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<br /> NQN•UNO�OIZM CC.)VC:NAN7:h. t�uriit�vcr,md I.�udce furthcr covenant+�ud u}rcc us iaUo��s:
<br /> A%. L�aircYc:�i��•a E°E�oc��1u►�c�. 1 t�I.ci�dcr rc� ulr:��,i�aimcdiata p��vment In fu�l uudr�•��n�-n��ra��h�),l.rndcr mn;•invul,c it�c� �'_
<br /> �ww��r oP�alc and nftiy utlier r�uzs:Al�ti rtirniittcd�y.+!»]icnblc I��w. �I.cn�icr�h��U bL cntulcd to coUcct aU cxpcnscs lncurrcil �`;
<br /> in pursuing�hc rcmcclicti prowde�l in iflls pat�ngr�ph 1�. i��cluJifz�,but not Uanitcd Io.rca+imablc ntt��rncys'tccs:ind cusiti uf'
<br /> titic cvidcncc,
<br /> 1�Ihe power ui sale 1. inv��ked,'IYustee�;hal!rrsurd n s�otice of clefRalt In each cuunty In whlch any pArt uP the _
<br /> Pro�erly iy laaled s�nd eh�fl mwli copks oY�uch nWice in the munner prescrlbed bv upplicuble luw t��HnrroKer uncY -��
<br /> to the other perM►ns prescrfMed by�ppIIc�b9e I�w, ARer the Ilme raqu[red bv appllcehle I�w. �IYUSICN Y�IiiI) gIve
<br /> publlc nuUce uP eate lo Ih� perwna��nd lu Ihe�nanner prescrlbed by u�yilicrblc I��w. 'ilrustec,wlthuul de���und oii --_
<br /> ILurrowe�;shall seli Ihe Nruperty wt puhiic auctfon to thY highrst E�iddrr ut tiie lii;ie uiu7�lWCe�a:id ts:�Qcs•r 1�:�tcs•��s:;
<br /> dcsiRnatni in the nutkc ot�le(n nne�+r mure parcels ard s'n Kny nrder'IYustee determinry. �r�s��m�y n��rp�ne
<br /> rak of qil or wny parcei uP Iht Nn�ptrey Ay public wnnuuncement ul the Ilme und plwce of uny prevlously schedu�ed
<br /> u�lr. I.ender nr Its dc�ignee maypurchs►se the Pruperty at any sule. --�
<br /> Upon receipt of ps�yment u(the Price bid,7lrustee shail deliver to Rhe purchaser'11�ustee's deed conveyie�the
<br /> Properiy. 1'he rtcftwic in the IYustee s decd:�hNU be prima fwcie evidence of truth of the fitutemen�.�mAde therei�. -
<br /> 7��siee Sh�ll apply the prciccecls uf the sole i�thr to0lowing arder: (ul to ull c�nts nnd expenses of exer�ising the
<br /> pawcr o!salr,�nd the:��lc.inslw!!ng the peyrnent of the'11�ustec•g fer�actuuliy iniur�cd,nol to excced � S�
<br /> or the princlpal pmou�t ut ths note at the time of the declaraNan of defuull, t�nd rea�c►nable atturrtey� Ye�s as
<br /> �ermitted by IAw; (b!to a,l!sumg securcd by� thiq S�:ttcUy �nstrument;aad Ic)Any excess ro the per�,an ar persnns
<br /> Icgaliy entitial to dR.
<br /> 18. Recn�r•�yance. Upon paymcnt of all surns yecured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Lcndcr shall neyucst'Ih�stcc to
<br /> rewonv�y thc Properiy and shall snrrcndcr this Sccurily lnstnimcnt and al! notes evidencing dcbt sccurcd by thi5 Securiry
<br /> Instnimc�t to'li'nstee, 'iiustec tiliall rcconvcy the Propeny�viehout warranry and without c•h.vgc to thc penon or person�
<br /> lc�nUy entiticd to il. Such p�rson or pcnans shall pay uny rccordati�on wsts.
<br /> 19. Substitute 7lruslee. Lcndcr,nt its opiion,may Crom timc to limc rcmovc 7iustcc tmd appoint a successor tnistce
<br /> tv any Tnistee:;ppui�ncu li�«uiider by�n inscrumezt recorded ;n thc caunry in which this Security Inst�urnent is secorcled.
<br /> Without convcyancc of thc ['roFcny,thc succcssor �rutitcc sliall succced to all thc titic,powcr and dut�cs confcrn:d upon
<br /> 7Fustce hercin und by applicuble law.
<br /> Z0. �tequest for Nntices. Borrowcr rcqucsts that copies of thc noticcs of'dcfault and snlc tx: sent to E3orrowcr�,
<br /> address which is lhC Property Addretis. .,
<br /> Rlders to thls Securtty Inslrument. It'onc or mutc riders��rc cxccutrsi by Bo�rowcr and recorded togcthcr with this
<br /> Seearity lnstniment, the coven:ents of each sueh rider sh�ll 6e incorpoi3tt�1 into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> covennnts and a�ments of this Security lnstrument ati if the r�der(s)wer�in a pan of this Security Inswment. �
<br /> [Clieck npplicablc box(es)�.
<br /> �Condcminium Rider �Graduatcd Payment Ridcr �Growing i?quity Ridcr
<br /> �Pinnned Unit Dcvclopmcnt Rider �Other�S�ecify] ��.�, ��
<br /> AY SIGNIKG BBI.OW,f3orrowcr acccpts and ngrecs to thc tcnns containcd in pages I through 4 af this Sccurity
<br /> In�trument and��a�y ridct(�)exccutcd by Bo�rowcr artd recardcd with it.
<br /> Witnesses: � `� ��
<br /> �.�;_(Scal)
<br /> 8�rtoa�er
<br /> CTRVkN F RF72[;
<br /> – —! (Scal)
<br /> 8omuwcr
<br /> (Scul)
<br /> Borrowcr
<br /> (Seal) _.
<br /> 6ortowcr -
<br /> �•
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ���L Counry ss: _
<br /> On this $4 th day of Feh�,uar�y� 1995 •�Ense mc,the undcrsigned,a Notary �.-
<br /> Public duly commissioncd and qualificd for said county,personal y c:u c `
<br /> r�-
<br /> S7'EVFN E l3EFd'.n A SINGI.� Q'FRSfk1 '` `
<br /> , to mc known to Uc thc 4
<br /> identiccil person(s)�vl�osc name(s)nre subscribed to the forcgoing instrumc�at and ncknowledgcd thc execution thercof ro be
<br /> }��� vnlu�atary act and decd.
<br /> Witness my hund and notarial scnl nt �p IS in said co��nty, thc
<br /> datc nforestid.
<br /> C {�c � .�c�
<br /> �I►�ritL Notary 1'ublic �.
<br /> L�Y ��11t0�MA�L REEO---t [tOBk'ATA L Itl'sm [
<br /> ��a tA�G�.E,A l�r 30,IS9! � i
<br /> TO TRU5'CGE: I
<br /> Tl+a unrlowinonil i�•ih.�I�n1Anr nf thn nntP nr nNr�rn�nmrl hv thic Ilrotl nf Th�cf S:�id nntr nr nntra, to¢cthcr with:111 �
<br /> -'o•---'— '•— '•
<br /> nther indcbtcdncss �ccoscd by�hfs Dced of 71ust, l�avc lr_cn paid in i'uU. You arc hcreby dircctcd to cuncel said note ar �:
<br /> notcs and this�ed of 7ivst,which c�rc dclivcrcd hcrcby,and to rccunvcy,without warranty,all Uic cstatc now licici by you
<br /> undcr this Ckcd of'Iiust ro thc person or persons lcgally cntidcd thcn:to.
<br /> Date: . ---
<br /> .
<br /> rr�,AP��/��k��esi
<br /> �
<br />