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<br /> "�'�;��� S�'ECFP..+�, WARR�lYJ'PX DEED
<br /> '�� 2HZg z1JUEIJTURE, made thia �Z day of February, 1995 .._
<br /> -- �—`-� between INE�YARD, INC. , a WieGOnsin corporation, hereinafter __
<br /> "'-"�j� refer�rad to a� Grantor, and TP�Ct� BELL CvRP., a Ca1ifornia
<br /> ����:" r,orparati.on, hexeinafter referred to ae Grantee. _
<br />:�.���:
<br /> :':�ti;A' � The Grantor; f.or and in coneideratian of the eum of one
<br />:. ,_+�., �.:.
<br /> :�� y dollar (S1•00) and other va].uable coneideration to iL �aid
<br />- _--- ---__ by Grantee, the receipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged, hae
<br />-__=�-_=�- given, granted, bargained, eold, remised, released, aliened,
<br /> -��� conveyed and confirmed, and by thesz preeents doea give,
<br />'�y�"'� grant, bargain, sell, Yemi.se, rclease, aliean, convey and �_____
<br />'�i�:�����
<br />_:�=��x��- conf irm unto C3rantee, the Eollowing deacribed rea estate
<br /> (the "Property") , situated in the County of Hall, State of
<br />--`�'-��.r-� . Nebraska, more parLicularly c�eacribed as followe:
<br /> �.�ti�v.��";�
<br /> - =°tilk=..-f1 Lot Three t3) , Menard 3ubdivision, in the City of
<br /> 7{}FI'A,�LRJ`iR��`
<br /> ,;?'�',;;� t Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />�"�1�•'• � --
<br />==��'�•'-'��� Together with all and singular the hersditaments and °
<br />:��;�•, ';
<br />_ `;�., 'y appurtenancee thereunto belon�ing ar in any way _
<br /> _�. ���...�° appertaining.
<br /> �:±'�'�;�°:.. '
<br />�°"'�"'"�b� • To have and to hold the Property a[� above described
<br /> '�J!.�{'(.
<br /> •� ���: with the hereditaments and appurtenancea, unto Grantee and
<br /> - -r`
<br /> '����' '• to its succesaors and assigns £orQVer.
<br /> - .;. .:..�r. - E
<br /> .;,�,.. ,�Y.�.
<br />_r, < This conveyance is make subject tv building and zoning
<br /> ����.' lawa, county and municipal ordinances, etate and federal
<br />��'��� regulations, eaeements, cUVenante and restrictione of
<br /> ="'�";��� record, and the £ollowing covenant which C3rantor ehal l
<br /> J"�;:e��,a,
<br /> .�,,;�.,�;. reeerve for ite use �nd the use Qf its successors or
<br /> ,�`�°u� � aesigns, as an appurtenances to the Prnperty:
<br />-.:_;:,•=�
<br /> 'R_T�l -� Approval and Site Development: In order to inaure �-
<br /> ;�r.,;.�;. ��
<br /> -'�`�''�°�=�` that the area consisting of Grantor'a adj acent
<br /> °��.` property and the Prvperty is developed and .,_.._
<br /> =-=---- maintained ae a coh�sive development, that the
<br />�::��.�_�T'.,��.' development of the Prop�rty does not have a __
<br /> rnaterial adverse impact upon the vieibility of the
<br /> �''�"�Y� G�az�tor'� property and that the parking, acceee —
<br />='-n=� and circulation areas can accammodate an oxderly ;
<br />