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i .;� I� <br /> ��` , - <br /> �� � ., <br /> ��. ._ .:, - -�'.�w1Y1r.. . <br /> - - .,_...- - .-.-"r«..:,�..... ............ . � . ,_. .. . . . .. � : .- ._... ._.__:,.��v ., ` <br /> I, <br /> c�vcrunr�TC ; ���, �'���:�s� � , . <br /> 7.Paym�nU. Borro�vo► nproae to mako otl payinants on tho aocured dobt whon duci.Unless Borrowor and Londor aprce otherwiso, ony f �_' <br /> - paymonis lend0�recelves from �o�rowor or tor Borrowe�'s bonefit wlll be appliud (Irst to uny�mounte Borrowor owoe on tho socurod dobt , : <br /> axciuelve ol Interost or princtpal,socond to interoet,and thon rp princlpal.If partial prepeyment ot the secursd dobt occure tor nny roeson,It will _ <br /> not reduc 8 a excuse eny scheduted payment until the secured debt fa paid in luil. <br /> 2.Cidms Aprtntt Titw.Borrower will p�y all texe�,nssoaements,and other charpes ettributeble to tho roperty when due and will defend titlo � _ <br /> dofons s�w i�he8oiirowor may�hHVO apa n t pet ioaDwho eupply/abor oa motoriels to mep oe o oa mrointurn�hBrpfOpflt[yA68IQf1 9flv flQllt6,clalma or I - <br /> 3.In�une�a. Borrowor will keop the property inaured under terma accepteble to Lender at Borrqwer's expena9 and for I.endor'o benefit. All I <br /> insurance policies shall include a etandard mortgepe cieuse in fevor�f lender,Lende�v�iil be named ee losa payee ar oa the Insurod on any such _ <br /> Insuranca policy.Any insurence procoeda mey be applied,wlthin Lendor'e discretian,to either the restorati�n or rr�palr of the dnmeged praperty i <br /> or to the secured dobt.If Lender roquiroa mortpege insurance,Borrowar agroen to meintein such Insurance for ae tonp as Londer roqulres. ; <br /> � - 4.Prop�rty,Borrower wiil keep tho proporty In flood condiUon and makq oll repaire roasonably necosaery. � 1 �, <br /> . I <br /> + 6.Expxisa,Borrower agrees to pay ell Lender's exponses, including roa5onable attornoys'feos,it Borrower broake any covonants in thie deed � , <br /> of l�uat os In any obllpAtion secured by this deod of trust.Borrowor w�ll pay thoso amount9 to Londor ns provided in Covenant 9 of this deed ot t � <br /> � t�ust. . <br /> 6.Rria S�curity Int�nsU.Unleae Borrower tirst obteino Londe►'s writtnn consont, 6orrower will not mako or pormit eny changee to Any prlor . <br />` securiry i rnereste. Borrov+er will porform n1i ot Borrower's oblipotiona undar any prior mortpaflo, dood o} trust or other security apreoment, <br /> including 13orrower's covenants to mnko paymente whan duo, <br /> � �' 7.As�!prsrnx�t of R�nt�a�d Profit�.Borrower assipns to Londer the runts and profits ot tho proporty.Unlose Barrowor end Londer have agreod - <br /> otharwisa In writing,Borrowor mey collect end retefn the rants as lonp as Borrower 18 rwt in dofault. If Borrowar deteulta, Lendo►, Lender's r �.��= . <br />' ' apent,or a court appointed recoiver may take possesalon end menape the property and colloct the rents. Any rante Lender colleats shell be ,,, :r,S!r6',.�'.': <br /> � applled flret to the casts of manepin the property, includinp court coste and attorneys'feea, commisslons to rental a0onto, and eny other ,y. . ;,_5:�,.,__. <br /> necesaory rela2ed expenses.Tha rnmaQninp amount of ronts wilf than apply to p�ymant�on tho socured d�ht os providod in Covenant 1. . � °•• �r�r <br /> .:;T1:.,`vJ-= '�. <br />�� • B.L�a�hddr, Condominiums;Pl�nn�d Unit D�v�lopm�nt�.Borrower n reea to comply with the provislons of eny lonae i}this deed of trust is on � t. .� ,•, v � <br /> a Inosol�ld.lf thls deed of truet is on a unit in a condomirtium or a pQenned unit developmflnt,Borrowor w01 portorm ail ot Borrowor's dutfea .�:�•. —�, <br /> ' uMertho avonents,by-lewe,or reflulationa ot tho condominium or pinnned unit dovelopmant. ,'!},;;,+rF:ir�.:•- <br /> ��a� r <br /> � 9.Authority of l�nde to P�rform tor Borrow�r. Ii Borrower fails to pertarm any of Borrower's dutios under this dsed of uust, Lender rney =.__ - _ ___ <br /> perform t�o dutiea ar cause them to be performod. Londor may sipn Borrowor's name or pay any amount if necessery for porformanco. If any �.;�>�-I - <br /> ' consVuctian on the property(s discontinuod or not curriod on in a rnasonebin manner,Londer mey do whatevor la nocaseary to protect Lender's ,' , -�_._--_ <br /> Eecuriry interast In the property.Thfs may includa complotinp the construction. �3 <br /> .5ic.�e'.,•�,v <br />' i�!�;Ww�.;- <br /> Lander'e�eiluro to perfarm wlll not precludo Lender frorn ex�rcising any of Ito ather riphts undar the law or this doed oi trust. "" <br /> Any emoa.ima paid by Lender to protect Lender's security intarost will be securod by thia daed of truat.Such smounts will be due on demend �•:`�°�'"� — <br /> and wd dear Interast from the dato of the payment until paid in full at the Irrterest rete in eHOOt on the secured debt. � _�� � <br /> t.��-.. <br /> 70. DUwit�nd AccN�r�Uon. I( Borro�ver fails to make any payment when dua or breake any covenants under this deed of truat or eny �� ' <br /> • obifgatbn secured by thie deed of trust or cny prior mortgage or deod of trust, Lende► meY eccelerate the meturity of the secured debt end ! 1'. • '°' <br /> � dameno�rnmediaie paymani ano may invoica ina power oi eaio and nny uiimr ioniouiod No:�nuaou Gy cpNliofiD�o Idiri. „''„u:".w��� <br /> .. <br /> •t�+ <br /> 1 L H�qu��t for Notic�of D�feuit.It fs horeby requeatod that copies of the notices of doleult and eate Go sent to vach porson who Is e pmty '� <br /> hereto,at ihe address of oach such person, ns set forth he�oin. '�' , <br /> 12. Pows�of SY�. If tho Londer invokae the powar of sale,tho Trustee shell firet record In the oftice of the repluter of deeds of each caunty .R� <br /> • . wharein t t�e trust property or some pnrt or parcol thoreof is situatod a notice of default conta(nlng the Informatlon required by law.7he Trustee .�, <br /> shall also mail copios of the notice of dofault to the 8orrower, to oach person who is a party hereto, end ta other persons as prescribe�b by <br /> appticebta lew. No4 luse than one month eftor the Trustoo rncords the notico of dafault or two months if the trust property la not fn any <br /> Incorporelad city or vilinge and Ia used in farming operations carried on by tho trustor,the irustee shail pive public notice of eale to the parsana ` � <br /> ' � nM in iha mennar proscribed by appplicable law. Trustee,without demend on Borrower, sha11 sell the property et publiti auatlon to the hfphEet �'r <br /> " bidder,I� �equired by the Ferm Hnmestoad Protection Act,Trustoe shali offer the property in two separate salea es requirad 6y tpplia�kle law. <br /> Trustee rnep poatpone sato ot atl or any parcel 01 the proporty by publto ennauncement et tha time and placo of ony pre�loasiy acheduted saie. ��"k'� � <br /> , , Lender or in deeiynee may purchase thn pruporty at any sale. <br /> Upon recaipt of payment oi the prica bid,Trustee shali deflvar to the purchasor Truateo's deed conveylne the prape►ty.The recitiali contiirad in ��..;���,t::µ., <br /> Trustee'e daed shell be prlma iecFa ovidienco of Yho truth of the statemonte contafned thareln.Trustee ehall apply the procaads of the aale in the � <i:Z � <br /> folluwNy ader: le) to all exponses of tho salo, Includlnfl, but not Ilmited to, reaeonable 7ruatee's taes, roasom6ln ettorney'e feea end ,� 11,: � <br /> ' reNstatement taeo; (bl to nll suma socured by thia doed of trust, nnd(c)the bainneo, if any,to the pereona logally entlUed to eocofvs it. ' "—r.•,t� <br /> ,.:�'.�. <br /> 7 3. Fa�e�o�u��.At Londar's optiun,thia dood of trust mny be toroclosad In tho manner provido by applicable law for forocioeure of oiortfla8ea *�"°"�"`" <br />�. onfe8lpfOplfty, ��.wy?R• v��l <br /> .�. <br /> 14. Imp�edore.Londor may ontor tho proparty to fnspnat it if Londor givoa Borrowor notico boforohand.Tho notico must etete the tee9onable ` '�:� ��.�F-_--� <br /> � causelor Lender'a inspoctian. ��`�_-='°=' <br /> ''_�,�:�:__� <br /> ' ����`:�i�r.aa-�- <br /> 15, Cond�mnstlon. Borrowor assf�ns to Londor the procoods of any nwerd or claim for damu{�os connuctad with�condomnation or other takinp �,;'�;,-�_--_= <br /> ' of all a Q ny pnrt o4 thu property.buch proc�ods wfll bo npplied as providad in Covonnnt 1.Thls nssigmmunt Is subJoct to thn torme of any prior . ~ <br /> � sacuriry a greoment. '��_ <br /> a�.�-=- <br /> - 18. WYv�r,By oxorcisfng ony romody avai7ablo to Londor, Londor doos not givo up any riphts to Intor uso any othor romody.By not oxbrcising ' '�`��,r�• . <br /> uny�emedyupon Borrowor's dofault,Lordor doos not waivo uny right to Iotor conaider the avent a dofa,.lt it It heppena npain. � . it+�:• <br /> �� � .na::�. <br /> _ , :;;�,,�_ <br /> , 77. Jdnt �nd S�v�r�l LI�Wlity� Coaipn�n; Succ�wors snd Asalp�s Bou�d. AII dutios under thia dood of truat aro Jofnt and severel. Any <br /> Borrower who co-slgna this deed of trust but dooa not co-sign the underlyIn0 dvbt instrumont(sl daos so only to grant ond convey that ' `.��''' . <br /> Barrvwer's Ntorest in tho property to tho Truetoo undor th�torms of this dood af trust.In edditlan, such a Borrower ngreos that the Lender and ' �� <br /> a�y olher Borrowe► undor this deed of truct ma oxtond,modify or make nny other chanpea In the torme of this dood of truat or the securod 1:..•. <br />'� debt without that Borrower's cansent end without roleasing that Borrower from tho tarms of thta deed of trust. • <br /> Tho du�es end benotits of this doud ot trust shall bind and bonotit the succossors nnd osstgns of Londor nnd Borrowor. j <br /> � <br /> 7 8.Natk�.Unleas othorw(sa roquirod by law,any notico to Borrowor sholl bo pivon by d¢Iivering it or by mnfting it by cettifiod mall addrassed to <br /> Borrower at tho property eddress or nny othor addreso that Dorrowor hns gfvon to Landnr.Bonowor w�ll pivo any notico to Londur by certifiod � <br /> �! mail to LaMer's eddrese on paflo 1 of this deod of trust,or to ony other addroso which Lendor ha3 dosipnutod.Any othor notico to londor sh�ll <br /> ~-t fua sont ta lender's address es steted on paflo 1 of this deod of trust. , • <br /> Any noGca 5hn11 bo doomod to hnvo boun givon to Borrowor or Londar whun flivnn in tho mannar stoted abovo. ; <br /> I 79. Tmste of th�Prop�rty or�Bm�flciM Inter�st lo ih�Borrower. If ull or ony part of the proparty or nny tnterest in it fs sold or tran�torred i <br /> without Londor'e prlor writtun consont, Landar may domand immedfrfto paymont of tAa securod du�c. Londur moy otso demond immodfeta � <br /> _ pay�nent sf the Oorrowor le not n naturel peroon und a boneficioi inta►est in the BorroHar in eold ur tren�forrod. Howevor, Londor mny not <br /> demcnd R ayment In tM ubavo ettuationa if ft Is prohibitnd by fod�rei low oa of the dato of this dead ot trust. . • <br /> �' 20. Ruonvry�na. Whon tho obiipetlon cocurod by thfa daed ot trust hos boon peid,onG Londar ha3 no furthor oblipation to mnko advencos _ _ .. <br />..f= - --'`�------.---- v��dGr i�m ��iramonio vr ag�aamanie oo�vrad'uy ime cioad vi irasi, t�o iruntQV annip upon wrinon ruquasi bY tna �onOOr, roconvoy ina T►u5i - <br /> � 1 ptoptirry. TAa �endor shal)tlelivar to tho Borrowor,or to Uorrower's sucCnosar fn interest,thu trust dood end tho noto or other ovidonco of tho <br /> ) obligetion pa satiefied,Borrower shall pav ony rocordetion coete. <br /> �' � 21. Suecs�tur Truste�. Londar, ot Londnr's option, may romovo Trustoo und oppofnt o succo�ssor tnir.too by firat, moilinp a copy of tho <br /> � � subStlMlonof trustoe ns raquirud by opplicablo law,und thon,by filinp tho suEstftutian of irustoo for rocord fn tha offico of tho ropistor of doods <br /> of each counry In whlch tha trust proporty, or somo pn►t thnroof,fs cftuotod.7ho succosaor truatoa,without canvoynnco of tho pruporty,sholl <br />- {__ i succeed to ell the powor,dutfos,nuthontv nnd tiNa nf tha Tnmtn�nmm��l In tho doQd of trust ond ot Uny succouanr�n�arnn <br /> _- -•-� <br /> i ,, � <br /> . �� <br />"' <br /> i <br /> � � - - lpege 2 0/�l <br /> I BAtIKtl1161r 9T(M;i.INC..ST CLOVO.MN 60�01 I1�E00•]97•13�11 iORM OCP�MT6 NE 0110�01 <br /> I <br /> � <br />!I I <br /> ;� � <br /> i; , <br />