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<br /> +.x[4 w �rei�.M�wn.�a.�«rw���iw.m..�. : .
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<br /> (c) Fa�4wYeec�br l.7�tei4Y�t N�t�Walr�r�Any forh�a�e�nr,s py LenBer In a�xsralaing eny rlaht ar remedy hlreunder,nr
<br /> oth�wiM dtar�d by applG:�►�i)m�pw,�h�ll nai b��w�lv�r af or pt�ta�d�the ex�rclN ot Any�uch rl�ht or r�m�dy.7fN
<br /> procur�m�nt�t fnRUr�nc�or thY►Q�ym�nt of U�xe�or oth�►H�n�or ch�rp�e by L�nd�►�hrll nol b��wdv�r o!L�ndrr'�rlght to
<br /> accNMr�t�thn,maUulty af lhtn!r►�i�bt�dns�s�curaKf by thl�De�cf ot Trust.
<br /> (dy �woaqNa�anel A��aunA;Jo1M aM Mw�W Llsl�MNy;C�pllaq. Th�xowmnt�end aprMCr��nM hsrein eon-
<br /> Ealn�d�h�ll(olnd,end tAr rl��f�iti hereunAer eh�ll InurA to,ths re�p�ctiv�eucceaao►s�nd sealpne ol l.end�r end T�wtor,All
<br /> e;c;.:;:��ia si��i���.::����«�e:�.Y+��c'�ar�ti.11 t�a�ol��:a�tic7 c�v�ral,Ti iw s:ap�I0i1G Riii�I1�wQlnqa cZ Cna p�ra�esph�o?ii�l�Q�.�at
<br /> TruN�n for c�nw�nf�nc,�praty��1nd�r�nM to b�uMd tA InterprN or dNin�th�provl�lans P�enol.
<br /> (�) wpue�t ew Nalo�.Thn g���hersby rsqueft M�t�copy af any noticw of d�}�ult h�nund�r�nd�copy ol�ny�otl��
<br /> pf MI�h�r��ind�r b�m�ilu�d 7ci�ach porry t�thlt Desd of Trwt at tho s�dnsa�N torth�bove In ths menn�r pnscrlbed by
<br /> appllcabla law.EKCOpt Mr��yr cnh�r atoNc�nqulrad under�ppllcabls law to b�ylv�n In enoth�r mann�r,�ny nodce prpvld�d
<br /> tor In thl�Med of Trutt ahrl!lao�fven by rn�Ilina�uch notics by certifled mdl�ddra�Md to ths athar penle�,at the�ddrsa�et
<br /> torth�bov�.11c�y nodca pravkitnl.for In Ihl�Da�c1 ai Trust eh�ll be eftective upo�me�tUn�In the m��msr dsalynaad hKein.lt
<br /> Truetor Is mpte Ihan a�prrt��,nat!ce aQnt to the nddre�e ee!torth atrove ehall ba nodce to nll euch peroon�.
<br /> (q N�cMoe.l�nd»r rn��y�m�ke orcausw to be mads r�aaon�bte en4�le�upon�nd I��pecdons ot the Property,provided
<br /> th�t L�nd�r ahnll plve Tn�ttc�•r rr�tics prlor to any such In:pectlon epeciiylrtq r�aw�eble cauea therefor reteted to Lsnd�r'a
<br /> Int�ra�t Irt tho Prop�rty.
<br /> (Q) M�cnnw�yru�c�.Up���apymentot�II a�umd Reoured by th[s Deed oiTru�t.Lender shall requeetYruetne to rsaon�r�y M�
<br /> Propertyr and whaU aurremt�Ur ilil�Deed ol 7rust end all nots��►videnclnp Indebtednets eacursd by this Os�d of Tru�t to 1'ruilw.
<br /> Tru�Ow�hNil rsconwy 1tM Prnp� witAout wuranry end wifhout cherqe to the pereon or psraona Isaliy sndded th�ralo•
<br /> Yru�tor�h�Vi nay a11 coam of ret�ardetlan, it any.
<br /> (i'ij Fw�tw�ei F���iy�;S�ui��ny Ayi.-wn�.ni.Ae ed�31t(o��at sF,cu�iry Qor t7e pey�ei►i of Y�a Nota,Tru:�r R:r:.�y�r.n�
<br /> Lender unddr fha NebrASk,a 1J�ittarm Commorcial Code a securiry Intereet In el!8xtures,equlpment,end oM�r ps►sonel pro�rty
<br /> u�ed In conneatlan wltt�ttra mrAl�atate or improvements tocated thereon,and not otherwise declered or deomed to be�pat of
<br /> the real eattito aor.urad hero'ery.1'hla Instrumont shall be consUu�d as a Security Apreement under sald Code,entf tha Lender
<br /> shait Nevs a�fl th��lgha an�d rnmedles o1�secured party under aald Code fn�dditlon to the riphts end rem�dl�e crMUd e�nd�s
<br /> �nd sccorded the I.�mderpwrnusnttn Mle Deed of T�ue�provtded th�t lendePe righte and reme�dles underthis p�npnph�hail
<br /> bn cumul�tivo wIM,enci ln nn wAy e Iimllntlon on,Lender'e�i�hb end remedies under any othor eecurify u�reemont elyned by
<br /> t3orrower eir Trustor.
<br /> (i) Wns and Encuaa�Rar�rnr.�.Truetor hereby wrrranta and repreaents thnt there Is no default und�r ths provi�lonr o��ny
<br /> mortgafla,r�aed of trua�.l�w�trs o;purchese contrnct descrlbiny alf or eny part o4 the Propenyr,or other contracQ InshumeM or
<br /> oqreement aonetitutins a ilrtn�or encumbrance eyainat ell or nny part ol the Proporty(collect(veiy,"Llen�'�,existln�at d the
<br /> dete of thit�f)esd of Tn��t t�hd thot any and all exiatinp Liens remaln unmadltlad except aa dlaciased to Lende►In Tiutlor'�
<br /> wrltten dilicloaure ot II�Ant.nnd encumbrances provlded tor herein.Truator shall timely pe�orm all o}Trustor'e oblipatlom,
<br /> cDVM9f1tR f9OfA9erttdti[]�LZrt'nd�rsrinntl�fa��n[iarnnvw�rf aU owlattlR�anri���huw�liuife (1�IAII Oi11I11DNV IOfWLY�t[I LAIICIM CADId _
<br /> of ell noHaos ot deldult�tr�nt f�connectlon with any and ell exlsting or tuture Llena,end shall not v�ithout Lender'a{xior writMn
<br /> con�ent In�nny ma�n�er mcrvlf9y the Rrovlsions of or allow eny(uture ad�ancea under eny exiat(np or luture Llens.
<br /> Q) A�tplk:Nk+o M P�v�,c,nM.Unleao othe+wi�e►equired by law,eums pald to Lender hereunder,(nctud(ng without Ilmihlbn
<br /> paymente�t priro���cl and InYereet,ineurance proceeds,co�demnation proceeda and rents dnd proFlta,sRall be applled by
<br /> lender to•tt�a arr�ounts duo and owinp irom Tru�tor and Borrower In such order as Lender in fM sole discretlon dsems desitible.
<br /> (k) 38rtr�bNitr.1�any provaslon of this Ueed ol Trust aontlicts with appllcable lew or is declared Invalkl or otherwi�s
<br /> unenSar�aable,auch confti��Z or tnvalidlry shall not attect the Q!hor provisona ot thly Deed of Trust or the Note which can bs
<br /> plwn NMCt without the cos�t!�ctin�provlNon,and to thfa end the provlsions o1 this Deed ol S:uat and the Note�re d�ctand to l�w
<br /> eaverebleb
<br /> (1) Tumir.The tam:!"'IYuator"and"Borrower"shsll includa bath sinsular and plural,and when the Trustor and 8orrcwer
<br /> are tl�e Fema pare�n(s?,tY�;rae terms aa used i�thts Deed of Trust ahall be�Intercl�angeable.
<br /> (m)t.�wminp L,�w.Thls Daed oi Trust shell be govemcvJ by the lews of the State of Nobraakn.
<br /> Trunor hns executed thin,�ead o1 Truat ae o}tho d�te rrrit�:�above.
<br /> 1�..�. )d._
<br /> n er a T u tor ue an
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<br /> �'B��Y� Trustor e
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