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<br /> - ' � Txon�fer oP the Praporty or a Bonefiai��Intaraet in Borrawor.Ii dll or�ny part of tha Property or any intoreet I :.
<br /> in it is eold or tr�n�farred (or it e. boaeficial inter�st ia Borrowor is eold or transierred and Borrower ie not n natural
<br /> pc�n) without Y.endor'e prlor written con�ent,Lendar may�et ite o�tion,roquico immodiste payment i�n full ot sll sume
<br /> Hecurod by thie&ocurIty Instrumes�t.However, thie option shill not be eYercieed by I.ender it exercleo ie prohibitod by
<br /> foderal la�v es oi the data o!thie Security Inetcumont.Lender eleo shell aot exercise thie option if: (a)liarroA er cnus�y to
<br /> be suhmitted t�n Lender informatioa roquired by Lcnder to evnluate tho intcnded tranat�ree es it a now loan wera bcing
<br /> mado to the trins[eroe; end(b)Lander reasonably deterniinea that Lcnder'A socurity will not bo impaired by tha lonn
<br /> essumptian and that th�tie3�of n breach of any caveuant or agreemeAt in thie Sxurity Instrumont ie acccptabla to Lender.
<br /> To the exteat pertnittod by spplicable lew�I,e�tder mny chesge e reasanable fee as a condition to 1.ender'a coa�sent to
<br /> 4he loan essumptidn.J.ender also m�y eequixr,the trns�aferea to eign an esaurnption ngroement that is eccepteUle to I.en�er � ��
<br /> h..
<br /> and that obligxtes the tranatereo to keep nll tho promises and agrcements �nado in the Note end in thie Security � ,
<br /> Instrumeni. Botrower wIll continu�to be obligatod under the Note end thie Socurity Instrumeat unlem Leader releeaea ;��. ��� _�=-
<br /> Ear:arrcr in r+riting. �'" -�'-:.""_�.
<br /> If I,ender exercises tho option to roquire imme�diate psyment in full. Lender ehaQ give Borrowcr notico oi � _±`,:��.,�:�n:
<br /> accelermtion. Tho notico shall pmvid�s a perI�d of not lose than 30 days trom the data the notice ie doliveced or m�iled ' ;;4"` �—
<br /> withia which Bonower must�ay atl sume secured by tlue Sscurity InRtrument.It Bonaw�r faile to pny thesC sume prior .� _�'
<br /> to the c:piratiou o!thie period,Lender msy invoke any remedics permitted by thie Security Inatrumant wittxout further :zt�"""
<br /> �T�--
<br /> notice or dcmand on Bon�awer. � �
<br /> 2. Ii Bonower oaerciees the Convercion Option under the canditions etated in Soctioa B of tAie Adjustnbla Ratc �� ,^
<br /> f; -....r,.:-=_-
<br /> Rider, the emendment to Uni forra� Covenant 17 of the Socurity Inatrument contained in Section C 1 above ehnll then __;;�.•._,
<br /> ceaso to be in effect,eicd t�io provi�ion�oY Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security Instrument ehall instead be in rffect,a� '�,;,,.���-
<br /> inllows: ''�'==
<br /> Traneter of the Proparty or a Beneficisl Interest in BorrowQr.If all or any part of the Property or any intrrest . �:;�,��
<br /> ia i*.ie �^l�! �r t,�naf�r�i ���r ;f A heneficial intt�rr�st in Borrower ia sold os transferred and Borrowcr ie aot a natutal �{`_-�==
<br /> pereon)aithout I.endsr's priox�writtea wnsent,Lender mey.at its option,se;�aiso immedinte payment in full of all sume I''`
<br /> secured by t�hie Sx�rity Inettument,kiowever, thia option Fhnll not be exercisod by Lender if eiercise ie prohibited by f.".-
<br /> federallaK a���f tho date of thie Securi�p Enstrument. � —
<br /> ���,----
<br /> If Y.,tndot ex�reiaes the optian,Leader sl�ll give I3orrower notice ot accelemtion.Tha notice ehall provide a peciod f'�==�-
<br /> of nat less than 30 days icom the date the notice i.s deliveral or mailed witLiin which Borrower must Pay all sume secured �'='==R-•--
<br /> by thie Securixy Ins4rument.If Borrower faile to pay these sumA prior to thN expiration of thie period,Lender may invoko �+rt,�...
<br /> any rcmodies permitted by thie Security Instrument without further notico or demend on Horrower. ��r��`w�
<br /> �,.��'°�-v-�_:.
<br /> HY SIC3NIIJG DEiL(�W.Bonower accepts and agras to the terme and covenents contained in thie Adjusta3le Rate rt1�,;,�:;_
<br /> Rider. ° .•i ""�;--
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