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<br /> ..s, ,. - 1 - .,�fL`f�• . .., -_ - . . . _ _. _..-.
<br /> . �r . r - .. . • � !I .
<br /> r� -�� . " „ . ,. .� . ' .
<br /> ^♦ � - . ..�. . . .. .... �u.n�. ��i . . . _ . . _
<br /> .d �L�._ . • ' . . .,,'�•��,-t:f � . . r. .. .� . . .
<br />......r�{..}��.eeMFtG:e+Kf�R� �Ir.a.':: ,. . _ . „ � � . . . . a� � ',dilr�d.'SillYifMnriAi.r..��� . '.rit�Y �..
<br /> . • ,• ,
<br /> �
<br />_"_"...,.-��1-r.a.:.o.r..o� � ` _...�.i..._._ � 7�}. .
<br /> , .
<br /> - _--- - _ "".�-.--.�•. ... r.. :�',_ .r-1Cay4F�4:)W$ �/�{'� "Sr�Si4� ".kM.�ta'i�"d�.iL!�lir .�. - . ....a-et -
<br /> ,.
<br />_.L. � . ,. ;:�-•---m: . . tN .. ; �, if.� .... << � .
<br /> � ..
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<br /> - . . . � d�_,. :,.�.i,.�.s�:.,.:. __...._,..:.. _ .. ::
<br /> ...._ �� _..�..
<br /> �' �.
<br /> - __ _ _ .. ��_ -
<br />..�...—.. --_ -- _ ;,._ � '.++
<br /> ..}"'��.�,TYri:ti':Y. ��� .
<br />� .' , .. ^• ' _.
<br />_ p�E� e� v�u��we��� �a�����: A�c��r���;:; ���J�•=a �1,4?�.�i�dv i� :
<br />::.::,"t�,�,.�s .
<br /> -- 1'PilB DEER OP TiiU87,I�mede a�01 the 2��r�day of_ ��"h• _ .tU_ `.ia,qy nnd omonp
<br />="�!.a�y�e..��r�rF lhs Tru�tor� Nr all �r�V�' h2. 'l'rleibl,r l�„��VE±�h�.....a..h���L�nr1 E1f1�t�..�W,�.f� .�..�� •
<br /> -_�,�'�'�}•-�' 2m0 Ara ahne Avca Grund Xnl.arer pe Ea�flAa°:l017 � ;h .r-
<br /> -.� P „,..... �hnrmin"Tru�tor,"w►ii+thor one or more), ' ti
<br /> whoss malllnti Rddre�e Is .
<br /> �--_=--T—��,�r lhe Truetee� _. Five�eint�Ilank. a NS_bt@9ka Cornor,.t,,�on � F.,, ;,
<br />",p����'�. p.U. Onx 15�7 Grand Ioland, Nk: 6�00! }' '�
<br /> —��'"��''� whoaa malllnp addrefe is —� (horofn"Y�uotoe"),n�d �
<br /> _.._ ..,. ` , ,
<br />,�dtr��'�f;"�"` - , tho Bena1lclery, Five PointA Benk � *
<br /> -�., .��.�{;�.�., ;. ,..
<br /> � � r whase mailinp addrese la 2015 H. Broadaell Grand Tr�lend, HT. l���l0?-1507 _„(�iprnin"l.ondor'�. � .
<br /> 'r.�;•..�,.." ._:.
<br />:. �..,.
<br />;:��-�..�-. •; Drion L Varbn `
<br />°;��1!�_w` • ; FOR VALUABLE C�NSIDERATION,includtng Lender'e extenalon n1 credlt IdAnti(In� hnretn to ;�
<br />..�},Ls!Eti';..,:�„�.:� - . .
<br /> ��.�>•.- b Tan�my L Verba (herein"Borrower",whother mno mr more)and tho trun1 hnrnin cront�d, � ~
<br />..e�'7'�.. ft �:_• .. .:.:.:�x.�; .
<br />-=._;�:�; r•,.� , the recelpt o1 which le hereby acknowtedp9d,Trustor hareby irrevocably gi�snte,trr�nnt�re, conveys an d aaa lpnn ta Tru n t o e, I N • -� ir
<br /> • ������i��.: TRUST,WITH POWER OF SAIE,for the benefit and security ot Londer,under and eub�nr.t ta ti►p torms and condltlont►ht+rolnnftor e�et i
<br /> }�•.:��;�t.=:. �' "�`"'.°�
<br /> ,,.�, •, torth,the real property,deacr(bed as followe: +-'K--
<br /> -..�.:�,�,;;;:. � Lot Forty Eighf. t9�), Block One lll, Dale Rouoh Sec�nd Su�divioion to Holl r� •� �';'�:�.���
<br /> ;:,,t _�_ Gounty. Hebraeke. '_`.�.�^'&
<br /> _- �.�'',=�,�+ �:• ��'
<br />`i:_�,`. .:� .. .:�;1'""�,�-'
<br /> _:M.,..�°;1.r:'.x ��:�_-
<br /> Yv;,f���_
<br /> ' Together with ell buildings,Improvements,fixtures,street3,alleys,paennQeivnyn,enoamonts,rights,privUopna�nd appurte� ° .:�„_�:.r.
<br />; i,�}�,, nances located thereon ur In anywlse pertaining theroto,and the rente,issuoe encE prAfits3,revarslons end romalndnm theraof,and �7r�;�L;=`—
<br /> auch pereonal property that la sttached to the improvemente so se to confltituto n fiutura,Includlnp,but not Ilrt►itod to,hoatlnfl and �;�_�__ __
<br /> ::�.,:
<br /> •;•s cooling equipmenk and topether with the homostead or maritel interestt�,li an�,whlah int�resto are h�reby reloaovd nnd wni�od:elt :;�:;�1e�
<br /> '�" .1 , '' oi wiilch,Including rspls�oments and ac#ditlon�thereto,ls hersby doclared to bo a pnrt of tho real estete socur[xl by tho Ilon of thls `p�cc�q,.._
<br /> Deed o}Trust and all of the toregoing being refBrred to herein as the"Properry". I '�� r�,�
<br /> � 'fhle Deed ot Truat shall secure(a)the payment of the principal aum end intqrent evldonced by e promlaBOry note or credlt �;�T
<br />... � nnn ��'
<br /> � � ' agreement detot! _ February 21at 3a9S ,having e matu�ity dato of riarcn iai. Zr,o� �
<br /> ' t� .
<br /> � 1N�000.P10 , and an and all madificatlona,oxtonalono c�a�d renewals
<br /> � " '• In the oripfnal princlpal amount o?S y
<br /> ' tha�eoi or thereto and any end aU tuture advances and readvances ta Borra►vor(ar any of them ii more than onQ)hereundM
<br /> �" ''';��'�r' �� purauent to one or more promfasory notes or credit agreements(heretn callod"Nnto");(b)tho payment of othvr st►m�c�dvanoed by
<br /> .,�•.,..
<br />- � �,. + �• Lender tv proteat the seaurlty of tha Note;(c)the periormance of all covenanto and egreemente o}Trustor sat forth heroin;and(d)all
<br />� •�� � �� �'�'1�`�� preaent end tuture indebtedness and obllgRtione of Sorrower(or ony of thnm If mare than one)to Lendar whotrivr direct,Indtracy
<br /> � �'_.: ..�.
<br />•-%^��� �•'��•"� absoluto or contingent and whethor arising by note,guaranry,overdrutt ar ottt�rwitto.Tho Noto,thla doa�of Truat and any end nl1 `' �
<br /> �-.. . �- other daauente Mat aecure the Note or otherwise executed in connoatlon tharowlth,Includlnp without Ilmitation duarnnteea,eecurtty
<br /> .. • •,,...,
<br />.:r..;..zrtwm.� •� ag�eemente end aaalpnments of leases and rents,shail be referrod to horoin aa tha"Lonn Documents".
<br /> �• - -��-•�k1►+M ° Truator covenante and agrees wlth Lender ae follows: ..��, ' '
<br /> � � • .-:�.., 1. Paym�nt o1lr�bqdnKa.All Indebtednoss secured hereby ahall be pald whon duo. • ..• -� ' '
<br /> Z. TIl1�.T►ustor le the owner of the Property,has the rfght end euthority to canvey tho Properiy end warranto ihat tho Ilan �°' � �L=
<br />_Y�:..�.,;�r;•,,- ' —
<br /> ���:�.u,a�,• creeted hereby fs a Ilrst and pr(or Ilen on the Property,except tor Ilena und encumhrqncoa set farlh by Tniatot In wrlting and '!•� .�-�_:"
<br /> �.:.s�,��-�._��•x. delivered to Lender before executlon of thla Deed o}Trus�and tha exocutlon end dotivory of thle Daed o7 Truot do8a nolvlolute any ,� ``• .. r�;;�--
<br /> � °�� cont�ect or other obllpatton to whlch Trustor le subJect _ -
<br /> -,-�"r:-�:� ��°`��Il�-
<br />_`',`;��{��;.a 3. TaxN,Ass�monb.To pay beTore delinquency ail texos,spc�cf�l aooa�sments end all other charpes A{�pinntihe Proparty . "_�;-.
<br /> -1,r .: ,�. now or hereaRer levled. ;�`�'. .� "'`..
<br />.��i•y!� ` i •'�,�y
<br /> 4. Insurl�ffx�.To keep the Property insurod agalnst damnge by firr3,haxardu Inciuded wlthin the term"oxtpndod oovempo",and �.�. ����;.
<br /> .. such other hezarda ea Lender mey requirA,In emounts and with compunit�n ttaaoptablo to Lender,namla�g Londpr Qo an additlone) �
<br /> ' In red with loss a able to the Lendor.In casA of loss under auc�h palla►es,the Lendar lu nuthorizal to adJuot,aolleat end � �- -•�•;'�
<br /> ., ..,,�,•.,, named su , P Y !�Jr'�•
<br /> �� ��.ri�.•. compromiee,all cleims thereunder end ahall have the aptlnn of ppplying ull ar part of tho Inaurc�nce proceeds(i)to uny indobtodness � •,, ����'.
<br /> ��n � '" securod hereby and In suoh ordor es Lender may determine,(Iq to the Truotor ta be uuud far tha repulror restoretlon o1 the property Ff : "'�---
<br /> f�,"=''-'�;:`.`'.'~� or piq for any other purpose or obJect eatlafactory to Lender wlthaut affectinp tho Ilen a}th ta Doed ot Truat for the tull amount aoourod y `..i,^'�'�~',
<br />-�1,:"r^'�' �' hereby batore euch payment over took place.Any application of proceedo to Indnbtodnoes shall not axtond or postpone tho duo ;; -
<br /> "����_�""" dete of any paymente under the Noto,or cure eny detault therounder ar harounder.
<br />"_ ,,• .••-.,; �. ��
<br /> «�••�.•i 6. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor ahall pay to Lendar,in auch mnnnor ae Lender may dusl�nate,sufHa6ent
<br /> �'�• � :� � sums tn enabls Lender to pay ea they become due one or mors of the foilowlnp:(q all t�uces,assossmente end othar c7a�rpes egAinst �?;;;,, ,.
<br /> ' `f� ' `' '�' the Property,(Iq the premluma on the property Insurance requlred hereunder,and(III)4T�o premiums on ony martgs�ge Insurance ° �•
<br /> ;.�.,,., �
<br /> .��`:` :. « '='� required by Lander. ��1� `,
<br /> ;'�;y��.^��. • 8. FAainMnanc�,RYp�in and Compilanc�wtih Law�.Trustor ehnll kcsop tho Property In good cdndltlon and repair,ahull
<br /> �!-��j� � prompUy repalr, or replaco eny improvemont which may be demaged ar du�troyed; ahall not commit or permit any wa�to or
<br /> . �. .�.:• `,�
<br /> ��.:rt�;�' -,.•.'. . doterlornUon of tho Properry;shpN not remove,damollsh ar eub�tentfelly alter any of the Impr�vomente on the Prouerty;snell not �
<br /> =::�i<;�!��,i'�'::•:�.� commlt,suHer or pormit any est ta I�e done In or upon the Prope►ry In vfolatfon ot any law,ordinetnce,or repulation;ond shall pay�►nd ��
<br /> `:;-.�_`St��},����,.�;�., �ramplly dlaaharge at TrostoYa cost and expense eli Ilens,encumbrancos nnd cherg�a levlod, Imposod ar ussest�ari ngainet tho
<br /> _',,,;�_,���,.:.; Property or any part thcreof.
<br /> '-::�z•,-,z��.�� �. 7. Emkwnt Dam�l�.Lender la hereby easigned eU compenscttian,awarda,dames�a and other paymenta or reliat(herelnaftor
<br /> =�;:���.a:r;�,..� ,;� "Proc�eda'�In aQnnecUon with condemnation or other taking of the Property or part theraof,or 1or con•reyenc�In llau of condemoe- • �
<br /> ---�a�� � 4'� Non.Lender ehall bo enUtled at Its optlon to commence,appe�+r In and prnsecute fn Ita awn name�np actlon or procaadUga,&n�
<br /> l''�'�"' shell also be entitled to make eny compromlae or settiement In connection wlth ouch taklnp or damage.In the evont any partion of .
<br /> "------- u._n��.►.���..w�.......�.......ad �nr.dn.ahatl hn�o Iho nntlon.In Ita 8019 0f1d UkI9t21U1Q dI8Cf8110t1,to epply all suCh ProCa�da,
<br /> ::-3;�T-°-- ntv r wpv�q.o w.�o�.......�.....��.�..__._.._....—•-`-- -•-. . . -- - �
<br /> �� .�:��6 after daductirtg therolrom ell coste end expenses Incurred by ft In connectlon with suah Pro.eeda.upon any Indentedness securod
<br /> -'-"_'"'�'� � ' " heroby and In auch order ae Lander mey determtne,or to eppty ail such Proceeds,ntte��euch d�xiuctlons,to the restoraUOn oT tho '
<br /> :� �.: ��' ProN uMn suoh condlUone es Lender may detormine.Any sppllcaUon of Proceeda to IndttFitndness ahall not oxtend or postponc� i' ^
<br />��Y::�.' M`�� �"'
<br /> _ �"i
<br /> the due date of sny paymente under the Note,or cure any deteult thoreunder or heroundur.Any unapplled funds ehall be paf�to
<br /> - .�'_;wr�i. Truetor.
<br /> ;:_:�{R�;� . � ., �s,..........�_._�.____�......�_......_.,,....
<br /> - . ��s;��- 4. P�rlormanc�by��nd�r.upon tna occurrenca oi an cvn��i o��a�o�..��o�o���w�:,�:••�•v��•�u wnv.�...�..d.��p•..........���u
<br /> - � t �;� ` commenced whlcH materfslly eHecto Londer'e Intere�t fn the P�operty,Lender may fn!ta o�vn dlocrotion,but without obltgation to do
<br /> ''.>�i . . �. ..
<br /> J�;,a: . so,snd without natice to or demand upon Trustor and wfthout roleaeing Trustor hom any obiiqntlon,do any ect whlcN Trustor tias
<br /> . � apreed bu!falls to do and may elao do a�iy othar aet It deems necesaary to protect the securtry horaof.Truator shall,Im�nedlatoty
<br /> upon demend therelor by Lender,pay to Londer afl coste and expei�ses incuored end sume e>:pondttd by Lendor In connoctlon with i
<br /> tho exerclso by Lender o}the toregolnp rtpht�,topether wlih Intereat thereon at the detaull rota provtdod In the Noto,whtch shali be
<br /> • ' " °� :"`� addnd tn the Indebtednesa aeoured horoby. Lender Rhall not Incur nny Ilr�blllry bocaueA of anythlnfl it may do or omit to da
<br /> " ' �'��1 ��- hereunder. � �
<br /> , ` .. • ..: � i
<br /> .. 1
<br />