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v....rm�� (SOI��. . r. . _ . . ..� � ...�. . . . <br /> �! . , ' .. ... .v-. . ' . <br /> .-T <br /> . f.. s- . 1 . ' i <br /> lti . :�M t - � . !i. . . . . r.q,tl'�.. .. _ . , ' • � �/ <br /> . ; <br /> �.. r . <br /> . ' <br /> '"�w�:�.jpiwo wii.e IIAM'JA`�(.� w�•,,. ..�. . , - -• <br /> . 1r*� • • . � 'i n�y'M�crir. ., •'�{� .. <br />... , r_.�.... . x.a.). ._ .. .. _.._..� _ !L..�r�LY� _ yMr�ry�Ally�w.�wl��.�.���wrur�...uw��.�.. ...�....... r��fl� _asa,e �' <br /> � .�,.��. ._ . _ m" <br /> .__—____. .. ..____'_'__' ." __ <br /> �...:��uae�r--..�._..�.._._._�_____ ��; <br />--:�..��«.. , - <br /> �` F't,r�„`y��q������r�nrty in��ood rr.pair.�nd nhnli nut nnmmit wnsto ar pormit impaumont nr dotorior+ui�n nl tho Propnrty. • <br /> ,�,n ' � %. If tho Oorro�+or fnila tu:nl mnlntNn o�pny tho prwnlum�fot tha roquirod in::urnnco of Ihn Prupnrry,qr bl poV tnxoo hutun dohnquont,ur r,►pny nny I <br /> �."r��,J?� rmcunt dua undur o p:iar mort�nqo or trunt dood hoforo dolinyimnt,or dl mmntuin tho Proparty m pood ropnu,or nl pudurm any ol Ihn covonanin rn <br /> �`_;�;�,�}�}� egrodmaMe of thle Trunt Unc�,thon Landur mny�t ite option pay euoh Insurnnco premiume,tnxoa,mortp�,�a or uubt doed pnymante,or mnka ropnin <br /> _�...,� nnA dicburoo oucli sums nnd tako ruch��adon na it doom�noconenry to proteut it9 Inturnst w�rhout walvinp ar nifectinp ire rI�M ta der.lnre ur dela�ali <br /> and eCCelerate the dobt eocured hnroby boonusa ot nny auch fnilure of �he Hoirowor. Any nmounto no dieburood by tho Londnr oltnll connti�uia <br /> 4 ��ry edditlonal Indobtodnesn ot Borrowor aocur�d by thle Truet Deod nnd ehnll baar interost from tho dnto of dishureoment nt tho into pnynbin under tho �� <br />_,`,,��=�_-�y N�tn, �Jophln�oontninod in thla pnra�rnph uhnll roquho Londor to moko�ny nuoh dinbureomanto or tnkn nny actloi� whnteoovor. <br />---- B. Lender mny mnke or onuno to bo in�du rooeonnbte antrloe upon ond�nspecdan ui the Property. '%,'�' <br /> �.r��wE1 <br /> 9. Tho pro�oedo of nny nward or clalm for dnmupuo,diroat or conooquonUol,in connection with�ny aondomnouon or othor takinp of thn P�opor[y, <br /> or part the�oot, or}o�eonvoynnco �n Ilou o4 condemnntion,oro horoby aaclpn��d end shnll Ao pnid to Lander to the oxt�nt ot tho full amount ol th� b�._U <br /> � <br /> _ �'� remolninp u��p��d Indnbtednaae eocurad Uy thie Truot Deod. ` <br /> �';=�' <br />��:-�� 11 the Properry le abandonad by Dorrowor, or if, nftor notico by Londor to Bmruwo►that tho oondmm�or of}ore to muka an uward or oettlo n claim fa � <br /> i='��e�'"�� dmm�geA,Borrowor fnils to raepond to Londor withln.30 dnye nftur ths doto auch noNco le meited,Londor la authod:cd to colloct and npply thn prnceeds <br />_.s,.�;��;;; ta the sums sor,ured by this Truet Decd. ���Y <br />-'-=?���� Condomnation procoods or nwnrds slinll bo croditod to tlio Inst mnturinp�nstnllmonte o}tho indobtodness Aocured and shall not oxceod or poatpone —�--�-- <br /> ._ ,_,. r� �;1;±- <br />,�;�� the duo dato of the inetailmonts rofarrod to m parnfltophs 1 nnd 4 haraof or chan{�o tha nmount o!sur.h installments. <br /> vrrs'�i�Y.rsa �y,.:_ <br /> f'- <br /> —�-a.r�aaa 10. If tho Londar issuon a portinl r�lo�no o(thia Trust Dond,tho procuode�ar.oivod thwelor�hall bo oroditac9 to Iho last mnturinc�fnctellmonts of tho _ <br />��'F'S-��� indo6rodnona socurod horoby. <br />^:�+'�fsi:':Al <br /> Y�t - �_ <br /> � � 11. If Lender oithnt voluntarily or involunterily boaomas a pnrty to any fiwt or logul procoedinp rolnling to tho Proporty,Noto or thlv Tru�t Osed,then <br /> �"'�"��x�; Borrowor+vill roimbureo tho Londur for aIl coste and,to tho oxtont pormittud by Inw,roasonnblo ottornoy foos incurred 6y tha Londar ralatinp ro suit <br /> -�-`��i�'%"i ar lopal proaoadinps nnd said sums ahall constitute additional indobtodnose socurod by thls 7rust Deed and baor interoet at the rnte payoble under tha _ <br /> Noto,until pold. <br />''''��!�. 12, Ao additional socurity 8orro�var doos horoby«n�tsr and eat ovor to Lender,in caao of dofeult in the per(ormance of any of the terms or <br /> conditions of thle Trust Dood, tho Noto, or tho torms of any indobtndnoso socurod heroby, ull of tho ronts,revenuos aixl nny Incomo of c+ny type <br />"-:3'•'y`+� whotsoever to bo dorivod from tho Proporty,including lend oontrant pnymants. Lender,in person,by ng�nt or by rooeivor,without repurd to the <br /> �' � solvoncy or insolvoncy of tho Borrowor or tho valuo of tha Proporty,shAll bo ontitled to tako poasosslon of, repolr, rent and manage tho Properry and <br /> �•'t•'� to colleot tho rents,rovonuos and incomo thorofrom nnd it may pay out ot sald inaomo all oxpeneas of rapnir and cosis fncurrad in rentinp end managing <br /> ' thc Proparty and collvctin�rnntnle and�nr poymont nf insuranco promiums wlth any romaininp bnlnnoe to bo applied to tho laet mnturinp poyme�ts r___ <br /> ';t. ;�� ol tho debt securod hureby. Upon prosontlnp e copy of thfs Trust Doed and damnnd to uny lossoo,tennnt or contraot purchaser of tho Proparty,such <br /> ' poraon shall poY nII ronts,poymunts and profits accruod or th�roaftor occruing to tho Lnndor until furthor notica from tho Londor. <br /> ' �� ..�n�;o.,y r?...,�iti�P..,nnr�y nr any lntnmst thorain ie doodad,sold by land contrnct or othorwlso aonveyed,olfenetod or tutthor encumbered <br /> , �`���' „ oithor voluntnrily or Involuntnrily without l.ondor's prior writton consont,or if tho Trustor is n corporation and thera ie a c�ange m ownersnip oi o�a <br /> � or moro 01 tho aorporation's stock, or if tho 7ruetor is u partnurship and thoro Is o chiingo in thn membarehlp or a dissolution at t!�a partnership, <br /> �l `� + « oxcluding la1 o transfer by operetion of law upon tho duath of a joint tonant or Ibl tho grant of any leasehold interest not containln�an optlun Io <br />`' ;��.;,��; ' purchaso wfth a lease tnrm ot two yaara or losa,ar�al tho oroation of tho purchaso monoy senudty intornst Iti housoliald ayD��ances,then Londo�may, <br /> °..�.+��`y'�� at fts optton,daclaro all sums sanurad by thfa Trust Doad to bo immediately due and payablo. In tha nvent tho Le�dor consents to ony euoh chanfle <br />`.�L� .q.�? In ownership,control or diasolution or trannfar ol oll or any part of the Propurty,thun Londar muy ot its option ad�ust the intereat rote to the prevafling <br /> ' rate of intorest thet(e ohnrgod on now ouaurod loan�04 tho typo socurod by this Truet�ood at tho timo of tho chenge In ownarehfp,control,dissolution <br /> '��;_u.�. of transfer snd may aha►pa a tronsfor fon. <br /> -�- ��.�;�tt t�l. Upon�orrowor's broaoh of ony oovnnent or uproomont of Bon•owor In thls Trust Doad,Including tho covenunts to pny whendue any sums socured — <br /> by thls Trust Dood,londo�at Itc option may daclnro nll of tho sums socurnd by this Trust Dood to bo immodiatoly duo and payable wlthout lurther <br />- ,h�„,;.s, domund and may invoko the powor of ealn andlor any othor romodlos pormittod by iippflcnblo low inatuding the right to fineclose thl�Trust Deed�n <br /> ��••�;r. ,,-' tho mnnner provldod by law for tho toruclosuro of mortgagae on ranl ostnto. Landor eholl bo ontitlod to collect all reasonable coste and expenses <br /> .,_�,', mcurred In pursuinp such romodios including,but not Ifmitod ro, and m tha oxtont pormittod by low,roasonoblo ottornoy foas. <br /> -':'_-__,,.. <br /> •:������� If tho powor of enlu Is Invokad.7rustoo�hall roaord a notico of defoult In o�ch aounty in whlch tho Proporty or somo part thoraof Ie loceted and provide <br /> •-:..,� notice thoreof In tho mannar proscribad by applloablo lew. Aftor the Inpso ot such timv oe mny bo roqulrad b�y applicablo law,Trustao shnll givo pubUc <br /> � '`��`� notioe of ealo to the persans�nd in tho mnnnor proscribad by appliooblo low. Truetoe,or tho nttornay for tho Trustao,without domand on Borrowor, N•„— <br /> ��= ' ehall soll tho Proporty at public uuotion to tho hlghoet hiddor at tho timo und plaao and under tho torms duslgnoted in tho n�tico oi snlo in one or moie �,� <br />-�'�'��, poraols and in such ordar as Trustae may datarmino. Trustoo moy postpoao snlo of all or any porcol ot tho Propony by publlo announcemont et the =_ <br /> r' tlmo and pinao o}any provlously sohodutod ealo. Londor or Londor'a dosfgnoo may purohasa tho proporty at nny salo. _ <br /> !- � Upon rocolpt of paymant oT tho prlco bid,Truatoo shall dolivm to tho purchasor o Tmstao's Dnoti,without warranty,convaying tho Propurty sold. Tho ��'. <br />-_ff r, � <br /> .�__^„ rocitnlo in tho Trustoo's Qaod ahull bo prime tecio ovidonao of tho truth of tho etatomonts mndn thoroin. Tructoo shall supply tho procoads of tho.rlo rQy' <br />.:-T�.... � [�-:.- <br /> -..�- in the following ordor: e)to nll ronsonnblo costs and oxponsos of tho ealo,Includinfl,Uut nnt limitod to,Trustoo'e fooe ot not moru thnn Fiva Hundred <br />`��;�;T�_:_:,. and No1160(96U0.001 plus 9!2 nf 1;6 of tho+�mount socurod horoby nnd romaining unpt�id, and custs of tiHa nvidonco; bl to nll sums socurcd by tNs <br />-(°aR:s',="a. Trust Dood;and o)tho oxcoss,if any,to tho porson or poreons lognlly ontiHod thoroto. <br /> -: =.'•,.:.,:. ' <br /> '''��i0'•�"' 15. Any forboeranco 6y Londor in oxr.rc�emg nny nght or romody horoundor,or othorwfso atforded by appllcablo luw,sholl not bo n wolver of or <br />...:!i(.`,�,;,i , <br /> �_,�_ ptacludo tho oxerclno of ony euoh right or romody in tho ovont of continuinfl or futuro bronchas by tho Borrawor. <br /> �� �� <br />- =';�;' , <br /> �.., 16. AII romodios providod In thls 7rust Daad ora dlstinct and cumulaUVO to any othar ritiht or romady undur thle Trost Dood or:�ffordcd by law or oquiry, <br /> -:r:`�� and moy ho oxercieud concvrrontly,Indapandontly or succuaeivoly. If Borrowor hae givon Londor e chattol mortpogo,or s�curity a�ruemont on pwsonnl <br /> ^�•�• property os ndditional aocurity for tlio dobt eocurod horoby,In tho ovoni of dofault horoun�or or thurounder,Londor eholl havo tho right nnd opllon�o <br />'_�=����;� tlret forocloso on sald poreonal proporty�vithout projudico to ito right to thorooftor soll or forocbso tha Propmty or ta pursuo oll sacurity nt tho eramo <br /> ,�,m";�?y?'.",'` tlme or to pursuo tho potsonnl proporty aftor tho salo o�foroclosuru of tho Propnrty. I' <br />: '�:'n�`�,:� ` . <br /> `.'�'��='� 17. Upon pnVmnnt of all oums sacurad by this Trust Doed,londor ahall rnqiwot Trudtoo to roconvuy the P►operty �nd shull surronder this 7tust Daed I <br /> nnd ull�otos ovidoncln4 Indabtcdnoss eocurod by thin T��st Oood to Truotno. 7�ustoo shall rocunvoy tho Proparty wi�Fiout warrnnty to tho porsonur <br />'-;?'c pereon�IegnIIY ontitlod thoroto. Such porson or porsons shall poy all nnste of rocordabon,if any. <br />�:Yi."l'i5�4S <br />_ a.ti�_ �--� <br /> `�`"'�� 1 q. Londor,nt LondoYs uption, may trom umo to timu romovo Truetoo and appoint o succnssor trustoa to uny Tmetoa appomtod horoundar by nn <br /> ':.:!��y'•y`�a�,� <br />.',,.�,'�i�ii� Instrumont ruaordod in tt�v Cuunty In whinh thfe Trust Oaad ie rocotdod. Wlthout convoyanoo ot tho Pruporty,[IIO 90CCU490f IfU9tU0 BI10I1 9UCCU�C�[O <br /> -:� al!tiUn,power ond dutios conforrod upon tho Trustoo horoin�nd by npplicoblo Iuw, . <br /> ::�.._.. . . . . . .. .. .. ..�- -'�--�- ----�-•------ •••..---°--'---'-- i <br /> °� � -'— 19.ExcUpt for any notiCO�,tlemonas,rOquosis o�oino►commurncm�on�roqu�rw anaor uypn�av�o�no w uo y��+o����.o�.�.+�a�..�o����o.,........o.o........... i--- <br /> °�`��+'r_w'.� Oorrowur or Trustao pivoa or sorvoy �ny noticu Uncluding, without li�nitatfon, netica of dotnult nnd noNco of solol.domonds, roquosts or othor � <br /> - _� ���' <br />,�;��=�.�,_ti- communlcatlon with rospoct to this Trust Dood,onch such notica,domand,raquost or othot communication sholl bo In wntinr�un s o 0 0 octvc � <br />,-;.t� .r vnly if tho snmo fo dalivorod bV Porsonal sorvico or muilod by cartitind mail,posta�o propafd,rotum rocoipt roquostud,addrussod to tho addross as eot <br /> ,M�,.�n, forth nt thu bogimiinp of tho T�ust Deod. !1 copy of any notico of dotault,ony notico of solo,ruquvod or pormittod ro bo Uivon horuundor,eh.�ll bo t• <br /> _ +'*" ��' mailed to onr,h puraon who is apurty horoto ot tho addrose eot forth at tho bopinninp of this 7ru:�t Daod. Any pnrty muy al i�ny timo chnntiu rts ndd�ase I <br /> "����_`:� �,,.e�.,.ti....e,.00�.o.�or�o�����.n�n�G.�n rn rhn nthor umtios oforosnid,n notico of cuah chanqo. Any notico hoi�undor eholl ba dr,omod to ;-.� <br /> "���.-� hav�to buon pivon to Bormwor or l.undo�,whon��von in tho mannor doefpn�tod horaln. • � <br /> � ... ', <br /> , � .,�i.� , 2p.7ho cmonunts nnd apioomnnts horo�n eontalnod shall bind,and tho rights horoundm shnll Inuro to tha ro�pucuvo hmrs,r�eprosontnhvos,3lICl'Q`iY01S � <br /> � • -v and nsaipns of tho pardos. All covonanto and oproamonts of tho Borrowm shall bo joint and smo�nl. Whonovor rofi�ronco is madn m tho Sinraular <br /> ,. ,,�i. „�� horounda�,it ahc�ll Includo tho plurnl and tho pltual shnll mcludo tho nlnyular. <br />''-��9FF����:R <br />.����' �i <br /> y <br /> . "�� � <br /> .. , i <br /> � - <br />