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<br /> R . ' L1��.a.���e�awM1lI��A_"..._ .a�...�.u...�......... ... . ................._ "'___._"..._"___'___.�._`"___'_`"_._`_�_._......_." —_.._' _ '........ . ... . ." _._."._ .__.
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<br /> MOR�7�CAtZE ��:��� �L.�,Cp�� ` .
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<br /> 'It�b MaM�ge laeatend Into batweea� ��Ar�dol Je Scarr�ow t�r�d Pamc1A A. S�;art o►�. �
<br /> �
<br /> _}ju�tband a� W�e _(hrreln"Mort�n�or")and � .*
<br /> „ �Ive P�Zn s Bae�k�„ n Nahraak� -�nrnnratloq_,___.__,_._ _(ftlreln"MortQeQce"1• .
<br /> I s
<br /> .' Mort�µ¢or(s Indebted to MortYy�ee In tho principal eum of 3��� ���� ,ovldenced by blart�aQor's nate �,
<br /> • �qa F�ebruarv 22. 199�ereln"Note•'}�ravidln��or payments ot princ►pv�nd inkrest�wtth the t�Unce ot the ,
<br />_ . . -.- -, fndebtedne�s,it not sc�azr pAld,due�nd payable on._A�C�b.1.- 1999 .
<br /> Tb�ecure the p�yment oY the Nok,vrlth Interest Rs pmvided therein,!he p�yment of dl other suma,with Interest,
<br /> � �dvutced by Murtt�ee to proteet the secudty of this Rlortgt��tutd the perfomunce ot the coventntn and t�reements of � ,
<br /> tho Aiortyt�ar eontalnerl henin, Mort�e�ar does hereby moat�ege cnd convey to MorL�agee the tollovring descriYbed
<br /> pmperty louted in Halt County� Nehraskt:
<br /> The Westerly Forty-Four (►�4 j Feet of L:ot T hree (3), in Dlock Eight (6), tn
<br /> , H.G. Clark's Additlon to the City of Crand Island, HAII County, Nebraska. �
<br /> . .,,. `
<br /> ,�h f , . .
<br /> � 5� �.
<br /> I , "
<br /> ` '�.4.�
<br /> c._fr.��.
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<br /> .�,�';�l,
<br /> .;�;;:.,�,J!fc_
<br /> ther with dl bulldin Icn mvements,dxtures�streets alle a, assagew� s, eaaemente,dghts, � r`S �
<br /> 'lbge Hs� A � Y P Y ptivtleQes and ''c i dr
<br /> �ppurtenaace�+lacated thereon or in anywise pertdning themto,�n�tbe;rents,fasues and proflts,rev,erslon�Rnd remdndere -�. ' �.
<br /> thereol;inGluding,but not Ifmited to, heatlnQ and cooling equipment tnd such persond property that l�tttached to the • ,,; tr
<br /> lmpruvement�so a4 to cunstitute a tlxture;ail of whtc6,Including repiacernents ead�ddltions thereto,ts hereby de�J�+ed k ,,;,�,
<br /> • �� ta be a part of the zeal esttte secumd by the Ilen of this rlfr�rtyt�ge and all ot the toz��aing being mfcrred to herein es thc .�ch:""
<br /> r , .��
<br /> , ,.����,.� C :;+�,� ':•r
<br /> ,.� �, ,�7;31�,+: ;�:..,::
<br /> � Mort�a�or Nrther convenants and��rees.with Mortgagee,�.s toltows:
<br /> •..�;i, t•,,;� ,'4
<br /> 1. P�ymenk 7b pay the inde�tedaess md the intorest thcreon as provtded in tl�ts Mortgage and the Not�. � • {`•� �
<br /> '`'� t:.s
<br /> . •',�•':•: .. � :� ,.
<br /> 2. TItle. hlortQtQor ls thc o�vaer of the Y�coperty.hs� the dght ind�uthority to mort�ege the Property.+and �;;: �� �`:�n�
<br /> � wuTants tdat Me Ilen cre�ted hereby [s�Qtst and prior Iien on the Property,excepi�s may otherwise be set[orth�he:ein. „ ,.��", �,t
<br />-- . � -,;�.�''. ,.._
<br /> � �Ttie Roperty ts sub)ect to a Mortgage wtiereln.�o�Cial Federal Baek� a F -deral _— . , ,+� -
<br /> � b the Mort�tpee�cecorded'�t�Q'��l2iEXX��of the M-ol�ga�R�eckord+of Hall County,� � .
<br /> • ,� NeDra�lu,whlch Mort�a�e is a llen pdor to the Ilen created heceby. �
<br /> } �� p Othei ptior Itens or encumbrencea: f,'�'�, . .
<br /> e � . . ,r' .
<br /> r
<br /> � _� i
<br /> ,
<br /> � I
<br />- 8. Tuces,As�e�ments. 'Po pay when due aU taxes,Rpecinl auessments�nd alf other chuges aqninst the Property �
<br /> t , and,upon vrritten dem�nd by Mortg��ee,to add to the p�yments requlted under the Note srrured hereby.auch�mount as �
<br /> ,. �nay be sutQclent to enable the MortQagee to pay such Uxes,assesstnenfs or other cha►�es�s they become due.. �
<br /> �r ���' ' 4. Iotvcu►ce. To keep the improrenaents unM or he�+e�fter loc�ted on tfi�r re�l estate desedbed hernln insu�ed �
<br /> '' � ' �pinat damqe by tire'and�uch other h�ut�de u Mort�Kee auy nquirc,[n amounts and with comp�ntes accepttblo tn the '
<br /> � ��. Mortp�ee.�nd nilh las pay�bie to tbe MoN�ee. lIn case of loss under cuch policies the Mort�e�aufl►orfud to
<br /> .� adJ�L,cotlett u►d compmmlie.in its dlacretton,dl cUlms thereunder nt Its sote option� authorfa.edtoeltherrpply tAe �.
<br /> .a pta.,eeds t�t3�e resto:allon of ttie Pcoperty or upon ti�o Indcbtedness secu�d Eicmby,but paymenba hemundcr shall con� �
<br />'y t�nue•untfl the sutas secured hereDy arer Wid in tull.
<br /> 6. ❑F.scm�For Tue+and Luurana. Noi�viN:utanding auythlep contalncd in pu�rtphs 3 and�henof to the
<br /> ; contrary�Mott�igor shatl pay to the Mortg�ee�t the tin�e of pqrin�t�e ntontSiy installments Qf principd�nd intemst,
<br /> � one�twelith of the yea�ty t�xes,�scessment�, h�zud insurance pce�r��vnr.t atiA•�taund renfa(i[ �ay)whlch Rn�y �ttafn a •
<br />.._� .��_u_....�..� ����_�y..�a •Ir�.u...s�..�t.a.►6..�t.��� if6��.........w...�.W.I.Jt 1.�
<br /> ------ - pnvi[i7 vici atm mva►�c�r.�aco..na..y vu.,.�w...,..........a.....�.av.q�,v......:p�v.. .uv.,........�..,p.......�..,. - .
<br /> . .:_.-__.____ _ ..
<br /> � � Add by the Mottge�ee�rithout intemt�nd applled to the p�yment of Ne itetns in re�pect to�vhlch such amounta wem
<br />,; t2epostkd.'IUe eum�p�id to MortKt�ee hereundeY�re pledged es add(ttonal cecurity tor the IndeDtedness secumd by thls
<br /> �. � Mott�t�ge.Mort{p�orehW pay to Mart�a`ce the emount of any deflctency b�tween tho actu�l tnxes,�sRCasments,insurance
<br /> �. , premiumo and p�ound rents md the deposits hereunder rvithin 30 daya dler demand is made upan Most�or requesting
<br /> � _ � p�ymcnt thtrwf.
<br /> � � 6. Re�(r�1�4aFntensnce and Uee. To promptly rep�ir.restore or rebuild any butldln�s or Impmvemenfs now or
<br /> �� �enatter on the Property;to keep!he Property[n good conditian and re�alr,without weste,and free[rom mech�nle's ar
<br /> �.� oNerilenr not expreasly subotdlnated tn tha Iten hec+spC;no!to m�ke�sutfer ar pennit�ny nufsan��e to extst,nor to dimim
<br /> i•� fsh or Impair tAc valuc of the Rnperty by any act or omfssion tn�et; u�d to comply with tll e+equlrement�of!sw witf►
<br /> '� ,� respect to the Property.
<br /> I�, . �
<br /> '� � ,
<br /> . - –
<br /> - --- -----
<br />