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<br />,��'';` '`7�`'•- RECOROATION REiAl1F.i3TT:� nY: _
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<br />-- "'""''rt i";��• HA9TONG89TATf3Eld1N1� ? ,.
<br />-='r.'��.;-.•� . ,�:,.• G30 N BURLIAOTON . ,�
<br />'i.u;�,�`:�,••�,;a'' ;;�. P.O.BUX7171 „
<br />'•.dt!:w�•s',r..��,.:;��. HASTINGS,NH 6t902�217l1
<br />;,_;��.;,r .�• . _
<br /> `'� �''�"'�` WHEN RECOi1DSQ MAII.7A: �) '!
<br /> ;.�.� .�,�- . . �,�-k .., .
<br /> i .t � ; HASTINQ9 3T/OTE�AN!( �; . ., � .t
<br /> „" � �.. 630N BUF�I.INGTON p • �� 't "rrFit-
<br /> �•���i�''�.� P.O.BOX 217� �:: � =.,�t,'�:,;.,:,__�-
<br /> , o-iA5TiNQ9,NE bs907�-4170 � � � ,�,'•`ti, �.
<br /> 4•• i 9PACE ABOVE THIS LINE 19 FOR RECOROER'3 USE 09VLtl � ��[, '} �
<br /> '..��Ilf•lF'�::.7��,: ,,. 1c' :.l� k^,1?.�.lu._
<br /> - V.�r.'7��. �
<br /> ��,' �, '�; 17�f_f] OF TRIJ�T _ -� �i� "l=
<br /> � f. :��!�ari�
<br />-..1..'�.:�.' ( �� " �tif''-�—__-
<br />_ �r�, y��-,t'�f_p��.
<br /> __ , ,,,,�,;. TaiIS DEED OF TRUST IS DA?GD!-"El3RUAIiY 21, 1flD5,emonp KEVIN D Kl9UEGER ertd CLAUDIA D KRUEGEA� :�fi.•:.:��-.�
<br /> ,a,�� + HUSBAND AND WIFE,whoae eddreas la 103 W 2 RD�TRUMBULL, NE 68980(referred to below es "Truator"); �'�
<br />_ ,. . . �;'�`���
<br /> � HASTINGS 5YA'fE BANK, whose eddress Is 030 N BURLINGTON� P.b. BOX 2178, HASTIN(iS� NE 68802-2178 .� �--
<br />':• � �� (Peferred to teelow sometimea as "Lender" end oomatimea as "Beneticiary"); and HASTINGS �TATE BANK, �a° ��°'
<br /> : ..
<br /> : � ' :';�,,,,r whaae addres� i�P.O.BOX 21/9,HASTING�.N� 08002-2178(referred tn 6elnw ei "Yrualtt�"j: �'
<br /> CONYEYAt�CE ANp ORANT. Fa vMuWiN conNds►Mloa,Truator conv�y4 t0 Truit�In trusi,WITH POWER OF BAL�,tor tN�b�n�flt of
<br /> , .� Lsnd�r ai Btn�fleiary, �II ol Trusta'a rlpht, Iitp, and In!Arasl In snd to ths (Wlowlnp described real proporty, te�lh�r w11h qll exbtinp or
<br /> � y.n subsequmtly encted a Nflx�d bu�ldlnQe,Improwm�nts and WAUros;�II s�s�manh,riphta of way,�nd eppuAen�nces;tll w�tN,water rlphfs�nd
<br /> � ,'• dltch Nyhfs (Incfudlrp stack In u111ftin with ditch a irdp�lion riqht=);tnd ill other rfphte,ro dtles,nnd proNts relatlnp to the reni pro�rty,Inciudl
<br /> �:;,,_,.;. wlth0ut Nmlt�tlon ap mineny,ai,paa,p�oinerm.i and 6lmilur rrbtlore,foceted in Hem�iton County,State of Netxasica(tho "Hea9
<br /> . .f�;�,{. Property"):
<br />-'���►���*+t�v SEE ATTACHED
<br /> �u'vr".., r•, �
<br /> =,"'1.,". �`,°u. The Reat Property or fta addreas Is commonly Etnawn es 103 Weat 2 Rd. RR� N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 22-9-9 HALL �
<br />_ , • , , COUNTY; SW 1/4 23-9-9 tiALL COUNTY; W 1/?. OF SW 1/4 i6�-9-8 HAMILTON COUNTY; SE 1/4 AF NE 1/4 ��,�.
<br /> 19-8-8 HAMILTON COUNIY;.TRUMBULL,NE 88fl80. r-=xr°�$�=- '
<br /> ,, .. ;. ; „�; . . T, �-
<br /> ��•;�` � ' . Trustor presgndy essigns fo Lender(also known tts BenoNClary In!fis Deed of Trost)flIi ot Trustar's dpht,title,and Intorttsf In and to all present and � --
<br /> ����n•.r• :� - �i., luture le�ses o}the Property and all Rents hom!ho PropOrfy. In ndditlon,Trustor grenb Londer a Uniform Commorcial Code seCUrity Interest In th� ' •`"�"'-"" - '/
<br /> Rents 8nd the Porsonal Pr `-���-=�--��`°"�'
<br /> 1a operly deAned below. �����,,�.
<br />=-:�y./;,,,..::°�.'`� ��
<br /> •��:��,�'�:�'• �'sss;.'� DEFINITlON9. TRe fouowinp word3 shall have fho followirr3 moanings when used In thls Deed af Trust. TermS not otherwlse deBned In thls Deed o} �,.=±y-��;-_=,_
<br /> " Trusl shNl have the meanlnp3 ettributed to such term,In tTq UNtorm Commercial Codo. NI roferonces to dollar nmounts shali monn amounts In 'o-" ;:_ - -
<br />'�' '�, ' ��'` luwtul money of the Unifed States ot AmedCa. + r;-°T.=-_.�_----_-.
<br /> �r-,.�_----•�°-
<br /> � � �� GivatsntOr. TEO word"Civarantor"moan3 artd InGuClos wlthouf Ilmitatlon nny and all guaranlors,,suretios, end accommodatlon partlos In ,;rt'�=��m.��
<br /> `?� conneclion vrtinthe Indebtedness. F,�
<br /> '.�:�- - Unpfovementi. The word "Improvements" rroan3 nnd inclutlos without IlmitnUon ell existinp and (uturo Improvements,Oxtures, butidings, ,«�__y� � �--
<br /> . , shucture�,mobue homes atNxed on the Real Proporry,fo.dliUes,edditlons,replacements end other canstructlon on fha Real Prpporty. ' �:-,;;n>--
<br /> ' ' Lendor o dlsChaThe obll etione of T ustor or o ns all pr:nclpal end Interost payabW under fhe Noto and eny emounts expentled or advanced by ,:''�'+y��
<br /> pe p xpon;es Incurtod by Trustee or Landor to enforco oblipations of Trustor under fhls Deed of Trus4, • r �
<br />�_•''"•'`� . ' togelhcx with fnterest on euch amnunts as provldod in this Deed ot Trust. In uddlBOn to the Note,thA word "Indebtodne5s"Includos sll " �� ;�:,„
<br /> " obllpetlons,debts nnd Ilnbilifles,plus Interost thereon,ot Tru3tor to Lender,or any ane or moro of them,aa woli as all cialms by Lender egafnst ��
<br /> �"'r Truslor,or any one or rnore of ihem,whelher now 6xlstinq or heraettor arlsing,whether rolelDd ar unrotatnd fo tho purposo of the Note,whether �•
<br /> •••• • voiuntary or otherwl,�,whothpr due or not due,absoluto or contingent,llquldated or unllquideted nnd whether Trustor mny be Bable Indivlduaily " "
<br /> or Jdni(y with olhers,wAethor obllpated as puarantor or ofhonvi5o,and wholher racovery upon such Indebtedness mey be or hereafter may
<br /> ''�' • - bocome barred by any statute of Ilmifntlons,end whether such Indobtudnoss may ba or heroafter may become otherwlse unentorceabte.
<br /> � � SpeclBCaliy,without Iiml!etlon,Ihis Doed Of Trust securos,In additlon to the amounts speclfled In the Note, all futuro emounts Lendar In Its
<br /> , �'• discretlon may loan to Trusfor,toQether wlth ctll Intorosf thoroon;howavor,In no event ehnll such future advenCe9(oxCluding Interosq exceod In .
<br /> • the eppregate�372.000.00. . ..
<br /> = Nate. The word"Note"meana tDe Note d�ted February 1J,1DO6,In the princlpal emount of S372�U00.00 trom Trustor to Londer,
<br /> _ " _ iogelhc►with eUl renowais,AMenslons,modifiCetlons,reflnanCings,and substltutions for the Noto. The maturity da:e ot thls Oeod of Trust 13
<br /> • �7��v ParCal 1-Home�b�d. The wads"Parcel t-Homestead"moan with rospect to KEVIN n KRUE�ER anq ClAUD1A D KRUE(iER the porlion
<br /> of tha Real Propsity descrl�ed as A I��rcel of Imd In IM 3outhwaat Qu�rter(8W 1/4)of S�ctlan�0,Townshlp 9,RanQe e Wea1 In
<br /> r. .. . . Hamllton Counh►.Nebr�.. _ _ __ -
<br /> _ '-�FT Pereonul Property. The words"Poroonal Property'moan ull oqulpment,tixtums,and other arlicies of personal property now or horeaHer T
<br /> owned by Trustor,and now or herentter attRChod or ntHxod to fhe Real Proporty;topothar wlth pll accosslons, pnrts, nnd additions to,ail
<br /> .,-�, :, replacements of, and all subslilutlons tor, any of such nrop�rry; nnd topethe�•wlth all proceeds (Including withvul Ilmltation all Insurance •
<br /> - � procpeds and rofunds of promlums)trom nny sale or other dispositlon of tho Property. '
<br /> °t Property. Thewerd"Proportyl'means coflectivaly fhe R9al Proporty nnd tho Por�onnl Property. ;_
<br /> �
<br /> ;,�t� �`��� RON property.Tha words"Real Property'moen tho proporty,Intorosts und rights des�nbod above In the"Convoyanco and Qranf"socllon. ,
<br /> Related DoCUmant�. Tho words "Rolalod Documont3'mec�n and Include withouf Ilmltation all promissory notos,crodit agreemonts, Ioen �,�
<br /> r e g�•e o m o n i s,e n v l r o n m e n t a l fl g ro o m e n t s,p u a r a n l l o s,s e c u r l t y p g r o o m e n t s,m o rt p a g e s,d 2 n d s o}t r u s t,a n d a l l o t h a r I n s tr u m e n ts,apreemen ts an d
<br /> doeuments,whethar now or horeaftor oxisting,oxecutod In connection with Ihe Indebtodnoss. I'.�
<br /> � Rento. Tho word'ROnts"moans ell prosent and tuturp rsnls, ravonu�s,Incomo,Is3ues,royalties,prolits,and othor bonofits derivod lrom tha � �
<br /> " , Proporfy.
<br /> �.'�,{'.-h�' ` Truetor. The word"Trustor'means any and all persons nnd entities execuling thls Dood of 7rust,Including wlthout ilmltntlon ell 7rustors named I
<br /> . � above.
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