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I �;�► .. _ <br /> �1� <br /> ��� AUJUSTABLB RATB RIDBR r �'' � <br /> :•..�� '�: <br /> "' , . (1 Year Treasur,y Indes - Rate Gaps - Pix�d Rate Cc��nv�rsion Option) :�;� <br /> �� STABLE RATE RIDF.R ie made this 2NQ da of MAf��W , 19 95 ,and is '-`�� <br />;: :. �; THIS AP7LJ Y � ;� ;�;�` - <br /> incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supploment tha Mnrt��, Dc�ed of Trust or Security Dced (tho � ; �};. � <br /> - ,. "�`n�n�nt�T�.�er�"monf"3„�fh��„n,P�ArA�ven hv the tinderFi�nad �tho°�dfCOSVQT°�t0 S�CUTO�OffON8f�6 a�djUSttiU�@ ROtO ;_______._:� 4.1�M� <br /> '� Note(the"Nate")to FBS MORTOAOE CORPORATION, A N�VAI�A CORPORATION � -��; +'- � <br /> �' �: f �i� <br />_ I � :. <br /> ('the"Lender")oY the same data end covering the property describ�d in tho Svcurity Instrument and located ut: I?�:; `� �� � <br />' ,,n;.: ; �.�. <br />= '.t;,,,.,, . ........2218 WEST 1ST STREET ORAN� .ISI.ANA NC 688Q3 . . ,;...;. �i; _ , � <br /> ................. ... . ......... .. .... ............... .................... . . .. .. .... : <br /> . .. <br /> . � i�'roperty..Adilressl.. . . <br /> i�.:;�;}� ��� � <br /> .. •�r„� 1'HE (VOTE CO(V'�A]PIS PROVISIONS ALL�D1fA1Md FOF� CHAN��� IN TFBE I` t� ���'�� <br /> ' INTEREST RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYME�M4. T�iE N0�'E UMITS 7�1� �.• �', <br /> ° AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S ADJUSTAQLE IMTrREST RATF CAN CHI�dV'G� {, � «� <br /> AT ANIP ONE TIME AND TME MA?(II�RtDh1 RATC TME BOFiROWEIi MiJST ! "#"''� " , <br />� PAY. THE NOT� ALSO CONTAIMS TQ�� �P4Et3f� TA CONV[RT TNE ` � � <br /> - AOJUSTABLE RAT�E TO A FIXED RATG. -� <br />_- .^�+''4�' � <br />- ADDTTION.AL C�VENANTS. In addlition to the ca��onsarta and agrc�monta mado in the S.,�curity Instrument, , �>,��• �,� <br /> � Borrower and L.ender furthar covenant and agree os follows: f � " �' '� <br />� " : A. ADJUSTAmLE RATE AND M�NTHLY PAYMENT C�AN�r�S � , "_ �4-. <br /> The Note provides for an initial interest rate of 8.760 °lo. The Note provides for changes in tha � . ` <br />- - -�'�� adjustabla intereat rate and the monthly payments,as follows: •. , � •�' <br /> ' 4. ADJUSTABI.E IN�'BREST RA I'E ANl)MONTHd.Y PAYMIENT CHAIVGrES �� ' ' ,.'•�'`_ <br />- �y (A)Ch�nge Dataa : _ �1'' . �e�_ <br /> '' The adjuatable interest rate I Nill pay may change on the tirst dey of MARCW ' , '"� <br /> - � . 19 96 �and on thet day every 12th month thereafter.Each dato an which my adjustnbla intorest rato could cl�ange is � • ' <br /> s <br />- called a"Change Dats." t <br /> - ' (B�Tho Index ' � <br />_ Beginning with the iirst Change Date, my adjustable intorest mto will bs baeed on an Indox. Thv "Index" ie the , '� <br /> " weokly averaga yield on Unit¢;d 58ates Treaeury securities adjustod to a constnnt maturity of 1 yoar,as mado avanlable by �- • <br /> ' „ , tha Fedeml Reserva Board.The mast recent Index figure availablo as of th�d6to A5 dAy�tk.foro esaeh Changa Date is colled � • . <br /> tha"Curr�nt Indox." � <br />— If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a navr indox thnt ie bassd upon comparnble � <br />__ „ � ' , <br />_ .� inf.orrnation.Thv Note�-:folder Hill give me not:��e of thia choice. , <br /> (C)Giculation of Changes <br /> . Before each Change Date,t2:s N��tz Holder will calculata my new interest rnte b}•adding TWO AND ' • <br /> �� 760/1000 percentagopc�int(s) ( 2.760 °�) to the Cunent Indax. The Nato Haldor «ill thon rourcd tha , <br /> �� result of thia addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentego point(0.125°�).Subject to the limiw stnted in Section <br /> - - -,- -----� dlill 1..1.,n, th.a�nun�i,�i amnuet ari11 hca mv naw intcr�at rate until the next Chnn¢e Date�. : _ <br /> _ ...� YutTISTATE t��vF11TOlE AYJUiTA�U IIpiE Rt2E!1-N��1�H�Itr- t Y�ar 7'ra�vy Ul�r -Fud�Mu Udt�r�Intnwnt <br />�,. V _—. � i�iYt YNltld 0{/0tls! Fern 8tltl VU . <br /> QRPR00 4L� 4M� REPR00 AE� BE c►a�c � eT� ►��ee) <br /> .�, ' CARM4/1RIDER 6894402 - 6/92 <br /> �a � . � _ . _.. .. .. ' <br /> , _ . .. ,, , <br /> � .. , . <br /> . f . - . . ., � . . . . <br /> I . .. , .. .. ' . <br /> .s . - .. , - . � � <br /> � ___ ' .. ' ._. .�'.�� - _ _ '�, ' . . <br />