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<br /> _=� D�ED OP ItiIS
<br /> >::..,� � ��
<br /> THIS DBED OF Tkzi��T is niade thie 28th day of FebruarX, 19!75, �
<br /> •a• we�uw�,tu L....L.....i a `Q
<br />'-�.'�_" by and aaaong LARAY L�Qo CARMANN and I�A�c�:Ia I,. G��,�...., ..,.p........ �n... �`
<br />_==.�� wife, her�aa� reierred to as "Trustor°', whoee mail�.ng ad.dreee ig
<br /> 516 South CTay Street, Grand Ieland, Nebraska 68803; HARRY 3A,MIFP]',,
<br /> �-� GRII�II�INGBR, Jlt., A�tosney-at-Law, hereinafter referred to ae
<br /> :r-.ti,"' "Tst�stee", whoQe mailing addrees is 204 South Locuof:, G�and ��---
<br /> ,:,;,y Island, Nebarska 68801; and HAYtRY SAMUEL GRTI�lMINGBR, JR. dnd
<br />�� PATICIA KAY �RTMMINGER, hueband and wife, aa joint tenante w:Lth
<br />' "°'� rir,:tt af �•a.d�i_�:sreh3=; �3@rai nAftAT refer�eci to ae "eeneficfauy",
<br /> .� whose mailbm�7 address ia 204 �outh Locust, Grand Ieland, Neh��ok.a
<br /> :�� 68801.
<br />.-�;;,,'*� �'or va�u�b].e c��aeideration, Trustor i�revoaably grants,
<br />--�;,y� txa��fers, co�nveys and assicjans to Truetee, in truet, wi.th pc�vr�r
<br />_:�� o¢ �ale, fos �ha �aeaaefit a�nd aecuri�y o� B�z�eficiary, undes raxnd
<br />�„°°_-� sub��ct to the �exms and condition� of this Deed of Trust, th+�
<br /> �:'�,;r� Trustar's in�erest isn the following-described property locatec� in __
<br />'=��� Hsll County, E3ebrasDza, to-wit: - T--
<br />'',<� -
<br />_. :� The Easterly Eight (8) Feet of Lat Nine (9) ;;_��
<br /> _�: � and all of I,ot Ten (10) , in B1oak Fifty (50� ___
<br /> ,�,°-:e in Wasmer's Third �ddita.on to tihe City of �":-�-----
<br /> -.�-�. Grand Island, Ha].1 Countyo Nebraska, ae����
<br /> H�±`="_,.__.
<br /> ^�.:,.�.
<br />:�-__� together wi�h all buildings, improvements, fixtures and appurte� C�.:•r;,_
<br /> 1� nances.Iocated thereon or. in any way pertai.ning thexe�o, anci the '� _
<br /> re�nits, ieeues, profita, reversione atad the remaindere thereoF, ,,._
<br /> _�„�. including all euch person�l property that is attached to the im-� ,;,,,-•
<br /> -'��'s provements so as to constitute a fixture, a11 of which, including f .�. ��,
<br /> �� re lacementr� and additions thexeto, are hereb dQClared to be a
<br /> »;-� p Y
<br /> ===� past of the real estate conveyed in trus� hereby, it beinq aqreed '` ,
<br />_����:�'� th�� al1 of �he f�ragoinq shall ba heroinafter referred to ae tho
<br />-���;� "Prvperty��. . . ,
<br /> :-�;_�
<br />,,,�,;;�r �
<br />:a�;.� i.
<br /> �� (a) the payment of indebtecinoas evidenced by �� ,
<br />---� Tsustor's note of even date herowith in thES prin- ,
<br />°==:� cipal sum of SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAI�ID .AND NO/100 �; '
<br />_�,,w;� BOLLb�RS ($65,000.00) , �mgether with interest at
<br /> -= the rate provided ther�in, ar tk�e principal and '�. � �
<br />_�� interest on any future advance nat to exceed the � . . .
<br />- -- ......_, s� a.,,� ;r�t,�7 t., aae�n rad herebv ae �
<br /> .,..:....<.. �
<br /> , 4VYO� r�......�.r..� ....... _..------.. ------- � .__
<br />._.;� evidenced by promi.esory notee atating they are f
<br /> -:-=;,,; secured hereby, and aay ancli a7.1 ranowaio,
<br /> -� m�odifi.cations and extension�e of such notae, both �
<br /> "� '
<br />=.�''� principal and interest on the notee being payable ;
<br /> -`=�� in accardance with the tarms se•� forza znerc�,.u, �
<br /> -"��r which by thie referance a.s hereby made a part
<br />.-r.�_;
<br /> ;;LPt; hereof; �
<br /> ..,. .
<br /> ��r:-�
<br /> `'� (b� �ha perf ormanc� of eac:h agseement and
<br /> �=�{?-_ eovenant oE Trustor herein cont�ined; and
<br /> =°��ba
<br /> _-,:�. ,
<br /> • 1
<br />