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<br /> '(c) ForMwr��by L�nd�►Not�YY�Ivw.Any faib�arance by Lender In exerclelnp any ripht ar remedy horeun��r,or `
<br /> otherwlse aHordsd 6y epplla�ble law,shatt not be e welvar o1 or practuda the exeral�e ot any ouch ripht nr rsmedy.TI� __
<br /> ' procuremnnt n1 Inmurance ar the paymsnt of taxba or ether Ilen�or chug��bY Lertdar shnll n01 be e w�lver of Lsnd�r'�riah4 to _
<br /> �ccNe►eto ths mrsurtty of ths IncNbtedns�s Mcur�d by thl�Da�d ol Trus�
<br /> (d) �uee«sAra,�nd Mslpm Dound;Joint�nd�w��l LJabiiiipi CspNas�•The coven�nb and aprs�menb fier�ln con-
<br /> �ln�d ch�!I bind,and ttto ti�ht�hercurt�er ahnll ini�re le,the respecllve eucceaaors and e��lgne of l.ender end Tnaetor./ill
<br /> covmnants and apramenh of 7ru�tor�haA ba Jolnt nnd wveral.7he captlons and headlnpi of the parepr�ptss ot thla De�f of
<br /> Tru�t sre for convenlence only end ars not to be uaad In Interpret or @efine 4hs provislonn hereot.
<br /> (e) R�quMt 1�NoticN.The partles herei�y requAatth�t a aopy o1�ny notice of detault he►eunder snd e copy o1 any notice
<br /> 01 eais hnrouader be malled to esch p�rly to thie Deed o}Truat at the addrese Bet torth above In the manner prsscrlbed by
<br /> eppllcable law.Except for any other notice req�tred under eppllcsble law to be plven In another�nenner,eny nodoe provlded
<br /> tor In Qhle Oeed of Truat ehall be given by malilnp euch notice by certilied mall eddreased to the olher partlee,et tfie addr�as sst
<br /> lorth ebove.Any notice provided(or In thle DeeRf ot 7ruat ehell be ettective upon maltina in lhe manner deelynetsd hsreln.If
<br /> 7ruetor le mare than one pereon,notica esnt to the addreae set forth above ehatl(be noNce to etl euch perso��.
<br /> (� In�p�ctlon.Lender mAy mnka or cauee to be meda reasonebls entrlee upon and Inaper.tlone o1 the Proparh►,provklad
<br /> that Lender ehnll plve T►uetor nottco prlor to aRy auch Inapectlon epectfylnp reasanable ceuam therefor related to Lender'e
<br /> I��tereat In the Properry.
<br /> (�) Rsconr�y�nc�.Upon payment of all euma secured by thia Deed of Yruet,Londer ahall r�queatTruatee tn roconveytfie
<br /> Propeny and ahall sur�ender tbla Doed of Trust and all notea evidencing Indebtedneas aeoured by thla Deed ot Truat to TrueMe.
<br /> Truatee ehell reconvey the Property wfthout warranty and without charpe to the peraon or persona lepally entided there0a
<br /> Truator ehall pay all co�ta of recortlation,It any.
<br /> (h) Ponon+N Pro�yf�r,B�curity A�r��m�nt.A;� additional seaurity tor the peyment oi the Note,T►uetor hereby prmte
<br /> Lender under the NDbrASka Unitorm Commercfal Cocl�a aecurity Intereat In all fixta�r�ea,equlpment,and other personal pro�xty
<br /> used In com�aGtlon wlib Yhe real entAto or Improv�menta located thereon,and not�therwleo denlared or deemed to be e part of
<br /> the rptl!ps4atP�SoCUted t�oreby.This Ir+otrument ahall be conatruecl s�e a 8eaurity A�greemont undar sald Gode,8nd the 6enclar
<br /> ehall have a114he righta and ramediea o9 e aecured pr�riy under aald�ode In addi;ion to the rights and remedieR.ctadbd�ndbi
<br />� and accartied the lenrl�+r�ursuant to thls Deed ot Tvv�k provldsci thfli Londur'o right5 and rernodloa under thls�arpqtepta ehpil.
<br /> bs camulative wrHh,and�In no way a iimiicatlon on,LondaPs ripi�ts anrJ remerlies���er any athsr ssourtty abr�amern n�ned by:
<br /> porrower or Trusto�. '
<br /> (q I.IeM art�si E�cumbnncN.Truator hereby wa�rents snd ropresente 4hat 9h ere ta no rlefauit undtr the p�ovletam ot��y �•
<br /> mortpage,dsed uf tivat,leeae or purchaae contract deecribing all or eny part ot the Property,or other contrACt Instrumont�a�r
<br /> agreement c�naUiutinp a Ilen or oncumbrnnce agalnet ell or eny part ot the Property(collectively,"�lens'�,ex(�tln�M of the
<br /> date af thls Deed o1 Triast,and that eny and ell exiatinp Liena remain unmodHied ezcapt ae dir,clo�sd to lbnd�r In Tru�br'a
<br /> written dleclpaure of Iipne and encumb�ancea qrovfded for hereln.Truator shnll timely pertorm eil o}7�uetor'�obllqaHons,
<br /> covenanto,�spreeentatione and warrentles unde�any and cil exi�iunfl�nd iuturo�iena anaii prom�iir iani►ira�u i.w�v'w v'"'N+�:
<br /> of ell notices ot defeult eant In connectian with any nnd a!I existinp or future Lisnn,and ehafl not wlthout l.�nd�r'�prlor w�
<br /> conrsnt In�ny m�nner modlfy the Froviafona of or ailow any tuture edvances undx any sxl�dn�or future Llee�.
<br /> Q) AppNcallon ol P�ynn�nM.iJnle�s otherwl�e requlred by Iew,tums pat�to Lendsr h�r�und�r,inCiudlnp witlwuf IknFkillqn
<br /> paym�nts af principal�nd intere�t,In=urence procsad�, cond�mnaticn procr.era�nd rsnU�nd proflb,�h�ll M�pplNd by
<br /> L�ndav to th��mounb due�nd owlnp from Trustor�nd Borrower In�uch ord�r��Lend�r In Id�tol�dl�cntlar�d�n�d�s7nbi�.
<br /> (k)hwrabNNy.If any provlslon of thls Dsed of Trust conHfats wIM�ppllcal�4n law or li dsciar�inv�IW or ofh�iw
<br /> ur+�ntorce�bl�,suah confliat or Invalidiry ihell not aftoct the othsr proviwn�of thts Qa�d of 7rwt or►h�Nol�which a+�n W
<br /> p��ron Ml�ct without the conHlctlnp provlalon,and to thla end ihe provi�iana o1 thli Dse�1 al Tlruet and Ms Nols an d�cland m bs
<br /> NYNAb10.
<br /> (I! T�nro�.The terma"Trustor"end"Borrowar"ehtil Include both sinp�ulsr and plurel,end when ths Trustor�n0 Bonower
<br /> arb the ame pereon(e),ti►oae terma es uwd In ihlo [)eed.of Truat ehall be Interchen�eeble.
<br /> (m)�iowmN�p I.uw•TAIe D�aed of Truat ehall ho governod by tho lews of the State of Nebraeke.
<br /> Tru�tor h11e executed thle Deed of Trust ne oi the date w►ftten nbove.
<br />- Truator
<br /> Ve ,.'b�re�a����
<br /> Truator
<br />_ �
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