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�.�};,,t. ,r. . -.. ,._... .__ t .�� �'�Tx�_r�� /� <br /> `�,'F9'aag.?.E5� ... .. ��� .. �Y� �iO�MM'W+ <br /> / " , . .. .. , nw4r-� <br /> 4Va .. ..i . . 'b'l"sR��J�4w++u���:'.W_ . . ' ' :(`i �'� � .� .1. <br /> 37y_ '�„"�;1i 1`ry.,►+'�Y^-.; �� }-� f1 .,�...rr., -..7=- <br /> .._._r.� . ._ _.���^"�....iiiV.e.,..;.. ' ..�.... � - . .._: � --- --- <br /> w.=_.a. ������__...._.__...���.�i��=_��ii�r.!�e' _—a�:.R::i..�:;:_..—.._-:.:..:.......r:''f�irm�+wr.�w+—�-7azr__. <br /> ADP111 0�1-50710Q37 <br /> ' � � �,��� �ltl����; :.,~ <br /> AD�US�`A�L� I��1PT'E RII�ER ``�`�;� <br /> TH35 ADJUSTABI.B RA'ZB R1n�R 19 made�fiis x�TH day af F��RUARY , 1995 ,and i� _ <br /> inca�ois�txl i;tio x�xi w�all ba u�,;,�r�:�t1 tc���.w�d:.�d cuN�2:,mc,nt tho Mortg�;e.ik-[A nf't1n►gt os 3ac�dty Aer,�9(tf�"Socurity �`°_ <br /> Instrwnent")of�he eame drte qivcn by thc undasignod(tt�e "Sorrowet")to aocuro Horcower's AdJustabk Rpta No6o(!ho " <br /> ,�N���� -- <br /> HOt� FEDBRAL 9AVINdJ & LOAN A88U�IATIdN OF aRAND IALJIND <br /> (the"Luxla")of tha sa�nc:date and covuing the pmnercy describod in�h�Socudry Inshument and Wcatod et: - <br /> 1312 S7��T BTIi 8Tl2.EET ,� <br /> ORAND ISL3INII, N6FiRRSKA 68801 <br /> [Propetty Addtttt] <br /> TI�S NO'L'E�UNTAIIVS I'ROVISION9 ALLOWWG FUR CHAWCF,.S IN MY INTERES'I'RA1'E AND MY <br /> MONI`Hl.X PAYML�NT. INCItEASFS IN T1� INTEREST RATE WILL �tESULT IIV HlaiiER PAYMENTS. <br /> qF.GItEASE9IN THE INTERrST RATE WII,L RFSULT IN LOWLR�'AYtVQENTS. <br /> ADIDllTIONAL COV�NANTS. In eddidon to ihe covenants and agaements mada in �he 5xurity Inst�un►e�t, <br /> Bor,rower ancl Lcnda fuithcr covenant and agroe es follaws: — <br /> A.IIVTlEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> 'Che Noto pzovldes for an inidal intcnst rau: of 7.75o g(,. 'I4�o Note providcs for changes in tht <br /> inurest rate and tk�o monlhIy paymc��ts,sis follows: �— <br /> 4.IN1'EEtE6T EtATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHA�IGES <br /> (A)Chao��DAtq <br /> 'ihe inunsrt rate I will pay may change on the fust day of �� , 1996 �and on that day <br /> c�ery iz'�i month thereaftu.L�nch dute on which my interest rate could changc is called a"Change Date." <br /> (B)Ths[nde: - <br /> Bcginning with ttie first Chengu intucst rate will be based on un Index.'Tha"Indea" is: _ <br /> T'rIB WEBKLY AVERAOE YIELD Old UNITED STATE& 'I`RBASURY BEGURTTIE9 ADJU9TE�D TO A �___ <br /> GONSTANT MATIIRITY OF 1 YEAR, A9 MADE A�IAILABLE BY THE FEDERp,L RB9BRVE BOARI?. �" <br /> 7ho most r�nt Index Gguro available ag of the datc: 0 45 days ❑ -�- <br /> befac aaah Chenge Uata is calkd tho"Current Index:' ---.. <br />_ 1f tho I�ck.�is no longcr avaiWble.the Note Holdcr will choosc a new indea that is based upon oamp�rabk informatian. •�_ <br />- The Note Hotder will giee ma nodce of 1hLs choice. ----- <br />- (C)Calculatlon of Changes �=;`_ <br /> �;. <br /> :�;,,-; <br /> Beforc cxh Changc Da�e,the Note Holdu will c,�slculate my new interest rate by addmg �`.•'• <br /> 2w0 larm orTS HALE a.s o o �o) 3o the Current Index. '�''`� <br /> PcrccnU►Sc p0int(s) ( .a+ <br /> 'Il�e Notc�Ioldcr wW then round tho result�f tf�3s addition to tha C]Ncarest � Noxt Highest (�Noat Lowcst �J��, <br /> ( `�)• '. <br />- Subjoct w tho limit� stnted in Scction 4(D)beldw, this mundea amount will be any now interest rate until the next Change <br /> Qste. <br /> '[he Note Holdu will thcn dctermine the amount of t!►e monthly pxp�nent lfiat would bc suf8cient to repay the unpaid <br />- principal that I arai oxpoctaf W o�va at the Changa Date in full on the mnnulry date at my new interest rnte in substancinlly <br />= oquul payment�.The result of thi�cakulatiAn wi11 be the ncw amount of my monthly paymen� � <br /> (D)�ks oo Interest Rate Cban�es <br /> Pl ase clreck app►opriate boxea;if no box ts efucked,tiure wtll 6�no mad�num llmlt on changes.) <br /> (1)Therc will bc no mauimum limit un{ntcxcst ratc ctaangcs. ' <br />- � (2)'IT�e insertst ratc I am coqNirai bo pay a2 the fust Chango Dute will not bc greater than 9.7 5 0 9b � <br /> - ��� 5.750 9C>. � <br /> = xx (3)My i��turest rnto will nover be incrcasexl or d��cd on any ainglo Chnnge Daw by mao ti�an � <br />& TWO PERCENT perccntoga point(s) ( 2.000 %) from lhc ! <br /> - watc of intcrest I havc ixcn paying for thc prccaling paiod. � <br /> �xx�fd1 Mv interrv ratr.will nr.v�.n c�arcatar then 1�.750 9{�.which is ctilled tlte"Mexitltum RBtC:� � <br /> i � THB�"MYNIMUM RATB" WILL NSVER HF LE69 THAN 5.7501r. � <br /> = AAUL.YISTATB ADJU91'ABLB BATE Rlq@R•slnplo Family ero� <br /> = p�p�t ot 2 : <br /> W �•�9�A(Y�O�) VMP MORT�IIOE FORfAO-(80��621•7i01 �����i��• <br /> 1 <br /> '- � <br /> � � ., � i , <br />:y � <br /> .,,.�,::--`-•-- -....._ - ....--.�-_�::_.,�:,�.--� -,� - <br /> � ._ =''-"�- <br />