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<br /> � `;r . ,
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<br />- , .. . � " ,,� ,. . .. ! . "T�
<br /> t�9 5- �.U�.O,� . . . Y.::
<br />_ � '[aGF.T'FtER WITH ��II ihc impr�vcmcnts now or hercnftcx cecctcd on thc protxrty,und o�l ca.�R►en�';°ppu nences, and � '" .
<br /> - Cutures nuw ur hereatter a part of the pmperty.All replacement9 nnd P�1�.!NFC.�shall nlso be cavered by�his Scx:uYity Insuvnzcn�
<br /> ' . .. . . All of the foregoing is rcfcrred to in this Sccurity InsaumenR a�thc"A•a;�:rty:' � `� '�'�`
<br /> ' BpRROWE�t COVENMJ'TS that Borrower is InwfuUy scised of the es�;to hercby conveyed and has the right to gcant nnd
<br /> :.�_,c:.:
<br />' canvey thc ProlxxtY and th�t the ProPer►y is unencumbered, axcept f�r cns:umbrnnces of record. Aorrower warranis and will , . ,,..'..;,,
<br /> �� defend genernlly the aQe to�he Pcoperty aga3nst all clauns and�r,mand9,suhy�.ct ta nnY encumbrances af record. •: �.��.'�.
<br /> ° THI� SECURITY INSTRUIu�NT combines uniform covcnnnt,v for ns�ional uso and non-uniform covenas►ts with limited , .,•,;� J
<br />_ I � tI',•�r't�.��
<br /> variations by jurisdiction to consdtutc a unifonn sccurity instrum.cnt�avering:�l prop�rtY. ,. 'a � M
<br /> _ I UNIFORM COVENANfS.Borrowcr and I.cndcr covcnant.3nd adr�:aa f'oUows: �r��``�x,
<br /> . 1.Paym!at o t P r i n c[p al and�nter�st;Pre pa yment and l.ate�har�{Rn. Borrower shaU prampdy pay when duc tha " :��.��;�:.
<br /> ; ,,s;.__,�. --
<br />- � primcipal of and interest on the debt evi�lenced by the Noto nnd any pre��ycnrmt and late chargesi due w�der the Not�. ;_�� _____
<br /> 2.FundA for Tuaces�end Insurance. Sub,j�xt to ttpplicablr, law ar tq a written waivec by Lender.Boaawer shall pay to ,_�;��;�����--__------
<br />_a ; Lender on the day monthly payments arc due under U�e Note.�ant}a the TIau is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly ta�ces ""-
<br /> -'• " .. and assessntents which may att�vn priority oler�his 3ectualy Tnstniror,nt.��a lien on the Properiy:(b)Yearly leas�hold paymonts �
<br /> �-'-� -_
<br /> i� ,� or ground rents on tt�e Property,if cu►):(c)Yearly ht�ard ax prop�:rty i�rssurc�nce premiums:(d)Yearly flood insuranee premiums,if ���"r
<br /> *.�;.'y:-
<br /> :� any;(e)yearly mortguge insurance premiums,if eny;and (� tiny suma,[�aayable by Botrowea to L.endes,in accnrdance wIth the - ___
<br /> provisions of paragraph 8,in Ileu oF thc paymcnt c,f�r:»tg,c��e insu�mce prcmiums.'Ihcse items are called"Escrow Items:' ___
<br /> " I.eader ma;,A► a�y dms,cailecc end hold Funds in an emaunt�z tn e�c�d the maximum amount a lender for a falera]ly relatAd p?=•-�"�— =v=
<br /> mortgege loan muy requirc fdr Borrowcr's escrow account nr.dr,r ths:fed�eral Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 av ���::r_-_
<br /> � ameuded faam time to time,l2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et s�q. ("F.ESPA"�,unless another law that eppli�s to the�1uids se�v e lesser �___
<br /> - � amoun� If so, L.endec may, at eny dme,collect and hold FLn�la i� an amount not to exceed the Iesser amounL Lender may _��
<br />- ° estimace the emaunt of Funds duc on the basis of cw�rem datn nnd xc�eAnablc estimute.9 of eapen�itures of future Escrow Itc�r�s or ___-- - _ _
<br /> othenvisc en eccordancc with applicable law. - -
<br /> - 71ie Fund� shall be hcld in an institution whose deposats n�e i�sured Uy a federal agency, instiuumentality.or entiry(including _
<br /> ' __ ;.,Gi,��.;f I,�3�:a sz�c�Wz instiss:��)Y.*s��r!Y Fc!Ir.r:�i I�nnza.Loaa Bnnk.Lender shall aDAly the Funds w pay thv Bscrow
<br />_. Items.Lender may not charge Bormwer far holdlnB and ad�plyii►g.fhe Funds.tjnnually analy�n8 tt=e escrow accaunt,or verifying -
<br />- ° d�e Escmw Itcros,unlcss Lcnder pays Bocrower interest on the Eu�ds and applicable law permits Lendet W malce such a ci�atge. �;`
<br />� • However, Lender may rcqusre Borrowcr to pay a onc•r:�:�;r.hn��e for an i�dcpendent rcal estete ttu reporting se�vice u.5ed by
<br /> - Lender in connecdon with this loan, unless appllcttble txar�:c�vidcs othenvise. Unless an ege�ement is made or applicable law .�,
<br />- roquire,y intaest to be paid,Lender shuU not by requlred tn pa;►Bom�wer any intcrest or eamings on the Funds. Borrowu snd ��;.
<br /> , � I.ender may a�ee in writing,howevcr.tht31 interest shalf�e paid on�he Funds.Lcnder shall give to Bonowcr.without charge,ao� `'r�;r'
<br /> ' unnual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debit�tm she Funds nnd the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was ,{.:'
<br /> mada The Funds ure pledged av additional securlty far a115uma secured by this Security YnsrrumenG ':•.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permiar,d e-a be held by applicable law,Le¢der shall account to Borrowu for �•f��-�=-:�
<br /> .�,.::, _
<br /> the exc:ess Funds in accordnnca with the requirements af a��plir.nble luw.If the amount of the Fands held by Lender at any time is . .
<br /> , not sufficlent to pay the Escrow Itcros whcn duc,Lcnder r�e��:so notify Bcrrower in writing,and,in sL:h case Bosrowea sh�!1 pay �=��'=.•
<br />_ � tfl Lender the amount necessary w m�ilce up the deficiancy, Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more Ihan twelve , .";� �'��
<br />- ' monthly payments,at Lender's sole discreuon. '_�-;
<br /> �� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by t.hi,Sea�uity Insmunent,Y.ca�der shall prompdy refund to Bocrower any Funds ,-�,�::;-
<br /> �=
<br />' � held by Lcnd�r.If, under paragraph 21,L.cnder shaA ar,quir�..,t+r scll the Property,Lcnder.prior to thc acquisidon or ssile of the ���,���¢�,��._
<br />�� Prop�rty, shall apply nny Funds held by I..endeJ at the timcs n£ncquisiuon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by Q;is ���.ra_:
<br /> ` " Security Insuumcn� <��
<br /> ��
<br />,s 3.Applle,�tion ot Payments. Unless applictible Inw pcc�a�des othenvise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs �F�.
<br /> :y 1 and 2 shall be upplied: Cust,co unY prePayment ch��s dur,under the Note:second,to amounts payable under para�aph 2; � i��;x*�v.:.
<br /> � third,to interest due;fourth,co principal due;tu►d Inst,m any lcuu charges due under the Note. . �
<br /> �r� 4.Charges;Liens. Borrower shall pay aU uuces,assavsments, chnrges,fines and impositions auributable to the Property �
<br /> - which mny auain priority over ihis Security Insnrumnnt,and lr.uschold payments or gmund rents,if any.Bonower shall pay these �
<br /> obligations in thc manner provided in pam.grnph 2,or if not��id in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy to thc ;
<br /> - person owed paymenG Bonowcr shall prompily furnash tn I_ender all nodces of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. If
<br /> :�jBoirower makes dicsc paymcnts dircctly,Borro�ver shaU prrn.2�iU.y fumesh to Lcndcr rcceipts evidcncing the payments. i
<br /> • Borrower shall prompUy diacharge nny lien which h.�prinrity over this Security Insuument unless Borrowcr: (e) agrces in
<br /> , ' writing to the payment of the obligntion secured by the li.en i�n a manner acceptable to L.ender:@)contests in good faith the lisn
<br /> •�r , by, or defcnds against enforccmcnt of dic licn in. Icga�l pmccxd'u►Bs which in the Lender's opinion opera�: to prcvcnt the
<br /> �= enfotcement of the lfen; or(c)secures from thc h�ldar of t1�e I�cn an agreement satistactory to Lender subordinuting the lien tn
<br /> -� „ this Securiry Insttument.If Lender determines thnt any�art o.f the Property is subject w a lien which may attain priority over this .
<br /> = Security Ins��nmcnt,Lcnder muy givo Boarower a notir.� identifying the Gen.Bonowcr shall satisfy the lien or take one or more
<br /> "-� of U�e acdons sct forth above within 10 days of the giving of r�nlice.
<br /> ,.'°. - Form 3�7�7yy�,0/� 0
<br /> '`�_-_-.�... __. � --".� n�.. �..�a Initltb: /X� .
<br /> •-. ___.:.�__..__ _.._� ___._. ('�D•OM(ItC�lv2irl �-y� .
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