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<br /> " �a"�;�'�� � ���A�Q Thl�Agrr_;ncnt�oturoe on obllpatlon u•hlch Ihu 1 n�
<br /> F-' , ' c, �����UCiI(�'rt - . .'... (a�,,,� �. �,7 pcbinr mcurrcd lor Iha pu�potc ol matinp Im�rov�, ���
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<br /> '�� • ,.�n� :.o . " �'�!�j, 9� �,� ihu Roal Edn10 tn e�hlch Iha Con�vuc�ion � ,
<br /> l .,, �.. ��;[S;�Nd �i�P' ����� Ini.csl Ii pivcn. .. ,., ,
<br /> � ., In �v�- '.
<br />��'�r�'?��dY�;r�"'+�; l'HIS DEEO OF T6�UST,made this 27th d�y 0f ��hra�rx_- _._, t9��..,between _�.
<br /> "������' Thom�e J. HL].l and Junot S. Hi.11 hur�br�nd �a c o ___,_,._... a�Truator. ���
<br /> �. .z._.�__wlL�.�.�.f �'��
<br />�:;.T„--„k,.�i;,;;;���.
<br /> ��.����r��:�;:�'h?' ' FlrrTl�r Bank,Nntlonal Aas�rlsrtl�n,Omaha,Nebreak� ea T►uatea, ;��
<br /> ��`���.��` ._.. Firs7ler Bank,National Asaocl�Uon,�mahe,Ptebreake _ ____�es t3en�iieiary: _;
<br /> ..Y:�' . :�. 1��..
<br /> i.�[ - ,�
<br />- � ' WITNESSETH: ��
<br /> .� .,�.
<br /> -�,- _;�s.
<br /> w :�� That Trustor irrevocabty grants,transfers and assl�nz t�Tr�+3tee in trust,with powor of sale,the fpllawing deacribed ,'; � x
<br /> �=..-�f� ..:J,,, .. �_
<br /> ro -� �,-���`
<br /> P PertY'
<br /> � �The South One-Half (S�i) of Lot vno (11 D R D Subdivision, City of Grand ISla�id, ..�� r,.u�
<br /> _. � � " Hall County, Nebraska. , e'-�
<br /> � , � � °
<br /> ... ... .
<br /> ; ;.„., —_
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<br /> �:Zl�.•�:'- •,i�,' '£., _ _
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<br />_ " �' —
<br /> . :�
<br /> ' x
<br /> • �. . �r,:.:
<br /> -- � ::5. .'R- —
<br />- - ' .y�: together with all intarest whfch Truator now h�s or m�y h�reafter ac�uire(n and to said propertyr and in and to:(a)a.lE
<br /> easemente and riphts of way�p�urfenant thereto;(b)all:tanemenls,hareditaments,buildings,struatures,improvementa.
<br /> -- � �� ��. lixtures,equipment,turnishings and appunenances R�asn or hereatt�r placeci theroon;(c)all leasehold estate,ri9ht tide, `
<br /> - �� and intarest ot Yrustor in and to all leases or subleoses t'r�r•.r�+ot or any partfon th�reof now o r h e r e a t f e r e x i s l E r e�o r ent ered __.
<br />- ,� Into,andellright,titlo,andlnterestofTrustorthoreundar.iilcluding,withoutlimi�staan,allcashorsecurirydeposfW,advance —
<br /> a ,�? re�ntals,and dapostts or payments ot similar nmture,aRd(d)�il mineral,oll,gas�ights and protlts,water,water rights,and �
<br />�� watRr stock.7rustor agrees to executa a►td d011vor,frpru�tlme to tlme,such turther instrumentg as may be reque�ted by --
<br /> � � ��. Benoflcfary in form end substance satisfACtbry to E1vRqticiary to confirm the Ilon of thi9 Dead of irust on any oi me
<br /> � ' ���� aforemontianed property.The property so convoyed to Trustee hereunder is hero'c��,Ker reterred to as"su�h prope►ry".
<br />- " �.,`.:-
<br /> The Trustorabsolutely ond irrevocably�r�r�ts,tranAfors nnd assigr�stca B�►neficiarythe rents,ic�come,i5sues,and protits
<br /> - of all property cover�ed by this Deod of Tr�,�2 _
<br /> . • - - fOR T�HE PURPOSE OF SECUEIING: �.�','`'�'..
<br /> �,;c`.
<br /> ' • � 1. Payment oi the prinCip81 sum of One hundred Forty-£ive thausand and no/100 ----- �
<br /> =s��. . .. �=
<br /> ' --(5145 OOQ 00) Dollazs �- ---°----°
<br /> S ' � evidencedbythocertafnpromissorynotedatcdofovvndateherewith(hereinafterreterredtoasthe"PromissoryNote")
<br /> - .° " •� ' � 8x@CUt@d by Thomas J�Hi>> and J�aacet S. Hill. husband 311a `••i fP �''`�
<br /> ••:��.�f,..�:. JuIY 27 1995 :.h ..
<br />= _ ,_,.•�;,. , _. ,_ in said amouM and payable to tho ordor oi B�ncHciary rti�turiflg on c --.
<br />: . .. .,� � togother with Interest thereon,late chargos,artd propay�nent boreuses accordi��to the terms of the Promfssory Note
<br /> _ '- �y and all renewal5,extensions,and modification�thoreof.
<br /> , '� 2. Portormance,dischar�e ot and compliance with evory obligation,covenant ar.ef�greement oiTrustor in�orporated by
<br /> •• . : �-' refarence or contained her�in or in gny other securih�agreement or deed of trust et any tfmo givon tm secure any
<br /> � indebtedness horeby secured,or eny�art th�r�of.
<br /> ; � �
<br /> , �• t. 3. Payment of all iQes and cl�argos of Bene2iaiary or Trustee,whothor or not set torth herefn.
<br /> — s�i. .r.•. ,
<br /> �...J:.,:.r.. -�.
<br /> .. TI'fl.E:That it is Dawiully sefzed and po�ss��ssed of a good and indo".^asiblo t�tle and ostato to nll ot such property in tae
<br /> � } •r simple iree trom any prior lien o�encum�+r<.;�ce,has good right and iawtul authorfty to convey eMe same,and will farever
<br /> �.� warrant and detend the titie thereto agalnst the claims and demands of all persons whosoevar,that It wili,at its expanse, i
<br /> — � maint7in and preserve tho lien of thfs Deed of Trust as a tirst and parnmount lien�epon such property. ;
<br /> • �
<br /> ';o MAINTENANCH:To keep auah property In good conditlon and repalr;to compfete or restore pcomptly and in good and i
<br /> - �•� • workmanlike mannor any buflding which mAy be constructed,damaged or destroyed thereon and to pAy,when due,all I
<br /> • . • � �r� clalmsforlaborperformedandmaterialsfui��sishedtheretoreandforanyalterationstNereoi;tocomplywiththeprovisions
<br /> ��
<br /> of ell insuranCe policies covering said premisea to comply with all laws,ordinances,regulatione,covenanb,conditions
<br /> ' . �' and restrictfons eftecting such property;not to removo.demolish or m�terielly altor any bufltling,or the character or use ,
<br /> .�____._.__...i__u.����.���...1.1�!...e.,�.e..�..n.�n nurmif fhn Arillinn inr nt nfttr�ntinn n}�ll aa�nr othor hvdroaarbon �
<br /> -- ----.. ':���–� � O�QIO�)IQlttt/]tttttOattmw�ynvaavu.n.v. vn.........v....�........._.�_.......o._. _. _.._---"-' - --. . ' . '- .-
<br /> subsfances,wat�erorany mineralof anykind unlessthe written con�entof Boneticlary Is had and obtafned;notto commitor
<br /> . _ p�rmE*.��Y�e3lelR�r�!=r en;ecr�!�en s�!�h�rQ�ert;►In vinlation of Inw;to c�o all�thqr a�tA In�t�mqty and�rope�manner
<br /> � � which irom the character or s�se of auch property may be reasonably necessery to protect and preserve safd security,the
<br /> � �;,„'. specffic enumerations herefn not excluding the general.
<br /> �°: � CONST6iUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS:To complete In gaod and workmanlike manner any bulldinp or improvement or
<br /> � repafr roleti�g thereto which may bo bepun on such property or contemplated by the loan securod hereby,to pay when due
<br /> all costs end livbllities Incurred therefore.and not ta permita�y mechanic's(fen agafnstsuch propert}r.Trustorulso agrees,
<br /> anylhing In this Deed of Trust to the contrary notwlthstanding;(a)to promptiy commence work and to carrsplete the
<br /> proposed impruvements promptty,(b)to complete same in accordance with Plans end speciticatlons as approvsd by
<br /> � � Beneficlary,(c�t4 comply wfih all of theterms of any buflding toan ag�eement between Trustor and Beneficiory,the terms of
<br /> "� whlch are Incorporated herel�by reterence to the same extc+nt as if fully set torth herein end made a paR of this Deed of
<br /> - � � Truet,(d)to allow Beneflciary to fnspect such proaerty at all times during constructlon,end(e►to replace eny work or '
<br /> m�terials unsatislaGtory to B�nafi�lary,withln 1Hteen(15)deys aftor writtan notico from BenetiCt�ry�i such tact, which
<br /> �� � �otice mey he glven to Trustor by registered or certified mail,sent to hi�last known address,or by pers�nal service of tho `
<br /> -,� i same. ,.
<br />