•'�l.f'.'.i'Y . . . _`: [. � 'I�.i.la'_
<br /> . , •� . . - ' .. - � - �'t.<
<br /> ��'r"'�' . � . . .� `.,�.-.�`:.
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<br /> ,, q.•..-+w«�IHQI{���i, . '. .. . . . °
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<br /> � �J-4 1,��7.i���J -
<br />,y 'PpCF�TI�'GR WITF1 �11 I.ho inttxavcme�its now on c�rcuttcr crcctcd on U�c property, and a�l cusemants,uppu�tenanccs, and � �`
<br /> fintures naw cin c�rcnttcr e�an of tho ixoperey,Ail r�pleccmcn�s end additlons shall alsa bc wvcrcd by thi�Socuriry InsUumcnt. i *
<br /> hll af tho frn�;going iy iuTe�r:kl lo ic:th::�S�cu�iry Instrument nv iho"Propeny."
<br /> BQItROH►�R COVANAt�TS th�t Barowu is InwEully scfscd of tha cstatc hcrcby convcycd nnd has�hc rlght to grnn[anA i
<br /> t t
<br /> . convcy tlio Property nncl th�t thc Pm�cny is uncncumixred, cncepl for cncumbrenccs of rc�ord. Bonowcr wanants ond will 1
<br /> - defend generoUy A�o titl�to Qtw Pcoperty e8ainst eU cleirns and demands,sub,�CCt to ony encumbrances of record. ;
<br /> `�' � ' '[7dI3 SECURITY INF"I�lU1V�NT cotr+6frtcs unifortn wvcnants for natlonal use and non-unlform covcnants with limitcd �
<br /> vntf.c►tione by jurisdi�ti�n to constitute a uniform security inswment covering real property. I
<br /> I IJNF.T4RM COVBP�]0►RiT'S.IIomower uid Lender covenant and agrec os foqaws: I
<br /> I 1.P�ymeM of Frinr�pal and Intsrest; Prepaytnent and Late Charges. Borrower shall prompUy pay when due thc �' .
<br /> � p��;�4i of�,n�inte�.res4 o:i thm dcbt evidcnced by thc Nate and any prepayment and Iate charges due under the Note. �
<br /> 2.F'unds for Tstxt�smcl Insuritnca 5ubject to np�Actrble law or w a written waiver by L.ender, Borrower shall pay w �
<br /> I.cndur on thc day mvnst►ly payments sue dae undar thG I�Tote,until ihe Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly ta�ccs i •�
<br />: and assessmcnts whi��t�may atta�ain pdodty over this Sec�uity Instrumcnt u�a lien on the Propercy:(b)Yenrly leasehold paymcnts
<br /> . �q I
<br />' or gcauesd rents on tT�o Ftoperty,if anY:(�)Y�ly huzard ar pmperty insurance premiums;(d)Yeacly flood insurance premiums,if „
<br /> any; (e) yearly mo�tgr�,rm insurance pr�mluins,if any;and(fl any suuis payable by Y3orrower to I..ender.in 2�'.cordAncc witt►the .'
<br /> � pmvisions of pauAgraph 8, in licu of�hc PaYt►1�n���ount�n t c^�excced the maximum a�►oun aslec der fo a,federully related �" : : ' =
<br /> � Lcndcr may,�t su�y tim�r.collect and hold Fund I
<br /> martgage laan may raquire for Horrower's escrow a,�caunt under e�'�,�federal Real Estace Seu2ement Pracedares Act of 1974 as . ., �. .
<br />� ��ndPi1 frnrrn tim�to ItimE. 12 U.S.C.Scction 2601 ei srq. (��RESPA"),unless aytQther law that applies to tdae Funds sets a lesser ___._
<br /> umoun� If sa,Lenda mey, at any tune,collect�.�� hold Funds in an amount nQi to exoeed t�he less�r��ount Lender may :,�:-^,_
<br /> estimaie ihe amount of FimdS due on the basis of current data and reasonable es�i�°s of eapeaditums of fuiure Bscrow Items or � • ti._-�y,�
<br /> att►cr�,isc in accerdans.o with applicab3z I�w.
<br /> Th�Funds shall bcs h�ld in an instiNUOn whose deposits ere instued bY a federal a8estc}'•ansuumentalicy.or entity(including ::t5;;; �__
<br /> .. . -
<br /> '�� Lender, if Lender is rnr,�an insdtution)or in any Federal Home Loan Banlc•L�3�r shall apply Ihe Funds to pay the Escrow .�.,��
<br /> . �� `�` � '
<br /> ° Items.Lender may noL c'��ge Bonower for holding and applying the Funds,ennuuliy analyzin8 tha escr°w acc°unt,or verifying : �. •
<br /> . >.---- ----- �
<br />, . --+�: -';,.-- tho Escrow Items. unless LenAer pays tso m o w e r�n�e s�u u u�e����s 3�p�i c a b:e L:y�•m;r�L,r.��ir.r tn make suc6 a chut�te. �
<br /> Ho�vever,Lender may require Bonower to pay n one-time charge for an independent real estate tax rePordnB serv�ce used bY �:,� .'�
<br /> L en dcr in connection with this loan, unless epplicnble law provides otherwise. Unless an ugreement is made or agplicable law �:�;?�,�.�
<br /> requires interest to b,�s��d. Lcnder shall not be rec�vired to pay Boaower any interest or eam9ngs on the�nds.Boaower and :. ...
<br /> � � ' Lender may agroo in w'ra't�8�however,that interesi shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower,without charge.an �;ya��
<br />��,"� � annual accoundng of tho F�nds,showing creGits and debits to the Funds end the purpose for whlch each debit to tiie Funds was •��:
<br /> . '?f'
<br /> ` :r macic.'Iha Funds are p�edged as edditional sec;uiry for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument � ':
<br /> �•• � 'ti� If tha Funds held by Lender eaceed the amounts permiued to be held by appllcable law,I.ender shall account w Borrower for
<br /> � � the excess Funds in ecc�dance wia�th�reQu�ments of t►pplicable]aw.If the amount of tha�Funds held by L.ender at any time is °r., � ,.,
<br /> ' not sufficient to pay th��scrow Itcros when due,l.ender may so notify Bo�rowzr in wrltLng,and,in such case Bocrower shall pay ',�,.,�,,;,,� �
<br /> to Lender the amouni n�essacy to make up the de4iciency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in nfl more tt�► twelvo ,;_ �;;',,_
<br /> �,..
<br /> monthly payments.at Lcndcr's sn�?c discretion. '��+"`� _
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Securiry Instmment,Lender shall pmm d refund to Borrower any?Funds ���s.:•';`'���`
<br /> P Y ;�,,5;;,r<i�;;.?'��.�.
<br /> � hcld by Lersder.If,un��ParaBraFh Zl,L.ende:shaSl acquire or sell the Propesay,Lender,prior to the ac�uisivan or sa9e of the R•, ,7�4_ ��;
<br /> Property,shall apply a�y Funds held by Lender at�e time of acquisidon or sale a9 a credit against the sums secured by this ti::4r���,,
<br /> ' Security Instnunent `��'-°-�
<br /> . ���_�_� ._�
<br /> 3.Applicatbn o!PAyments. Uniess applicable law provides otheiwise,all payments received by Lender undes pazagraphs •�i;�,�y,��-•�---�----- _
<br />� . 1 and 2 s h a l�be�p p���Cirst,u�any prepayment charge.4 duc under thc Notc:secand,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; ,. ,.r.:;.��°
<br /> - �hird,t,o inteilst dtfe,ic+ntrth.w pr'v►cipal due;end last,to any late charges due undea the Note. .•°`:x�#�4 .:
<br />_ � 4.C6:rg�;L:; � B�trower chall nay all tax�c, acse.ccments,charges, fines and 'nnposiaons amibutable to the Property =�= __�w_ �W
<br /> y ' � which may attain pria�ity over this Security insuument,and leasehold payments or�ound rents.if any.Borrowes shall pay thrse �� �:-�r
<br /> - ",,. . obligatzoo*�s in the manner ptovided'an paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner,Bozrower shall pay them on time directly w the '°z•
<br /> at
<br />-. pcisom oaed paymen�Bonowcr shall pmmptly furnish to L.cnder all norices of amounts to be paid under this parAgraph. If .
<br /> Botrower makes th�.�payments direcUy,Bo�roaer shall pmmpdy fumi�sh to Lender receIpts evidencing the pnyments.
<br /> �� Boirower shall Pr.rr.npdy dischar8a anY lien�hich hus priority over this Sccurity Insmun�ent unless Borrower. (a)agroes in
<br /> +;} ' wridng to the payment of the obligaiion�ecured by the Gcu in a m�u►ner acoc,p;able w I.ender,(b)cantests in goad faidi the lien
<br /> -� by. or defends agairast enforc�m.�3 of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the L.��er's opinion operau+ to prevent the I
<br />.� enforeement oF the lien;or(c)sccures trom the holder of the flen an ugreemen:saflsfacwry to Lender sulwrdinating the lien to
<br />;� . this Securiry Insaum�nt.If Len�er determines that any pact of the Propecty is�:bject ta u tien which may attain priority over this .,
<br /> - �, Sccurity lnsttument,Lender may giva Borrowcr a notice identifying the lien.Boirower stiall satisfy the lien or ta�e onc or more
<br />`� > of the ncrinns sct fort?�above within 10 day�of Uie giving of notic:e. Form 90�! o�oo '
<br /> M . �-aR(NE)Wz�a) a�n.2oie imuais: ---- "
<br /> — -- �
<br /> � _ —_ ,_ - --- _--
<br /> _
<br /> ., � �_
<br /> � ._______.__.__.____ .. .
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