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<br /> ' . �l: � � ' !' . . . � -• ��4i�'. ' . .
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<br /> e . - ..' '-.._�. � , . - '• . . �ib,�iht? .
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<br /> , � .. �- : :..-- ... . . ..,.._. .."--"'--- -.
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<br /> � ' ��°� �.�1�!.��� �'
<br /> ' �.RrotsCil0t1 04 L�ttdtP01 Rl�ht�IP� tF6� PP�perty. If Barrowu hYe ro ptxtorm tho covonanto pnd 9yrNmente conttfnrd fn =-.
<br /> , ihl� &�qJ�ky klfhunl�nb 0�thM'� k� f1g�l proCNdb��ihat tnty �iqnlfiCantN tM�Ct Undlrs rfphts h th� P�opNtY (ouCh a� �proCMdinp in ,
<br /> „ , b�nkruyloy,probnN, for cand�rnn�tbn ov IorNdlury a to�ntorc��vw a nauMtbn�),th�n L�ndw may do�nd Ppy lor whatavw p n�cMtary
<br />� Iq pr0leCt tfN vslw M tiw PtOpirty �nd L�ndws rbhtl in tM PropMty. L�ndirY �CtlOn� rt�y k�aluds p�yinp u►Y wm� seCUrud by a NM� -
<br /> • ,• . whbh Ms O�Y owr thw S�cu�ty InabunNnh�ti'W b court.WY�n�fonWM�ttortxY�� iew atd snUr�ny on the Prop�rty to m�k� . --
<br /> ! rCM7A. �4ha��h L!e'�t�er nhY ttks eotbn under thN pangroph 7,Und�r dow not haw to da co. I 'p
<br /> ":;c�:.,�. , My�mounti dNbtNNd by I.�ndx und�r th�e pK�pnph 7�haN b�com��ddkbnal dWt of Borro►rK paund by thM S�curky InftrummA � , , a;
<br /> ' 4 UaIN�gon�ow�r�nd I.�n��pn�to otf� t«ms of pqmmt,thKa emount��It�M Wu htN+qt kom th�dat�of dieburtan�nt�t the Not�
<br /> „ r�1��nd 1�l�N b�p�yabM,wkh ht«wt,upon not��kom L�nd�r to Ba►owM nqwtCn9 WY�1. � �"y
<br /> ': d.M0�1Ql�� fMYIM1CA. If L�n�r roqal�d mor4p�pe In�unnc� rs a candkbn of mslclnp th� loan socund by thh &�curRyr -
<br /> , '� Intpument,Borrpwrr �h�A pay th�pnmlutn�nqutnd to tn�ht�h th�mortp�p�Intunrtc�h MNot.II,lor any r�on,tho mortpap�hsuranca
<br /> :,:.:.r�� , eov�ip� nlquirrd by L�ndM UpsN or cMSN to b� h NNoh Sortowsr thaN p�y th� pnmiums rpuksd to oEtah cov+sn(p tubstantNtly � '
<br /> aquMnNnt fo tfw��yrp�i�wranca pr�ufauaty In ��t,At a cost aubstantlaly equNabnt to the cost to Bonower of the mort��haur�nce I :
<br /> � � p+yvbuty b�[Not,kom en akwnato mortp�hsurar�pprowd by Unda. If eubstantkiy�quk�tMnt mortflap� heumc�covsr� le not
<br /> �w1W�N, Borrovw►shtN pay to Undu aoh month � tum �qud to onrtvwMlh of th�yMrly moAgs� Insuru�co prrntum bNnQ pab bY �
<br /> Borrowu wMn tM tnwnnca caveny� Mipsod w cMSed to b� In Mf�at. I.mdK wYl �cc+pt, u�s and rstab th�se paymmts �s a bas
<br /> � rK�rv+�h IMu of mortp�p� hiu►ance. Loas nssnr� paymw►ta may no longa b� r�qulnd,at th� optbn of I.and�r. N mortpop� lnsuruic�
<br /> � cowrsQ� (h th�amount�nd for tM perlad thU Lend�r roqukes)pravidsd by�n hsunr approvsd Ay Land�r�paln becomsa aall�bM md is
<br /> pbt�tr�d. Borrov� shtN pay th� �xMmbme rpuP�d to rtwlnt�.in mortpep� h�unnc� h Mkut, or to provid� � bss roeaw, untp th• �
<br /> . re�.yemrn!fpr mer+�!�_e In�rrncs end4 In�ccord�nc�wkh�ny wrktrn apraMn�nt bMwMn Bonrownr ond Und�r or�ppNcablo 4tw. � .
<br /> u� • � . 9.In�eatbn. LendM o►ks�per►t rtwy m�k�rea=onakb�nbiN upon�nd hap�otiona of tM Propary. I.�nd�r ohaM yhre Bortowar °
<br /> notne a!97N thw of or prior to an Inap�ation tp�clyinp natonabM caus�for th�Insp�ctbn. ,. ,
<br /> � 10. Cordemnstlon. Th� procoada o} eny awnrd or aMim tor dart�p�a, dWct pr conseqwmtixl, In connectWn wRh any „
<br /> � condKmation or oth�r f�khy o(�ny part of th�Prop�rty, or tor Conwyanc� In IMu o4 cond«n+�atbn,sre honby asslpnad and sh�N bo pald
<br /> to L�nder.
<br />---� ' In ths�v�nt ot�to4t talcinp of tha Proprty, tM proce�da aheH b�appUad to th� eums F�cured by thb&ocurUy Instrumont,whothw or , .
<br /> � . �� not thK►dua,wNh�ny�xc�os p4id to BoROwa. In tha w�nt of p ptrtf�l takinp of th�Prop�rty h whinh th�1tP rtwket valua ot tM Prop�rty � •
<br /> . hKrMdhENy bNon th�t�kfng k�qual to or pn�EK fhan t!►��mount of th�sums s�aund by this S�curky Inttrum�nt imrt»dYtolyr bMoro ths
<br /> � , WcY►p,unlMt Botrovwt�nd LwidM oth�rwlq aprN h wrR(np, th�sums s�cund by thN S�cuHtyr InEWm�nt shall bY r�ducW by th��mount � '
<br /> � of tM proce�d� muRpikd by th�folbw(np kaatbn:(s)tAo to2al onount of lhe eums sacuad bxnodbtofy tw[ore the lakinp, dkld�l by(b)th� I , ���'
<br /> " •+ f�Y rtvulc�t v�kH of th�Prop�ty fnrn�dlat�ry bofon tM Wcinp.My lu�nce ahtN W p�id to Borrow�r. In th�w�nt of o partkl t�kinp of tha I ��
<br /> _____ t" Proosrt�r h whiah th�ht rtwk�t vnW of th�Prop�ty YnmsdktNy bNors th�takh9 b lae thu� the amount of the sum�secur�d ImrtNdltt�ly •• �
<br /> ,�� b�lon th�t�cfnp,unbss Borrow�r and Lvnd�r othawko 4pr�M wrklny a unlps �ppMCabM law othervvlse provida. lM prt+cs�da sh�M bs --.'"� -_
<br /> - �ppli�d to th�sums s�cund by this f�curity Instrument whNh�r a not th�wms aro th�n duo. i t" ''
<br /> If Ihe PropNty{a dHndoned by B�rrower,or Y,ake�not�e by I.�ndw lo BorrowK thtt ths condemnor oNas to moke an award or settl� ,
<br /> ° a okin tor tNnwp�e, 8orrow�r faNe to rppund to I.ondar wRhh 3Q daye aftair tha dat�th�nol�e b plvon,Lander is authoria�d to coNoet and
<br /> �ppy th� procseds, �t ke option, elther to rettontbn or npaP o!th�Proparty or to th�sume ascured by thb S�curity instium�nt, whMh�r e
<br /> �n Unbse L�ndv and Oorrowor cth�rwk��pns h writhp, any �ppNcatbn of proceeds to prho►pel sh�ll not extend or postAons th�due � ' �,!
<br /> d�N of tM monthy payrtwnb nhrnd to In pu�aphs 1 und 2 or oh�npe th��rrtount of auch payments. � ' , � �'9��
<br /> y1. Borro�rer Not Refe�sed: Fo�beannce By Lendar Not� Wdver. Extensbn of ths dm. �or paym.nc or
<br /> ,. modlffc�tior►of omoR6u�tlon of th�aumo sacund by thb Sacurky InsWment pranted by I.�ndar to any succesaor in intasst ot Bartowar chaM i ��y.�.7•'j
<br /> � not opxaL�to nNas�ttw WbNky ot ths odphal Barower or BoROwei's euccesnora h intmnt. l�der eh�N not b� reqvirod to cortwnx�c� i
<br /> prpcMdhpt�ahst �r►y tuccmaor in intws�t or rofuse to extend tMrn tor ptymer►t ar othwwlte modYy unortiritbn of th� sums s�cund by ,�
<br /> : thM S�curitY In:trum�nt by naton of any danmd mad� by th� oripinal BortOwer ot Elotrowlr'6 euCC�GSOrs h htetYS�My IorbMlanC� by ___,.
<br /> L�nder h �binp any riqht or ran�dy shaM not 6e a weMr of or pnclude the eocercice of�ny r{pht or rnrNdy. , • ���
<br /> 72. Succeaors�nd AtslQne Bound;Jolnt and Several l.febility; Co-�Ipnera Ths covenmte and aprMtn�nte of , -� .
<br /> thb S�cu►My Inatrum�nt th�N bad and bmNit the succeseoro ond aeaipne of Lend�r�nd BomowM,subJect to th�provfabna of pareanph •
<br /> '�'� ^ 17. Bortow«'s Cown�nb ind �prew��nte ehttl W joht and atrvrtl. My Bortower who co-si�ns thia Socurily InsWment but doea not �
<br /> .�.; .
<br /> nacuM tfN Not�:(�)la co-aqnhy this S�curlty inawment ony to mortpape,pnnt, and convey thtt 8orrowe�s hterest In tho Prope�ty under i
<br /> ��+ tt»t�rtns Of thR S�curky Instrumsnh, (b)Ie not psrsondy obffpatsd to pay tho s�ms ancured by this Securky Instrument; and(C)npraes that � ��
<br /> .. ,, �� Lendw�d�ny othqr 8ortovwr may �prM to udend.modiy,forbMr or mok� eny accommoaiatbna wNh repard to terma o} thla Securky �
<br /> �,. Inatrummt a th�No�wkhout lhat 8orrowwe conaMit. �
<br />�' . 13. Lo�n Charpes. It ths 1ot11 E�CUtsd by this SeCUrRy InBhumetlt Is SubJeOt t0 B fflw whlCh 6etti maximum btrl Chnr�pe8,and that � �~•
<br /> f�w is fh�ly kit�pr�tod so th�t tha htMSSt or othsr ban chtrp�� aolMot�d cr to be coReoted In conn�ctbn wRh the btn sxCasd th�
<br /> L • p�mkt�d WnRs, thm; (a)eny auch lo�n oharp�e ahtR ba reducsd by th�unount neesaeiry to reduce the ehar�e to the psrmktsd Ilmk;end
<br />_ (b)ony wm� ain�dy coMct�d irom Borrower whkh axcsadsd pamkted Wnke w1A be rehind�d to Borrowor. Lsndsr may chooae to mako :
<br /> thb ►Mund by nduohp tl►� prfnolpal ow�d undK lhc• Nota or by m�kinp e dk�ct p�yrnant to Sortower. If a rolund rodur,es prYiaipal, tho ,
<br /> - � nduction wNi b�Wat�d u�putftl pnQaymmt wkhout eny pnpn�ment charpe undsr the Note.
<br /> � ^ , 14. PIOtlCQ�. My notfc� to DoROww provtdsd for In thla Security InsUurnerit shall be yyrn by deNuwhg k or by malfinq R by tirst
<br />'-� ciias mtN unlKS�pp3lcabM Mw nqutns uRa af anotha msthod. Th�notba shaM bo dYeCt�d to the Property Addross or any othx address
<br /> . Barow�r dMlpnaMt by not��to UndK.My not�s to Lend�r shaY tre ph�n by tirat olasa maA to Lendere addreus statod hereh or eny
<br /> , oth�r �ddro�t l.�ndK d�e�pnates by notice to �oROwer. Any notice provlded for In thls Securily Instrumont ehall be deorned to havx beon
<br /> " pl►� to fdarower or UntNr whM�pkran fls provfded tn thls p�r�{,xaph.
<br />��._ 16. Governin� Law; SeYMd8111iy. Thb Seourity InaWmw�t ahaN be povemed by toderot law and the law ot the Juriad�tbn h
<br /> whbh Ih1�Rro(f�rty is located. In tM w�rrt tMt any provtsfo�or o�uae of thla Securily InaWment or thi Noro oonfNCts wkh eppNcable law, ,
<br /> auch cont�Ct sh�p not �N�o4 othK provkion� 04 tTfs Security InaWmant or th� Nots whbh can be �hra� �f(�ct wRhout th� conHfctin0
<br /> ��v�s-r. 7n fh4�nA tho ermitfena nf ti�ln Saeuriv Inttrumont and th�Nnto aro t1�Cfuad t0 b� EOV9fAb18.
<br /> - __—___._____._--' _� r�'_.�.. ._ ...._"'_ _" ""'"_ ' " '." "'_ '• . .
<br /> 76. B01'fOWlf''�CQpy. BarowK ahU M oMen one cos�tomwd copy of tha Note�nd ot thb SecuMy Instrument.
<br /> 17. Tr�nater of the Property or. a BeneH�lal In4erest In Borroaver. If�B or eny pert oi the Property or any Inttirest in
<br /> - �- - _ _ k k sold or transNrt�d (a if a t�iai�l hnntt n dorrow�r b sold or uanaierroai eno narowur i�nnt r uotwll�aony wniiout L6nG�•e _
<br /> - ' prbr wrkt�n Canamf. L�rtdK rtNy,et It� optbn, raqutn knm�di�t�p�ym�nt h NN oi eN eumb �ecund by thla S�curity Inatrum�nt. How�vsr,
<br /> .�"� • thi�oplion thaN not b��ooM'cft�d by L�nd�r If�k�Is prohbltad by hd�r�t law as of th�dat� Of thfs SiCarity inilrumartt.
<br /> t�� ��� �bNr i n�� �•��le...�� Th. nn�L.e �h�N .•�n nerin ��n�� �s 1h_n 9!1 -
<br /> _ --. - ' If LM1du st�MCMIS tAb Oya�,,.., . .. y�p 8.:.:....�. .... C . .. ... _ ;.%:. _ ,.«...Q _
<br /> �' . Qays F.pm th� tLb th� not4.^� b dNiv��d or malqd wkhin which the Borrower must pay tN sum9 svcurnd by this SocurNy IneWment. If
<br /> � BamwK hM to pty th� tumr prbr to th��Intbn o}thN p�rtod,L�rtdot may hvoko�ny nnwdl�s pwmRt�d by thls Sacuriry InsWm�nt
<br /> wilhout MrtMr notk�or d�rrnd on Borrow�r.
<br /> f. . �.
<br /> �1 ,�
<br /> _ , Pa��9 0l 6 Fo�m aose or�
<br /> F102�1fW(1(t/161
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