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<br />— . � (With Po�ver ot 8ale) .., �,':�.«n-
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<br />-- 7'HI8 DEED OF TRUST,made thi� Z� �4Y ot Febru�ry --�le 95 �� ,,,,�;,.fi,." =–
<br /> ---' yM�.�n Kenneth W. Fladseth � Janice M Fladseth� husband & wife as ioint Cenants , G •yr�,f�;ws.:�-
<br /> ! ��.,s; ;..,; � � . . .,�y_ 'i►�:���;i%rr
<br /> �•�,,s•..�� r:� s, whoee�►silln�addraeeb 04 B. llth Grand Island NE b8801 \� 4
<br /> . �� �� saxtn,uaon, Nations Title InsurancP Compsny - �� � �'°'--- --
<br /> , ���:..�.-=-__
<br /> , • ,���, W}������ G800 Co11eRe IIlvd Ste. 700 Ovcrinnd Park KS 66211 , ,� •a.� ------
<br /> `'�,#�, as iQruatee,nad Norwe�t Financltl Nebnske,Ina,whae mnilinQ addrea�ie 2319 N. Webb Rd. '.���:��'°°-
<br /> ' ''�pq� ..C:_•�;:"__�—
<br /> „r P.a. Sox 1373 Grand Island, NE 6n802 .aeBea�EetuY� }�ilz,;��
<br /> '!� V9�`d7JE88IsTH,Twtan Eemby irrevocably,grant bugain,eell,anA o�nvey to Ztu�t�e in tm+6��Po��of�ls,the follo�riny de�cxibd
<br /> �!�' '�-
<br /> , � p��y� Hsll Conaty,Ne6reeka: 'r
<br /> ' �, 6
<br /> .
<br /> .__. ". ...t� ._..
<br /> •
<br /> ... ... . .�:. .- --
<br /> „�,, LoC 6, Block 39, Russell Wheelers Subdivieion to �he City of Grand Islund,
<br /> ,; Hall. County. Nebraska.
<br /> .,� � 'lbgether with tanemontr,hersdit�meat�,and appurteaauco�therewaW belonuing or ia saywtoe ePAa:taininN s+^S th�rontf�iwus�wd
<br /> �,;�3���:�,, y�.• profita th�reof.
<br /> ��, " 'Yhl�coavoy�n00!u lntended for the purpoee of securing the pnyment W Henefldary of'l�uawrs'proailn�ry note oP even dite ia th�amouat ,.r,
<br /> �� � oi a 6 6 81.1� (Tbtai of paymenta).9aid 7hta1 of Paymonta Is ropayable acr,oidtng to the tarme of eaid note. Peyment may b�mid�in • �
<br /> h
<br /> � .r�"+u,..;.
<br /> adv�►noe 1a any amount wt�ayr time. Default im m�k3s►g eny payrnaat ehell,ac the Reaeflc[ary��opdon and w{thoSt notica or demand.r�ader ,. ,� . ,
<br /> �� the entire unpdd balaaoe of said loan at onoe due and poyable,lea�any requin.�d eu�babe oPcharge�. " ` -- -
<br /> • ,. 7b pmtect the security attbi�Deed oF4lvet,Zlruator cavanente sad e�gceea: •''..;,..v.-:, �r;
<br /> �gc
<br /> � Yt-'::,:, y;.'�=
<br /> •. . . 1. '!b koeP tde AropertY in good condition nnd repair;to perm{t no wask tharnof;W complete aqy building,ctauctus+o or impmvament l►sin� ,... .�,:,�,,� �>��.'�
<br /> • • ��-� byilq nr nbouL Eo be built thereon;to iestore pmmptly any building,etzuctune or improvement thozeon which may be dan�od or deslmyed; -� �•;�i.3�•'�
<br /> �, :^,..rt,;•..,i� �,
<br /> . . . „<.. . : and to comp�y wlth all law�,oidinances,regulnSions,covonente,condiHonn ond restrfctions nitecting¢he proVe�Y
<br /> 2. 'Ib Defore deliaquent aU lawflil tase�and es�ewmenta u a EHe property;to keoP the propesty flree aad cle�r otall othee charge�, '��" t� ���`�r
<br /> ,,.' . ,•.,;�t � pp . ;p:.I;,,
<br /> , Heni or encumbnncer imp�iring the eecurtty otthie Deed of'I1RUt. .�' ,�ti
<br /> w �F;.
<br /> 9. 'ib keep all buildinga now or 3sunaRer esected on the property deecrihad herein conNnuously inaured agitnati 1aa by Sm or other haurcL _� ;�•
<br /> ',� in an nmouat not leee thua che total debt eecured by this Deed oY'1YueR All polfdee ehall be held by ths BeaeAciary,aad be in�uch compaaia
<br /> '. ,,.,,,-;r; ei the Benefidary mqy approve nnd hsve loe� sble 6rpt to the netict aa,ra iut�emt mqq nppesr and then W the 7tvetor. The amount . :��:'.` ,
<br /> .., "�' , eollected uader any in�urance poHay mqy bo sPaliad � - AT�.. �ie`cuced fn�uch or�le�ea tho BenoIIc:ary shnll daiarmina = n- �r,.
<br /> • • .� ;'. 9uch npplication by the Beneficlnty ehnll not cauno�l��q�G� `p�8�'to foreclau this Deed of'ltwt or cure or�v�ive aqy �. Y�.:
<br /> . _ �. " defnult or nodoe of dofault or invalid�t�any act done py�uaqf,t4�u�lt�.c3n't3iefr�nt of forecloeure,all righb of the Zlrustor in insuraaoe •v�, �
<br /> 's,r::;;';'. polidee then in[orce nhall pass W We purchaser at'the forectoain�.....
<br /> - • 4. Zb obtain the wr[tten coneont ot Boneflciary before eelling,coaveying or otGerw[se cransferring the proparty or aqy part thereo[and aqy
<br /> `-� such e�le,conveyance or transfcr without the Bonefic[ery�e written croanoat nLall coantitute a dofault under tha wrme hereoP. `. .
<br /> , ' 6. 'Ib dofend eny acNon or proceediag purportlag to affect tha eccurity horeof or the rfghta or powere of'Seneffdary or 74ustao. �"�.;���. �
<br /> � �, � 8. Should'1lrustor fa5l w pay whan due any taxee,aaeensmonte,{nnurnaco promiume,llene,encumbrancee or othor chargee agatnst the � , • �
<br /> M �• property horeinabove deecribed,Be9e&dary mey pay tho enmo,and the amount eo paid,with intereet at t6e rate eoi toeth In the noW eaciu+ad , , ,
<br /> " hoxoby,ehnll be addal to and become e part of the debt eecured ia thie Deed of 7}uat ae permitted by lnw i • "'
<br /> ' • IT I9 MLJR'[JALLYA(3REED TI'.fAT. '�'`,�.���
<br /> ^ t�� 1. In ehe event a�y portioa of tho property te taken or dnmegcd in on euiinont domnin procacdiug,tha entiro amount otthe nwud or sucl� � • , .
<br /> � ' porttoa 4hereof ea may bo aeceesary W ttilly oatiafy the obligntioa aecured horeGy,ehall bo Faid W IIonoficlary w 6o npplied to eaid obligatloa. �
<br /> - .'� '. 2. ByexeP�BP�ontoY P PN� •• , ,
<br /> r��;,,.: nny xum necured heraby aECer ita due date,Honofidnry doeo not wnivo Ita r[Bitt to requim prom L ent when I
<br /> - . ' .' �•:� � due of nll other sume eo sauml or to dectara defeult for feilure to eo pay. ,
<br /> 9. The 7Yunteo ebeU rnonvey e31 or aay part of Lhe pmporty covored by th?a Deed of'I1�uet to tho poraon onNtled therato,on writtsn rcquesL ;:ti�
<br /> - -�--,- -�.�-�•�---�.�._n�.aj.._.M ��u.e.u.,....c�l.�a.t:�u.».�........i....1..,..tH....W.�..ut fno wrnnvsvanrn made bv the B�lllf{CiaTV
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