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��1,-'��,�`��y}1,' . .. � .. _ i_., 1� �. . i <br /> 1 <br /> P ,. . . . . ,> , .. ' ,. . . , .. ... � � . <br /> .. , <br /> ' �+-n..:;.i,{ .� �. . �qlit'l�Ryf�P <br /> .,- _-,-.-.yiz:�,�.o _..,.��.,.�.,�1f �,� .�'�t-.,•�. , _ .,r�'� allityy, ..r,au. <br /> �.f-. '- ....,...�.. . . <br /> �"-��-..r.�.a`..u... .e.v-a.'w.�.e. .r4L:i...:....�..._"'__'_._"... ._. .. ... .' ....._...""_",. <br /> __—__—_.1�Y{Y�� i. <br /> _�:�=�Y �:��: �l <br /> � 02 21a1985 DEI�D OF T�iUST ' ���(��� Pepa 3 -� <br /> Los���!0 2P6�G (Coittl�uc�i) , �5� _ <br /> -- ---�-----.__._ ._ ------- -----._-.---_—�:.-- - -:--.-��:�-.—.—:_..�.__—: � _ <br /> — _...���_.._._�-----«_-----._......_.----------� --------- --.. .... . <br />' Accsltnllon upon[Mt�ull;Addltion�U RimMis�. 11 any ovant o1 dotau�t occurn Londer Ghefl cand a writton n�llco 01 ilQhl to Curo to Trustor, - <br /> .`�•� `.�-�• • �� and if Trustor Ieils to curo lhe d�f��dl wllhin Ilw Nme permitlod by I�w,aa p�r the terme of lhe Noto secured hereby,Londor mey tlecinro nu „ _. <br /> '="'::" . Indebtedness aecurld by Ihis D�ed of Trust lo bY due and payabte and fhe eome ehall thareup4n become due and payable wllhout eny • _ <br /> ,,;:.:. :: presentmenl,demend or protest of any klnd. Thoreaflor,Lend9r may: _- <br /> -"•�?��',.•' • (e) Eflher In pbrson or by tqent,wilh a wlihout bdnylny�ny action a proceediny,ar by o recelver appolnted by a court end without <br /> . �� rogerd to the adaquacy of ils security,enlor upon and leke possesslon of tha Prope�ty,or any paA Ihereof,In its own neme or in Iha name , �' <br /> ' ` of 7rusteo,and do any acte wh�h it deenis nocessary or dssUablo to prcxrvo thn v�lua,mtsrketablllly Ar rontnbllity of ihe Propsrly,or part T. <br /> . � ' • �K of the Property a Interest In lhe Property;Increase the InCOme hom the Property or proteot the security o1 Ihe Proporly:and,wifh or without <br /> . . taking possesslon ot th9 Propertyr,eue fa or olhenvlse Collect the rents,Issues end profils ol the Property,Including those past due and <br /> ..',�,h� unpald,end rspply ihe same,�ess costs end expenses ol operation end collectlon,Inr,ludinp attorneys'fees,to any Indebtedness secured . <br /> by thls peed o}Trusl,sil in such ordsr as Londar may determine. The enterinp upon and fakinp possesslon of tho Property,tho collection <br /> , *�,...., ���+�• of 9uch rents,iuues end profits,and the eppllcetlon theroo}shell not cure or walve nny detauit or notice of defauit under this Deed o}Trust <br /> or Invalidate any nct done In response lo such dofaull or pursuant io such notice of detault; and, nahviihstanding the conlinuance In <br /> " posspssion o}tfu3 Properly or the colteCtion,recelpt end appBcation of rents, issues or prorits,Trustee or Lender shall be onlitlod to <br /> '� exerdse every dght providzd tor In ths Noto or lhe Rolated Documents or by 1a�1 upon the oocurrence ot any event of dofnult,Incfuding the . <br /> ,;,. right to exerc►se ttw power c}ssle; . ; �, ; ._:,. <br /> �"��` (b) Commen�an acYan to fOrealose thls Deod of Trust as a mortgaga,appolnt a recciver or speclficnlly enforce any o7 7ha Cavenan45 . , �� r.,:, .>•.;:,��'� <br /><,t:.i��';::��;�.,. �; �': �i;..,�,�7':�•.`i;i��•'•.>'; <br /> , r . h0f@0};end �� .':'+;'';;ia•i..�. .;:.. <br />.�i;y'i����t';��;I S���1�.;•''��Sr,(a� � ..-.,S`. . .. - <br /> , t.l Z•, (c) Delivar to Tiustea��rdtlan daclarotlore�f datault 0nd demAnd tor sala and a wrltten not:ae of CAlaufl.and election to cause Trustor's <br /> .�'�.�:'<;�:.'.:�� �;;:�:;��•r.'� Interest In tha PropeAy to bo sold,whlch notiCe Trusteo shell ceuse to bo duly filed tor record In the appropdate oKlces of tho County In <br /> "--'`�+`•�'' '" ' whlCh the Propertyr Is localad;and <br /> ,.,,.:, . .-_,�;� <br /> (dj With rssp�;t to all or any part of the Persanel Prop�rty,Londor shnll havo ell tha dghts and remedles ot n secured party under the ' ;�'ry_:___ <br /> • NebrasVe Unitam Commercial Code. ���,�,;��t r°' <br /> Foreclowre by Power of SaN. �f Lender 9lects to foreciose by exercise of the Power of Sala hereln contelned,lendor shail notity Trustee and .#,�r�,_.�y;: <br />_— shall deposlt wifh Truste9lhls Deed oi Trust end the Note and auch rocelpts and evidenCa ot axpenditures made anE socured by thl9 Oeed ot .. ,; <br /> Trust as Trustee m�y requira. •�+�-•*-� '-- <br /> .p.:.�;.----___.._.. <br /> (�) Upon roCNpl ol6uoh no8a f►qm I.endor,TrustN ehtll c�us�to be recorded,published end dNlwrW to Trusta nuCh Nol��ol OH�utl -•� �-�,x, ��--- <br /> . . • ��, end Nol�o ol S�N�s thon r�qulretl by I�w�nd by lhls D�ed o}Tru�t. Trustee ahtll,wlihoul d�mand on Trusta,llflN 6tICh IIrcM A3 m�y ,,��•��-„� . <br /> then he aqulnd by Ipw�tnd�M�r r�co�MUOn of euoh Notk:�ol QN�ull and a8er Nol�e ol S�N htvinp Wen plwn�a nqulad by law,sNl , ._.,�,___ <br /> lh�PropKty�111►�Ilrtw�nd plac�ot a�N tix�d by tl In euch Nol�e ol Sate,Nihu ts a whols,a In a�p�nt�lote a par��y a It�mf�s �:�_. <br /> Truste��hell d�m�xp11d!enf,nnd In euCh pide►e�i�mey detsrrt:ln�,�t publb auction lo IM hlqMft blddM fa c�sh In I�wlu1 morny ol �' ,w�r <br /> �,, th�Unitad Sta1N p�yabis�I tM tim�ol�tN. Truot��eh�ll dei�wr lo nuch purch�su w purchrssrs Ih�rw4 u�pood�nd suHicS�nl deotl ur �. <br /> � dMd�Gunwylnp tM proputy�o sdd,but withoul�ny cownant w w�rc�nty,axpraf or Impll��. The recltalr In auch dwd ol rny m�H�re .,V'J� ' <br /> " •^r: pr qct!Ohall b�ConCiuslw proof ol(he trulhlulness Ihareol, Any peroon,Includlnp wUhout Ilmlt�tlon Trusta,Truste�, or l.�nd�r,m�y ••. <br />' " ; purChase at�uch stb. ��,:4�• <br /> ;� , �.-----�_.�..__.._� l., <br /> (b) As may be permitted by Itw,arter deductlnp all costs,tees and expenses ot irustee and of inis i rusi,i��ciuu���y o�u��o.���� <br /> ',"4 litle In connecMOn wlth saie,Trustee 6hall apply Iha proceeds of sele to peyment of (q all sums expended under Ihe terms of thls Deetl of ;�,� <br /> .. Trust or under the Ierms of the Note nol Ihon repald,Inciuding bul not Ilmited to accrued Interest flnd late Cherpes, (ii)tll other sums then Z�, <br /> socured h�xeby,and (fil)the remalnder,If any,to tho person or percons lepelly entitted therelo. ' <br /> . . �ti:�;. <br />" �• (c) Trustee mey in the manner proNded by law postpone Saie ot all ar any portfon ot the Property. t <br /> Remedies Hot ExclusJve. Trustee and Lender,and each ot thom,shall be ontilled to enforce peyment and perlormance of any indebtedness "�� � <br /> • . w obligaHons secured by thls�eed of Trust and lo exerclse ell rlghts end powers under lhis Deed ol Trust,under the Note,under eny of the �.. r <br /> � � • Related Document9,or under any other agreement or any laws now or hereafler In tarce;noiw�lhstandlnp,some or nll of such Indebtedness •� ' �. <br /> �� and oblipatlons secured by this l7eed of Trust mey now or hereatter be otherwise secured,whelher by mortgage,deed of trust,plodge,Ilen, ;� <br /> .�,., asslgnment or otharwise. Neither the flCCeptence of this Ooed of Trust nor its enforcement,whother by cou�i ectfon or pur�uant to the power of • ,r�°� <br /> • s8�e or othar power5 contalned In ihis Deed ot Trust,shall proJudice or In any manner nffeCt Trustee's ar Lender's right to realize upon or <br /> enforce flny oth�er seCUdly now or hereBfte�held by Truste0 or Lendor,It being flprEted thut Trustee flnd Lendor,and eaCh of them,shell be <br /> . . ..�:�t� entitied to oMarCe ihis Deed of Trust snd eny othor seCUrity now o�hereafler he�d by Lender or Trusteo in such order e�d manner es they or � ��;�_� <br /> •• `'� e!ther of them rtwy In thelr absolute discroflon determine. No romedy coMorred upon ur ��served to 7r�s.�a ar Lcn,,,..,f�IntanCad to bo -- - �� - <br /> � �� !;: oxcluslve of eny other remedy In this Deed ol Trust or by iaw provlded or permftled,but each shall be cumulative und shall be In addition to � ,�� <br /> !�� �`� ' every other remedy plven In thls Deed of Trust or now�r hereatier existinp at 18w or In equft1r or by statute. Every power or romedy qivon by the �,. . �"���°�_�_._,- <br /> •r`:.•i�.��,� •�.- • Note or any of the Reiatad Dxumonts to Trustee or Lendar or to which either of th9m may be othonvise enlltled,may be exerclsed, � �"� <br /> '••�"• � <br /> '� � ConcurtenHy or indopandontly,from time to nmo nnd as often as may be deemed expedlent by Trustee ar Lender,and olther of Ihem may �,}:, ° , , <br /> ,:;�,;�."` g p i:;?'<`; <br /> • � �'� pursue Inconsistent remedies. Nothing In this Deed of Trust shall be canstrued as prohlbitin Lender from seekln a deNClency ludgment t-� <br /> ' ^ , egalnst the Trustor to the extent suCh actlon is permltted by law. •' {��.���;?:, ` <br /> � .� Rcqueat For Notite. Trustor,on behnlf ot Trustor and Lsnder,heroby requests that e copy of eny Notico ol Defnult and a copy of any Notice ,_ "!r`�l�., . <br /> ; '+1;, � , of Sale under Ihls�eed of Trust be malied tothem at tho eddrosses set(orlh In ihc�first psragraph nf ihis DOOd of Trwt. 'rr�. '��`' • <br /> Attomeys'Fees;Dcpenses. II Londor Instilutes any suit or ectlon to onforce eny of the torrns ot this Depd ot Trust,Londer shall be entitlpd to "�.t� �4�'�"'�. <br /> ' rucover suCh gum as the courl may adJudee reasoneble es attorn0ys'fees at trtal nnd on any appeal. Whether or not any court action Is ;.^, � <br /> �� � ' Involved,eli ressoneble expenses Incurted by Lender which In Lender's opinlon are necessary at any Ome tor the protection of Its Interest or the <br /> enforcement of its riphts sh�ll become a pad of the Indobtedneu payablo on dnmand and shap bear Intorost at the Note rate Iram the dnie of . <br /> , ;; , expenditure untfi repald. Expenses covered by this paragraph Include,without Ilmitation,however subJect to any limits under npplicablo law, <br /> Lendor's attarnays'fees whether or not thore is a lawsult,including altorneys'(ees tor bankruptcy procoedings(Includfng eNorts to modi(y or <br /> • � vacatp any eutomatic stay or InJunclion),appe919 and any anHcipuled post-Judgment colleCtion servicos,the Cost ot searching reCOrds,obtulning �.,: <br /> � �� Iitle reFarls(Includinp taeclosure reports),�urvoyors'raports,appruistti fees,title Insurance,end lees tor tho Trustee,to the extent permitted by �;.: <br /> . upplicable law. Trustor also wip pay any coud costs,In nddition ta ull other sums providod by law. <br /> '�" MISCELLANEOUS PROV1310NS.The(ollowing miscollanoous provlslons are a part of thls Deod of Trost: , <br /> Applic�ble Lew. Thls Dced of T�ust hes been dnllver�sd to Lender and sccepted by L�ndtr In the 8tate o!Nebreska.Yhl9 D�ed of Trust �� <br /> , + ehpll�Qovemed by md con�trued In ecco�dance with tho laws o}the&tate ot Nebraska. <br /> Time I�of the Essence. Timo Is ot M9 eSSehCA In the peAOrmanco of thls Dac�d o}Trust. <br /> � Walvers end Coneltltb. L6nder shall not be doomed ta hnvo weived any rfflhts undar this L'eed of Trust(or undar tho Holated Da:uments) ; <br /> � �• � unless suCh wfliver is In wrt�ing end sipned by Londer. NO delay or omisslon on lhe pnrt of Lander In exorcisinp any rlght shall operate as a ! <br /> �i. walver of 6uCh tipht w ony olher dqht. A walver by nny party uf a provislon o}lhls Deed of 7rust shau not constltulo a waiver of or preJudke fhe � <br /> ---.s�!�'�°�" nartv's dflht othenvise to domend sMCt compllance with that provlslon or any other provlslon. Nn pdor walver by Londer, nor any course of <br /> - �.J T...NwJ� �.AIInsllnrtc �C �/f�I1V III�IIfC L.—__–_ _ <br /> �5.�;��."__-_y_=—.___._--..— .. ."'__'_ '��� ��� •t�a�v�v w••��..�..� � .� �..� . <br /> dealing between Lender and Trusror,snan consnnne e waiver or arry o� �unam o�ro����.�a��r �� -�-- <br /> � -__ ... <br /> � transecllon9, Wh6never consent by Lendar Is requlrod In thls Deed of Trust,tho grnnting ol suCh consant by Lender In pny Instanco shall not � <br /> • constitute continulnfl cansent to subsequonl lnstancos whoro such cansent Is roqufrod. � <br /> � Welver of HomEStead Exemption. Tru�tor hereby releases nnd wufvos oll riflhts and benafits of tho homnstoud exemptton Iaws of tha Stnto of � <br /> . . •" � • Nebraska es to all Indebtedns�s socurod by Ihis Deed o}Trusf. <br /> ....�,,.... �. ., .__..._"...�..__.......�r.....4n��n� •un r.wnu rottCTAD ARqFFC Tf1 ITR � <br /> EACH TRUSTOA ACKNOWLtO(iti�3 MAV IHti!+'ti�u nu�ne rrtvv�awna vr �rno..��..... ..,.. , ••..-••..•• •••--•- <br /> '�' TERMS. <br /> . TRUBTOR: � <br /> ( ��"' �.... x �I ./ . •�d <br /> .�. •. <br /> � Xr�RUE(3ER �`� CLQUDIA D KRUEGE , <br /> �, <br /> i C , � <br /> .�, • � • i <br />