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<br /> T�x'ii'��QILl2 1"1�TI1 ulE iitr.iiupn�vr.ments nn�v or Itcrcafter crccted on the prop�rty.�uid a��r�.�n�ic��T':�{��enanccs, aiid �
<br /> lixcures �x�tiv on c�rcaftr.r ci pan o!' dic property. rll rcpinccrncnts and ua�itioii3 shall aly�� bc covcrcd hy thi, Sccurity ;�„�,
<br /> I11titIUISY':ct�, AU a�U�c fur�g�!inF is rcfcn•cd to in tl�is Sccurity Instrumcnt us thc "Prupcn�+." �u
<br /> �tDEtllOWF:K CQV4i�MANTS that &�rrnwcr is lawfully sciticd of thc escatc I�crcby convcycJ aiid has�lic right tc�gr.mt and =
<br /> rm���ey tFic Prupc`ty :�nil �teit thc I'roperty is uncncumbcred. .xccpt fur cncuml�rancch uf rcrnrd. [�urcu�vcr ���arrants and will �-
<br /> def,���xl gc;ncrally thc ti11u t�a ihc Property aguinst all cl:iims and dcmands.suUjcct w any �n�umbranc�,+1f r�cord. ,�,
<br /> TMIS SfiCtlltfr9'l�1STRUM[:NT comb�ncs uniform covcnants 6�r natiai,d usc and non-unifurm cuvcnat�tti�vith limitcd
<br /> vut.ia.tivas by jure;,cliiitiun U�ct�nslitutc u uniform xcurity instruatent i:ovcring real property. �'
<br /> UNIfQRht C.QVF.,MANTS.fiarrawcr and I.cndcr covcnant and agme ati follows: �_,
<br /> 1. Paymc��t oE' I�t�i+��:ipr�! nnd :�z!erest; i'i•epnymr.nt arod Late Char�es. Borcowcr tihall prottiptly pay when duc thc �,.
<br /> princip�l of and intcrs:�t a�t die debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and lu[e charges due under the Note. r
<br /> 2. Htindy fi�r'f u:ces and Insuruncr. Subject ta upplicable law or ta a wr+uen wuiver by Lender. Hurro�ver sh�ll pay t�
<br /> Lcnder cm Ihc d�iy mmitNly paymcnts arc due undcr thc Notc,until thc Hotc is paid in full,a sum("Funds"1 for:(a)ycarly ta.xes
<br /> a�r�assessmcnts�vhi�h nu�y auuin prioriry ovcr this Security Instrument as a lien on the Properly;(b)ycarly Ieasehold payments
<br /> or ground mnts on tl�cr Pr�*peny,if any;(c)��early ha•rard or pruperty insurance premiums;(dl yearly fluoei insutance prenuums,
<br /> if any: (e)yeady mntr,�rn�e insurancc preiniums, if any: and(� any sums payzble by Borro�ver to l.ender, in accordance wiih
<br /> tFn�prcivisions of paraara�;h 8. in licu of the payment of nwng:t�;e insurance premiwns. These itcros are called "Eycro�H Items."
<br /> l,ezd�r may, at :�n;r tinm, mllcct .uid hol�! Fus�ds in an:unount not to exceed the maximum amount a Iender for a federally
<br /> reS�.tGI mortUage luan may re�{uire fur Borrou•cr's escrow account under die federal Real Estate Settlen�ent Procedures hct�f
<br /> 1974 us amcndcd fiaam ti�ete ta timc. 12 U.S.C. Section 260t et seq. ('IgESPA"),unless another law that applies to tlte Fmids
<br /> sets u lesser amount. If s��. Lencier may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an asnount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> l.rnder may estimati: thc amnunt of Funds due on thc basis of current data and reasart:�.ble estirnascs of expenditures of future -
<br />" F.�iiii'vi ii�n�::.i:.:�:L:n:E:c i::sccoe�±•�r.cc with applicable lativ.
<br /> Thc FunAn sbull lr: ttcld in an institutio+i v�hose deposits are insured by a federal agcncy, instmmentality, or cntity
<br /> (including Lendar,if L�eitder is sucli an itistih►tion)or in any Cederal Home Loan Dank. L�ender shall apply the Funds to pay che
<br /> Escrow Items.L�ndtir m.�y no[charge Borrnwer for holding and applying the Funds,annually unalyzing the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> verifying thc Fsera�t�Itcr.is,unlcss Lcnder pays Ronowcr inicrest on the Fun�s and applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br />- a char�;e.Hu�vever. L�eader may rcyuirc Borrower to pay a one-timc chargc for an independent real estate tax rcpav.ting service
<br />- � ti �A,,.�,... ��� �n�itirrlimt wi�h this loan, unless applicablc law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is m3de or.
<br /> u$�.0 ..� .�....«. -
<br /> a�plicable law i:.quirea interest w be paid, Lender shall not be required co pay Boaower any mterest or eare�ings uu ii�c ru���i. .
<br /> Bottowcr and Lendcsr may agrcc in writins, liowever, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to[ior�wer,
<br /> �vitl�aut chnrge, an annual acc�u�:ting of the Funds, sho�vin� credits and debits to ttie�unds and the purpose for which cach �.
<br /> debit to the Fundf�wus made. 'I'he�Funds ace pledged as add:Fional security for all su���s s;,a.�red by this Securiry Instrument.
<br />- If the FLndt�hr.ld by l.ender excecd the amounts permitted to be held by applica8la law. Lender shall aocaunt to Borro�ti•er
<br />- for the excess Funds in accordanGC with the requirements of applicable law. If the amaunt of the Fe�ds held by[.ender at rny
<br />- time is not stdtiaiunt ta pay the Escrow Items when due,Le�der may so natify Bonower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br />= shall pay n� Lcndcr thc amount nccessary to makc up tite daficiency. Borrowe.r shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br />� twelve mnnthly naymcnts,at L.endcr's sule diserction.
<br />- Upon paynn�:t. in full of all sums sccured by this Security Iiistrur.n,nt. Lc:nder shall promptly refund to Sorrower any
<br /> Funds hcld by Lcrder.If,under paragraph 7.1, Lcndcr shall acquire or sv'1 the Propercy.l..cc�e��.�rior to the acquisition or c�.P!:
<br />- of thc Propeny, sh:►!1 apply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale�s a cre�3:i againsS the sunu secored�}
<br />° this Security Instrumcnt. __
<br />= 3.AppRcutfm�of Payme.�ts.Unless applicable la�v provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender ura'�u�ar�graphs
<br />- 1 and 2 shall bu upplied: first, to uny prepnyr:�cnt charges due undcr the Note:second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />= third,to interest duc:founh, to principal dae: and last.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> = 4,Cltarges;Liens. Borrowcr tiliall pay all taxes,a��.cssments, charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Property
<br />� which may attuin priority over this Security Instrumcnt, a�d leaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Boaowet shall pay
<br /> thcse oblibutinny in Nic manner pmvided in par.tgraph 2.or dt not paid in that manner, Borro�vcr shall pay them en time directly
<br />� a�thc p��on uwc�! puymcnt. Bc�rrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lt:ndcr all noticcs of amounts[o bc paid un�er t�is para�raph.
<br /> � [f F3orrower mn{:es thesc paymcnts directly.Borrower shall prompdy tur*�>ish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> � E3urrowcr shull prompdy di.cl»rgc any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower. (a)a�rces�n
<br />-= .��iting to tNc p.�ymcnt of the obligatiun sccurcd hy thc li�n in a mnnncr acccptable to I.ender;(b)contcsts in�ood faith thc licn
<br />,� l�y, or defendsc a�;�inst enfunement of the lien in, Iegal proccedings whir,h in tlie l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />� cnforcemcnt of tlie licn: or(c)�ccures from thc hntdcr of the lie:�an agrcemeut satisfactory to Ln:ndcr subordinating the lien to
<br /> .; this Sccuriry In>,tre�ment. If l.ender deterniines that any pan of tl�e Property is subject to a lien wliich may auain priority over
<br /> this Sceurity Instrumcnt. Lendcr may givc Borro�v�r a notice idcntifying thc licn.Borrowcr shall satisFy thc iicn or takc onc or
<br />� morc of thc actions sct ti�rth ab�ivc�vithin 10 days of thc giving of noticc:. :
<br /> Fccm 302ti 9130
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