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<br /> � •. � ' lb.Borrower's Copy. 0orrowcr Shall bo qIvcn onc conformcd capy of tho Notc an�oT�1�7s Scscuriry InsuurnGnt. {-
<br /> • 19.'TrAnsfer o�ibe Prnpetty or A BenMcl�l Intereat in Borrower. If all ar any part of Uia Propcny nr ony intcrest!n it is � ,
<br /> sold or transfcrred(or if a bcncficlul intcrest ln l�orrowcr is �ld ur umsfcrr�d a��d anrrowcr is not n nmural qerson) w�thnut
<br /> I.cnder's prior wdtten conscnt�I.cndcr may,ut IGg opUon,rcquiro immcd�►to�aymcnt In full of aIl suma sccurr.d by this Socudty i
<br /> � Inswmcn� Fiowovcr,thi�opdon eha�l not hc oxcrciscd by Lendcr if cacrclso is pmhfbitcQ by fcdr.rnl law ns af tho du�ta af this
<br /> � Socurity InsWmcnG �
<br /> ,,_ - If l..cndar caca�ciscs Ihi$o tiM�,Lcmkr shall glvo parrowcr nollco af acccicradon.Thc noticc shaQ provida n pericd oS nn1 Icss :
<br /> than 30 days fratp tho � � ar malled withln whlch Dorrower must pay nll sums secured by this Secunty i �
<br /> � � " � Instrumc�i� If B ms prior to tho oxplradon of thcs period,l.cndcr mny invokc ai�rcmcdlcs permi[ccd �
<br /> by�hLs Sccurlty In u or dcmAnd�n Borrower. �
<br /> 18.Borrower'e . If• 8orrower mects ccrtain conditlons, Barrowcr shull hnvc thc right ta havo ;
<br /> enforcement of this Socudty Instrument dlscontinued at any dme prior w the enrlier of: (n) 5 days (or such ather �itxl ns i
<br /> applicable law may spc;clfy for relnstatcment)before r,alc of the Propcity p�usuant to eny pnwcr of sala cantuined in this Sociuity !
<br /> � Instrumcnt;or(b)cntry af a judgmcnt cnforcing this Socurity Instnimen�'R�osc condidons arc Uiat Borcowcr.(�)p�ys I.cn�iflr eU
<br /> sums which ihcn wauld be dut under this Security Instrument and the Notc as if no acceleradon had accu�rcd; (b)cums any
<br /> . default of eny other covennnts or agroements; (c)gays all eapenses incurred in enfoming this Secwiry Instrument,inclualinF�hut �
<br /> not Iimited w,reasonablc auomeys'fces;and(d)takcs such acdon as I.cnder may rcasonubly rcquirc w assurc ttmt tha li�n of this
<br /> �� Secnrity Instnunent, L,ende.r's rights in the Property and Bocrower's obligaflon to pay tho sums sec�ned by this Snciuity 1
<br /> �"' Instrumcnt shall continue urichanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thLs Securiry Instrument and the obliBc�tions sociuecf i
<br /> � hereby shell remaln fully effeedve as if no acceleeation had occurred.Howeve�,this right to reinst�te shall not apply in tho c�asa of � � •
<br /> -n�. acccicradon underparaBraPh 17. � ,.
<br />_ ,;,�r 19.Sa{e ot Note;Cbange of I.oaa Servicer. 7fie Note or a partial intnrest in tha Note (together with this Security i
<br />-�:� Insuument)may ba sold one or more times without prior notic:�iv Burruwer.A sala may n;suii u�a ci��,�ba��u�z�r�v:y��.i��wu � .. '
<br /> �s the"Lo.�tn Servicer")that collects month➢y payments due under the Note and diLs Security Insuurment'Itierc aL�o may Q��a�s or
<br /> moro ctu�nges of the Loan Servicer wuclated to a sele of the Nots.If there is u change of tha la�n Servicer,Borrow����U t►e ,• �•�,, . .
<br /> � �iven wriuen notice of the change in accordance with par�raph 14 nbove and appllcable law.'Rie nodc��vill sUUe die nama und � ^ �'���
<br /> � address of th. rtew Loan Servicer nnd the adeimss to�vhich payatents should be mado. 'Ihe nodce will also contain Rny other • -� �+'�'
<br /> ��� infocmadon required by applicable law.
<br /> ?A.Hazardous Substances. Borcower shall not cause or permit the prasence. use, disposal, stora�c, or rcicaso of any , ;�!�,�-
<br /> . Hn7ardous Substances on or in the Pe��operty.Bomower shall not do.nor nllow anyone else ro do,anything affectuiII thc Froperty ,�:r;,,�
<br /> ' diat is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall rtot apply to the prescncc,use,cr stornLp on the ' �•+
<br /> -�- -' -�- rropr�ty oi smaii quananes ai tiazar�ous Substances that ace generauy recognizod to be nppropriute to norm�l residentixl uses
<br /> • and to meIntenance of the Property.
<br />_ Borrower shtill prompdy givc Lender wripesE notice of any invesdgation, claim,dcmand, lawsuit Qr other acaor� by any ' ;.
<br />" ' govcmmental or regulato.ry agcncy or private party involving the Property and any Harardous Substance or Enviinamr�;r1 Law ��
<br /> ,;,:�_. of which Bocrower has acwal knowleslge.If Borrower leams.or is notificd by eny goverRmental or regWatory authoriry.t?i:�t any •.�, '
<br /> removal or other remediadan of any �7a7ardous Subslance affe:cdng the Property is nocessary,Borrower shall prompBy ta5:e all '. � �
<br /> ' ' nece,�sury rr,rr►edial acdons in eccordance with Environmental Law. . � -
<br /> As used in this pamgraph 20,"Hazardous Substances" aee those substanoes defined as wxic or hazardous substanoas by . • �%r
<br /> Environmental L.uw und the following suUstanccs: gesoline, kcrosene, oiher flammable or toxic petroleum �rnducts, toaic y�_ ;
<br /> pesdcIdGS and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,nnd radioACdvc matenuls.As u�d in
<br />. � ,:,,:'"; this puragraph 20,"Environmental Law"mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdicaon whcr�c the Prop�rty is lacuted thst rolate '� ��.,. .
<br /> �• to health,safcty or environmental pro2ecdon. :��� >
<br /> - �'��.I � l.y
<br /> .. ����r��'
<br /> •:, � NON-LJNIFORM COVBNANfS.Borrower and Lendez furthcr covenant and agre;.as follows: q, � . �
<br /> � • . 21.Acc�elersttion;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratton following Borrower's k►reaci�o! �,,>.:%".'
<br /> • > •;, , any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acce{cradon under ppragra�h 1'Y uaks9 ,.,�,,,"��, r
<br />• '�� applkahk law provides otherwLSe).'ii'he notke shxll specity:(a)the defeulti(b)the action required to cure ths ck.�'r.�0�;(c) ''��''-° � ,
<br />- -�`-;�`: . a date,aot less Ohnn 30 dA�e from t6e date the notice ts given to Borrower�by whic6 the default must be curc�; �vd(d) �'�'�'`� � �
<br /> � h, � that tajlure to eure the detauit on or betore the date specitied In the notice may result ia accelerarion af the sums secnnYl �:, ,
<br /> ;;��•c by t6fs Security Instrumeet aed sak oY the Property.The aotice shAll further infor�Borrower ot thQ right to retnstate „
<br /> �•�""%�: uner�ccekratbn and the r(ght to brlug a rnurt action to assert the non�extstence ot u default or auy ather dEfence o! � ��'"}yr„
<br /> •• Borrower to accekratlon and suk.IIQ the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the uatEce,Lene9xs,at fts �,,.
<br />- , opt6on.may requirc immediate payaneut in fuli ot a!1 hums secuced by this Sec�rrity Inatrument wit6out furthcs demand , . �
<br />- , and�ay invoke the power of sAk and any othea remedies permitted by npplicabk law.Lender shu!!be entitled ca wlkct
<br /> .• all expenses incurred in pursutng the remPdles provided in tht�parngraph 21, ia:luding,but not d;�mited to,re�snaAble �
<br />= attorneys'fees and�osts of titk evkteace.
<br /> - , If tbe pow�er ot sale L� invoiced, Tr�stee shalt record a notice of default in eac�county in wbich aoy part o!'fhe I .
<br />_ . Pmoperty L�bwted and s6oU mail coy�tes ot such notice in the maener prescribed by appllrable I��v to Borrower antl to the � '
<br /> - ather persuns prtscribed by uppl�CUbk law.Aner the time required by Appl€cable la�v,Trustee s4��til give pub(ic nniice o4' I
<br /> � ',;,, sak tn the persony And In t6e manncr prescrlbed by applicable law.Trustee,witl►out demend ou��rrower,sk�ail stil the �
<br /> = Property at Publk auctbn to the 66ghest bict�Ser at the time end plase aad un�er tttu termu cic.�s[gnuted[n the notfne of sak �
<br />- � •
<br /> ; -
<br /> ` . Form 3028 �190 �
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