<br /> �� ��
<br /> ' ,. �;-- • � _
<br /> , ,��+.`.,��. , ...Q
<br /> ,
<br /> . „
<br /> � ... . . �� . .c '�s:.�s �..�u. J4-1V t i. ����y���y . , r.
<br /> . . '�'��i } . .. '�� )J'� �.cT�•����.��
<br /> ' Y � ^ •♦- �IIWY�Y1�cf�wur�MU,w.a�nn��r�����.� •.�..�:YlM.1�..._ ' .. _.._ ... .__...._... • __ _
<br /> . ti.���i.��3� ........._.r...........�.�5 .. .. ..._.... ....... ._., :Y . ._ . . .
<br /> �.ySl� . ...y, . .. .
<br /> [�;���. 1�►i�d�9 ..
<br /> � • 7. (Jon�mn�tlon. In theovent the Rap�rty,or any p�rt thereot,RA�II br ukcn by eminent dom�ln.tNe Mort{��ea ;
<br /> � i�empaaeeeC to cuitect andrealrs tll comperwticwY.whlch m�y be p�ld!or�ny pTOperty t��cen or tor dam�to prop�rrty
<br /> �s�.?,..;_: � nat tsk�n,wd Mortps.a ri�ail e�piy wch compcns�da�,�t iu apUon,either to�reducUon ot tM lndebtedn�w oReun@ ,
<br /> h�nby or to hpdY�nd restore tRe nrep�eey eo�ms��ed. ' "�"
<br /> 1!, rq�[orm�ae�by�lat�.Mortp�m�y� 6ue A►�li lu�an no oblipdon,to do�ny eee wfilch the Mort�ar �:,µ,.,:
<br /> � " hK�ewd but tdls to do,�nd Mort�nuy�+a do�ny Rr.t It de�rir��ry to protece the tlen her�ol. Hortp�ar
<br /> _ . �{ntr to np�y�upon d�mmd,�ny sunu�exptndtd by tha Moct�yee tar thn�tave purpo�eo.and ae�q eum�w cxpanded
<br /> , �,;:,�+ !�y tho Mortpre��hdl M addM to Ahe ind�btednya wcund h�nby�nd be�:�une Rub}�ct to th�ilen h�teof. t,{ortp�ee �
<br /> �. • slull no!tncur any pe►wn�S Ii�bitity becawe ot uiythin�it mey do a oml6 to da herounrl�r.
<br /> . � �. �Nf�utt;A�nrtNn!ot R�nts. Tlnu Is ot th��aen�Aereet,�nd upon Mart�ar'�detault ln�ny covenuit . ,. ..
<br /> or�rsemenE ot thf�Alort�{e.includtns carenanu to p�y when due the�urrw Kcund by thN ldaxtp�,th�'lilarip�ee aha11 : •••: :
<br /> t�e entltled,�t IU wle optlon�nd without nctice,to decl�ro vl�urtu accund by thb Mortpse to be ImmrA�tety due�nd •� `-�"r.�'�` -
<br /> . P�Yabt�and m�y cummence foreclauro o!this Hortp�+ bY Ju P Pt r.�� � . ,r .
<br /> dld�l cote�dln u1d�p[odd�d Nuthei�tlult upoa luch ��`•'`<<t;."��il�'ep
<br /> cl�fanit the Mort�see.Or��lOfIT1i�ppdnted by a couit,nuy�t Its opNun�nd Mthout r�ped ta tM�d�quacY otth� :_°+�'S!'"„�"`:_
<br /> . �curity��ntst upon�nd bte po�e�tlon ox th�Property aad col{ect tha nnt��twut�t aad pro!!ts thtretlroa�anA�DP�Y�� •�t-`-�—_---
<br /> .� tint to th�eat ot coil�ctlon and op+ntlon o!th� Ropety�nd thRn upon che In�eAt�dnw�eeuredby tha LtortWeae� __'_�`:—'-`-
<br />__ . �Id r�nts.l�ua�nd paofits Mln{�i�ed tu thr Iriortp�ee a Nrther ueu:ity [or the p�ym�nt ot th�lndebt�dn� ����_�._�.
<br /> sr_`+—
<br />-_ .. e�cured henby. �r"Y<�s= _
<br /> � f0. 71r�utrr ot hop�rty. It di or uty put at the Property ls�old or tra�u[emd wUhont the exprea artttten eom• ;���''`
<br /> �,,,.y --
<br />&► _ � R,ent of the Mosi��ee,Mort�ee may�t iW wle optfo».decltre dl sutns.secured by this Mortp�e tu be i�rmedi�tely dua -��'-�•----_--_
<br /> �nd nav�Wr. ,�;�:..�
<br /> � 11. Fuptn Adr�nces. Upon request of MortQ��or. Mort�s�ee n�y make tdditfo�al u�t� ttiiure ade�nca to �'��"`-
<br /> �� ' Mort=yor.Such adv�nce�,vrfth lntercct thereon,�htll 6e�ecurod by thb Mort�e when e�ideaad by prcmiaaY�nuta �;.��.�K,
<br /> �.;,� �cudn�th�t c�td noteo tre�ecured hetrby. At no time �hall the principel unount of the tadebkdnece secu�;ed bY thL �!�-'?`=-
<br /> W Ji^r-.•
<br /> r� MoK�e.aot inctudlnR tums adranad to prcdect the�ecudry of thb A9ort��e�eYCeed tGe oii�I�wl?dote. �,r;,;Yt,��
<br /> . 12. Mf�eellanwua harWoru. --
<br /> � ' -
<br /> ' (�l Anv torebeuance In exercisint rny dtht or remedy ahal!nnt be�wdver thereof. �;���
<br /> _'__ '.y .-_ ' ' '
<br /> � (bj Atl remedt�s pmvided henrin aM distinct and cumul�tive to any other ri�ht attorded by Uw►orequfty,
<br /> and may be exerclsed concurrently,Independently o:succesdeely.
<br /> .. �c) 'It�e coveaanta md �geementa contained hereln shall bind, wd We d�hta Inure to.the trspectia�r
<br /> ^ ,, succescon�nd witns of the Mort�or and the Mort.p�ee.
<br /> ' � (dp .411 covenanta and�ereements of the Mort;a�ur are jolnt and eevenl.
<br /> �. y
<br /> � (e) 'I1�e hndings of the puap�phs of thts Mort{aee ur�for con�entence only and�hill not be used to Intes-
<br /> ' prne ur delae iue ptuvisiouo arnot.
<br /> .-�• -o
<br /> 1S. Rdease. Upon payraent ot all wms secund by thts Mortg�ge,Mort�gee sddl dlschvge this Mo:tyage md `
<br /> � ih�l!execute and delfver o aUsfacWry ielease therefor. �P�
<br />, � � -�
<br />' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Mortg�gor ha9 execuRed Mortga�e on the til�y ot Februatv �19�. ,.f,�F��:;=;
<br /> ,�ti.+,�r.
<br /> � +:,:�r� .
<br /> ,� '� '�'�':° .,
<br /> „ � .1��, �;� ,.
<br /> •� ' obert rei er . eo.ro��r• k " : ,�„-.-.�:
<br /> � , — '' . � '
<br /> " � ,,•:.,,�t;-•�
<br /> �:
<br /> , ,,;,�';,�.
<br /> „ r rraine Krc er Bonower �::y:�"
<br /> . " . 3tata uf Nebra�ta, FI �....County a: • , .
<br /> � On tht� 27 th dty of F-hr�y ,19 95_be[om me,2�e undenigned,a Notary Publtc ,� „
<br /> , ,
<br /> di►�y commlutoned and qwlified for s�id county,penont2ly enme Rebert L. Kreider�,�T�_an�l T nsra�,�Kreider� �.
<br /> � husband and vife . to nne knoen to 6e thc .
<br /> � „ Idmt{cil pe�son(s) whaae tume(s)are suDsrriDed to the fongoing faettument tnd ecknowledged the execatfon theceof
<br /> ... ' �q� t_h_eir voluntuy act and deed.
<br /> . ' . :�ftnew my eand and notarid aeal tt G nd Is].an�,, Nebrnska (n sttd counry,the I
<br /> d�ie atores�id. �
<br /> ", il�y Comm3aaion explres: �M��MMIIMIq ,,� �
<br /> . 0� � I
<br /> � rrouri wruc �
<br /> �yf.�` � ��4M�+�R+� /�_ �
<br /> - ._�'.-_ � ��1 a�� tSDaee H�IoM'[TV l.fne RaeivM Foc l.ender wd Reeorde:l � ...� \ � " - � .
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