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':-:.A.T�AA�.�F�+"t5�. <br /> payment beface r,fie etfecttvo dau of any changc.The notice will includa L�for►�atfon requirzti by faw to bc.givcn mc and�l��u .. r�.�.4_"_��.Y�i_ <br /> ..,w.:y�. .,,�.,� <br /> the title and tekplsone numba of e pe�n who will Answu any quesdon I may havc ngacding thc naricc. a-��-��ti-,. --�-- <br /> .,,ri��.,��.��,__. <br /> - , „y1-. � <br />' B.TRANSF�R UdF TgIE PROP�RTY QR A B�NEFICIAL INTEIZGST IN BORROIVER `�•^j`��•a Y.�� <br /> - ,:.r .��,•�� �i. <br /> Y�hsA^ <br /> . , ,�.J- <br /> Unifcrm Covenant 17 of th$Seciuity InsWmem is amertd°d to read as foUdws: 'ti,'�' .. -�• <br /> Trander of the or R&netkiAl YntcresB un Borrower. If all or Any part of tha Pcapelty or uny intcn�at in a1 ' '��`�E� <br /> �y 'L' .i;�:3�:r-,�.�w�.�" <br /> is sold or transfared(or if n beneficial int�rest in Borrowu is sald or trnnsfe,cdeci end Sorrowcr is not a nawral person) �j k��"� ': +"' ^y�_ <br /> wtthout I,rnder's pdor wriuen ca�senb�nder itv option.:cgui�a iminedk�te payment in full of aU suma socured bg ,�tyr�' � '��� <br /> JI.:i ' A7�r.-�-. <br /> ih�s Sxuriry Insuum�t!tiowcvrr�this opdon shall not be aacrcLsed by Lundar lf�cer�isa prohibit�ul by federa!law ns of dia u,:•:::�.��,� . ,;�.;.;;i =- <br /> ciota of thls Socudry Instr�rnent�Ix�nda als�shall�ot eau�ciso this opdon if:(a)Borrowa causes to be submittcd W I.endor '��� �� �.�,'���d-`�^����"' <br /> �','�:�.,..� <br /> ---- <br /> iaf�::�«»:,_...,qa;,-rd by I.�nder w:.vafu�t;,the intend�c!iransfcree as if a ea��!o��ve.�e b?±*�g fr.�a thP fi�+.ncfgrrr_.,FlnA(4t} .�:_:,�n�*�"�"`�.. _ <br /> ���� <br /> Lendar rca9orwbly detcrmines that Lu�da's socarity wiU not be impaired by the loan esswnption and that the risk of a bneuch :�y.,�;,�,���„_�.v_ <br /> oi'any caver�ant or agra,ment in thLs Sxarity Instrument is ecceptabla tn Lender. :; '_.�, "�M�'=�._'"''• <br /> '•:�,�'�;'-:��:: - <br /> To the extent pumiued by applicable law,l.endu may�ha�ga a reas�nat�Ie fee as a condfdan to Lenda's con.^.cnt W th� �``'"'�- --_ <br /> ..�.. . — <br /> loan arsum don.II.enda also ma r ulre Ihe trensferc;e to el an assum don cement that is acce table to Lender and th�t `���:;'���` <br /> P Y «1 8n P � P . ,r�.,� <br /> o6lijt�es ttw vansfcrx to kap all the pmmisaa�nd egrecments made in the Note end in this Sccurlty Instrumcn�Borrowor � <br /> will continuo to bd obllguui under tho Kote and thls Socurity Instrument anless Lcndu releascs Borrowu In writlng. ,'l};�J�+�' � <br /> .ri_. <br /> If L.eaider cacrcfsw tho opdon to requlro immcdlata puyment In full,Lendu shell give Horrower notice of eccclaradon. �y��'�J <br />- .,vts., <br /> 'I1tie notica sh�ll pmvide a per�ad of not lcss than 30 duys f:rom the datc the n�dce is detivered or mailed within which '''�';'�~� <br /> ., w.,_. <br /> Barower mu.4t psy aU sum�eoc�red by thls Seaurity InsuumenG If Bomowu fails w pny thcsc sums prior to thc eapiradan �<�`', <br /> of thit period,Lendu may tnvoko eny remedles pemitueA by thls Secuciry Instr�ment without further notice ar demand o� '����•".� <br /> Y <br /> SO[I+OW�f. <br /> .i`.fi <br /> BY SiGNINCi HBLAW, Borrower occepts and agroes to thc tums and covenanv contained in this Adjustuble Rau: � ° , <br /> Y <br /> Rider. , ���. <br /> I � �r' <br /> ,` ''�.1� �� <br /> ;�.: �"�. �'i. <br /> ry _ (Se�aly . '.� ..;;�.�. <br />. . ''4rj'�n`,. <br /> Borrowar , .` <br /> OC/�__.r.�1A�.�se..u� ($CAl) ).+� '!.µ _ <br /> JEANE�'TTE D SULZt• Boao�vur ", � <br />- �5�� f . ..,. <br /> — i <br />- Horrower ,�� <br /> { ::i�,. <br /> (S�) ���`'', <br /> Bortowcr <br /> � <br /> I <br /> I ..�. <br />- � _____._ _—.,- <br />_ , ( <br />_ � <br />_ � �� , , <br />_ ; . ,� <br />� ,, <br />. f�•I�nAt�aoei aao.z o�z <br />_ � <br />_ . ., f . <br />- . i . <br />