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<br /> COVENANYB ('n��•`°•';�,0.71�.17t�'�o�I '
<br /> E.Pay�aDnte. Rorrovlar cprcco to mc!io cll pnymont:� on tha :�curctl dol�t ��fion dun. Unln:a ❑arra�r�r o�ict Lcndar r.piao otiz�rvrico, nny
<br /> pnyniante Lr�ndcr rocaivas frooi Uorrower ar far Bnaower'e pnnefit wfll be appllad iirot ta any emounts Borrowor owos on thn nec��rad rfubt
<br /> axtlueive u}interoet or prinalpal,eflCOnd to intoio�t,and thnn ta princ!pn1.!f Nertiol propeymont o}tho eocurod ctobt occur�for pny reeson, it will '
<br /> nat raduce o►excute eny scheduled peyment until thn secured debt ie pald In full. , ,
<br />= 2.CIeMrn ApMnst TiW.0orrower will pay ell taxeA,eo3esament�, end other ciierqea attributebte ro tha proparty when due end will dofertd tltte
<br /> • to tt►�ptopnr!Y ay alnrt any clelme which wuuld Impolr tlie Ilen of thie desd pf tnist.Lender mey requtre Borrower to esxlgn any rlght�,r,lalma or
<br /> del�nq�whlch 8orrower rr�ay hevs syalnet p�rrMs who aupply labor or materlal�to Improvo or melntaln tho propeRy.
<br /> ,, 3.kfnur�nc�. Borrower will keep the pro�erty insured undar terme eccoptablo to Londar at(iarrowoPe oxpenso end 4or LonAer's bnneHt. All
<br /> , I��nureicr,n pnllck�ohail inciude a uanderd mort9age clauce in tavor of Lender.Lendar will be named ea loss peyeo or as the Insured on any such
<br /> InAUr�n(:n po1My.Any Insurence procaeda may be epptfed,withln Lander'a discration,tn elther the rostoretion or repsir of the damaged pru{wrty
<br />- or to thn aecured Aebt,If Lender requirea mortgepe fnsurence,Borrower egroes to mol�teln such insurance for as long as Londer requirea. .
<br />�� 4.htlaMty.k3orrov�er wiil kaep the property in poal co�xlitlon and make aH repeirs reasonably neceasery.
<br />� I 6.Exy���.Barrower pgroes to pay eli LenOer's exQunsas, Including raasonable ettor�ays' fees,If @nrrower breake any covenente in thla dee�S �
<br /> of tnrnt or in�ny ohtiflatlon secur�by this deed of tnist, �orrowor will pey these amounte to Lender ne provlded In Covenant 9 of this deed of �
<br /> tr�nt.
<br /> 6.Rk1r 6quxtry Int�ntta.Unlesa Borrowor Nret Ahtn�nf Lender'e written consent,Oortowar wiil not make or permit eny changes to any prlo� � '
<br />_Y, tscurity Int��tte. Borrower will�erform a1i of Borrnwer's obligetions under eny prlor moRgage, deed of trust or other securlty agreoment, I
<br /> InchrdJi►�EWrrower'e covenente to muke payenents whan due. .
<br />-� 7.A�Iii�ynwnt of Rsnh ond Profft�.Borrower assigna to Lender tho rente end profits of the property.Untess[iorrower and Londer h�ve apreed �.
<br /> . otl�etw�xe In writing, Borrower moy colbct end retein the rents as lonfl es Borrower is not in defauit.if Barrower deteulte. LErr3ar. Lender's '
<br /> a�yent,Cr e court appointed rece:var m�y take possession end manage the�roperty and aollect tho rents.Any rertts Lende► coi�eate sh�ll he
<br />; enP�ind (ir.st to the costs of mMagin the proporty, including court coste end ettomeya' fees, commiaslons to rerrtat aflents, AR�1 eny other i
<br /> • ne�ceaa�ry r9lated ex{wnses.The�nmaPninp smount ot rents will then apply to paymente on the st,cured debt ea provided in Covenant 1.
<br /> E.Le�asluh.y Cmr���:Pt��Ilre4!M�_!�rtte.2orrot,r�r agrca�to comply•rrrth tho proti�'s:ans of nny la�so tf thi6 deed o0 trust ia un I� '
<br /> • • leeeohntrl. If thla daed o}truat is on a unit in a condomfnlum or e planned unit devofopment, Borronror will pnrform ell of Borrowur'o duHos I
<br />' • ' undlr the Covenants.bylaws,Ar regutatbns ot the condomfnlum or pinnned unit development.
<br /> ' 9.Aud�mlty of LMdK to P��fortn fa Bortorwr. I} Borrower falls to po�form ar.y of Borrowar's dutios undor iAic daed of trust, Lendot may I
<br /> porform tlw duties or ceuse tham to ba performed. londer mey elgn 8orrowor's name or pay uny a:naunt ff necpssary for peHormanco.If any �
<br /> . conetruatiqn on the Wopsrty(a diccontinued or nat carried on In e reasonsble manner, Londer may do�1letever is nacessary to protect lender's f
<br />_ . RecuNty fnt�rest in tfie property.Thi9 may include compteting tho constructlon. t
<br /> Lenrlar's fafiuro to peHarm will not prectude Lender from exei�cising any of fts other dghte under the latic�r tAtn deed of trust. `���`� .
<br /> ,._.�.,...• �
<br /> Any amounta piid by Lender to protect lendor'e security Interest will be sacured by this deed of trust.Such r.miu�rte will be due on demend ��'
<br /> � e�cl wiH beer i�terest from the date o}the peyr►eent unti1 paid fn full et the interaet rete in eHect on the secured dabt. " ...��
<br />_ � � .
<br /> . 10.Qofwtt�nd AcaNr�llon. !t Por�ower teils to meke any peyment when dua or breake eny covenante undei this deed of trust or en1( `"��
<br /> obliQetion secured by this deed of trust or eny prior mortpege or deed of truat, Lender may eccelerete the meturity of 4M 6acured dabt an�i ' � `
<br /> dumanA Imn�ediate payment end may invoke the power of sale nnd eny otliar►emedies permittsd by epptfceble lew. 1 ''��
<br /> - 1y ���. •w Vti�i vi v��,i i�i 4. !-.�� �_..._ _ .�_.� .
<br />' ' '- -- + �r Mr��OZ'i�ioyilooa6u ZItOt 4V�1�00 VI L�10�IVZ14Qp Yt UO�ptJ�t OIN OOiq W OOIt{ iV Q01iI1�acieon wna ia a party - '`T���
<br />_ Ixlreto,at the eddreca of eech such per;ion,ss set torth horeln.
<br /> ��.
<br /> � 1�.Pawn of Sala.If the L�txfar Invokea the power of eele, the Trustee�thafl Nrst rec,�:i In the offlce of tha rafll�ter of deeda of esch county � r�
<br />- wherNn tha truat property or some part or parcel theroof la s�tueted e noticn o}detautt centalnlng tha In1ormetlon requlred by law. TM TrustM ��• �
<br />- sAdl�fs0 mafl copba of the notice ot defeult to tl�e Borrower, to e�h person who is a psrty he;�'ta., end to ottwr parsonf a�pro 6criM�d by �"•!�'
<br /> �ppliCptiiy [uw. Not leas than one morriD aftar the Trustee r6cords the notica of dofault or two mnnths If the truat property ls �wt fn any � y
<br />- I��corporatacl city or vfllspe end Is used in tc�rming operptlona cerrled on by the truator, ihe frustea ahatl give publb notic�of eale to the persona ':�;,.1`<<s� ,._;
<br />- end In the menner preacribed bY epppliaebfa lew.Trustee, without demand on Borrower,shall sell the property et puhllu auctfon to ttw� hlphest •r�•-r'
<br />_ hWder.If r�+qulred by the Farm Nomestead Protection Qct, Trustoe shall ofter the propercy in two separate seles ee�equlred by eppl.�Cable law. �
<br /> ' Truatte mry poatpone sale of ell or any paroel of ttw propeny by publlc onnauncemant at the timo and place of ony previousty echeduled eab.
<br />� Le�dor or Ite dealgnee mey purchase the property et any snle. • ' �-
<br /> : , U{�on recelpt of pavmont of the Rrlce bld,Trustee sha11 deliver to tho purchsser Trustoo's deed conveying the property.The ncitlak contakwd In � . ,y�,�
<br /> 3 Truetae's deed ahell be pr(me feicle evldience of the truth of the stetomanta contefned cheraln.Trustee st�all epply the proceeds of ihe uN Ir�the , • «,
<br /> felbwlrtp oMet: (e) to ell expenses o! the sele, Iocluding, but not Ilmlted to, ►eesonable Truetee's feea, ra�conebte ettorney'e fcres and !
<br /> _ . nln�tatNnant fees:Ib1 to ell suma secured hy rhta dmd nt tn�gt,end Ic!the U+!lenca.If eny,to the persorta l�elly enti:led to r¢Calva ii. I .� �� '���
<br />> � 13.FarNoMin.At Lender's option,thla deed of tru�t mey be Qoreclosed In tM menner provlde by epplicebte lew for forecloauro of monpspea j ;?" �f' _
<br /> on rsal property. �.,;�- "
<br /> 1�.M Lender may entor the proporty to inspact it if lendar gives Borrowar notice beforehend.Tho notice must stete the reaeAnsDte ~.'�
<br /> ceuce for onder•e Inspectlon.
<br /> 16.CondsmaryHon.Borrower esslg�na tp lentler the procoeds of eny eward or claim for dama�ges connected with a condemnatlon or other tskfnp ' �
<br />_ of aIl or 1�tty nart of the property.Such procaeds will bo epplled as provlded in Covenent 1.Thls asslgnment Is subbct to the terme o}e�y prlor �� .1;�
<br /> secudty egraemont. •-
<br /> �,•' � 16.Mhiwr.By exerclaing eny remedy ovattabb to LerxluT, Lo�dor does not give up anY rlghts to leter use e�y otMr romody.By not exercisinfl �� � ,'
<br /> �ny remody upon Bor�ower's dotault,Lendar does not waive eny rlght to later consider the event e defeutt Ii i2 happens egai�,
<br /> 17.Joint er.d S�wral Lt�bMftv Ca�a; Succ�s�ora snd Aufpna Br.und. All dutius undar thta daed o}trust ere Jnint end severel. Any
<br /> ' Borrower rJt:a co•sfgns thls deed o}trust but doos not co•slgn tho unCerlying debt Instrument(sl does so only [o grent end convuy that
<br /> Borrower's intereet(n the propeny to the Trustee under tho torms of tA�s doed of trust. In additfon,such e Borrower eg�eaa that the lender end I
<br /> •ny other BoROwer under thls deed of trust may oxtend,m�difv or make eny othar chenges in tM term� af thls deed of tNSt or tM secured I
<br /> �' „ deUt wfthout that Borrowor'e conaent end withovt�eleesing that gorrower from the terrss of Yhle dnod o!trust.
<br /> 1
<br />- . The dutlee and benefits of tlia deed ot trust shall bind ond benefit tha sucCOSSOre and essgna o}Lender end Barrower. �
<br />= 19.NoHe�.Unless othcrwiae requlred by law,onY notico to Borowor ehall bo glvon by dolivoring it or ty mefling it by�certifiod meil oddreesed to �
<br />_ Borrowsr et the property addrssR or eny other etldresa that Borrower hes givan to Lendor.Bnrro�ver�nll give e�y notice to Londor py certitied
<br /> mell to Lender's pddres9 on pege 1 0}thls deed of trust,or to any other address wh(ch Lender has deslgnated.Any ott►9r notica to Lendor shell �
<br /> 6�eent to Lender's eddre�.�es ototed on pago 1 of thls doed of trust. i
<br />�j . Any notice shall be dee:naJ to hava beon givan to Borrowar or Londor whon glvon in the manner statod abova. ;
<br /> y"�� � ��•T�a�!s�a�tM RoperY cr�l�rdal tntanst In tM Bortowu.N n{f or eny pert of the property or eny interost in it ia sotd or tnn�forrod
<br />_ without I.drr.l8r'� prio►w�Rten coneent, lend6t may Aemand Immedir."e saymeot of the socurad debt. Lender mey elso damnrni Immedi�to
<br />—__ p�yment ii ii�a 6qrrower ia not e narxaS pereon end e beneiklel (nierent In the Borrower I�eold or tronafened. However, Land�rr mey not '
<br /> d�m�nd payment fn tM above situaciona if�t i�prohi�ited by federel law�ss of tM date of thfs dead ot trust.
<br />=�t 2O.R�eonwyn►e�.When the obligatbn secured by thls deed ot trust hsa been pald, end Lentler haa no furtlx�r obtigttlon to mnke edvences �
<br /> ; und�r the Inetruments or agreemente secured by this dead of trust, tM Trustee sheu, upon written request by the Lender,recanvoy the truat
<br /> '•+ property.TM Lender shdl deliver to tha Borrower, or to Oorrawor's successor In Intorast,tho trust deed end the noto or other ovldonce of the
<br /> _,� � obli�eibn so satlsfled.Borrower shall nav env recordnNnn ensta. _
<br />- � - - _
<br /> 21.6ucassor Tru�tN. Londer, ot Lendar's optton, maY remove Truateo e�d appoint e succossor trustae by flrst, mailing n copy of the
<br /> •ubstitution o}trustoc ee requlred by eppllcebte Inw,pnd thgn,by fllinp tho sub�iltution ot trustan tor rocord in tho otfico of tho register of deeds
<br /> •�' 1 of e�ch county In whlch tM truat property,ar some pert thsraof,Is sftuated. 7he succossor trus2ao, without convoyance ot the proporty,shall
<br /> � succbed to ell t1b power,dutles,euthority ond titlo of tha Trustoe named in the deod oi trust and of uny successor trustee.
<br /> '� � _
<br />_li� • �
<br />_'� i
<br /> - Ipege�ol'll
<br /> = BAtWlEliS GV6TEMS,INC.,61.C10V0.MN 68301 11�800•39)•91�11 FORM OCP MT6 NE W1B�81
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