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<br /> . a.yq.�y1/t�1!'�I�M�LirP�•.. �. . � .u.-t ..a..-'FiJ�.l.1...�Sy...t�::�lNC.-.. �+[fi8+.1111'R YAme"u�s��
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<br /> � ��`� �.��,�'3'72
<br /> . D�ED ��TI�U�'� iN1YH FUTUf�E �1�VAN�f�9 �,
<br /> .. TH�9�EED OF TRU9T. li m�da e�01 the.�:3C.1...dey ot. !��..�._ -- ,19�:i.by ond emortg [ • • "
<br /> I
<br />: .. the Truator, ❑k+nntti uxS.gVj,l.,,,�.,�i11'a4il'n 1 1 u��hla ^ hun nn!� �n��Y,L?L� � „
<br /> �,�� �i . c- I , - ,.
<br /> A`i?.0 S 91dth [?d Fo�d 31v�r �hereln"Tru�sr;�ti��ery6�r�flor mara), �
<br /> whoae mnftinp addreae is - - --- � , �• .-
<br /> . ' Five_ ni y!'pr;nratinn � �� '. ' "
<br /> ' the Tn�stae. � A�--�� " �--�a`� � �
<br /> ' "�- - whoee mellinq nddreaa Is�'�. �ox 1507 Grand Ir�J.and. N� E�l3A�Z (hsreln"Trwtso"►,�nd ;;. .
<br /> the Beneliclary, _ Five Pointa Bank � •
<br /> ,'
<br /> who�e md���np adareas Is 2015 N. Broodwell Grend Ielond NE. E8802-15fl7 (hareln"Lender'�. .,�.;,,,.;- -
<br /> . .. ,.,�,.y<,,r�_t
<br /> ennie L Nuxtable ,• �`;;�
<br /> FOH VALUA9LE CONSIOF_RATION,Including Lertder'e extenalon o}credit Identlflod herein t8 ' �•.•-����*• +:i:�;;•��:,
<br /> ,R:� :::�l:��:,uZ:::_
<br /> d Barbara J Huxtable '..``"'�°� N������_
<br /> (horeln"Borrawor",whether one or more)and the truat h4retn created, ,-.�:-,-..:�_-_:_
<br />. � the recelpt of whlch Is hereby acknowledped,Trustor hareby irrevocabty grante,tranefere, conveya and aaalpna to Truetee,IN ';�_;,;r-__'-
<br /> - TRUST.WITH POWGf�OP SALE,tor tha benoflt and securlry of Lender,under end nubJect to the terms and conditlona herein�ftor set �•�;;,---_
<br /> .:r�;. for�h,t�e rael proparty,des�r?►asd ae tollows: !i=�`._�"'-"__
<br /> �� � T�e 5outheaet 47uArter of the Nor'Lheart Ouarter (SEi/9NE1/47 and trte Northeast �:,a:�- -
<br /> Ouarter of the Sot�theaet Ouarter �tiGl/45F.1/4) of 5ection Tventy Six c261. in �i���
<br /> �� • Tovnehip Ter, c la� North. Ra�a� Elevcn f 11) Neat og the 6th P.M., Hall C�unty� � �-
<br /> Nebraska. ���`�"�'i°���
<br /> ' . Together wtth all buildinc�9,Improvemente,flxturea,streets,aileys,passageweys,easoments,rights,prlvtlepea end appuds- �•;��;_-
<br /> " nances located thercon or fn canywise pertalNng thereto,�nd the renta,Issues and protfts,reveralons and remsindeie thereot.and _--=_
<br /> � such personal property tha31�attachod to the Improvemonts so Ae to canatitute a tixiure,Includiny,but not Iimitod t�a,huatlnp �nd ..o„��.--
<br /> � � cooling equipmenk and togethor with the homeatead or maritel interests,It any,whlch Interests ere heraby releaaed and walved;all =w-�_
<br /> , • of whlch,including replacements and additione thereto,la hereby declared to be e part of tha real estata cccurcd by tho Ilan mt ihla � ,_
<br /> � . Deed of Trust and all af the(ore{�oiny being r�lerred to hereln ae tho"Property". �{��
<br /> ,, .. -
<br /> ::�'�.`_..._.__.--_ Thfs Deed of Trust ahall secure(a)tNe payment of tfi�principal sum end intorest evidenced by e pr4misaary note or c�edit ����:.
<br /> :;n,•-•-�----- '
<br /> ,...`�.
<br /> ��,��`�(,•• �greement dated Feb�uarv 23rd 19�)5 _ __,heving a mAturity date of February le . 199a ,
<br /> In the oripinal principal emount ot S 90,020.50 ,and any end all modlticotfons,extenrlona and �enewala
<br /> thereof or thereto end any and ali future advances and readvancos to Borrovrer(or any of them If inore then one)hereunder
<br /> . purouant to one or more prom6ssory notes or credlt apreements(herefn called"Noto");(b)the payment of other auma advenced by
<br /> � Lende�to protect the secuv3�y ot tho Noto;(c)the pertormance of all covenants and ugreemenffi of Trustor eet torth hereln;and(d)all
<br />; ' preeent and future indebtedness and oblfgations at Borrower(or eny of them if more than one)to Lertder whether direa�Indi�ect, ..
<br />�' � absolute or contingent and whethor erising by note,guaranty,overdreft or otherwlse.The Note,thle Deed af Truat and eny and all •�,;
<br /> other docuents that secure tho Note or otherwlse executed In connection therewlth,Including without Ilmitatton guarantees,eecurity � r�
<br />- . agreemonte and asaignments of leases and rnnts,shall be referred to hereln as the"Loen Documente". ��'�� •
<br /> Truator covenenta and agroos with Lender os follows: , '
<br /> , . - _ �. p��������E(��`!�7ltEC.AI!IIIdBhts►�inwaa aaroirs�ti hareby sh911 68 peld WhOA dU@. i..,__ + . �
<br /> 2. TNt�.Truetor 18 the ownar ot tho Property.has th�right and authority to convey tho Propnrty,and warranta that the Iten -"
<br /> crauted hereby fs p tirst and prlor Ifen on 9ho Proparty, except tor Iiens and encumbrances set torth by Truator in w�lUnp and �.' ' L ;';s�
<br /> ' ' delive�ed to L�ender betore Axecutlon of thl�Oeed of Trust,and the exacutlon and dellvery of thla Dot��of Trust does not viola4e eny -:�;;�, ,��;;.
<br /> • ' contract or other obligation to which Trustor le subJact '�"�;t�`,'{.'�;�s'!'"' `
<br />, '.t:,� 3. Tax�,A�NS�m�nte.To pey before dellnquenGy ell taxes,apeclal asaessments and all other chnrges agalnnt thv Properry ..
<br /> ' • now or hereafter levfad. •��:;:� ,
<br /> ;" 4. Insuranc�.To keep the Property Insured agelnst damago by ilre,hezards fncluded wlthin the term"extended coverAge",and 4„... �
<br /> ' . v such other haaards a3 Londer may require,in amounts and with companles acceptnble to Lendar,naming Lender as an additlonal �!�: • ,
<br /> nemed Insured,wlth loss payeble to tho Lender.In case of loss under such pollcles,the Lender Is euthorized to adJust,collect and s;.
<br /> - „ campromfse,all claima therounder and shall have the optlun ot apNlying all or part of the Insurence praceedo(I)to any Indebtedneas ��„ �
<br /> ;, ; secured hereby and In suct�o�der qs Lender may determino,(II)to tho Trustor to be usod tor the repair or restoratfon of tho Property
<br /> or(Ilq for any other purposa or object satistactory to Lender without attecting the Ilen o1 this Deed of Trust tor the full amount secured ,
<br />- , hereby before auch payment ever took place.Any applicatlon ot proceeds to Indebtodness shall not oxtend or postpone the due i
<br />- � date of eny payments under the Note,or cure any dofault thareunder or hereunder. ;
<br /> 5. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender.Truator ehell pay to Lendor,In auch manner ea Lender may daslgnate,suHiclent
<br />' sums to eneble Londer to pAy es they bacomo due one ur more of the following:(I)AII taxes,assoa�mants and othor charpee against � ,
<br />- the Property,(II)thA premluma on the property Inaurance requlrod hereunder,and(III)tho premluma on any mortgQge inaurance
<br /> ° roqulred by Lender.
<br />� ; 6. Matnttntnc�, R�paln�nd Compllanco wlth Law�.Trustur ahall keep the Property in good condltlon end repnlr; shall ;,',
<br /> � �� promptly repair,or replace any Improvoment which may be demaged or destroyed; shall not commit or permit any waste or ;
<br />- deterioratfon ot the Proporty;ehall not remove,demolleh or substenttally alter any of tho Improvements on the Proparty;shall not i
<br />"" commit suNar or parmit ony act to be done In or upon the Property In vlolation ot any law,ordinancv,or repulatlon;and ahall payand 4
<br />- . promptly disoherge et Trustor's coat and oxponse ell tlene,encumbrences and charges levled,Imposed or asyessed against tho ,
<br /> Properry or any part thereot.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Domaln.Landor lo horeby assignod ell compeneatlon,ewards,dAm¢goo and other payments or�elief(horolnnfter
<br /> "Proceeds")In connectlon wiih condemnation or other tpking oi tho Property or part thereof,or tor convoyance In lieu o1 condemna-
<br /> tton.Lender ahell be entitlod et Ita optlon to cammence,appoar tn nnd prosecuto In Its own name any actlon or proceedlnps,and
<br /> ` _ :_ shall also be�ntitleci to make any compromise ar settlemont fn connectlon with such taking or damege.In tho evont any portion ot
<br /> wl..�II� nM D�nwmle
<br /> – ._.�___._".._.._ .. _ . .. . .' . " "' _`__�...� �������t�� ��.. .
<br />° � the Property ia so taken or damagod,Landor anan nave me opnon,m im so�o anu aoavwio a��a��o.�..��....oMr•��•�••::••.• • .•,--•.--•
<br /> ' after deducting therefrom all costs und expenses Incurred by it In connectlon with such Procooda,upon pny Indebte�inept eecurod
<br /> horeby and In euch ord�r as Londar mny detormino,or to apply alI suah Prac�eds,aitsr auch deductlon�,to thc reator__�n o�tho
<br /> -� ' Property upon euch condltiona ae Lender may determfno.Any epplicc�tlon of Proceeds to Indebtedness ahnll not extend or postpone
<br /> the due dato ot any paymonts undflr the Note,or curo eny default thoreundor or horeunder.Any uneppllod tunds ehall ba pald to
<br />�r Truator.
<br />� '- —�-- 8.Rartormanc�oy L�nd�r.upon ino occurrenco ot en Evont ot Ueteult hereunder,or il ony act ia teken or legal procooding
<br /> aommenced which materlally u(tacta I.endt�r'e lnterost In the Property,Lender mey In Ita own dlscrotlon,but wlthout obllgatlon to do
<br /> al'�� so,nr+d without notice to or demand upon Truator ond without releasing Trustor lrom eny obllgatlon,do any act whlch Trustor has
<br />- aflread hut lalla to do and may aloo do eny othe�ect It d�ems necesanry to protect tho security horeof.Tru�tor ehall,Immedlately
<br /> = upon domand theretor by Lender,pay to Lvndor nIi costa and oxpenees Incurrod end sume expondod by Lendur In connection wfth
<br /> the exercfae by Lender of the forepolnfl righta,togathar wfth Intorval thoroon at tho detault rato providad fn the Noto,whlah ehull ba
<br />�= addr3d to the IndeDtodnoss seaurad horoby.Lender shell not Inuur any Ilablllty because ot unythinti it may do or omit to do
<br />� - hereundor.
<br /> � "
<br /> V 7
<br /> 't• . .
<br />'�� ..
<br />