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. . . . .�-i=_. <br /> � ' .. • �._ <br /> .. 'y �• . • ' . ' <br /> � . - ' � •� � , .. �a�s�,. <br /> .�-.... �v�:.. �a.�-.. . .. . , ....11�b,. , . <br /> . * ��4:Z..�,.S�rN 'WfY-.-. �. �. .. ., ��;} - . . <br /> - (rl:�4�. ., .� .. �.1-. - . . ' . <br />,_.-!M•-•;�"a1_..f.- ; . . ._ - -Y: ' . <br /> . � ' .. . . �:V. <br /> �� „ i <br /> , � <br /> - �i - \ . . .....�. . . .. ... ..... . _.. ..._..... -... ._.�. " <br /> ... . �� <br /> - . .. . .,� <br /> j;: <br /> ., � �� ; <br /> ��_� .. : ���- loio�� _ <br /> � .__ <br /> �}�,�� � . I = <br /> �S�N� _ <br /> . � � � <br /> ���'� WHERF,sAS, Oxa-Ic�� Foode, Inc., a Delawdre corpo�ation ("Ose- <br /> :=,;�,:;::�-•�• Ida") ie the ownPx o� r�cord of a Qertain traat of real eatate ;; <br /> � heroinaf�ca�r rP�t�xr.c:�l. tca ao "Tract 1" eituated in th� East Half of <br /> � � �he �ast aa.iF of i:li�: Southweet Quarter (F�S�SW�t) of Saction Four • <br /> (g) , Tow�tz�Iii�� E.L�+v�rn (],�.) Narth, Rango NinA (9� Wcot of. the 6th , <br /> P.M., Ha].1 County, N�b�aska and iclentiffed ae Tract 1 on the eur- , <br /> " � vey atta�h�d h�xc:t� as �xhibit "A"; and � � <br /> ...,.. - <br /> � WHEf.�ti?„AS, Do�x��G�r� �. Pote.rsen and '�amara K. Peteraen, husband � ����';�:;� <br /> �,��. aa��. <br /> __-� . and wife ("P�t�xaenr�") are the owners of th� reaord of a certain ..��_•��=-=' <br /> - t�act of. rea� er�t�t� Y�,.reinafter raferred to ae "Tract 2" aleo "'.::z��=-=- -- <br /> situated in th� Sr�r�t I�,�lf of i�he Eaet Ha].f of the sauthwe$t Qu�r- „ ,�' ��``��-- - <br /> � � ter (E�F:�SW�t) o� Se�ct:�on Four (4) , Townghip Elev�n (11) North, 3a"-°` <br /> � Range (�1) Wr�r�t �.t the 6tla P.M., Hall County, Nebraeka and . . -���_�,, <br /> - _ __ _ __ located dirsrt]Ly ad.j.�.rent to tho eac�t of Tract 1 and identified •��. —��� <br /> . � ao Trac� 2 on th�: suxvoy attached hereto as Bxhibit "�"; and -`�`�-�-_�------•-_- <br /> �d_,�� <br /> - „ �����=�.�� <br /> WH.�R�3, Pet�2x�aene are also the ownere of record of th� real .�,k:�;;_-- <br /> ";� eatatc loautc.d dir.��tly �djace�t to the east and to the� Bouth of �-...- <br /> Traat 2 and a.l.�o sa�:uated in the Southwest Quarter (SW�C) of �"'��'�"`�`-= <br /> , Ssction Foux (4�) , T'�wnship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West ��'�`���Y <br /> of tho Cth P.�M., H�1.1 County, N�braaka; and - <br /> . -,► <br /> WH.�RP�S, conc;►axrently with the �xecu�ion of �hie gra�mt of <br /> � � easemen�l:, Pe�H�c:�enr� and OYe-Ida intend t4 execute an agre�aent <br /> wherain PQtc�ssens �aill s�11 Tract 2 to ore-Ida rese.rvinq an ease- <br /> � ment fo� ingser�a an.d eg�ess over the southerly foYty (40) feet oE <br /> Tract 2 fos aa��r�r� to Petersens' real es�a�e situated directly <br /> adjacen�:. to thc� enst and to the south of Tract Z; and ���4.� <br /> � • - WT3�'s�AS, ag �i material part of the coneideration to induce �:,;�.�� <br /> Petersen�a to s�ll. Traat 2 to Ore-Zda, Ore-Ida hae agreed to grant ��'Z <br /> L-o Peter.�ena an e�nsement for ingreos and egreso o�er tho aouth- ��' ��-- ` <br /> � tt� r <br /> erly foz-t:y (�hQ�� fcset of Tz�act 1 for access to the Pctersene' real � ��;�'��� -'•"-�n- <br /> estate loaatKd di�:ectly adj�.cent to the east and to the �outh of `��=������- <br /> .�,,. . Tract 2. ��,, '��� - <br /> ,-. � ♦/' }�, <br /> NOW, T�t�RI3rt31tG, for good and valuable considexation the re- � i�•:::. <br /> � ceipt anr.3 ad�qu�c:y of which ia hereby acknowledged, Ore-Ida I : ����'' ' <br /> �� hereby c��ant n and conveys unto Petersens and to PeterBenB' heire, I �..�� <br />- - ;�� BIIGC@6BOP9� a9aa.r�ns, tenants, employees and licensees a permanent , <br /> � � non-exclurive eraa�ment for ingresa and egrese oves, throuqh and ' � - <br /> . , upon the aouthcts].y� forty (40) feet of Tract 1 for reasonable ac- � <br /> cese to Pet�s�►c�aa' real eatate situated in the S�uthwest Quarter � <br /> � (SW�) of Sec�nc+n �our (4) , Townehip Elev�n (11) North, Range Nine ' <br /> � (9) Woet o� ttt� �i:h P.M., Hall County, Nebreka and locat�d � <br /> d�.rectly m�d j aaans: to the ea�2 and to the south of Tract 2. This <br /> easemant, ars gx�rsted herein, ahall be a pexpetual easement, shall <br /> �� run wxth �t�� l�nci and ehall inure to and be 4�inding upon Ore-Ida <br />- � �nd Pete���ns araci their heire, succe9sors and assigns and a].1 <br /> par.tieR cla�� ownerehxp of mract l, Tract � and the real <br /> . ' 1 , <br /> i„ <br /> , - <br /> ---- . <br /> -T�:::.--__ � <br /> � � �, <br />� ' ' „ <br />..� � . <br />