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<br /> ---- - 17.'1'ru�ister oP tl�c{'�o�riy �r n [le�Teficls�l intcrctit lu Ilnrrn�ccr.Ii all��r nny p:in��f�lic 1'rupcny ur iany i�ucrcrt iu it f
<br /> -- is said or transferrcd f��r if a hcn�ficial intcrctii in Uorro�ti�cr is,old nr trantifcrred unJ linrrowur i�ni�t a n�nurul pcn�nU�vithuut I
<br />_=�q=��,� I.,cndcr', prior writtcn �u��ticnt. l.cndcr may, at its uptiun. rcc�uirc imnmdiatc �aymcnt in t'ull uf �dl tiumti ticcur�d hy this �
<br /> SCCUPIty IlitiliUl11Ct11. How�vcr, thir uplinn�I�all nut hc cxcrciscd hy lAndcr il'cxcrcier iti pruhibitcd hy fr�lrr:d luw;iti �if ihc datc '.y --
<br />==;,�yE� of this Sccurity In.r�nirnc�it. �. ' _
<br /> - 1�Iw�itid�r cacr�isc,lhis upliun. I.�ndu ,Ilall �ir� uunu�ecr nuliic uf ar�cleia�iun."flic nuu��,h�tll�flu�idr a p�ri.��l uf nal _ , _
<br /> tess tnun :iQ days frnm d►r Jatc dtc noticc iti dclivcrcd ur mailcd withiu whirh Ilurruwcr mu,t pay all �umti ,ccurcd by this � • ,
<br /> — Security Imtrumciu. li'Bnrro�vcr Liilti�o pay �hc�c+um+p�iur lo tltc cxpiratiun uf thi,periud. lAndcr m;�y invokc any rcmcJic+ ��'
<br />_u�� perniittcd by this S�curity In,trumcn;aithuut lurthcr ni�ticc o�Jcmiind un Bi�rro��•�r. .,
<br /> _- -- 18. Uorraµ�cr'� ttl�ht to Iirlastutc. If Rnrroa•cr nttctti cettxin cunditiun�, Hurr���vrr +hidl havr ihr n�ht ta havc •
<br /> -�� enforccmeni uf Ihis Sr�:uriry Irntnuncnt Jisrontinucd at any time prinr tu tlir carlicr ui': I�il S d:ry. lur ,uch uthrr Exriud as
<br /> ,-°-- a��licable law inay tipecit'y fiir rcimtatemenU bef��rc salc �►f thc Properly pur+uaiu w any pu�ecr ��f sulc runlaincd in this , 4,
<br />,.�__�' Seeurity Instrume�tit:ur lU1 rntry oF a judsment cnti�rcing�I�i,Sr�urity In,i�unirut. 1'hu+c cuu�li�iun+:u��hat Hurru�tirr: Ia)pay, ,� � ,. ..
<br /> --z,.:� I.cndcr all sums which tlirn��•uuld bc duc undcr d�is Scruriry Instniment�nd ihc Nuic ati if uu arccicr.i[ion had urcurrcJ; 1h)
<br /> �;�� eures any default of any ��ther r��venams itt agreements; (c) pays all exFsenseti incurrcJ in enfurcmg thiti Seru�ity In+lrument. • • " _
<br /> =��=:w:'� including, but nut limitul to. rc:u�inablc auornc}�s' fccti: and (d)i.�kcti tiuch �ction a, LcnJc�may� re;uon,�hly rcquirc to atisure ��
<br />"'"s`�, that thc lien nf thiti Scruril In,lrununt. I.rndcr'ti ri�ht�in thc Pn� eri mJ f3urnnvcr'ti ubli�utan tu i thc tiumti ,crureJ N ' ' " �
<br />��_�� Y E P Y � 6� � P�Y Y �::; e .
<br /> .-W-�-��. this Sccurity Instrumcnt +hall amtinuc unrhan�cJ. Upun rcin.tateuicnt by Sorco�s¢r. this Srcurity lu+trumcnt a��d �hc ' ���4:.:. ��`
<br />- - obligations secun:d hcrcby ,hall rcnr,�in fully cffrcti+�c as if no:icrcicration had occurrcd. Hmvc��cr. thi+ right tu rci�titaic s4a11 „ .°'�,�,;�v�»`
<br /> � nut apply in lhc c:tsc uf acccicration under paragraph 17. •:�.��r�.�A��� -
<br /> �.:.;�,.�..� -
<br /> ----- l9. Sale of IVntc: Ch;�n�c nf l.oun ticrviccr. 'fhe Notc ur a partial mlcrest m the Niuc Uogclhcr with ihis Srcurity tt; a+:n:...�u+�=.�=
<br /> _`-•'.'�' Instrumcntl may bc�old onc ur morc�imcs without prior m�tirc t��Burru�acr. A tialc may re`ult in a chan�c in t!ic cntily(kn��wn . •, ,,.�'°��� _
<br /> -:�, as the "L.oan Scrvirer")that collectr monthly pay�ments due undrr the Nute and thi,5ecurity Instrunient.Ther�al+n may be un� s ' ;;��e�r,x�er-��;_
<br />=�'��� or murc changcs of thc Loan Scrviccr unrclatcd tu a salc of thc Nutc. If thcrc iti a changc of thc l.��an 5crvicer.l3orn�wcr will bc i"'"��•''��`
<br /> ` :�:��:'-- _•---_-
<br /> _ fiiven�v�itten nu[ice eif the ctiange in awc�rdance�vith paragrnph Id a��we anJ applicable law.The notire will s�ate th�n:ime:md ru-•�•.�;;__ --
<br />- ' •,k'_.'RF'.7'�.^ .
<br /> - .'�". address of thc ncw L.oan Scrvircr anJ thc addretis t�, \4'Illl'II F):1�'(IlC11IS tihuuld be madc. Thc nnticc will al�u contain any othcr •----
<br />""`"'�� infum�ation rcquircd by applicablc la�ti�. "��-'`'� v�
<br /> �° 20. Hazardous 5ubstnnc�. Bnrrm�ver ,hall not causc or permit the pr�:�enre, u.c. di�pu+al. +toruge, o� rclestse of any �c�:::=- - --
<br />�n,� Hazardous 5ubstances ou or in the Prc�peny. Borrower shall not Jo, nur ;dlo��� :inyon; rl,e to do, anything affecting the
<br /> ;,�y� !'ropeny thaY iti i�i viulatiun uf'any Envirunmcntul Law. "�hc prcccJing t��u untcnrc,,Ir.dl not apply tu thc prc+cncc, n.c. or '��
<br /> :�.Fz� storagc on thc Propeny of small quantitics of Hauarduus Sub�tanccs that arc gcncrdly mrc�gnvcd tu bc appropriatc to nurnial � �1'������'"
<br />=ii� �r.sidenti�l uses anJ to mainunan�c uf the Property. � �-_
<br />_�s Borrowcr shall prompUy �ivc Lcnder writtcn ni>ticc of.uiy im�cstigation. cictim. Jcmand, la�titiuil��r cnhcr actiou by;my
<br />=°� govcrnmental or rcgul:�tory agcncy ur private p�rty invulving the Propeny and any HacirJouti Suh,tancc ur Environmcntal Law
<br />'�F. � of which Borrowcr has actual kno�vlcdgc. If Barroa�cr Icarnti, or is nutificd by any�;ovcrnmcntal ��r rcgulatory authoriry, lht�t '
<br />'�,,;;4. nny rrmoval or other rcmeJiation uf any H:�.ardou,Substancc affccting thc Pmperty i,ncccti�ary. fiorrowcr +hal l praniptly takc �
<br />?;�r'Y all necessary remedial actions in aiccordance with Em•ironmental l.aw.
<br />'-�,� AS USCd in this paragr�ph 20. "Ha-t:trdaus Sub�tun�es" are Qiose �ubstanceti Jefined an toxic or h.�ardou� wbstances by
<br />- �--� 8nvirnnmental law and thc following �ubst:anccs: �asolinc, kerotiene, uther flammable ur loxic pctroleum produ�ts, toxic
<br />_ ____ pesticide.g und herbicides, vulatile solvents, materials containing a�besu�s or formaldehyde,anJ radioactive ni�terials. As used in
<br /> = this puragr.tph 20. "Environmen�al Law" means fcdcral laws and law� of the jurisdictiun whcre thc Propeny is lcscatcd that
<br /> '�, rcl�te io hcalth,safety or environmental protcction.
<br /> :+�'� NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS. Burrower and L.cndcr furthcr covcnant and agrcc as follows:
<br /> "x�� 21. AcceleraNa�;Remedics. LendYr shall�ive notice to Borroe�er prior to nccelerAtion foflow•lu� Uorruµrr's breach
<br />^�� of any covenant a►r agrceme��t h� thls Security Inst�vment (but nu1 prim• to ucceter�tian under paragraph l7 unless _ _ �
<br />-;�`'�� appli�tsfc lu«•providcs nthenr•Isc).Thc nizti�� SF11II ti�30CI��': (a)tht default; (b) thP uction requircd ta c�.�tiar driuuii; �-
<br />-^_���� (c)o date, not Iess thnn 30 da�•s from the date ¢he nodce is�iven to Borrower,by a•hich tl�c default must be cured;and c+ �.
<br /> �°s'^� (d)that fuilm•e to cure tlre default on or befure the date specified in the notice mny r�ult in accelerntion uf the sums ' '" � -
<br /> �-�. -.r� -
<br />-��•�s� secue•etl by this Socurity l�utrument und sale of the i'rnperty. The notice shall further infurm Dorro«•er of the rl�ht to ---�r:•;t•'"�"`�6-
<br /> -___°°== reinstatc uftcr acccicratiun und e9�c ri ht to brin "�"~-`--��- -
<br /> — � g u court Action to assert the non-existence of a default or any ut6�er �-;�q+�=::3--��.�_
<br /> _= defense af Rurro��•cr to acccicrntion and s;�lc. If tt�e def�ult is not c�recl on or 6efore thc date sp�ciflcd in thc notic., ;;A,;:=_-__
<br /> � Lencler. itt its option, may rcc�uire ime�ied3z:e payment In Pull cif all sums secured by this Security Instrument without �, ��,,,,;,�,
<br /> further de�nand nnd may invoke the pvwea�a�f sale and any othrr remcdics permiucd by appltc:tblc�aa•.Lender shall be t���-�
<br /> _q�� enNtled to collect all expense�s 8nc�rred in pursuing the remedic5 provided In ti�is parn�raph 21�iud�di�i�;,but not limited . �t. �
<br /> ��� to,ret�.u►npble:►ttorneys fees.�nd custs of title cvldence. � °� �,� . �-
<br />_,�s� If the power of sule is im•oked, Trustee tihall record a noUce uP dePault In c:�ch countv in which any part ot the r •t�.�=-•:-=°�"�`
<br /> ,,.N,-,.�•-T:�-
<br /> {;,,�-� E'�operty Is l�ated and shall ms�il copies of such m�tice in the mnnner prescribed by a�plicabl:ta�v to B�rmwer and to •.� .."�-z��-�-
<br /> _ .• the other ��ns rescribed by a lic:ible law. After the timc re uired b •a licable lativ,Trus2�¢shall i�� ublic uottce '"i���•��°"�"�"���
<br /> P� R I�1� 9 3 DA � P � a•�r,.:.�. .4,
<br /> _?�� of sale to thc persons und(n the mnro�er prc�scrilxd i�y a�p7icable la�s.Trustee,�r•itl�out demund on Borro�r•er, shall sell � �. , � �•.�u
<br /> =.�.���� the Property nt public itucttmi eo the hi�l��.yt bfddcr ut ibe•timc and place and uncler rthc tcrms d�i�nated in thc notice of � •
<br />:�� sale in oue ur nu►m parcels n�a�in any ordcr Trustee detei-mines.Trustec may pos3Pvnc salc of�II ur uny parccl a►f thc '' "•
<br />__'�`^?_°�� Properfy by publfc announcernent ut the time und place of any pre�•iously scheduled s:ile. [.ender o�its desi�nee may � � •
<br /> '=°"`� purchasc thc Propc�ty at an�•siile. � •
<br /> ==-asid �. •
<br /> !�
<br />___-._f�;� ,
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