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<br /> l'��iJ'��i�,���1 :
<br /> '(a) Potb�arsnaaby Land��Nel�MV�ivar.Any lerh�in�nn�iiy Lnn�icr In exerafil��any riflili ot ramtkfy htrdundsr,or �
<br /> o�h�rwlia�fford�td by�pplla�bt�INw,ohrll no1 b�n wmi�v�r et�r prnnluein!he exorol�F.�D c��nny ouch rlpnt or rfinedy. Th« �
<br /> ' prucunm�nt of Imur�nc�or fhe p�ym�nl 01 U�x��ar othnr II�►nn Qr ahnrpe�by l,�ndar��iw��1 n�r4 k��walwr ol L�nd�r'�rlphf to "
<br /> �ccNrr�N th�maturlry of Nw Ind�bfadn�ss�soured hp tldu G'�o�f of Trurt. ..
<br /> (d) �e+�*•••^tri �ttal!!M�r.*R��ts!i;�!!`!�!��tA Atf�RrH�!!�hNilg;t,'!+nN+r.tn.YP1�9 CL1Ym"i.tTi�?f fllFt�RafMRi�lP129 NT.f!!�11 t=Al1- _
<br /> t�irod�h�li btnd,�nd th�rl�hb h�r�undsr�h�il Inurn tu,ttte ro�peotl��tuooeasar��ncl nxfl�nA Of Lender�nd Yruttor.All
<br /> cownpnb�nd�pr�um•n4 a1 Trustnr�h�ll t»�atnt�i�d ea►�ornl.Tho oentfono and h�nAf���ao ot thn paraprAphe o!thfa Oes+d of -
<br /> Tru,1t ars tor conveni�ncs onty and u•s not ta 6o urrud to intnrprr�t or dutfn�the�rovlslo�9li,�rot�1, _
<br /> (s) R�qwd br NoMcN.Yha p�Ai�n hereby requ�Mtl�nt n oopy ot Any notlae o1 det�ut�1i�rea.inder and s copy of any notice -
<br /> o}eal�hereund�r be malled to epch party to thia C+�otl ot Truot st tho addreae eet to►tt�r,b�y�n In the menner prescrlbsd by =
<br /> ppplic�b��law.Excspt tor any other notics�equlrest und��r appllcsedN►luw to be given In en+a?1�,a manner,any notir.e provided °
<br /> tor In thle Deed o1 Trwt shall be piven by mf�flinp sunh nottne Q�y nertillod mail addro�aocl to ttnD o�ht�r p��tlea,at the addr��s Bet
<br /> (ortfi above.Any nottce provtded tor In thle Desd nt.11•uct ehnll ba ettoctive upon matlli�n�I�n t9in�mnnner deefpnated herein.If -
<br /> Trurior fa mors fh�n ons peroon,notice eent to thn�tdclr��e set farth abova shall 6o not�co tn atl such pereone.
<br /> (i) Irwp�fbn.Lender maiy make or ceuse to bo mndc�rr�anonn6la entriea upon and Ina�iv�nttana ot the Property,provided
<br /> that Lender ehell pive Tru�tor notice prlor to any stinh Inop�otlon epeotiylnp roason�t�[�o caut,n thorofor reletad to l.ender'e
<br /> intereet in the Properry.
<br /> (p) R�canvw�ns�.Upon pey��nent o}all eump��nourr�d by thia Doed af Trust,Londmr shal7 r[+�ueet T�ustee to reconvey the
<br /> Prop�rty s�d ehsll�urrender thls Deed o1 Trust and.sll�n�tc�e evict�ncing indebtedness sooavod by thla Deed o4 Truat to Trustee.
<br /> Tru�tse chell reconvey the Praperty without warrr�nty end wlihnut charge to tho porso�oc Rzr�aon�lepally entitled thereto.
<br /> Trustor shalt pay all costa ot recordatlon,11 any. a
<br /> (h) PKaonN Prop�rty;8�curiry A�rMnNn�Ao addtttonal soaurity tnr the p�y��on�04 U►n Note,Truator here6y yrenb
<br /> Lender undAr the Nebraska Uniforni Commercial�G�Atf p senurity intnra�t In all tixturo�,oq4i!�:nu��t,and other person�l pro�rrty
<br /> uaed in connection with Me real eetate or Improwrrnflnt0lnoatod thereon,and not oth��n�:ao ci�au3ared or deemed to be p ptt►t of v
<br /> Me real estah secured hereby.Thla inatrument shnll he oonotruo�ae a Security Agroomrt,nl tinti�r eald Coda,and the Lender
<br /> shall have all the Nghta and remedies ot e secur�d�partv undar astd Code ii�addition ta i�m rfptda and remedie9 created under
<br /> and eccorded the L4nder pureuent to thia Daed af 7ruat;provldad ti�at LetZdm•r's righ�s�n�i rcr�nacliee underthfa par�gtaph eh�ll -
<br /> bc+�cumulative with,and in no woy a Iimitatlon on,Lencior's dmhte and rert�ecf:es undur�,•^y o;fiar securiry eyreement�'r��r.ed by
<br /> 6a�Qawer or Truator.
<br /> (i) LMn��nd Eaewnb��nca.Trustor heroby wsrranto nnd reprosenta that thmro i.5 n�deiault under the provta7on�ot any
<br /> mortpage,dead of truel,l�seo or purchass conttnat d��uribinfl ell or any pari of tha Rro�srty,or othor contract,tnstrumant or
<br /> epreoment constltuting a Ilen or encumbranoo apflfne�t all or any pert ot tho PropFrty�(au4!aotively,"Llene"),exl�lin�be o!4he
<br /> � dute of thia Dc�l ot Tnist,end that any and all ext6tinp Liono romaln unmoditted c�xc�zz^�s disclosed to Lende�ln TruatoPe
<br /> � wrinen dleclosure oi Bens And encumbranaos provlQocl(or hereln.Truator shalG t:�am?y pArform eit of Trustor•s a2�719a�ona,
<br /> � anyananta,repreaentetlom and wnrrantle�undpr any end pll axisltinp and tuturo Lt��,��11�aromptiy torwa�d to L�ndor coptes
<br /> of�It noticee of�e/ault spnt in connectlon with nny and all oxisting or future Uens,a�cl Mp11 not wlthout l.onder'a prlor written _
<br /> consent In any manrter modify the provislprie oi or ailpw eny tuturo advance�under eny�oxisting or tuture Uena.
<br /> �i) AppNeation mf P�ym�nf�.Unles�ulharwJoe raqulrod by law,sume prsld to Lendmr M�eoun;fer,inctudinp w{thout IlmHetlon
<br /> pi►ymAnts of principa�l and tntereM,Insurnnoe p►oceodo,aoncic�mnctlon procc���aad:s.��s and�s�afita,shell be�tpplTed by
<br /> LenrJer to the emounts due ondowirip tfom 7ructor and Borrowor In euah order as Londmr i��ii0 eole dlsCretlon deema de�lrabis.
<br /> (k) Sw�nWNtr. N eny prov7t•an o1 thl.s Qeed oi Truat coniliots with applicablo la�r oc is declared Inv�lld or otherwi�e
<br /> unenforceeble,such confli�t or trnalh:{E3y ahnll not affuot the othor provlaons ot thls[?�a�ot Truat or the Note which can be
<br /> glven attect without t.Ae conflloi�ri�provis!on,gnct�o thiy end tho provisfone of thls Oood ot�1'rust and the Nota are deClared to be
<br /> eovereble.
<br /> (I) Yanrq.The tarms"'Pna�tar"anct"F�orrowor"eh�U inctude both singular end plurt�.t and when the Truetor end Borrower
<br /> are the same pereon(a},thnr,�torms as uuxf In this Q�eed.ot Truat shntl be interchunp��{o.
<br /> (m) Gov�nM�f�I.�w.Tt�1�Uosr1 of Trust ahaf!be govarned by tha laws of Mo St+�tm�0 ebre�ke.
<br /> Trustor hes executed this Qoetti ot Tiust a9 of the dnto wrftten nb G�'r.� 1 --
<br /> � C rus NUSB D .
<br /> _ . �,
<br /> I ator W I F E �
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