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<br /> „ ,,.•. .. � .. � _ ,.
<br /> u , - . . - . ... : • - , :
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<br /> , � ,, . . .. o , .�., .--��n+� My�i . , '�� .. -r�v�ki.Q�,7�lti'.Gr.- ., .. � � v_
<br /> o_...:.r..'�' �J'7'rwfi"�I,S ~ Tir��.r4 �' . �-. . -�- . .'� ,r.�..-�,n-1KqQ���s+u.v�•.. - ,. ... . 1� ... K- j� �.�,_ ....�._::n:��. . -
<br />�- .r.,iw�li..� L'i � ..
<br /> . — :l"� . . ���• i ..� . - . . '1',�"^I�7:,�ry�f�_+vj�►ar�.c.... .� . .. � ,A - ' 'y���hMRV'
<br /> =��:rE,�'�.-r�r�&..��.i.�q3w4 v ..:.ik;r� � , . - . . .
<br /> ......,�:'�"'_::i"-T .. . . .. . � . .p� '�.t. �.�_��.;
<br /> r_ . _ _ . �� ' '�,•
<br /> _ .(>. � . . � . . , � o
<br /> - r' _��a--�_�•-•�- .. . •1 ., .. yo�op.�u�.wa.u.watAOk+�LJ,er.{ife►vrraNa►mxnw.-xwwwrr...i...+ws..w.. ...,�:..,......_..._.._._�.._....._...._...........,...,.�_'_...._._=f�VM.:Gfe` - �
<br /> .._ -.xr,��. .
<br /> _:_.:i��"�7����,� ��~ ��+"��� 'i: -•
<br /> ��'�""'y 17.T�nnsPcr of th�1'ra{xrty or n Iicnef'icinl Ii�tcrest in RnrrnK�cr. If all i�r imy pan of�Qtic Pr��perty ur:imr intcrest in i� .. `' �
<br /> _:,.�r:__;�__�_ .
<br /> � _-�.a,.,--�� i,suld ur trm�icrrcd (ur if a bcncficial intcrest in Horrmvcr is ti��W nr tr.m�fcrrcd and H�irri�tvcr i+mN,�namral ��er+�m►wiUu,w
<br /> � � Lcrdcr's prior �vrittcn conscnt, l.endcr may�, at iu, uptiun. requirc immcdiatc p:rymcnt in fidl uf all �umti scv:w•cd t�y this .ti';µ:-:'
<br />-�r�:.�;���. Security Instrument. However.thiti r.ption shall no►be exerci,cd hy Lender if cxerci�c iti pruhihitcd by(cder:+l lu�v as uf'ttie date ,.-- , ..
<br /> _�:•Y•��ro of this Scrurity lnstrumcnt.
<br />__ — ' If Lc:nJer excrciscs tl�iti nption. L.cndcr shall�ivc I3urru�vcr nutirc uf arccleratiun.Thc nutia:+h.dl provid�:a periud uf not
<br /> '.`"',�� lcss than 30 days frorn thc Jatc thc nMir� iti dclivcrcd ur mailcd �vithin which I3nrruwrr must p,►y ;dl sutns �cxurcd by this � .
<br /> ---=�At� Security [nstrument. If Horru�scr failti tn pay thc�c sunu priur to thc cxpiratiun af thi� periud, l.ctidce may inv�dcc any rcnuJics �
<br />-�:::''f�^�'3.� _ � � �:�
<br /> - �t r , permitted by this Sccurity Instrumcnt�cithuut further noticc or demand on Dormwcr. '.
<br /> :�.71�;i�',; IR. Dorro�ver'ti IZ(ght to Reintitatc. If Borrowcr mc�ts rcrtain conditions. Hurmwcr ,hall havc Uu: right tu huvc "`'::;,�,a`•;^
<br />'9;�;+��;��;r'' .�, enforcement of this Security Instrumcn6 discontintteil �rt any time p�iur ro the earlicr nl`. (a) 5 dayy (i�r >uch t�iher peria! us :�'s�..._
<br /> ;_,�����,;,,,;,• '• applicable law may tipecify tiir reinstatement) before sale ❑f the !roperry punuant ti� :+ny puwer oP sala ror.tained in thiti ' y
<br />;:�,;,,�n:=%�+� . 5ecurity Instrument:or 1b)entry of a.judgment enfarein�!thi:; Seeurity Iustrument.7'hi�+e cunditicros ure thnt Hc�rmwer:la)ptrys �r.=:�:T,.
<br />- .�:;�..,,w.,�,,+ �:-v�,.:a,.:�'
<br /> —� ,,_�.y,s,.�,�;� Lendcr all sums which thcn �vould bc due undcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt and thc Notc as if no acccicratiun hml occurcc�i; (b) �,,,,,,,,Y.___.-
<br /> -�--�ea��� cures any dcfault of any othcr covenants or a�reements; Ic) pays all expenses incurred in cnforcing this Sccurtty lnstruntettt, ---
<br /> -•���'��=�; including, but not limitcd w, rcasunablc attorncys' fccs; and (J) takcs such acti�m a, l.cndcr usay rca,onubly rc�quire to assurc --_--
<br /> =_:�;�� ' ` that the lien of this Securiry instrumcnt. L.r�ider'. ribh�� in lhr P�ope�zy cmd Dorrower•� �nub�e�t�n r.�,n�►y tha :,ums seeured by ___----
<br /> -��-ur:K�� y. this Security Instrument shall continuc uurhanged. Upun rcinrtatement by Iiorrowcr, thi5 Sccurity In:��rument and the ___
<br /> "`�'.���:� ,�� obligations�ecured hereby tihall remain fully�effective a� if no cicrcicration had occurr�d. However, thi�, righl 1u reinstate shall =—_
<br /> _`. not apply in thc casc of acccleratiun undcr paragr,�pli 17.
<br /> .''-=="'^°�' 19. Sale of Nute; Ch�nge of lA►vn Servicer. The Nutr ur a pxrtial intere,t in the Nute Iwgcther �vith this Securiry �'���
<br /> ,':�}?'�j�>'.�, . . _---
<br />''` , : Instrutnent)ma�-be sold unc or more times 1Y1111ttLLl�11N1 Iwii��iu uJii�.S.^:. A•:S:°.ll1A}' 1'.^::4lI!p:!l'hi111�C 111 f���!ent�!y(known _—
<br /> �� •r� � as thc"Loan Scrviccr")that callccts monthly payments Juc undcr thc Notc anJ this Sccuriry Inscnuncnt. Thcre;+Isii may bc onc -•-�_
<br /> �.';'•;v"a+�};'•i ,
<br /> � ?' or more changes of thc i.oan Scrviccr unrclate�l tu a�alc of thc Notc. If thcrc is a ch�m�c of the I.uan Scrviccr, Edorrawcc will bc
<br />���•�'��=-'r�' given wriuen notice of the change in accordanre with paragraph 14 ahovc auJ applic:�ble lu�v. '3'he notice will:airte the nanu and
<br />=:,�;,,� ,;.• ' address of the new Lu:ui Serviccr and thc aJJresti cu which paymcnt, tihuuld hc madc. The nuticc will alsn�crntain any odtcr •
<br /> inform�tion reyuired b}•applicable law.
<br /> ;. .,....,
<br /> � Z0. Hu•r.lydnus Substances. Bormwcr �hall nut rausc or permit th� prcticnce, usc. Jispo�sl, storagc, or releusc of.iny �
<br />`_'°�+(°,'� ,''�:, , _ Hatardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borro��•er .hull not du, nor ;dlo�v any�me ��I�e tu do, anytl�in� affecting the
<br />-;::�ir-_„� . . Property that ts m violuuon oi any Environmencai L:nv. inc prcceuiug iwv xnirn�c.+ii;,ii ii��i i�,�,�y t.:i�4 jric:er�:.:. t„�. :,� :
<br /> -`''°� - storage on the Property of�mall yu�ntities oi' H;uardous Substances that arc gencrally recr.��nitsJ tu bi: apprc�priate to norn�al
<br /> : ' ' residential uses and to m:un[cnance of the Propeny.
<br /> Burruwer shall promptly givc L,ender�vritten notice nf any investigatii�•� claim. dcnti�nd, law�uit ar nt}tr�r action by any
<br /> � � '' governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property anJ,,.,• Hazardra►,Substinne or Enviranmcntal La�v
<br />"�-'�.�'`''��`:";,<Sr� of+vhict� E�urrower has actual knowl��lge. If Borrower Icams, or is notifieJ b; : ,�•govenm�cntul or reguluto:y authurity,that
<br /> ;--"��``�., ���'°= any re�n�.�al or o[her remediativn of.ny H:►G:rdi u,Substance affecting the Pro��n� is n�ti:ssary, Burru�..�er shall promptly take
<br /> ,�.�r5.,;:;;:,•f,: � , .
<br /> ;.ns��„t,�:,.:�:,..� : .
<br /> •=tn 5.'� all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. ��
<br /> '+''n,�;��?t`�,�v As used in this p:.uagr.�ph 20. "Ha�rJaus Substances" are those subst�nces .�;incd uti t��xic or hsuardc�us substunces by �" —
<br /> �`'"�""'��f " Environmental La�v ,uiJ the following substanees: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrc,lettni prexlucts, toxic �.-
<br />- -""'''�'F� 4� pesticides and herbirides.voiatile sulvents, material.containin�;atibestus or fi�rmuldehyde. •.�nd r.idinactivr muterials. As used in -----
<br />._ ' ��•F'�.T.::• '_'"_"......
<br />`����f.�i.l.�......�'
<br /> •.;::i.,.,��.,:.{, „r this par.�graph 20, '.Environment:il Law" me:�ns feder.d la�v� and lawti uF the jurisJictiou where the Prope�iy is IocnteJ that �-- N
<br /> `}'ti;:�};;:_'•� relate to health.�afcty or environmcntal protcction. �__°'—
<br />;es:,�,�.;;.',;., NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS.Burrowcr and L�:ndcr turthcr covenant and agrcc ati E'iilluws: ---•�—
<br />-=i='-;-�;:;n 21. Acceleratfon:Remeclies. Lender shall�ive nutice tu Borraa•cr priiir to accclern¢im�folluwi�i���irrro�ti•er's breach d�--�_
<br />'"-�•�- ����-'• � of uny covenant or :�gt�ecment in thib Stti�rit�• Instruntent (but not prtor to uccele�•n¢fon mtdcr pnru�,ruph 17 unle.�.s 1Ci:'�:'^`:'+r
<br /> -:.n.:�::-��- -.
<br />��:�,_.. c applicab!e la�ti•provldes otherwise). The notice sh:�ll sperify: (a) tl�e default; (I►)the action reqoie�d tn�care the defaulh 6-��-�..< .
<br />�=;'•!�}°�°�•` (c)a date,noi less than 30 d3ys Prom the date the notice is�iven to Dorrower, by�vhirh the dcfuulC m,ust be cured;ond ---___
<br />____�h��:�� -_�..____,
<br />_- -.., .t (d) that failure to c�+re the defaeelt un or I�tore thc date spccificd In the ituticc may rctiult in acceler.utiou of tl►e sums �:.•;s�.._,:,�
<br /> - � ',;' secured by this Sctiurie�� Instrument nnd sule of'the Yropertv. The notice shull further info�iit Horm�acr of thc ri�lit to ..,,s_ _
<br /> ' reinstute after acce9eration and the ri�Ght to brin� u couM actim� to nsseM the n��n-exi4tence of n d�f'ault or any other �°• •���;_�
<br />�;��~•.�::���: defensc oP[iorro��•er to acccl�ration und snle. If the default is nat curcd on on c�forc thc d:tte s�xlficd in thc noticc, '�;.'=;i_
<br />�;b,�.y'"?�'=� Leuder. at its option. may requim immedtate payment In full of all sums sctiurcKl by thts Se�urity fn�tsument without -�'�'`��Y?�.
<br /> %� ` furthcr dem�nd artd mac in�•oke ttrr powcr a►f salc und any other rcmedics permittcd b�� upplicuhlc luw. i.endcr shnll bc -%�;;�?;'r
<br /> '' "�' �'.�'�' �ntitled to collect al!ex nses incurrcd in unuin�tlie irmed[es rovfded in thls arn rt+ h 21, includin .but not limited . •"�•
<br /> � - I� P i, P p R P � .°.:�_:.;;
<br />'� '•L5�°`-��'•. to.reasonable aKo:-ne�•s'f�tis and costs of title cvtdence. �`t�'���
<br /> -'"'l�"'`"'���•``�` If the po«�er of snle is invoked, Trustee sNaU record ii noti��c of defhult fn cuch countr iu�vhfcl� uny purt oP the •
<br /> -••:�;t��'`t:.,"}�Yr
<br />, ::�;,��.:,�_•,,,, Property is l�xated and shall mail copies of such notice h� the manncr p�cscritxd by npplirnhl�s law to Borrowcr attd to
<br /> �-� _ :. �: the other persons�rescribed by�sip�licable In�v.Ai'ter the time reyuired by uppllcable la�r,Trusiee shull�ive puhlic notfcc
<br />�,.`?.:�• �•�� of sale to thc persons and 6n the manner prescritxYl by nppllcable Ic�w. 7'rustee, �ti•iW�rut demund�nn I�orrv►aer. shall scll
<br /> • ��;�'',¢ the Property at pablic uuctimi to thc hi�hcst btddcr at Ihc timc and plare und w�der thc tcrms desivautcd in ttic r+mtice nP '
<br /> - . � • �;� sale in one or morc parcels nnd in:�ny order Trustce determines. Trustce mvy postpmic sulc uf nll or any parccl of thc
<br /> ' Propert� by public announcenunt ut the tinie and pluce oP any previously scl►eduled siile. I.ender Qr its desi�nee may I "
<br /> _.:_ .. �. .'.'
<br /> ••� � purchasc thc Proper¢y at sny sale.
<br />_�=�£�;;��;:,,�,;,.,, i ,
<br /> �::�:,.:' --";�•,dl '
<br /> - :i 1 . .
<br /> _.- '_'Y.7;7'.
<br /> ° Y` Form 3028 9I90
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