F�THER 'WITH all tho improvemenW now o�hereaiter ercct�d on tho propcccy. sind all ra.9ement�.appurtenartces�und � �
<br /> •� -... ..,. i"ixtus�.v�ww cx I�;e,atwr a�i c�f Qi;,pY3�,;,rty.AlY r�l;ccincnss nnd�1tll�o�ns shAtl n1�n ix cov�rcd by�hi9 Secudry inst�ment ' . . __
<br />: :��.�,�`i�,' �� A,ll uf thc foregoing is referred in in thi�9aurity Ynstrument a9 the Pt�aty. � .
<br /> • � �, BORROWBR COVBNANTS ttwt dorrowcr f9lawfully soLsed of the estate hereby convcyed and ba9 tha dght w grant a��d �
<br /> °;'�.:�"ti'�:='' c,�nvey tho Pr�operty and tt�at the PcopertY is unencumbered,exctpt for encwnbrances of rccord. Dorrowcr werrant9 ond will .
<br /> �'���"""'�°`'r'�r defend generatly the dtk w the Propetty against all claim9 and demanas�sub�oct w any encarnlxances of record. .`
<br /> '!:`..". ��..�!_ THIS SECUFtITY INSTRiJM�NT �om6ines uniform coven�tts for national use and ntx�•un�'ptm covcnants with ILni�,cd ' �.
<br /> variations by judsdkdan to cons�tuto a unifarm sccuriry insuumentcovaing real propercy .
<br /> . � UNIFOItM COVANANTS.Borrnwer and l,en�i covenant encf sgrx as falbws: ,7 ..
<br /> " � 1.PMyment ot Ih'incipal and Interest;Prcpayment and LAte Chuges. Borrower shall (mnmptly pay when due the „ . .
<br /> • - pdrx;ipal of and intrrest on the debt evidenced by the Nou and anY P�Yn�����n��ctiarges due under the riIoW. . ,:,+,. ,:. ._f
<br /> , . 2.Irunds for Tiuces 4nd Insuranoe. Subjoct to applicabks law or to a writtea waivr.r by i.,endu.Borrower shat�pay to , tit,���;.,.;
<br /> tt
<br /> �f:5�• '� ,. Lender on tho dAy monthlY PeYment�are duc un d e r t h e Noto�un�l t h e No t e ig p a i d i n f u l l,�s u m(°F u n d s")f o r.(a)y e u r l y u u c e s .: . �"°,�����
<br /> ;,r� � ^ �,I,'•r, _:�S,i,r.:'�
<br />-_ ' ; Y �assessaneats which may auain p�riority over tttLs Security Inswment as a lieci on the F��n�etty;Qb)Yearly leaseholei paYmcnts
<br /> �',�:�Mi�;.-----==---_
<br /> _ . or ground renu an the Pro�xity.if any:(c)Yearly hara�d or pcoperty insuranoe promiums,(0)Yc�;y Dlood ir�sui�-►r.c�;wr�;►if , r�:��_-- --
<br /> ; . �ny�(�)Year1Y mott888e insurnnca prom{ums�if any�ead(�anY Sums P$Yselo by Barower to Leadtx�in accordana with the `�.�;'.;,`,. --_
<br /> � provisions of paz�agraph 8. in lieu of tt�e payrnent of mortgege insurance prcmiums.'I1use items aoe called "Escrow It�ems. _ �__
<br /> - _' Lendor may.at any tLne.coibct and twld Fwxts in an amount not to eacoed ihe maxim�un amoiant a lanckr for a federally nlated ��_
<br /> � mortgage loan may require for Borrowet's escrow account under tha fed�cral Real�st�te Seu�nt Proc�dUte3 Act of 147a a9 ��;.�
<br /> .:.. . _ .,o o ., � � i° RCAA" nniPQa an[►Ihel law theteDDliCS IO th0 FWId.9 SUs SlGSSeS `".°--
<br />- � ' � t 8[�Q����111�G�ZZ U.J.�.JW�IGA��Zj.S��. \P"'��_.�.�_' ^_"-__'_'-� .-__---'__
<br /> � "'•� amoumt If so�Lender may.at any dme,collect and hold Funds in en amount nnt w exceed the ksser amount I.eaxier maY ;�-::_ —
<br /> � `� esdmate the amount of Fonds due on the basis o�currcnt data end reasonablc estjmates of eapendIWres of fuWre F.,scmw It�sms or ""__
<br /> . ��.�� other+vice in aocotdanca with appllcabk law. -��:M..^�
<br /> 'I�Funds afutU bo held in an insa�udon whose deposits are insured by a fcdarel agen+.y.insuumcutatity.oa cn4ty(iACludin8 4-=:;r„-�...=.�-
<br />' ,. � '"� I.ender.if I.ender ts such r�n institutbn)or in any Fedaal Home Loan Bank.i.endet sball apply the Funds w paY the E�ct+ow _—
<br /> . ,:;, Iums.i,ecu3cr may not chacge Barower ior aoiding a�ad applying�nc Funos.�u�uaL'y a��iy��g�.�w,.:.,.:�u�z,.�:�i.;�er.; .�.�':
<br /> ,,�� tho fiscmw Items,unless L�Wer paya Bomowu interest on the Funds and applicabk Iav�namin Lenda tn m�lce such a ch�rge.
<br /> .�f.. However.Lcndcr may require Borrowez to pay a one-tim�.c;�arge for an independent nx�i rstete tax repating savicc uscd by -
<br /> � L.ender in connection with this loau.ur�kss applicable law provides otheiwise.Unless an agro�ment is meda a epplicable law
<br /> • roqulc�es intuest to be paid�Lender shall not be requirod to pay Boirower any inkxest or eamings on the Funds.Somnwar end
<br /> Lender msy agrce i�writing,however.that intenst st�all be paid ou the Fumlv.Lender sh��ll 6iva w Boanwa.without ch�rge.an
<br /> . . . ., , ., annual accoundng of Ifie Fuads,showing credits and debits to the Funds and�he purpose for whkh each debit to tho Funds was -
<br /> • ' made.'Ihe Funds arz plodged as edditional security for all s�uns secured by this Sxurity Instru�ent
<br /> . . If the Funds 4eld by I.ender excad the amounls pemiiu�ci w be hcld by applicabb law,L,e,�der sf�all account w Borrowu fa �:
<br /> . .. tbe excess Funds in acc�ordance with the eequlrements of applicable Inw.If the emount of the Funds held by I.ender at ony time is �
<br /> � not sufGcicnt to pay the Bscrow Items when due.I.ender may so notity Borroarer in writinng,and in such c;a.�e Barowa sl�all paY ,�_• -
<br /> y . . co I,ender tho amouat ncx.essazy to malce up the de5cienay. Bomower shall make up the defciency in no mone ttwri twelva _;�".
<br /> • man�hlY PaYmcnts.at Lcndcr's solc discm,tion. : _�-
<br /> . . • . • UP�PaYment in full of all sums securcd by this Security lnstrumcat,Lender shall pmmptly cefund W Borrowel any Funds �-�,,.,._��
<br /> � .�,,��'�. '.'".� heid by Y.ender. If.under paragra�rh 21�I.ender sllall acqu9:�e ar sell the Pcopecty.Leader.Prior to ttto acquisition or r,ale of the �°-•--- _ _
<br /> • Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.endu at tho dmo of acquisidon or sale as a credit egainst the sums secursd by lhis aurn �_''-
<br /> ..� . Security Insnument '"��;�_""�
<br /> "-... r--��.,
<br /> �. �: 3.Applk�tian ot Pa,yments. Unless applicable inw provides othcswise.ell payments received by L,ender under�hs ,• ;::�;_
<br /> .. �.' ' . ` 1 aad 2 sha�be�ppl�l:.first,to anY prcpaYment charges dire unda the Note: socond.to amounts payabk under paragraph 2: '. :,.r�* ��'�'`
<br /> � - •. , : third,to intcrest due;fUnrtlr,w principa!due:and last,to any late charges due under the No2e. " -'q�'�`-�--
<br /> � ° �'� 4.Charges.Liens. Borrower shall pay atl taxes.assc•as�i�ents� chwsgcs, �•nes.:nd imFusid�ns atuibu�blE to ihP ?�ropc?ty - � ,-
<br /> � �� which may auain priority ovEr this Sec�uity Instnunen�and l�aschold payments or gruund rents,if any.Bomower shall pay thes V 1�:'.�;�"�'�
<br /> � -` obligations in ihe manncr provaded in paregraph 2,or if ns�paid in lhat manner,Borc+ower 5hall pay them on time direcdy to the .,.,
<br /> : ,�.;:- pasc�n owed p�nyment Donower shall prompdy fumish tc+I.cnder all notices oF air,ounts to be paid under this maragraph.If ,
<br /> Borrowcr malces�payments dirccdY�Honower shall prompdy furnish to I.ender r�ceipts evidencir.g the paymens.
<br /> � ��.� Borrowcr stnsui;promptly discharge eny llen which hos priority over thi9 Security Instrumeat antess Bonower. (n)agrc�ss in
<br /> ; writing w the pa��rnent af tha obligadon secured by the licn in a mnnrcr asceptablc m I.ender.(b)conitsts in 800d faith the licn
<br /> by, or dcfcnds against cnfac�cement of ihe Ilen in, legal procccdings w}aich in the Lcnder's opinion operatc to prevent the
<br /> • enforcement of vhc Iicn;or(c)secuces irom thc holder of s't�t lien an egrocment satisfec�ory to Lender subordinatu:g the lic�to —
<br /> �;. this Socurity InsirumenG If I.ender detc�mime�that ony pars m�the Pcoperty is subjoct to a Ilen which may auain priority ovcr tt►is
<br /> .� Security Ir+stmnxnG Lcndcr may 8ivc Bomowcr n notices identiffying tfae i�an.Sorrower shaal satisfy the lien or talce one or moce I "
<br /> � ���:.'�`� of thc acdons set focth abovc within 10 days o�33�e glving of no6cc. _
<br /> .,�. Form�a���--"r_ �
<br /> -_,�,�!__ �•!W(NE)(oa121 v.y.sote �n�tu
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