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<br />- � (s,2Z�S00.00,.,,_) received [rud granteev, do ht�reby ara�i, bs�rq�efn, �ril, raonvey -- ---
<br />� ' and cQnfirw unto CdAD 1►11�LI,FR a:: grantee whe�thar o»e o� �c�re , t�e __,-,�. -
<br />-.' _ follnwin� described Re�l propert,y in HALiG Cnuaity, KehraskYS . -
<br /> " 19ta CUnter One Thi rd (�/3) c�f l,ot Thrce (3�, �1ocDc Ei�hty C?ne (S1), ,.
<br /> • QriQi�iai ?o�r�►, naw city oi urand is.iann, riall l:ounty, i7our.�«krr •
<br /> _ �;
<br /> � . :•r� To have ond to hold tlie ab�ve c9esc:�+ibea� p�e�ises to�ether with al1 �
<br /> ° tene�ents, hereaita�ents And appurtenances tteereto belonsin� unta ib,� grianie• .. - ' -
<br /> . , ,, an� tn grantee',, heirs and assigns farever. ��� ;"�
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<br /> heirs and asai�ns that g�antor is ]r�wtully ssised uf �aid pr�wises; th�t 1h�y
<br /> � are frc�e iroM �r�eti�6rences �
<br /> ', ; thAt g.sanEor ha�s goocl right and ]mwtul nuthority to canvsy the aaare; s� ti�t '
<br /> ',r.'�,� , grs.ntor warrants and wi.�l defend fhe fitae ta said pr�iai•sr�s a�aiaet the:��wl..vtl
<br /> ,� ' �' . � , c:laias of alf �er9ons whe►.nA•�ever. � ;r.'�� .,
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<br /> : �� . � dn this �p�h day of rib�u+��°y , 1A0.� before oae, the undersi:gned a 7Votary }
<br />- � i PubX ia, duty �o�issioncd anil qual if�e�! for lr� sain CQUO�y, perROnaL�y esure •
<br />_ „ � to a�e knarrn tc� be the id��ntical Nesson or p�esse.�as whoso nar�c is ar naKOS are .
<br />_ � , � � affixed to the fnengoing instrumer�4 and aeknnwled�ed the execu4i�n thcrnof ta b� i
<br /> his, her or their v�luntary act and dead.
<br /> • � N�itn�ss uy hand a►�d Natarial Scal the day and yenr last Abave Wv�Atten.
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