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<br /> . 16.Bw�rower'B Co�y. Bo7r�nwer shnll be given one conformed copy of the Nou:and of this Security Instrumen4 i
<br /> • 17.Trattnfe�of the E'rarect��or e Benetleial Interest in Borrower. If sill or any pan af the Property�r any intcrest in it is �'
<br /> sold or transfenr.A (or if a bcnnfi�clel intr,rest in Burrowcr i9 sold ar transferred and Borrowcr is not a natural�n�n)v,ithoas
<br /> Lcr�dcr's prinr wrltten consea►t,I.endcr may,at its updon,require Lnmediate payment in fuU of all sums scxured by this Sccurity �`
<br /> --- [nstrumen�klnwover,this optln� st�aU not be exercised by Lendcr if exerctse is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this -
<br /> Scci�rity Insrtsra.manG
<br /> _--• If Lender caer�cises this opt��n,Lencler shall give Sotrower nouce of acceleradon.'Ihe nodce shaU provide aperrod of not less �
<br /> � thsui 30 daya from the dato tt�n�tatice is delivered or msuled within which Boemwer must pay all sums socured by this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt Yf Harrowex ftiils ta�ray theso sums prior w the eapiration of this period,Lender may invoke eny remedies pem�iued
<br />° .. by this Securlk{r�nstramrs�t waih�ut further nodce or demand on Borrower. � -
<br /> 18.Bormwer's Rig1�t t��R1:Instete. If Borrower mcets c,,rtain condit�ons. Borrower shall have the right w have
<br /> enforcement of this Securiry Inrtrument discontinued at any t'sme pr.'ar to the eariier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period ns �
<br /> appucable law muy specIfy fqr r�instatement)Uefore sale of the Ro�rty pursuant to any power of sale contained in�his Secunry
<br /> Inswment;�x(b)entry of a j�id�ment enforcing this Security Instrument'Ihose condidons are that Borrovrer.(a)paye Lender all -
<br /> sums which then woulcl bs dun under this Security Instrument and tha Note es if no acceleration had occ�ured; (b) cures any . '
<br /> � � default of en+i other cnv���,�ar agreements:(c)pays�Il expenses incucred in enfox+cing this Security Ias�nvment,including,but �
<br />; noi Wnited tm,reasonablo attarnnys'fecs;and(d)takcs such acdon as L,ender may reasonably req�ire w assure that thc lien of this �.-- -
<br /> M =• Security Ine.i�unlent, Lendes's rights in the Property and Bortower's obligapian W pay the c�lms secum,d hy ihiS Secarity � ' ' ��
<br /> :�?` Instrument shull candm~p un�,hnnged. Upon reinstatemant 3y Borrower, this Securiry Instsument and 1he obUgadons seeuced ' •'. ''F''����
<br /> Y�x�i hereby shAll remAin fully eflccu��e ag if no accclemdon Qu�d occurred.However,this right to reins�.ate shall not apply in the case of ;�,,:;�;;;;t�.
<br /> + .: , acceleration under Par4gz�stPt� 17. �:;,:;��� '.
<br /> ' . 19.Sake ot Note;Cb�nII�af Loau Servicer. 'Ib� N.ote or a partial interest in the Note (together �=ith tbis Security ,,L,,,;t����+�. .
<br />± ' • Instrument�rnuy be sold o�ea ar more times without prior no6ce to Bocrower.A sele may resWt in R change in t�e endty(Iniown
<br /> ; , ��: .
<br />' � a�u�a"I.L;u-�Sti.vicc,r")t,`�r,caiS�,is�;ioud�ly payments due under the N'nte and this Security Ins�umenG'It�ra�e a9so rnay be one or � "
<br /> mor+e changes o.f tha Loaa�Se3vicer unrektted to a sale uf the Note. If ahere is a change of the Loan Service,r,Borrower will be `�"��";
<br /> ven writusn natece of th�ct�n e in accordance with ara�ra p ~-•�, �--
<br /> B� g p ph 14 abova andap licabte law.11�e norice will siate thc name and A��,��
<br />_ � addmss of tlta new Loan So�cer and �he address to ���h�ch payments should be m.,de. 'll�e notice wUl also cnntain any othet
<br />: infonnation rcquircd by ag�lirable law. :��
<br /> 20.Hzaardous Subs�ncr;. Borrowcr shall not cau.ce or permIt thc presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any ��
<br /> �� ., Wizardous�ubsk�nces on or in the Properey.Bonowcr shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecbng the Property
<br /> •':' that is in vir�lnuon of any Hm�'aronmental Law.'It�e preceding two se,ntences shalI not apply to the:p.resence,use,or stnra�te on thc
<br /> -�— �� � rroperty of smull quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally necognized to be aplua,�mAU to nom�l residendal uses ° ��'�� �
<br />- And to malntennnca of tha Praprrty.
<br />. BorroW�r.t shall pm►e�ptly �ve Lender written no2ice of any investigation, cl��im,demand, lawsuit ot other action by any
<br /> �� � govemmenml or regulatory a;;rncy or private party invo]ving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law �' ,
<br /> , of which Bcarower huv xtu�D lcnowledge.If Borrower ieams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that any � `:.
<br /> . removal or oil:�;remediadon of eny�Taa.ardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Hor�ower shaU promptly take all
<br /> . nocessary remwdial acaons'sn�ccordance with Environmental Law. �.�,' •
<br /> . . . As use� in this pars�a•�h:20, "Hazardous Substtuaces"s� those substances defined as toxic or hazardoua substances by �'�• �;
<br /> ' �• Environmenutl [Aw and d�� Collowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic pebroleurn products, toxic �:�' �
<br /> :r._;;s'` pesticides and hcrbicides. volsrdle solvents,materials containin g asbestos or formeldeh yde,and radioacave m a i�i a l s.A s u s e t l i� ,�,:,� �
<br /> , �� t h i s paragraph 20,"Bnvironm�ntal Law"me.ans federal laws end laws of the j�uisdiction where t!�$Property is located that relate � f,' r�
<br /> , w health,s.�tety or environm��tel protcxdon. � ;:�. ! „
<br /> NON-UNII�ORM COVAIo�AN'fS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows: ���4 '..•.�:_
<br /> 21.AceclCr�doni Reaiod'res.Lender shall give nnlice to Borrower prior to acceleratton folbwing Rorr��ver's brwch of , '-''�� •
<br /> . aay covennn4 or Agn��cut (n thts Serurlty Instfia�ent (but not prior to ��elera�ton under paragQaph 17 unless "
<br /> opplkabk law provitles oth�rwise).The u�otke shall specJy:(a)t►�s¢lefault;(b)Q�he action r�quired to cure t6c defaulh,(c) '. •�
<br /> � a date,not l�.ss than 30 deyS ihom t�e elatt 4he notke ls given t��arrower�by wdich the�efault must be cured;Aad (d) ,
<br /> � ''� t6et toilure to cure tl�e ddault on or befose the d�te specEfied in the notke m�y�esr�lt in acceleration of the sums secured � �
<br /> �� �` ` by t66 Secueity lnshvme:aC and sale of the Proprrsy.T➢�e noNce shall further unform Borrower of the right to re;astate � ' �
<br /> `� atter accekratlon and tt�e r3ght ro bri�g a court ectlon to s�ssert the non-extstence ot A default or any othes defense ot I �� ,
<br />- Borrower tQ nccekratiun aud aak.YP the default t�not cured on or before the date specifi�d in the notke,Lender,at its �
<br /> P ° ogtion,may roquire Immaiiute paytaxnt In Pull�f all aume secured by 4h�s Security Iestrumsnt without further demand �
<br /> a nnd may invoke the po�Yr ot aale and any otker remMies permitted by appUcable law.Lea�ler shall be entitkd to wllect � .
<br /> ± ail expenses nacnrred(n pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21� includfng�but nat Ilmited to,reasonable
<br />�� attorneys'fecs and co6t�ot tItle evkleace. ��
<br /> x. If the powtr of'sale is fnvoked� Trustee s6aU record a noEice of detault in eac6�vm8g in whkh aay part of the �
<br />:.� Proptrty d 8c�cated and shaU meil copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by apRiisam9�law tu Iiorrower and to the �
<br /> other persons�prescribcd by s�pplicable I�w.After the time required by apalka�b0e law,'I'ruslee shaU give publk notke of �
<br /> � sak to t�c pEf�sons and in t@m manaer prr,scribed by applkabk I��w.Trustee,wnQih�ut demand on Borrower,s6a1!sell t6e
<br />-�% �� Property At g��ibtic aut9tun to the htgbest Uklder at We time und place�nd uad:P tt�e tcrms dEs
<br /> .� :, ignated in the notice ot sale
<br />� �
<br /> :,,,,
<br /> „���� Form 302e 9/90
<br /> �
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