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<br /> '� ` r � '�HIS SF�[JRI'i'Y INSTRUMF.N'P combines uniform cavcnsnte tor national u,a end non-uniform covennnts with � ��,
<br /> , , ,. ,,�� � limitod varIations by juriediciion to constttute a unitor�n eocurity instrument covering reai propercy. i ,, �—
<br /> ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and I,endcr covcneni nnd egreo es follo�ve: j _�
<br /> � l. I'ayment ot Primcipil aad IIntere�t; Prepayment and l.�to Ch�r�ee. Barrowcr shell pramptly pay when duo �
<br /> �_r� tho prinGypal of and intarest on tho debt evidcnced by tho Noto and gny prepaymont end Inte chargea due under tho Not�a. "=
<br /> �- 2.Funda far Taxes�nd Iasur�nce.Subject to eppliceblo law or to e written waiver by L.ender, Borrowee ahell pay to i �
<br /> � �� -� ���• Lender on the da�r monthly payments era duo under tha Note,until tho Note ia paid in full,n sum ("Funds") tor: (a) yearly A
<br /> texee aad assessments which may attain priority o�•er thia 8ecurity Instrument e9 e lien on the Property; (b) yearly � � _
<br /> leasehold paymBnts ar ground renta on tho Property,it any; (c)yearly hazard or property insurnnco pr�miume; (d) yearly P:�
<br /> I �_
<br /> tlood insurance pr�miucxin,if nny;(e)ycarly mort�age insurence premiums,i!any;and(f)any sums payable by Borrowcr .
<br /> to Lcnder, in accordence with tho provisiana ot parngraph 8, in lieu of tho payment of mortgaga insu��ance premiums.
<br /> ' Thess items aro called"Escrow Itame." Lender may,et any time,collect end hold Funds in en emount not to exceed tha i � , ` '
<br /> msx�mum amount a lender tor a[oderslly rnlated mortgego loam m�y roquiro tor Borcower's escrow account under the �:
<br /> ' � federal Real Estate Settlement Procodures Act of 1974 ae nmendod irom ticno to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. � ,iy�
<br /> :';�'�' „ ("P.ESPA"),unl�s aaother lnw tha8 app]I�to the Funds Eets n tesser amount.It sa,I.ander mey,et any tinne,collect and ; �•
<br /> � ,� hold Fun.da in an amouat not to occeed tho lwser emount.Lender mny estimato the amount of Punde due on tho basis af � � .„ _ ' �,
<br /> cunent data and reasonsble r3timates of axpsnditures of future F.�crow Items or otherwise in accordnnce with applicabla I
<br /> -;� .. � lnw. . . `�_
<br /> The Funde shall br held in en institutian whose deposite are insured by a federal agency, instrumentelity,or entity i
<br /> (inci_��din�T.ender,if I,cnder ie�uch an institution) or in enY Federal Home Loan BanSc. Lender shall epply the Funds to � �.
<br /> pny the F.ecrow iteme.Lender may not charge Borrower[or holding and applying tho Funda,snt►ually analyzing the escrow
<br /> � account.or verifying the F•ecrow Iteme, unless Lender paye Horcower iatvrest on tha Funda nnd nppliceble lnw permnts •.,�;�
<br /> ' .. L,onder to meke such n chnrge.However,Lunder may roquiro Borrower to psy a one'tima charge tor an independent real �
<br /> ..b. estate tatc reporting service used by Lender in conna:tion with thia loan,unles�applicable law provadea otherwiso.Unl�ss :, _d:��"
<br /> �� , '�s� an agrcement is inade or applicablo lnw requires inurest to be paid, Lender shell not be roquired ta pay Borrower any —
<br /> interest or earaiag,e on the Funds.Bore�ower and Lender may agree+�n writiag,however, thnt intecest shnll be paid on tho
<br /> -- Fur.�.��a.� '"1 o'tye tn Rnrr�wer,without chsree,an annual accountinR of the Funds,showing credits and debite to tho � +.;'�'•"�
<br /> . ., Funde and tho purpor,e for wluch each de bit to t ha Fun d s wns mn de.T he Fun d s er e p l o d g o d a e a d d i t i o n a l s e c u ri ty f o r a l l � . • .
<br /> anme secured by this Security Instrument. ..'
<br /> � It tha Funde held by L,en der ex c e e d t he amoun t e permi t t e d t o b o held b y a p plicable law, L�nder shnll account 2o r�
<br /> Borrower for the eacess Punds in accordance with the raquirements of applicable law.If the amoiunt of tho Funda held by
<br /> � I,ender at any time ia not sufticient w pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Horrower in writiag,and,in
<br /> '";�.;'� such casa Borrower shall pay te�LFnder tha amount necessary to meke up the defici�Ency. Sorrower sha11 me�ko up the , �`
<br /> � deficiency in no more than t�velve monthly paymenta,at Lendor's sole discretion. :Y-.�a
<br /> •���� Upon pay�nent in full of ell sume secured by this Security Inetrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any �
<br /> . . Funds held by L.endea'.Ii,under paragtaph 21.Lender ehall acquire or sell tha Property,Lender, prior to the acquisition or ?`• y`
<br /> sale of che Property,shall appiy any Funds held by Londer at the time oP acquisition or sale es a credit against the sums . . „:
<br /> secured isy thie Security Instrumen4. I �,'r,
<br /> • 3. Applicatioa af Payaaont�. Unlesa applicable lnw pmvides otherwise, all payinente t�aceived by L��der under �q„ .-,_
<br /> para�rephe 1 and 2 s1�n11 be applied:first,to any prepayment chargcs due under tha Note;second,to amounts payable under �
<br /> paragtaph 2;third,t�inuotest due;fourtu,to principal due;and last.to any lat�charges dua under the Note. ,,��' ',�Y_--
<br /> _ 4. Char�es; L'sens. Borrower ahall pay all taxes. ess�sments, charges, fines and impasitiona attributable to the ':����_•'--
<br /> ""' Propertp which may attain pr�vrity over this Security Iastrument, end leasehold pa�ments or grovnd rents, it any. .
<br /> .. � Bonower shall pay these obligatios�in the manner pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thst maiuia,Borro:�vsr shall . '���:°_
<br /> s E.;.; ,.:.�?�
<br /> � pay thern on time directly to the person owed paymen4. Borrcwer shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices�f��our�ts . • Y•
<br /> "., to be paid under tt►is paragraph.If Borrower makes thesa paymenta dire�;tly, Bonower shall pram�tly furnish to Lender • ., ., ' ="�=���':r;�
<br /> _ ��.
<br /> receipte evidencing the paymenis. � ���-
<br /> + .� r:.....—eTr,.
<br /> Bonower shnll promptly c�ischarge e�y lien which hns prior+ty ovEr this Security Insirument unlese Bonower. (a) f „ !�y� :•• � _, .
<br /> agrees in writiag to the pnyment of the obligation secured by th�lien in a mnnner nccoptnble to Lender; (b) contastD in :.� ��=-�.:
<br /> -� � goad faith tha lien by. or detcndA agr►inst er�torcement o': the lien in,legal procealinge which in the Lendr a's opinion - .�^�;� t.:;-_
<br /> ° � operate to prevent r.ho eaforcement of tho lien; or (c) sxur�from the holder oi the lien an agFocment satisfactory to ....
<br /> - Lcnder subordineti�g the lien to this Security jnetrument.If Lender deiermines that any gart of tho Property ie subjact to a �
<br /> lien which may attain priority over this Secvrity Instrum�Ktt, Lender may give Botrower a notice ideatifying the lien. t
<br /> Bonower shall satisfy the lien ar takc one or more oi the actione set+orth above within 10 daya of the gi ving oi notice. �
<br /> ;�� �. � ;:� 5. Hazard or Ptoperty In�s�ar�anco.Bonower ehall keep the improvements now esiating or hereafter erect�d on the y
<br />- � • ' 1 Propetty insured against loss by fire, haznrds includod wittun the term "extencled coverege" and any othar hazards, ,
<br /> �•� including flooda or flooding,[or which Lender requires insurance.This insurnnce shall be mnintain�d in the amot+nt�and
<br /> •� for the periads that I.ender roqiiires.The insurance carrier providing tha insurance shall be chosen by Horrower subject to i `
<br /> :�� Lender's approval ahich shnll not ba unrearonnbly withheld. If liorrower fails to maintEin covera�e described above, � �'
<br /> ' ' Lendar mny,at I.ender's option,obtain coveraga to prot�:t Lender'a righta in tha Property in acs:ordance with paragrnph 7. � '
<br /> ' ,'� Mrua 302{9190 ; !
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