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<br /> , �e�'0�.�a.:�.�� j��
<br /> ' pOi:GYHi:FI 14i110 r.13 tho tsiprnvcrnc�to now on c�resftcr crcctcd on lho property, �nd all easements, nppurtenancos, snd -_
<br /> i fixiurea no:v or hr.reafirr n psn ot tho proncrty.All rcplaccrncnto end �idditlono ohall otao bo eovered by thls 3eeudry Inatrume�it. , •.
<br /> All 01 tha torPQo�tp b rr�turred to In thle Security Instiument as the 'Property.' I �-�j
<br />- pp�1�n�R Cd1biNANTO thnt �onawa le lawfui'y sNaed o1 the estate herehy canvoyed and hae tha��lpht�t�tp►nn�Nfly ; :
<br /> ��, aonvtry tha Property ond t1►nt thn FhoAorty le unenwm6ered, exoap! (or c,ncumbi.ncc:, ot rccord. Qene.:e. � , ___
<br /> dctend pt�nae�.y lhe titln to tlro Prr,pnrly ep��nat ell clatma�nd demande,sub;oct to�ny encumbr�ncee o!rocord. � .;..
<br /> TItIfl 3t?GURIIY INflTRUMf:NT combinsa unilo�m coven�nta tor mtiond uae �nd non•unitorm cavan�nta wlth Ilrnfted � ,�
<br /> varl�llone I�y�udeAic�!an to evnutH�dn e unHorm security Inotrument cov�Iny rNl property i ' �
<br /> UNI�dA67 CQ1I;:�dAldT:l. f�nfrntvrr rtnd Lcnde►covenent end�nree 4s foilowa:
<br /> � 1. PNym�nt of Prinalp�l and Int���st; Pnpaym�nt �nd Lat� Chavq��.Borrower eh�N promgtty pry whm i ,�
<br /> que Ihp rina�p�l 01 and lntaeet on the d�bt�vldancad by the Note�nd�ny pnpayment�nd�te chup�a due under th�Note.
<br /> 2. �U11fIY�A� T8X00 11f1ti (f111U►IIi1C�. SubJect to �ppllcabte I�w or to �w�itten w�Ner by Lender, Flortawer eheN poy � ,
<br /> -� to I.ender nn thn dpy manthy paymente �ro due under the Note, untY Ihe Nota I�pald In tuN, � aum ('Funda') for. (�) ye�rty �
<br /> texm and neneacmnnto �vhtch m�y nUeln pdortly ovQr thfo Secudry Instrument aa � Ilen on the �oP�Y�ea� 800d Innur�cA I
<br /> pxymente or QrotmA r�to m rt°��'��A�nce premlumself any+�artd (Q any suma psyable by Bo'Rawa o L d In accord�nce � .
<br /> pra�uma.8 eny; (�) Y TN 0 0 �
<br /> W(lll 1MQ {1f0V1010l10 01�aretprnph 0. In Ileu of the payment of mortgape Insunnca premlums. These ftoms ere caNed 'Esaow
<br /> Ilorno.' l.onda may, nt nny tlmo, cofiect end hotd Funda hi an amaunt not to exceed 4he meximum emount � londex tor a
<br /> � todanlTy rdntosl mortpe{�o loam m�y rorysika tor Bortower s escro�v account under tha tederal ReAI Estate Settiement Procedures
<br /> Ac1 01 107h nn nmandod irom tlmo ta time,12 U.S.C.�2Q01 a snq• ('RESPA'), unless artother law that ep�i;es to ihe Funds
<br /> ' nnta n losnor emount. il ao, 4onda m�y.at eny tlme, calluct artcd hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. .
<br /> �,onpe►rr►�y ostlmato tho emount o1 Funds due on tho beola of current dats end reasoneblA estimates of expenditurea o} future .
<br /> Esctow Ilomn or othorn{so In nccord�nao wkh eppliceble law.
<br /> �� 77�e FunAa�►u+�1 b� hold In�n Inotitution whose depooito ans inoumd by a tederei ngency,Ir.strumentaliry, or mtRy(Includng _ ,.,,, ______
<br /> ,"`,� Londw, f1 l.a►da Is suah an InstH►Aion) or in eny Fedaral MomA Leen Bank. Lender ahatl epply the Funds lo p3y ths Esuuw {l��.�i�`
<br /> :� Itoma. 4onda may not charpo Borrowor to;holding and apptylnfl tha Funds, annwly analyzinp the escrow account, or veritying F. ^Y` ,: -
<br /> tito Ewcrmv Ilomu, un►nse Londor paya Borrower Interest on tha Funds and applicaby law pe.Ymits Lender to rtwka such a
<br />�,� oharpo- Howma, Lenda mny roquiro B9rrower to pny a ono-tlme chnrga for an Independent real estate tax reporling servioe
<br /> usal t�y l.onder In connnctton with lhts loan, unless appliceble taw provides otherwise. Unless an agrednent la made ar �:��x
<br />, nppf;cabin I�w roqulros Intmost to GQ psid, Lender shall not be rec7�iimd to pay Borrower any interest ar eamfngs an the Fuads. `^' . . ��.�^
<br /> BaTrower nnd Londw mnY a�roe in wrfting, however, that interest shall be pald on the Funds. Lender shaN �ve to B�rro�r.^zr. d , '';�,.�.,�«6�.
<br /> �•' ,,.�,�.
<br /> wilhnui ohnrpn, nn �nnual ncoaunti�g o1 tho Funds, showirtg credita and dcbfta to the Funds and the purp�ose 1or wAlch eoch �t�
<br /> ' dobft ta tho Funda wes mndo. Tho Fund�are pledged an addiHanat security 1or aY sums secured by the Sacuirly Instmmen� �. . .uy '�
<br /> � II tho Funds hdd by Londa axcoed the emounts permlttnd to be held by epplicable law, Lender shaJ scanunt to Botrower �
<br /> � 1or thv oxcass Funds In accordanco�v+th the requirements oi applicable I�v�. If tfie emount of the Funds held my Lender at any �.:5 ;�,.�
<br /> " •��•�� � Hme le no! suffldont ro pay lho Esmow Items when duo, Lender mny so noWy @orrower In writiag,end, in such case Bcsrtowar � •• , —
<br /> „,` ,.. ,
<br /> t;�;i[:'_ . sheM pay to Londt+r tha flmount necossnry to make up tha deftclency. BoROwer shall make up the deflclency in no more than ;`
<br /> -.�`�"'':. twoNo monthty payments, �t LonGCr's soie a�screiion.
<br /> Upon payenont in fuN o1 nN sums secured by thls Secudry Inotrument, Lender shell prnmpilyr retund to Bo►rower eny Funds ;��`:;��
<br /> . �
<br /> ; ,. hold by Londu. If, under paraprnph 21, Let►der shall acqulre or sell the Propet2y,Lender, pdor to the acquisttion or sale a1 the
<br /> pro�etty, shaN epp.y eny Funds hdd by Lender at tho qme of acquiaitlun ar salo ea a credit against the sums eecured by this •.����
<br /> ���'•'• SoCS�rr.y Instrumont. : , �`•.
<br /> �';�:•'::" �, qpplloation of Paymonte. Unlsss applicable Inw provides otherwlse, all psyments received by Lende► under ,'�K•��.
<br />: ' �'�,;-�1:-�� • paregrnphs 1 and 2 shaN 6o eipplied: firet, to any prepnymant charges due under the Note; second,to smounts pry�ble under �,',��� w
<br /> "���, pansgraph 2;thlyd,to intorost duo; tourth,to pdncipnl due; and last,to any late chnrges due under the Note. .
<br /> .�.:;.; 4. Chargoe; I.IOt18. Bortower shnll pay ell texes, essassments, charges, fines and �mpoaftlons attribuLbte to the r i �
<br /> .. � , proPerty Wh!ch msy attaln prtorliy over this Seourttyr Inatrument, end le�a�ehotd payments or ground renb. M any. Borrower ahafl
<br /> %�i`'.��'���, pay thoso ob5gations tn tho msnnEr provided In paragreph Z, ar ff not pald In that mnnner, Borrower shap pay them on tkno ...,�,,,y,,,
<br /> dire:ctl�/to tho person owod pay�r►ant. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender ail notices of amounts to be peld under thin y
<br /> '�'��'�+�� parngraph. Ii Borrower rtukos th�se payments directty, Borrower shall promptry tumish to Lender rocalpte evid��ncing the ���i
<br /> peyments. '�
<br /> Bortower sh�ll prartWUy dischtrpe any Ilen which hns pdority over this 9ecudty inatiument unless Borrower: (a) sgrees in J �
<br /> . wrY.hg to tho pay�'nsnt ot tho ob5c,�tion secured by tho Ilen In e manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests fn good 1at1A the ��-
<br /> ,•-:s-.
<br /> ,�;`;��:, ken by, or defends agalnst onloeaement of tho Ilen in, legei praceedinfls which In the Lender's opinlon operate to pravont the ` ��
<br /> ,•�5�
<br /> on�o:cmmznt oi thv fien; or(o) socuras hom the hotder ot the tlen en agreoment oatislactory to Lendc�subordinaUng tho 11en to .:,_,.
<br />"+, this SacuMy InstruPnent. If Lend�r�letermines that any part cf the Properly is oubJect to e Ilen which may attein pdority ova this ,.;;r�,,,�
<br />' , �� Securi,y 1m�trument. Lendct rt►ay give Bortower e noUce Identifying the Iien. Bortower shall seUsly the llen or take one or moro of �r` �•;•� ;''
<br /> �'�" the ectf�n�sot toeth abovo wlth'n 10 days o1 the glv(ng ot noUce. �
<br /> � � 5, Mazerd OT PropOt4y II18uranC9. Borrower shall keep the Improvements now existing or hereaiter c�ected on the ` �����i���.
<br /> s , :�'�, FRopt,�ly Insured ng�Jnst loss by �re, hamrds Inciuded wRhin the tertn 'extended covernge' and any other f�ezerds, Indudinp ���+
<br />— P,oa9s or floodtng, for whtch LvnBcr requlres Inoumnce. Thia lnsurance ahaN be matntained in the amounts and for the palods ;;�' _
<br />- � that Londer requtres. 7hm Insu.�unce cartfer providing the insurance sheil be chosen by Borrowcr subJeot 1D LlYIdK's epprov�l '•'x�•�
<br />� , � whlch shsN not �m u�ttonsonably withheld. It Borrower fulis to malntaln coverage described above. Lender may, at Lend_rs i
<br />- option,obta(n cor�rro9e to protoct Lender's�ights k�tho Property in acoordance with paragraph 7.
<br />- AA insuranco polides ond renowals shall ba acceptu6ln to Lender and shell inciude a stendard mortgage c{ause. Lender
<br />; � sht,�l havo th�dgAt to hol�tho poticles end renewals. Ii Lmder roqulres, Bortower shaN prampUy give to Lender�11 recelpt¢ of ,
<br /> - palcl prcm(ume and renEVnl nat'ces. ln tho avent of los», Bomower shall give prarpt no8ce to the insurance cartfer and Lender. I
<br /> - Lender may rnuko proot ot loss if not made prompUy by Borrowcr.
<br /> Unless Lendef nnd 8ortowar otherwiso agree In writing, Insuranco proceeda shall bo applied to restaretion or repa�r ot t�Q �
<br />;n propeity damng�.+d, H tho restomtlon or repair la econominal►y 4easible and Lr.+ider's security Is not less:na�. If the restoraUon or �
<br /> repalr Is not etonorcicsMy feaslbte or Lendur's socurfty would be lessened, the Insurence proceeds 3ha9 be applied to tlie swns ;
<br />- secured by tFis Security In�trument, whother or not then due, with any excess pald to Barrower. If Bortower abandons the ,
<br />__ prepMfj, or do�s nat amwor within 3U days e noUce hom Lender thet tho Insurance carriar has attered to settle a cialm, then
<br /> �ender m,ey coqect the Insurnnce proceeds. Lender mey use the proceeds to repair or restore the Propariy or to pay sums
<br /> ' � ' secured by t�,fs 3ecuri.y InsWment,whether or not thm due. The 30-dey perind wiN begtn when iha notice is given.
<br /> � Untess Lcader and Borrower othenvise agree In wrilk+g, eny appNcaUon o} proceeds to princlpal shatl not extend ot
<br /> ' ' postpon2 t�m due date ol the monthy paymente reterted to In parsgrophs i end 2 or cAange the amount ot the paymenta.If
<br /> -� ��.t...mruranh 21 the Propertv la acquked by Lender, 8ortower'e �ight to any Inserence poNGes end proceeds resuttfng trom
<br /> --_ - _==-z� -: _.-- � - •
<br /> •, � darn�ge ta the f'rope+ry prior to the acquisltlon ahaA pess to Lender to the extent ot tno suma oy tnia securiry msin,manz •� - —
<br /> 6 Immedi�tNy prbr to the ecqulsNlon.
<br /> 1�.
<br /> � s. OCCIIFI�l1Cy� �i'i�3�i�i,i�ip °i,�.tt0��uiii��.8 Si�'� {�►OtBCt��.^. n} ��1!� Prooerty: BO��OW6f'!! LO�i1
<br /> � ' Appllcatlon; L�asoholde. Botrower shsll occupy, esteblish, �nd use the Property ae BoROwer's principal resldence within
<br /> _ gixty days aRa the executton o1 this Securiry Instrume�t and shnl! contM�ue to occupy the PropcMy as Bortower's pdncipal
<br /> � • �'�� � rrsldenco tor�t least one yeer aRer the date of occupancy, unleas Lender otherwis�agrees In writlna, which consent shall not
<br /> �, • , be unreasombly withheld,or unlesa aRenuating clrcumstences exist which ere beyond Borrower's controi. BoROwer shall not
<br /> _�= ,, destroy, detntge ar knpak the Property,allow lhe PropeRy to detedorate, or commit weste on the Property. Borrower shall be in
<br /> �r defautl 11 eny lor4ellure ecUon or proeeoding, whether clvil or criminei. Is begun that in Lender's good lalth Judgment could resu:t
<br /> •— fn to:feElure ot tho PropeAy or otherwiso materlally Impalr tho Ilen creeted by lhis Secudty Instrumc�nt or Lender's 3ecu�iCj interest.
<br /> �� �7 e
<br /> �'.. ' . F131�.1M0(10/9�) Pagu 2 0l S ✓��L_
<br /> :t'!
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<br />