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<br />�ti ' •. � .�` WA�/e.n.�Rfl�rAlYilt.6_l.:_�.____�._-__-.. _.. . ......... ' ... .. .. ...____......__..... ... -., . _._.. _.._...._................ ....�..�.�`.....�..j ��.P .
<br /> •, ,. ��� �4b�a:A.'�'�' .. a
<br /> S.Tax:a,As:asx�t�.�d C�a•lrustor shall poy all tuxss,osssssrr�snts ond other cherges,fr,cluding,witi��ut Ifniitotinm, (ines artd im- _
<br />- • positions ettriburobk 4o the Prop�rty,and I�asehold peyrtwnts or qrax�d rM1�,if a�►r,be4we ti►e sartw Mcortis dtlinq�Hnt.Trustov shell promp- � _
<br /> fly(u►aixh to BerMlitiory nll natlu�nf o+fwunts dw un�►thls pixaproph,ond fn t�ovQn,t Tnsstor sholl moko payment dinctly,Trustor shall . _
<br /> prompfly furnlsh to Bm�i{cfa►y rK�(pts�vid�nclny such payminis.Trustor shull pay oll r.or.ta ond ats�ssrt�nts whkh moy b�I�vi�d upore
<br /> • Ben�iiciorY's interest herein a upon Mi�Dsed of Trust without regord to any law tAat mc+y be erattesl imposirq paym�nt of th�whol�a uny ! ,
<br /> pctt ttwnof upon 4t�B�cx}iciury. -
<br /> : • . 6. ��{pN�/�,�}�sf��{�Mry'1 S�cwffr.T�usta sholl make all paym�nts of intei�st an4�rl�xipal ond paym�nts of ony � !'
<br /> � otMr rharLvs, f�e3 and expfmses contvactal to be pnid to any existlrp li�nhold�rs a prior berre4lciarios un��sr my prtor Aeed of trust or mor- ' --
<br /> tp�pn befc�•a tho dote thay we Aelinquent ona promptly pay orx!dischorqo ony ond oll othe liens,c{aims r1r Gtvxpns which may jeopordize the
<br /> . •-� sacvr+q�t,,«nte�1 h��rein. If Trustor fuils to mako any such paymPnt nr fails to perform ony of ihe covencnta aM apreRr:�snts contained in fhis
<br /> ptqd Cf Trust, a in qny prior mortguge a deed of rr,,st,of if nny ation a praee�dinp is commenced which meitMiAt:y��ftacts Be�eficiory's in- „
<br /> . texast in eh�Prvparty,inctuding,bu►no4 limitc�d tn,aminr�t dar�win prar.ar�dings,nr proutdinps inuolviny u deeenQes►t,or if Trostor fnils to poy •
<br /> � Trusto•r's d►lits generolly as they hecome duo,thr.n 8eneficiory, at Berseficiary's option and withouo notite to or demond upon Trustw and '
<br /> " � witho�at sektuait�Trustw irom any obligution herounder,may mnke such oppearancas,disburse such surris,ond take such ation os is naessay `<<� ,, , .
<br /> • to�ratect licn�ficinry's interest intluding, but not limited to,disbursement of reasonobla attorney's fees,poyment,pixchc�se,contest a•com- �• •
<br /> promiso of uny ertcumltr:ncn, tharga or lien, and entry upon the Property to moke repairs. In the event that Trustor sho11 fail to proture in- �, _
<br /> surartca or to�my to�QS,assessments, or any other charges or to moke any pnyR�ec�ts to existirg prior lien holders or beneficiories,Beneflciay , ' _;'���,�,*
<br /> moy precurr such insumnr.A and make suth payment.Any amoants disbursed by Benaficiary pursuont to this Parograph 6 shall betame additional ,;,. .Y,:';,�_:,_•t;
<br /> indehtednass of Tn�sta sewred 6y this Deed of Trust.Such amounts shall be poyabb upon notice from Beneficiay to Trustor requgs4ing poy- ,� , "`�'�'=
<br />� ''�` rt�nt tfiareof, and shall�;�enr interest from the date af disbursement at the ratery�yoble ham time to time on outst�rfiM/yinciM I under the ���'`
<br /> �f f �-�'--_--
<br /> 1"'I •71' 1"' .� ,4'.'y_'
<br /> Note unlr�ss paqmctnt of i�rer�st at such rote would be corrtrnry to applicahle I�w,in yvhich event such amounts sholl lersr intesrest at tho highest ° ,a�;,,F�.__
<br />'�' rote�ermiSSibl�undnr opplicable law. Nothing contoined in this Pavagraph 6 shnll require Beneficinry to incur any expense or take any ation ' . _�=-=-_----v
<br /> :�:-
<br /> "�" hereundar. - .; aw,�.�.��....
<br /> 1. Atafgr�t nf RMts.Beneficiary shcll hove the riyht, power anr,1 nuthority during the contintrn�ce of this Oeed of Trust to wllect the - �"` -__---
<br /> _ rents,is5ue5 ot�d prpfits of the ProFerty ond of nny personal property locoted thereon with or withs+ut talc'vg possession of the pro�strty affecied 'v".��?;.�
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby nbsolutely qnd unconditionally ossigns oll such rents,issues and pro�ts fo Benefitiary.Beneficiary,however,herlby •'•�.`'���r-:;�-�
<br /> consents fo the Trostor's collection and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they acrue ond become payoble so long as Trustor is not, �'w`;��:--" "--
<br /> 1 at such time,in defoult with respect to puyment of any indebtedness secured herehy,or in the performance of any agreement I�eix�der.Upor► ���+��—
<br /> J ony such defa�lt,Beneficiory moy at any time,either in person,by agent,a by receiver to be appointed by o court, without notiee arJ wiftrout ".;n_�,�
<br /> ��'�_`
<br /> regard to the odoquucy of ony security for the�ndeOteQness nereby secured, lal emer upon arra raice possession oi ine ProperGy or ary pdi a
<br /> thereof,ond in its�ovm no.ma sue for or othervrise cotlect such rents,issues and profits,inctuding those past�ue and unpaid,and opply the same, ' .
<br /> less costg artd expenses of o;eration and collection,including reosonable attorneys fees,upon any indebtedness secured ht►eby,and in sucb �..
<br /> order as Beneficiary moy determine; (b)perform such acts of repair or pratection os may be necessery or pro{xr to conserve the value of the
<br /> Property;(t)luqso the same or any part thereof for suth rental,term,mx1 upon such conditions as its j�nigment moy dictute or terminute or ad-
<br /> just the term,ond condisions of any existing leose or leases.Unless Trustor ond&neficiary agtee otherwise in�xiting,any opplitation of rents, �� .
<br /> issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby sholl not Qxtend or postF�one the dv�date of the instullrt�ent payments as provided in said ^
<br /> promissory note or chango the amount of such installments.The entering upun and takirg possession of the Property, the collettion of such
<br /> rents, issues ond prafits, and the opplication thereof as aforesaid, shall not wuive or cure ony defa�lt or notice of default he►eunder, or in-
<br /> � validote any oct doncr pursuant to such notice.Trustor atso assiyRS to Bene�ciary, as fufthe+security for the performante of the eb1'�gptions '
<br /> setured hereb all e id rents and oll monies which ma hnve besn or mo herenfter be de sited with said Trustor b an lessee of tha Pro- ��"�
<br /> Y. P► Pa Y Y Po Y Y '..'_..�-.�.
<br /> perry,to secure the poyment of any rent or demagas, and upon defoult in the perfwmflnce of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to �<.v*s:�..����
<br /> • deliver such rents and de{wsits ro Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercisv of the rights gronted herein,to any tenarrt a- _'"`��`"
<br /> �.�:.
<br />- cupyin�said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiory until further notice. .,, d--�-
<br /> ' �;-:
<br /> • � 8.GrtdR�ti�+�.It title to any part of the Property shall be token in condemnation praeedings,by right of eminent domain or similor o�tion, .r..
<br />-. � `� or sholl be sold under threat of condemnatiun,all awards,domoges ond praeeds are hereby assigned a,�►d shall be peid to�Beneficiory wfio sho?I ;�; ;:�'
<br />' opply suth uwurds.dmm�ges and praeeds to the sum setured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if any,pOid.tO TfUStOf.If TNStpr fCCP,IY@S . - r�A,�'.�l',
<br /> ,,�. b*�1L6�"'::
<br />. t'. ony notice or other infoamotion regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shnll give prompt written ratice thereof to beneficiary. : �, z.
<br /> - :� Beneficiary sholl be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own nome any such ation or praeedings and shall be en- �w�� .
<br />_ "� titled to moke any compromiso or settlement in connection with any such c,dion or praeedings. <'��
<br /> � • 9. R�di�s 18et E:ds�ire.Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enface peryment ond performance of any indebtedness or ob�igations se�ured :..;T.�., _
<br />= hereby and to exercise o10 rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in conrtiection he�ewith or ony laws •
<br /> " now or hereafter in farce,notwithstan�ing some or oll of the such indebtedness and abligations secured hereby moy rtow or hereafter be other-
<br /> • wiso secured,wh�ther by mortgnge,deed of trust,pledge,lien, assignment or othervrise.N�ither the aceptunce of this Deed of Trust nor its �
<br /> ;�, enforcement whether by court uction or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein centained,shal)�►rejudite or in any monner affect
<br /> � Beneficinry's r'sght to reolize upon or en•force any other security now or hereaRer held by Beneficiary,it being agreed thot aeneficiary shall be
<br /> . entitled to enforce this Qeed oi Trust nnd any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary in suth order and manner os it may in its ab-
<br />''� solute discretion determine.No remedy herein tonferred upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be excfusive of any other remedy herein
<br />::`;��� „ or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative ond shull be in addition to every other remc�y given herounder or now or hereaNer �
<br />,,� existing at low or in equity or by stotute. Every Qower or remedy provided hereunder this Dt!ed of Trus4 to Benefitiary or to whith it may be �
<br /> - • • otherwisa entitled,moy be exercised, concurcently or independently,from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient Deneficiary ;
<br /> ond it may puvsue inconsistont remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed os prohibiting Beneficiury from seeking a deficiency judgn�ent against :
<br /> _= �_ the Trustor to the extent suth acfion is permitted by law. t '
<br /> = � 10. T�wthr ot Rr�r;AtswMt�. If all a any part of the property or ony interest therein is sold,transferred or conveyed by Trostor ;
<br /> - - --
<br /> -- _r _-.-_,.
<br /> .,.� without Beneficiary's prior written consent,excluding(o)the creahon of a een or encumDrartce suDOVpirtare ro mis ueea ot irusr, �o j me crea- �,
<br />� .. tion of a purchose money security interest far houschald appfionces. (c)a trnnsfer by devise,descent or by opermion of law upon the death af a
<br />__: �omt tenant or (d► ihe gront ot cny Ieasehol0 interesf ot three yeors or tess nat contaimng an option to purcnose, Ber:eiiciary moy, of
<br /> � Beneficiary's option, declnre all the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately duo and poyobte,or couse the Trustee to f��e o ootice
<br /> - ' of default. Beneficiary shnll Isove waived such option ta atcelero4e if,prior ta the sole, tronsfer or canveyanca,Beneficiary and tha person to
<br /> ` wfiom the property is to be sQld or transferced recxh agreement in writing thot the crr.dit of such person is satisfoctory to Bene�iciary ond thot
<br /> . the interest Fayoble on the sums secured by this Decd of Trust sholl be ot such rate os Beneficiary shall reQuest.
<br /> ,
<br /> �i
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