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<br /> _ � uentiel,in connection with any `''�"' :
<br /> IQ.Condennte�tion.The procezde oi eny ewerd or claim[or damegea,direct or conceq ��
<br /> � rt uf the PcopertY.or for convayanca in lieu of condemnatxon,ara hereby nssigned -��__
<br /> � � cnndAmnation or othcr takin8 ot enY P$ I +�
<br /> -� � ' 'end sh�ll bo Paid to Lender, tha proceeda shall be applied tn the eums secured by thie Security � !��
<br /> � ' � -•��•• `'` In tt�o event ui a total teking ai the Property. i
<br /> Itiatrument,whottter or not then due.wit h any e x c e s s p a i d t o Borcower.In tha event of e partinl wking of the Property in � '
<br /> which the tair mnrkot vnluo ot thn Praperty innmede1tely�ora the tak ngnunles�s Borrow�and Lender t therw se ne be the I ' R��
<br /> sums sccured by thie Security Instrument immedin y I �j�
<br /> � writitig,tha su oe �uthe ota�ama nt�f ha su eesecurcd immedintely beforo ha�takingtd0 vciedb(b)theilnirmurket � _
<br /> . following tractt n. O I � .3 '
<br /> � veluo of tho�ropercy i h hee tn TAmerlcei velu of the Proportynmmed ately bafoo A ha taking e less than the amou t af the I � 4
<br /> oi tho Prog�Y in wh ''` °° '
<br /> �ur�te s,.cur�d immedidtely before the taking,unless Bon'ower end unde�'otherwiro agree in writing or unlese applicabla t � _-
<br /> ..�i � law otherwice provides,the procads ehall be applied to tha gums secured hy thi:.SECUnty inatrument whether or not tha � .
<br /> aume are thea duo. • =...•��•':—
<br /> ?�i ' It tho Property�le 8�a�b�8g�we�°iower fails to respond todLendeBwithin 30 days efter the dato the notico _
<br /> mako an nward or sa
<br /> �`. •• i��i<<en,i.ender ie authorized to callect and applY tho proccede,at its option,either to restnretion or repair of the Property O ;
<br /> or to tho sums sxurod by this Sa;uriiy Inetrument,whether or not elie�i�tion of roceede to principal shall not extead o� � . _—
<br /> • � LJnless I.ender and Borrowsr otherwise agcee in wrivag,anY PP . . . —
<br /> • postpono the due dnte of the monthly paymente referred to in Pa�'agraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of 3uch puymente.
<br /> .. �,�i-=.
<br /> - �+ l l. B o r r o w e r N o t R en of h�e sume�secured by t t us 3 c c ri ty I w m e n t g r a n t,e d b y I.e n d e r�oe n y euecmessor n :r, .
<br /> " •���, moditication of amorUza _
<br /> inurest oi Borrower shell not opecata to nlea�o��n i li ge f t�he oY BB n���f in inter�rofwfefuso to exten d ti me f r '� �:�
<br /> .. �
<br /> :w I,a�.��r s h s!! z�Q* �, r e a u i r e d t o c o m m e n c e P �° ";«�;.�1 1 s
<br /> . �_ e o,.� .,, I.�a t n�m e n t b y r e a s o n of en y dernan
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amortizetion ot tha sums securw �r ►ras...�.s n., ' _
<br /> � •-; m a d o b y t h e a ri g inal Borrowar or Bomower's successors in interest.Any torbearanca by I.ender in esercising any rigiit ar -
<br /> ,� remedy shall aot be a aaiver of or preclude the axerciso of a ny i Ygh t�r r e m e d y .K'
<br /> 1 2.Successors aad Assigne Hound;Joint an�d eU������d�e���'oiA�ndefh�a gorrov er�ub ect t�the
<br /> thie S e curi ty ItLn t n�m u n t s h e l l b i n d a n d b e n e f i t t
<br />, •- .� provieione ot psire6raPh 17•H°n°wer's covenante and agreementa shal l b eip S��ay Inat ument on1 y1 7to�mo gnga. 8r a�n t
<br /> this Security Ins4rumen4 but does not execute tha Note: (a) ie co-signin� ( '..�1, ,'
<br /> � and coavey tliat Barcower a interest in tho Property uL uement;and (c) agheess hut I.ender and any obh��n�°��m°Y � �
<br /> obligated to paY tha sume ser.ured by this Security Ine � .
<br /> ke an accommodationa aith regard to tho terms of this Security Instrument ar tlie �•� j
<br /> agree ta extand,modify,forbear or ma Y .s;. °
<br /> � Note without that Bonowor's consent• " � .
<br /> � 13. Losa Ch�rgts. I{the laxn se�ured by this Security Instrument ia subjact to a law which sete maximum lonn � ,��
<br />� , chargee, nnd that law is fiaelly intsrprewd so that tha interest or other laan chsrges collected or to be collected in � N��
<br />- `•;�:;;:�� cone.:ciion wittn tho loan escead the� pesmitted limits, then: (a) ar►Y such loan charga shall be reduced by tha emount
<br /> .. the cher e to tha permitted limit;and (b)any sume already colef utea U�f�u ng tha pnnc pal owed `:t�,��.�
<br /> n��y t0�u� � Bonower. Lender may chooso to make ttus r Y
<br />_ : permitted limits will be retunded to -
<br /> � � "'� under the Note or by making e d►reet Payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will bo treated ae n I j''�!..• �
<br /> . • partial prepayment without any prepaymont charge under tha Note. ��,
<br /> �° ," , 14. Nottces. Ai►Y notice to Iiorrower provided fa��U�oi°ntothertma hod�Tha no gcee 1 all ba ld cfected to he "'
<br /> mailing it by fitst cless mai! unless applicable la req �_
<br /> . " �� o rt Addr�s or any other address Borrower de�ignnte9 by notice tnder desi ates by notice o Borro�er A y notbce � F - , �
<br />_. - .- :�9r � Pc pz Y �
<br /> �. first cless mail to Lender's address stated heraia or any other address ven�to Bonower or I.ender when given as '��; : �,:
<br /> provided {or in thie Security Instrumeat shall be deemed to hava been gi I �,.
<br />_ .� provided in ttue paragraph. I . �
<br /> 15. Gov�rning Law; Sev�rability. This Security Instrument ovieion or clsuse of thie Sec nty Instrument or tha
<br /> ' jurisdiction in which the Propdrty is located.In tha�vent that any p . Y'
<br />- Note conflicts with applicable law,such conilict B fovis one To this end the prov eio 04 Shis Sec nDtp Instrumenthi�nd the ! .
<br />= which can he given affect without tho conflicting p '� _
<br /> � Note ere decl�►red to l�s severeble. '
<br /> ►r
<br />- _ 16.Borrower's Copy.p Bo oft`''or a Bben f cinl Ente est�in Borrower�If all orda ytpart of he Property r any �
<br /> ' •+'' 1T. Trensicr of the {� Y . �
<br />- interest in�ris��out Le dere's pnor writtenecons nt,�Lender muyB,ac ite oPt on.require Immedi�nte pa Bmentwn full of all � :
<br /> natural pe � this option ehall not ba exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited �
<br /> sume secured by thie Security Inetnyment. However, �
<br /> - .._ by federal law us of the diste ot this Securitgr Instrument. i , ;
<br /> . Form 3028 9190 .
<br /> __` _ _ . Pnge 4 ot 6 ; s
<br /> - '- __ _ - � : , -- _
<br />�r.. CMORT4/NECM74 6894402
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