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<br /> _�"° applicable law may specify fur reinstntement)before sale of the Property pursuant to an� pbt+TCr of snlc conuiined in diis ' :-�
<br />-�`-J�. �:'''�� SGCUrity Inswmenr or (b)entry of u jud�;ment enforcing this Securiry Instnimcnt. Those conditions t►re that Borrowcr. (n) '
<br /> ---=--'=T � pays Lender ull sums whiah then would bc duc under this Sccurity Instrument anJ tilc Notc uy i`uu uccelcrition i�ad
<br /> �e.:�==„�.:;� occurred;(b)cures any defnult of any other covenunts or ugrcements;(c)pays ull expenses incurred in enfarcin�this Security �;`'
<br />_�'�`'-'"'"` �"� Instrument, including, but not limited to,reasonable atrorneys'fees;and(d) takes such action as Lender may re:►sonably
<br />:.�::�.aita�;, '
<br />— require to assure that thc lien of this Security Insuumcnt,Lender's righ�s in the Property und Borrowcr'S obligation to p�►y IhC 'i,
<br /> --�.� sums secured by tl�is Security Instrument shaU continue unchan�ed. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, this Security
<br /> ' Inswment and the obligadons secured hereby sh�ll remnin fully effective as if no accelemtion hud ac:curced. However,this ,_~.,
<br />-J"''.'���� ' right to reinstatc shull not apply in the casc af acccleratian undec pa��graph 17. �'�:
<br /> ��`�,�•�;4 19. Sale oP Note; Change of I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Notc(togcthcr with this Sccurity '�i
<br /> Y'i�;:�"'ai�;;� Inswment)may be sold one or marc times without prior notice to Borrower. A snle mny result iu a changc in the entiry --
<br /> �,,
<br /> "'-.'-f�:�' � (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Hote and this Security lnstrument. There nlso ._�
<br /> °�^-s*'{' � ;,, may t�one or more changr,s of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note. If there is a chan�e uf the I..oan Servicer, �•-
<br />`-"''``' '' ° Bortower�vill be n�en wntten nouce of the chan e in accordance�vith ara ra h 14 above and a IicAble law. The notice ---
<br /> :s.;',,:.:;_„��. • g' g P S P PP �.�a
<br /> `�"��t�� � will stnte the name and address of the ncw Loan Scrvicer and ihe address to which payments should Ue made. Thc notice wiU
<br /> '.._�wo_.-'�7S': . —
<br /> �,-=--"'-' nlso contain any other informadon required by applicable law.
<br /> -�_��:�°. Z0. ��AZ6YtI827S�illYStiiItCGS. Borrower shsll teot cnuse or pernut the pmsence,ase,di5pnsal,�tarage, or rctease of any � _
<br /> -��_�,'�t��r Hazardous Substunces on or in the Yroperty. Boaower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythin� affecting the
<br /> wev8��•.
<br /> .ti•r�r•.�«s � Praperty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The pmceding two sentences shall not app y t�t e presence,usc,or �
<br /> •r.+,s„, stomge on the Proper[y of snnall quantitics of Hazardous Substances[hat are�enernlly recognized to be approp�iate ta normal _.,.,_
<br /> _`:-�;';;(:��',1��3��:,•.- residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />�• '""'`'`""�`.'` Borrower shnll promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,luwseit or other acaon by uny __
<br />;�:,..Y,�,�p" �• , govenunental or regulatory agency or private party involving the f'roperty and any Hauudous Substance or Environmental -
<br /> •�3 Law of which Borrower has actual knawledge. If Borrow�r learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br />;- ,���;:'� authoriry,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessaey,IIorrower
<br />_;�}7, �' shall promptly tal:c�ll ntxessary remedial actions in accordance�vith Environmrntal Law. �--
<br /> ✓.:_. . ._. As used in thi�parugraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"a��e those substances defined ns toxic or hazardous substanccs by
<br /> ,..�;,;•'r'- Environmental Luw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flnmmable or toxic petroleum praducts,toxic
<br /> . � ';� � ' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvent,, materials contninin� asbestos or forrnaldehyde, and rndiaactivo materi�ls. As
<br />,��-��. .:;, used in thls paragraph 2U,"tnv�ronmentai i.aw` mcuns ieaeral laws and iaw�ut'ii�n ju,i�dii:iior�wycre.ttc i'��Y:.rt'�is.c:.w:;,� -
<br />'`'' '-'-" that relnte to healtii.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> �•�'�" �' NO1V-UNIFORM COVEIVANTS. Borrower nnd Lender further covenant and agree ns follows:
<br /> . 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.cn�er slxall glve noUce to Barrower pi�ior to acceleratlon following Borrower•s
<br /> ,,;;,�,;,;.:�. � breach of a�rty coveuant or agreement tn th(s 5ecurity Ingtrument(but not prior to occeleraUon und�r paragraph 17
<br />-��.,,.,.�,��;;•� unless applieatrse law provides otherwise). The notice shnll specify: (a)the defnutt;(b)the nchon requfred to cure the _
<br />_�3�•, default;(c)n date,aot less than 30 d�ays from Ihe date the notice is given to Dorrower,by which the default must be
<br /> '-`e''� .`,�' cured;and(d)thut[ailure to cure the default on or befom the date apectiied in the natice may result fn accelerat�on of —.
<br /> �"��ti�-'��- the sums secured by Rhis SecurSty Instrumene und snle of thc Property. The notfce shall further inform�orrower of �
<br />'��'�•��'��'�� ' ttee rl ht to re[nstate after acceleradon and the ri�ht to bring u caurt actfon to essert the non-extstence o£a de�?auZt or --
<br />---� �LL ��``"+ � any other defense oP Borrower to ucceleration and sale. If the default LS no!cured on or before ihe d4te spedtIed in
<br />-_"=,':�',�M ? the notice,Lender et fts option may require im►nediate payment in f�rfl of all sums secured by thic Securtty Instrum�nt
<br /> -'°'!`�'�"'� '� w[thout furthcr demand und may (nvoke the power of suAe iind uny other remedies permlited by applicable law
<br /> -_-"=���+ Lender shaU be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing thc remedtes provided [n this parpgraph 21,
<br />.;�_;,;��:x;����- Ipcluding,but not I(n�ited to,rcasoneble attorneys'fees end costs of t�Ue evidence. ----
<br /> ...:.=r��s�•. I[the power of sale is[nvoked,'ilrustee shall record a notfee of default in each county in which ony part of the _
<br /> _=�`�'-,�T�• Property is IocAted and shall mail coples of such notice in U►e matmer prescr[bed by appiicable law to IInrrowcr and to ----
<br /> .Y,�
<br /> ��+r��• the other pe�sons prescribc�d by npplictibte law. A[ter the ttme re�uired by nppliwble Iaw,lFusiee sltall give publlc
<br /> =-`%=�-• _ t�odce of salc to thc persons and in thc m�nner prescribed by applicuble law 'llrustce,wit6nut�lcmand on P�orrower, ----
<br /> �"�'��•� ; shull sell the Froperty nt publlc nuction to the lilghest bldder at the tlme and place and under 4he tertns des3�aQed in --_
<br /> ���' the rrottce o�sale in one or morn arcels und in nn order 1lrustee determines. 'It�ustce may postpone sule of sill or eny __
<br />:::.il,:,,;. p y -
<br /> T°:,���-� �narcel of the Property by public unn�uucemeut ult tlie time and place of n►iy previausly sclicvlulrsl s:le. E.tnder or It� �4
<br /> �� :z: .., o.�
<br />'=•!= 'a"`� - dcsignce m�y purchase the Pro{►�rty ut any sale. -�--°
<br /> ;•'. �: . ., �,
<br /> .:;ti•-: �.,� Upon rescipt of payment of the prire bid,1�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trusice's deed conWCying the �_.:
<br /> T:::.>;n�;�:;;,:;:���. F'roperty The recitals in the Tt•ustee's de�d shnll be primn fucte evidence af the truth of the statements made theretn. ���
<br /> °=-�'S���-�:��.��� 'Ilrustee shall npply the proceeds of the snte in the following order: (a)to ull costs and expenses of exerctsing the power �
<br /> _ �3Fh',i�.—,u. ;i��:
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