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<br /> ..., 'I�GET'1�R�VdTH �1 the improvcments no��or here�fter erectcs�on tho property,und all ea�sements,nnpurtennnces,nnd , ; , . �
<br /> �`.'' '� ��� � Cupue�now or hueaftei e part of the property.All replecemtnta end edditions shaQ also be co�'esed by thls Security Instrument __
<br /> - ` ,'; All of the foregoin�is rofured to in this Securiry Instnunent as the"Y'roperty." • '
<br /> r BOR1tOW�R COVENANT5 that Borrower is lstwfully seised of the cstaw hereby conveyed and has the right to gmnt and
<br /> , �:,�� convay ihe Proputy end ihat the Property is unencumbucd, eacept for encumbranr.�s of record.Barrower warianta ond witl :
<br /> ' ``"'�' defend generally the tltle to the Property against all claims and demands.sub,�ect to eny encumbrances of record.
<br /> ' TFIIS SA.CURITY INSTRUIViBNT combines uniform covenant� fur nadon�l use and non-uniform covenants with lunited
<br /> variations by jurisdicdon w consdwte a unifonn security insuument covering real prope,ty. ��
<br /> UN�ORM COVHNANTS.Aorroaer and Lender covenant and agrec as foUows: ',
<br />_ 1.Poyment of Prlt�dpttl�nd Interest;Y'repayment and Late Charges. Dorrower shAll prompdy pay when due the
<br /> principal of und interest on the debt evidenced by the Note nnd nny prepayment end late charges due under the Note. ,,;`;:;;,��
<br /> . 2.Funds for Taxes aud InsurAnce. SubJect to nppllcable law or to a wriUen waiver by Leader, Borrower shall pay co `�;:;;;°,� �• •
<br /> ' � Lender on the d��y montlily puyments are�uo under the Note.until the Note is puid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly taaes I '�`'r �
<br /> � ' � and essessments avhich may �ttsin prioriry over this Security dnsi�uriient us a lien an tt�c Projsaty;(b)Yearly leaehold payments i' ,.. . ; ;:�.';=.':; .. .._
<br /> ;i1 r,:;..,
<br /> . or ground rents on the Prope3ty,iF any;(c)yearly bazerd or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurAnce premiusns,if . ,����;:,.,:, *
<br /> �� any: (e)Yearly mortguge insurance premiums,if eny:nnd(� any sums paynble by Borrower to I.ender�in accorclance v�ith tha "�'.;,��,`"• .,�` .•
<br /> - provlstons of�aragraph 8, in lieu uf the payment of mortgaga insurance premiums. 'Ihese items are called "Escrow Items." .,�; . �`
<br /> „�.,- ,
<br /> — � :�._,;�;;�,. L.ender may,ai any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount noi to exceed the ma�cirnum amount a lender for a federally rolat�c� � ;�,,�,,;;t;;�., . __
<br /> ��. mongage loan may require for Borrowea's rscrow eccount under tt►e federal Real Fstat,e Sealement Procedures Act of 1974�.s � •�-�,
<br /> ametidtd from time to titne, 12 U.S.C.Section 2fiAI et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anothcr law that applies eo the Funds scts a lesser ,, ;�."'f�.��'. ,
<br /> ` � �moun� If so,Lcnder may, at a�►y time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to e�cecxxd the Iesser amounG Lender may � . ° ;
<br /> d
<br /> astlwmate Qie smount of FLnd.q due on the basis of currcnt data end reasonuble esdmates of expenditures of future Bscrow Items�nr ' ,� ��
<br /> .°� a
<br /> otherwise in accordance with applicable Inw. . �:.
<br /> '�t;. -�� �.a-
<br /> The�und.9 shall be held in an institutfon wt�ose deposits are insured by a fedcral agency,instrumentality,or enpty(includin� •;,'�
<br /> _ _ .. � t� �la a hr Rcrmw •
<br /> y, ' l.ender,u iender is sucn an insdiuuon}or in��y F�e,�t Iz�r,�a;.ca�Lan:.L,a:dcs�lsa!!srF-; 1h�Fssn....s�F=Y L-=--=-- ----—��f
<br /> Itcros.Lender may not charge Boaower for holding and applying the Funds,ennually enalyzing the esccow ecr�oun3,or verifying ,�,; �g�
<br /> ' t4io�scrow Itcros,unless Lender pays Aorrower interest on the Funds and applicab181aw permfts I.ender to make such a charge. � ;•,. �> +
<br /> However. Lender may require Bnrrower to�ay a one-dme chargo for an independent real estate tax reportIng service used by ' ,
<br /> �� � L�der in connection with this loan, unless appUcable Iaw provides otherwise.Unless an agreement Is mado or applicable law • .;i;;'-:'!;,� �
<br /> rcquires interest:o be paid, I.cnder shell not be required to pay Borrower any interest or camings on the Funds.Horrower and • ,:�'?�"; ''
<br /> � I.endet may agree in writin�,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give W Bonower,without charge,an • '' ' 4
<br /> � unnua!accoundng of the Fonds,showing credits and debits to the Hunds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was ` �`�'� ='`
<br /> I , �;,
<br /> • ' . � made.The Funds are pledgecl as eddidons�l securiry for all sums secured by this Security InsrrumenG ,,-.4i�•;}
<br /> If the�utds held by Lender oacecd tho amount�peRnlued to be held by applicable law.T.ender shall account to Borrower for I ,. ; :�
<br /> ' I the eacess Funds in accardance with the requirements of Applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any time is • ..
<br /> ' not sufficient to pay the Pscrow Items when due,Lender may so nopfy Borrower in writing.and. in such ctue Bonower shall pay `'�"� `•�i ,
<br /> � to L.endcr the amovnt nccessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shull mtdce up the defciency in no mor�e than twelve �. �. �''�'�
<br /> , • � monthly payrr�ent�.atLea�dei's sc�le discreuon. '�; ;:_,; "' ;�;' � .
<br /> ,, "� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment,I.ender shull prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds � ��''`' �
<br /> ��."��,} h 21.T.�nder shall uiro or scll thc Pro p. �q .';.",��V'� .
<br /> •.�>,:,:.:�� held by Lendcr.If. under patagap �cq perty.Lender, nor to the e uisidnn or sale of thc � � ..' :,�•: .
<br />- ,"� Property, shall apply ony Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisidon or sale as a credit ageinst the sums secured by this '��'i;•, - ' �`'`,�
<br /> ,. ' . - � 5ecuriry Inshument ' � .
<br /> � �� -'
<br /> � 3.Application ot Paymente. Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all payments received by Lender nnder paragraphs �7'� �
<br /> �'�'' Ged:firs to an re a ment charges due under the Note;sc�cond.to amounts payable under paragraph 2; � "�.y;_5;;;. '
<br /> 1 ans!2 shnll be app t, Y P P Y
<br /> t�i�� third,to intertist due;fou�th.to principal due;and last,to any Intc charges due urtder the Note. I -•
<br /> . 4.Charges;Liens. Borrowcr shall pay aU wxes, asscssmcnts, charges, fines and impositions attributable ta the Property
<br /> " � which mny at�►priodty over this Sccurity lnsuument,and Icasehold payments or ground rents. if any.Horrower shall pay thcse i
<br /> ' " obllgu8ons in thc manner pmvidr,cl in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that mannc,s,Boxrower shall pay them on time direcdy to thc � ,
<br /> , `: petsan owed paymenG Borrower shall prompdy furnish to I.cnder all notices of funounu to ba psiid undcr this paragraph. If ;
<br /> �;;,:
<br />° ,t:;,1,�. Borrower makes tlieso payments dirt:�dy,Borrowes shall promptly fumi�l�to Lcnder re�:eipts evidencing the pupmcnts. �
<br />=���>i Borrowex shell prornptly dischncge any lien which has prioriry over this Secnrity Instrument unless Borrower. (a) a�rcxs in '
<br />_:,.<< i
<br /> . writing to the payment of tfi�a obligation secum,cl by tho lier.in n manner acceptable m Lender;(b)oontests in good faith the lien
<br />-� by, or defends agains[ enfotcement of th� lie,n in. legal proc�edings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> - �•• `� enforcement of thc liu�;or (c)secures from tho I�older of tho lien nn ngeement satisft�wry w Lendct subordinoting the lien to �
<br /> � � ., thig Security dr�sh'u�mcnt If Lender determin�that anY part of iho Prope�rty is sub}ect to n lien which mny annir►priority over this
<br /> Scc+r�riry Instrument,I,�nder may give Borrowcr a nodce idendfS�ing tho lien.Borrow�r shall satisfy tho lien or t�t3ce ono or morc
<br /> � of the actions set forth abov.�within 10 days of the giv;ng of noace. '
<br /> Form 3028 9I90 •
<br />� � �. �•8R(NED(o2�21 Paqozo�e i�n�a�s:
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