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<br /> � .�` `ti�;:.�,,t G.AS�l�NMENT�F I,EASES. Upo�Lendcr's r�guest, Borsawer shatl Assi�to Le.nt3e.r all leases o�1he `s
<br /> �, •;
<br /> '��`<}`i�`�i`ti��� Praperty ared all secu4lry t�e�sits r�acle{n co��tien tivzth Ieases of the Property.Upon the a�si�nment,L�,�der . • :
<br /> Ct�`
<br /> , i�7� shall havo�tba d$ht to modlfy.extend oz tcrminatn d�o cxisting leases and to eaccute now lcases,in I.ender's solc ,. �
<br />-:��i,�.��%j�,�`:"Y�"�. discretion. As used in this paragraph Q,the word'7�sa�"shall mean "sublease" if the Securiry Insuument Is on a � ., .. ' "�'r�`�`'''• -
<br /> ;,�. •:..,�,:;.,:� leasehold. j .,�;+Y�.^,���
<br /> -:�-;�-�'�,. •. H. ASSI�NM�NT OF RENTttit AFFDINTIIlITNT OF RF.CE�VER; LENDER IIN FOSSESSION. ( " ..- �._
<br /> ��' �� ��� ' Horruwa absolutcly and uncondit�onally�a�atEn�and unnnfers to Lcndu all the rents and revcnues("Rcnt9")of thc '''"''"""`�"`"'�_-_
<br /> __, _,�:,_ ,.;� , piroperty,rcgardlcs,9 of ta whom tho Rea�Y af tho Froperty Arc psryabla tiartowcr attthorizcs Lcndcr or I.cndcr's ` .
<br /> ` �gn+i�N rol{ect�he Renta,end agtoe�tkqt caGh tannnt af tho PropeRy slull{uy tho Rcnta to Lcndu or Lcndcr's � �+�' �
<br /> _ . w.;.. _ .,. �qent�,}�awover,9orrawer shaQ rocclve�tra R�n�unNl(1�l..enQer I��glven 13onovru notico of defeult pursuant to . • _
<br /> `- �,Itti �.•t
<br />_ -• '`��� �. p�irograph 21 of�to Sxurity inatr►+ment aEVd(ii)I.�nAcsr hay gtvcn nc►tJco to tho tcnant(e)that tho Rcn�s oro uo bc � �.. ,�_.
<br />-. . �: :µ;`" • ' peld to Lendcr or L,endcr'e pgcat. Tliu a.raignmont ut Rcnt� consdwt►:s en abaolute wsigmeunt snd not wn � „ '' •"��ip:.-
<br /> �_�::�_ :�.�,;, �Ignment fo�KldidonAl exuel�y�x�ty.
<br />��,� � ' If l�cncter glve�nodce oP Ixeach to Swrower.(8p nll RGnte recelved by Dorrawu shall be hcld by Borrower as ` "�' '���
<br /> t••,'' �'��;� ;� watoo[or tho benofit of Lcndcr only,to bo a�fkd ar►hn sum�sccurcd by tho Socurity Inswment;(ii)I�.nda shall f �
<br /> _ oo enuiiod io coikci iuiu ia�ivc u1j r,�6�e �ca�1,af:�ta�,�,M,.:�� (i!1) °ossa:::,r ogs�slsat� t�s:.sst of sti:. !-- -='��-
<br /> .°- �•...�:�.• : ^gs
<br /> � Pnoperty sheil pay all Rents due and unpaid W Lendvr or I.cndcr's agcn4g upon I.ender's wdtten demand ta the ` , �
<br /> � '���� tenent; (iv) uNess applicabla law provtdes othanvl�e, all Rcnts collecteA by Lender or Lender's agents sha11 be
<br /> � appUed first w the costs of taking wnuol of and mnn�ing the Property nnd cnllecting the Rents,including,but not � .
<br /> . �$ limited w. auornoys' fecs.receivcr's foes,Premiumn on rxeiver's bonds,repsur 3nd mainunance costs.insurance �:.� :�,'
<br /> • � premiums. texes,as.sessmentv and other ehnrgos an dtn Prc�perty.�nd then to the sums securecl by the Security ; ,
<br /> ==�a .- '�'I� Inatrumeat;(v)Lender,I.ectder's ents or an udIcinll e inted receiver shall bcs liable to account for on1 those
<br /> .,.:�,.s��-.��• : um a8 Y 1 Y PP� y .. • .:
<br /> Rents acwally receivzd;and(vi)I.ender shall ba endded to have a receiver appointed Lo take possession of and � � ����
<br /> . ,.,. e :s . ' . C
<br />. .T.,-,�;.�,,...;..•,, marmga 1ha Propaty and collect tho Rettts and pm�iu� deriveA from the Property without any showing ss to the � � . �,
<br /> 'r•�,:,•a�.,� �;: inadequacy of the Property a9 securlty.
<br />. ��,,.:rl�, ��,' 4
<br /> ;;,r'�1;.�•.,�.. �::� If the Rents of the Property are nat suf�aiant to wver the costs af taking control of and managing the : �,• �; ,
<br /> -"'`'���`�,�'� ��.�;� Property and of collecting the Ret�ts any funds expended by I.ender for such purp�ses shall become indebtedness of , •,.e y
<br /> ,�.�id�,��".. n , �.: • � . � . �
<br /> -,-., .. .. x.. Horrowu to Lender secured Uy the Seciuity Inswmant pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7. � • .,.r , �l.:
<br /> : . .. �.; aorrower rcprescnts and warrants thni Bonawer hav nat executed any prinr assignment of the Rents and has i - .; .
<br /> -'-yr.:..f �'... :..;r�; not end will nut perfom�any act that would prcvont Lender from eacrcising its rights under this parogcaph. � ��='%���'.
<br /> r.r�.: ., • .;, � � .
<br /> t �� Lender,or Lender s agents or a judicially appoinu:d recciver.shall not be required to entex upon,take conuol i
<br /> ���r''��� ��_�;� of or maintein tho Prope�ty bcfore or�ftcr givinB notice of dcfault to Borro�ver. However,Lender, or Lcndar's � :
<br /> „ �-��,..
<br />--�6`'�' `"'�':"' agcnta a a judiciaUy appointcd receiver,nu�y do so at eny time whcn a dcfault occurs. Any applicarion of Rents i
<br /> , . t ehall not cure�r wai��e any defa►�lt or invulidatts any other right or remedy of Lcnder.This Assibmment of Rcnts of � � .
<br /> �•_.;.1�, tho Proge�ty shall terminnte when all the sums secured by the Security Instrument are paid in full. ;' .. , ..,
<br /> � "•` �' I.CItQSS-D�FAULT PROVIS�ON. Eorrowcr'R dcisult or breach under an note or a eement in I '"
<br /> �,;i`.':.:.<: � Y 8r .
<br /> ;•,:.��,�,�^,, ��.. '� w hic h I.en dc�has an i nterest s h u ll b e a brenc h uii dor t he Securi ty Ins t r umen t an d L en der may i nvo k e a ny o f t h e : ,
<br /> ,,.:� remedics permiaccl by the Sccuriry Instrumen� � ,
<br /> f�`'`-��'`'L"��� �• BY SIdN1NCi BBIAW,Borrower accepls and ogrees to the tcrrra9 and pravisfons cont�ined in dils 1-4 Fumily ,
<br /> .._`-;::'�:_��. � ' RidCt. i .
<br /> � :� . .,.' � ;
<br /> � . '�a• � .r�e� (Scal) cseal) �
<br /> �.S ' `'`,'.--ii4 TTE D SLJLZ -I�mm�wer -Borrowor
<br /> ;:�'��;t" _..f� � (S�) ( Cal) �
<br /> ''�L.:'r.::. `^.,: •Hnrruwer -Hortower �
<br /> .;��'f' '
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