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<br />_..�, . . �:,. 9 5- 10',0�� �'
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<br /> 6.Etift'!lcNY OOMAItJ.Shauld Ihc�Trust Estata,or any part horoal or interost tharotn,bo tnkon or dmm�gad by ma,on ol any public Improvomont or �
<br /> pond�mnnCnn pras•r�cd!n;.{,ur In nny olhar manncr InGudinc�dc�od In Ilr>��ol Con9cmnatian(•Cond�mnnUon'�,or shauld Trustor rccA(v�nny norico or othor
<br /> InturuiaU,n r��gardinp cucii E:ro��dfn�. Trusmr�h;9 c�ivo promPt�vrliton noU:.o Ihorcof to Benoticlary. Ocnofic nry chnil to c;ntit!od to nll compon�atlon,mv�r�s �
<br /> cnd ollior pn�7nont�or rolinf Yhcroior,and nhNl bo onUped nt I�s option to eummoncu,nppoar In und pro.>oeuto m R;ov.•n nnmo nny nctian or procccdin��
<br /> � peno�icl�ry s��il atso bo enUU�d to mako nny compromiso or Gottlornent in eonnacUon v�ith sueh taking ar damngo-A��cueh campon�ation,awa�ds,dank�gus. ,
<br /> - . rl!lhts of ar.tlan and procabds t+wnrdnd to Truslor(tho`Procoed�)nru horeby nssignod to Bonof�clary nnd Trustor ngreos tA oxocuto euch turihor[�Ipnmonu i
<br /> of tho Proc��dA n.9 0aneficlnry or Tmsteo may requiro.
<br /> 8.FUTUR�ADVANCFS,Upon r�quost o1 Trustor,BenetiGary,a1 Benoticlary'a option nnd prlor to roconvoyanco 01 tho property to Ttustor,may mnko j
<br /> s
<br />- • • luture actvnnoes to Trustor. Such futuro advnnc�a,with Intorest theroon,chall be securod by thls Dood ol Trust whan ovidonc�d by promt��cry no'os ctaGnp i
<br /> • Ihat naki not�rs aro secured hereby. I •
<br /> 7.A6'PnINTMEP�T OFSUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Bonoficiary may,from time to tlma,by nwritton insvumontoxocutod nnd ackno•Madgod by Beneflclary,
<br /> '';,,�i matled tu Tn�stor nnd Recorded In tho Counry In wh�ch tho Trust Ectate is locateci and by otT�erwise compfying�+�ih tT�o pravl:lona ai tho applir-..b:�I�tiv o►mn �
<br /> Stnto ot NMxneke substlNtu a auccessor or successore to Ihe Trustoo named heroln or ncUng hereunder. f
<br /> - B.3l1P.CESSQR9 AND ASSIUNS. Thls Doed of Trust appties to,Inures to tho benatit of end binds nll partles horoto,their heirs,lagntees,devlsoes, �
<br /> • , • perrannl ropresentaUvos,3ucrsssare and nssipns.Tho torrn'denoficlary'shall moan the owner e�d I�oider ot Iho Noto,whoth�rcr notnamecl as Benotidary �
<br /> nereln.
<br /> � �� .r: � 9.IASf3PECflON. BunCfi:lary or Its egent may make reasonable onufes upon and InspecUons ot the Property. Benefidary shNl ghre Trusta notke at ` �.,
<br /> t Ihc�tlmo ot a prbr to on InspecUon specllYtng roasonable cause tor Ihe Inspectlon.
<br /> 1�. 7RllST�DR NtYf RGLEA9Ep;FOflBEARANCE BY BENEFtCtARY NOT A WAIVER. Extonslon of the tima for paymont or modificatlon ol
<br /> Amor+ixatfnn ot tlie�um�u:wrod by lhls Securtry InsVumant pranted by BeR�Sciary to nny successor in Interest o}7rustor shall not oporate to ratease�he
<br /> � N�a4l;iry o}tho arIpIn�l Trustnr or Trus*.ora suocessors in Intorest Bensfld_�,y shall not be required to commence procaedinps agairtst ony sss.:�sa In
<br /> IMOrost ae ro}usoTo extend tlme br payment nr otherwisb modity 2mortizaUon o!the sums secured by this Securlry Instrwnent by reason ot any dom:+Rd mado ,
<br /> by the ori li�!Trustw or Trustor's svcoessors in Intorest. Any S;reazance by BenaBciary In sxerdsing any right or ren�edy s.hall not be a na'�rer ot or
<br /> ,. prtrcludn�io oxerc�e ot any dght or romedy. f
<br /> ' 11.TFlAtJSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFtqA1(N7EfiEST IN TRUSTOA.If ell or eny part of Ihe ProPorry or any Interost In it as sold or I „
<br />` ,�: , translArrad{or if a beneficial interest In Trustuc u snYJ or transfeRed and TruSss ts not a nAtural porson)withaut Eenaydary s priorwritten consanY, 6eneficiary : .
<br /> may,a[Ito apdon,requira immedinte paymertt in 4u1 of all sums secured by tt�.°s Sacuri�r Insaument Howevar this op4lon shall not be exerdsad by Oerwficlary �..,,.�,
<br />'�_� � II ex�rcir,a I�prohlWlcQ by Fe�iord Ww os of t�a date ot th!s��rR�y1rts'rur.�nt. If Benefidary axercises thls cFticv►,Benofictary shaY gtve Trustor notico of .:•�,�:;�-,'�;,:. . ,� _
<br /> ncceiarnrion. The noUC�sh�11 provlde a pertod oi not less thrin 3�days trem L'se date ihe nollce is delhrered or mailed rnrilhin whldi me 1'rustor must pay all I �'�-'�•', �,.
<br /> =;� sur�issecutc�bytt�°..:,..'u:Stylr�:vunz�nt.ItTrusterfailsto��ytn�na:�ums�er:ortomaexpirationolthlsparlod,Benofldaymsyirnokear,yremodiespermlt4ed l ...,_..i.:-,t;�.',;
<br /> '_'� by th}s Socxr�ty Instrume:tt wii'�aut Nr[her nollce or demand on Tn�:or• �
<br /> m ,,�;-. 12.EVEB�li9 C�DEFAULL My of ihe 4o11owing oven�s sf�ail i�a�ea:ned an event of detault hereunder � , �
<br /> c
<br />_?yrl ., n.,Trustw shall havo failed to mako paymeni of any instaiiment o}intorest,pdncipal,or pdndpal and Interest or any c+ther sum s�cured heroby when �
<br />• ° ��uo;or, ( •
<br /> '� � b.4here ha�oau�red a breach of or delauit under any tertn.covnnant,agreement,condition,prov+sion,rop►esonYaion or warraniy xontained In
<br /> ___ � . nny ai dw Loan Instrument,. l ' , �%- ' `.�-
<br /> 19.ACCEIERATION:REIiAEDIES.Upon dotault.Bor,efidary,at its op'ion,may requlro Immodlate payntont In lull of all sums secured by fhis SoCUrlty (
<br /> InsUumc�nt wittwut turiher demand ond may Invoke tho po�vsr of sale and any othor remadiespermlttad by appiiqble law. Tnas��r ehelt ba enUtled lo oollect I �. �.�`.��
<br /> nB exp�nses Ixurrvd In pursuing lhe remedies provlded In this paragraph 13 induding,but not I(�r�ited to,reasanable attomey's tees aM coSts ot titfa evidence. G ,'��
<br /> II powot o1 sale Is Invokod,Trusteo ahall record a notice of detault in eadi counry In whlch any part ut the Property Is located end thaq ma�coplos of such � �; ��
<br /> ' notice In th9 manner presaibed by spplicabte law to Trusror and ro the other persons presaiGed by applicabte law. R(ter the dme requlred bY appNaable tAw,
<br /> Trustao sha11 gIve pubilc notico ot sale to the persons and In the mannor proscnbed by npplic��blo law• Trustoo,without demand on Trusfa,shaN sell tlie �,���•'"_
<br /> Properry at puhlic uucUAn to tho hl�hast bidder at the time and place and under lhe terms designated In the noUce ot saSo In orw w mue parceis and In c3ny � ., -
<br /> order Trustae determinos. T�ustea may posipane sate ot all or any Qarcel ot ihe Properry by pubiic announcoment ot the tlme 9nd place of eny pteviously
<br /> sctiodulnd Ente. Benoficiary ur its designoo m�y purchase the Properry at any saie and may crodit the cums secured hereunder aaafnst the purd�ase prico. � i,�•
<br /> Upon roceip! ot paymont o1 the pdco 61d.Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property. The reatatis in tlw Trusle9's deed
<br /> .... � � r;.�,.,,m eh�n a�n�tna nrnnaad.s ot the snla in Ihe loilowing ador: (a)to oli expanses ; ��
<br /> -----c= sbau o�pnma iacio eviaorce oi u�uuu��ut��a ti��a�s�w w..e���:�.^. ;w,;;��
<br /> •��; of tha s�lo,lncluding,but not limited to,Trustee'�tees as permitted by applicabie law andreasonable attomey's lees:(b)b all sums secured by tti�s aecunry � , ,,,,
<br /> !�, Instrument ond(c)any excess to N9 percon or persons legatty enLtled to n. � . "
<br /> ''�:� 14.BEN EFICIARY IN POSSBSSlON.Upon nccelere6on under parac,r.a�h 13 or ebandonment of the Pro9erty,Benetidary(�nparson,by agent nr by .
<br /> udicinlly op� inted rocefver)shnll bo en6Ued to enter upon,take possession of and mennge tho Propetry nnd t�co��ect Ihe rents oi the ProparN k►ciuding ,
<br /> , �ron o,Including�but not im ted o bieceive tr�s iees r prem:,ms eon reee b vers P�bonds and pe s nab o�ntt mey's fessnat nd fhsn�t I he sut�n�secur o d b y�M r �,"','�'
<br /> Security Instrument. ` ."}`
<br /> 1:5.RElAEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE Tn�steo and BenoFciary,and each of them,shali bo enGded to nnbroe paymentand fiD�ormance of any irsdebtedness
<br /> ;�, ,'::�,', or obliQations seCUred hereby and to exerclse all dghts end powere under ihis DBed ot Trust or under any Loan Instrumert oi cther egreonwnt or any IAws � �� �'
<br /> nnw ar horaatter In forco,notWithstanding sume or nll of iho such Indebtedness and obligations secured hereby may now or hereaRer ba otl►BnMso securad, ,,„ s:�
<br /> • wnFlmer by mongage,deed o1 trust,pledge,lien,assignmsnt or othenvise. Neith9r tho acovptanc3 of thls Doed of Trust nor its enfqrcementwhetlwr by Court �';;,.�,;
<br /> • actlon or pursuant to the powar of sale or othor powors herein eontained,shall preJudice or fn any manner aftect Trustee's or Benefidary's r{ghtlo reaBZA upon �� P:•
<br /> ar onforco any othor sncuriry now or hereaftor hwld by Trustee or beiny ngreed that Trustee and Henefldazy.end sach o f them,shaN Iw onOtled ,,� • �!
<br /> to anlorco Ihfs Deed ot TrusQ nnd any other seeuriry now or heraafter helcf by BenehGary or Trustee In such order and manne►es fhey ot ellhw of them may ,_ _
<br /> in thulr e!+�ol�te disaet�on dFltermina. No remedy herein conlerr3d upon or reserved ta 7rustee or Beneficiary is Intended to be oxclusNe ot eny oUwr ramedy _ ��
<br /> horoln oi•b/law provlded or permittod,but oach sh�q be cumulc�tne and shall be In addNon[o every other romedy yivm�hbr&ui::,��c:r�o�:a fic�af.:r o�ta�r.a �
<br /> nt 1a�w c�ir,oquily or by Etatute.Every powar or remedy given by any o1 the Loan InsvumenLS to Truste9 or 8enefk.lary or W whld�RiNet otlhem mny be othetuvisv � ..�•�_ia`"-
<br /> entiUnd,rt�ay be exerdsed,concurrent�or IndependenUy,irom ume to dme and as oRen as mny be deemed exPe�!ent 4y Tr!icau±a.E::aildary and eithw . •#v.o%`
<br /> , ot tham mtry pursue inconsistont remod os- Nothing herem shail oe cons[rued as prohibiUn�Benefidary trom seeking adetidoncyJudgmant ngalnsr Ihe Trusta � ���.�F.
<br /> ;o the extont such nctlon Ispe rmiried by law •• • �'r;�._
<br />- " 1G.QOVEflNINO L.IIW.This Deed ol Trust shall tre governed 6y the laws of the Stato of Nebraska, In the ovent that nny provisbn w dause of My of �
<br /> Iho Loan InsUUmonta contlicts wfth applicable law,such conllict shall not attect other prOVisions ot 6uch Loan Instruments wh9ch can be given eflect withoul •x��;' ; '':�"
<br /> Ihp conflicting provislons,and to this end the provislons ot the Loan Instrumonis are dedared to be sovernble. This Urtrument cannot be waived,changed, f 1. � ,.
<br />� � dk5chnrgod or terminated oraly, but only by nn InsWment in wrlOng signed by Ihe party ogainst whom enforc�ment of any waiver,chango,distttatpe a I
<br /> � tormination ts cought. '�.
<br />- �R 17.RECONV�VANCF.Upon paymant ot all sums secured by ihis Secudry InsVUment,Beneticlary shaD roquost Trustoe to reconvey tho PropExry and � Y1r1�-';
<br /> chnll surronder Ihls Soariry InsVUment and all notes evidencing de6t secured by Ihls Secudry InsVUment to TmStee. Trustoe shall reconvey fhe property "�, ,.
<br /> w;thout warranty nnd witl�out dtiar�o.o tho person or person,logally onuUed to it. Such person o;person3 shall pay eny reoordaGon cost. '�•�+°�•• � -
<br />= 18.REdUEST FOR P70YICES.Trustor roquests ihat copies ol the nuGces ol defauit ond sdo be sent to Trustor's address which Is the Propeity Address. ``�!±�±�
<br />- Trustor N�aher roquaLs th�t wpies af the notices of dolault and saie be sent to each person who Is A party hereta et tl�e addross of sw:h pet6on set torlh ,:.�,
<br />- horein. �
<br /> 19.NOTiCES.Any noUCe to Tiustor Arovided for fn this Secunry Insvument shall be given by deliverinfl it or by mailing It b�41rst ci<�ss mafl unlosseppUcable �
<br /> I;�w raquires use ot onother method. Tho nauco shali be diroctod to the Pro�erry Address or any other addross Trustor designates 6y notloe to Benelkiary. i .,
<br /> Any notice to Beneliclary shall bu pivcn Gy flrst dass mafi to Banelidary's address statod herein or any oth�,r addross Benofidary designates by noUp to
<br /> Tivstor. Any noUaa provldod for In th�s Secudry Instrument shnll be deomsd to huve been given to Trustor a Benefidary whon ghran os provldod In Ihis �
<br /> pnrngroph. .
<br /> - 20.A(:t:EPTANCE BY TRUSTEE.Trustae accep�mis Trust when this Deod ot Trust duly executed and acknow'sctged,Is made u public rocord as �
<br />:- pravkied by law. � ,.
<br /> i
<br /> - (N W ITNESS WHEREO�,Tri,sior has executed this Oeed of Trust as of the day and year firs4 above written �
<br />= I��
<br />- � � , .
<br />_ • i .
<br /> Trusror � . �
<br />_ _. 50 - b- 0 , .
<br />-� dal Socud Number �,/—�-/�� I �
<br /> - - _-_ /� ► � e . �... �Ir�._ i �.�r �_— _.__ -
<br /> - - --- I
<br /> � ` �.� .� � - . ----.. . .
<br /> - S'tATE OF NEBRASKA rustor
<br /> � IA SS. ��-�a-ts� �g- l�._ ,�i y
<br />�' COUNTY OF !-l���-a� } Socfal Secudty Number
<br />•'w
<br />$�• Tfio forego!ng Acknowtod m t ol Deed t Trust ond paoq of Trust was actcnow�edged beloro me on_ ����(����`-'�
<br />,�. p
<br /> ��.��3_, by .p�'1\/ S. ���it��r1,�
<br />,; -
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<br /> , � pp�p�hlr�►1� Ny comm�ss�on �xplros ��"' � `l��
<br /> (Pngo 2 ot 2.)
<br /> i
<br /> fi i
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<br /> r. .. .... . ... .. . ... . ... -� ..-r.,,, , - �- --- - _ _
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