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<br /> �ttachmenG ta DeFd of_ Tr�,At from Kevin D. Krue Pz and Claudxa D. Krixeas �
<br /> to Hastincxe S�at� Ban�C Uated February 2�. 19�,5• �.,,.:.,,
<br /> TRIICT A
<br /> '�:�:
<br /> Th� North half of �h� Southeast 1/4 0£ Section 22, Toanehi.p 9 Narth, Range _
<br /> 9 f�uest of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> T�ACT B ��'
<br /> .'1�`
<br /> The Sou�hwest 1/4 and a tract of land comprieing a part o� the Northwest .,,_.
<br /> 1/4 of Section 23, Township 9 North, Range 9 Weot v� tihe 6�h P.M. , H«11 �-��
<br /> County, Nebraska, said tract being more pa�-ticularly desr.xibed ae followe: _Y_
<br /> Beginning at th� Sauthweat Corndr o£ eaid Northwest 1/4t th�nce runnirig on Nx_
<br /> an aeaur►ied bearing o� N 00 Oa ' OU" E on the Weat lf.ne of aaid Northweet �±�.;__.
<br /> 1/9 for a didt�nce of 3�2.75 feetl Chence N 89 59� 161° G parallel wich the
<br /> South line of. the Northwest 1/4 for �05 . 00 feetJ thenc� S 00 00' 00" t� �or _:
<br /> 322.75 feet to a poi.nt on the South li.ne pf eaid IJc�r�hwest 7.Jg; thenae 9 8g ``_
<br /> 59� 16" W on the South line of aaid Northwes� 1/g for 405.00 £eet to tha
<br /> .�.�_
<br /> PpINT OF SEGINNYNG, said tract con�aining 3 .001 acree, more or lese, the _^
<br /> weaterly 33.00 feet thereof being Hall County road ri.ght-of-way, EXCLUDING _ _
<br /> a tz�act of land comprising a par.t of �he Narthwest 1/4 and th� Southweat _.
<br /> 7./4 of Section 23, Township 9 North, Range 9 Weet of the 6th P.M. , Hall
<br /> County, Nebr•ueka, aaid tract being more particularly described ae Eollows:
<br /> ]�egi.nning at th� Southwest corner af. �aid NortYbwe�t 1/�; thence r.unni.ng on �___._
<br /> an asaumed bearinc3 0£ N 00 00 ' 00" E on the West li.ne of eaid Northwest
<br /> 1/9 for a di�tance of 322.75 feet; thence N 89 59' 16" E parallel with the
<br /> 9auth line of said IJorthwest 1/4 for 405.00 feet; thence S 00 00' 00" E —
<br /> r •� LYlli�aa�co� i%s/ ��+��
<br /> �ox 322.75 feet ro a point on tne SouL'n ii��e. ��. na�
<br /> point alsa being on the North line of aaid Southwes� 1/4; thence 5 00 00'
<br /> 53" E parallel with the Weet line of said Southueet 1/4 foz• 322 .75 feet;
<br /> thence S 69 59 ' 16" W parallel with the North line of eaid Southwest 1/4
<br /> fox 405.00 f�et to a point on the Weet line of said Southweat 1./4; thence N
<br /> 00 00' 53" W on the West line of said Southwest 1/4 for 322.75 f�et to the
<br /> POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract containing 6.002 acres,, more or 1ese. __
<br /> TRACT C __
<br /> The West half (W/2) af the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) in Section 15, Townehip _.
<br />° y 2Jor�h, Range a Weat of the 6th P.M. in Hamilton County Nebrask�
<br />- TRACT D
<br /> The SnuthEaet Quar�er (SE/4) of the Northeaet Quarter (NE/4) of Section 19,
<br /> T�wnahip � North, Range 8 West of the 6th P.M. in Hamilton County Nebraska �
<br /> TRACT ---
<br /> A parcel of land in rhe Southweat Quarter (SW/4) of Section 30, Township 9, ==_
<br />= Range 8 West, more particularly deacribed as follows: Beginning at the __
<br /> = eoutihwest corner, thence 937.2 feet east �o the place of beginning; thence ___
<br />= 171.6 feet, east; thence 178.2 feet north; the�nce 171. 6 feet wesL; thence
<br />- 178.2 feet eouth to the place of beginning in Hamilton County, Nebraska. ��:
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