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*,..t,.,:. _ -,-. ., , . T .- •- <br /> ,,,,� �'�.' - . ,..�•..,.,� ... „ <br /> ..-.r... •--.- - +.......... ... <br /> `. . . . . . , . . , . .:�.�,.-rvml`• � �. <br /> , . � . .. �._ ..�y i!�4l �.. . . . �. � . .. _... ;S4>E�-..�.�._.i�_ � - <br /> •,�,f , �,��•.., �.� -a��:°�z <br /> .a..,.�.,:.., #afi>:,:.. _,,, .. _ . ..x.rrcw,.+� � . „ .. — - - - • _,�._ _.� <br /> . •„ . . . ,., _ _ <br /> . �� . <br />_�_'...a�.��Y�W..�.�. �.....�.:.�..�..._...�..i�._.�.._��._....��. .� .�r�a�W�. — -- -•, <br /> _ " .—___.. ._ .�.. <br /> -'..f'�r mi��1n.7�Pf�n"' <br /> �.ik:uvb:.•�i- - ---.f'i!f/rkY,�lr._. . _ . ... . . .. . . .t;.,... .:.:Y;it,:.`.r.3.1_,.. �.......«��,..�.�_�_____.�__.._ _ - `- <br /> -�.,�:� 3Ui�li� --- <br /> _�m:�.�?- �a- �� <br /> � . .4 � 9. �ender nu�y e�ae Rnd�ppy++ny.moneya roceived by It ae A resuit ot tiei�A9el�ane+:t,In euchi ar�er es tender may N�c1, tor Ar,y o��e � , <br /> ;�� ' cr nios��ai tho ta:'.o•.�irp Guruo�ea: <br />_..�i. �"•� � . (a) p�yment o1 any taxe�, aensesr�ente and chnrpes o1 eay n�ture whr.taocver that rruy he Iwied or aseeaaed In conner,tlon w,th eald � <br />--__. .lf� �5 Ra�l 1'�opeRy a Pxtcanil PrGpwty� ��'=�i-� <br /> _.. ;�_° :.�`f"'`•'� <br />--.�=�-�U� b t o1 wn Msc��r�ncumbnna rM�ctk� aN a�n of s�fd FiMI I� or P�aon�l Pr - <br /> l ) PsY� Y O Y f►at oi►�Y af�Y: ;i�4. <br /> �'�!= <br />-w::r��.�ivt,� 4t,•.;rh _ <br /> __.-__;_� (c) p�ymmt ol pr�m� on ouch poYd�e ot in�unnc�on�W a Mny pwi ai eak7 Roa1 Frop�w�or Pei�a�pf Frt��y�9 n�y[w c::a��::l � <br /> � �.:•:� �_ <br /> -_�-�,R�_•� �dviNbN by L�nd�r, '_ <br /> _- ---- -��:_ <br />:��::.i�E; '�• ��- <br /> (c� PaynNnt o} aN�xprnss��nd Ii�bNit1��Inwrt�d In iht cu��nd rtwuwp��»nt o1 rald Rs�J Prop«4y and Pw�unxl Prop�ly,Int�utlfng C�;..= <br /> - _:asie�+"•. ��;.m.- <br /> r �t, �ny com{x��uric�n pald to lender'� �pa�t� u�d tha exp�ns* uf auch npaks, afteraUona, a�dilions �nd fm{xuti�ments to aakl Ra�l ,,,,,. <br /> � Propatv�nd Pnrraon�l Property rs rrwy be daem�d necaasary or ad�iswbl�by l�nder; �"-�----� <br /> ,.���..: �'1-' <br /> ` �C� <br />�•a�"'��5�'�.'.,°��-",:�' (e) paymmt o} eny attom�ye' faee, court cost��nd a��s�lncurred by Land�r In conn�ctlon with the txerc{s� ai Ite rfpMn, pow� = <br /> �����.fi'" � �nd nuthortty hsreundor;�nd _ <br /> -�x:±ra:rr,.��_. <br />..°'iT!'l�P.Y�.9':, <br />-,���'�'��`�� (Q payma►t of any Indebtednesa or N�bHily of BoRaver 7o L�nder or It�asslyna,whether a6aohrtn or continpont,md no m�tt�r when R — <br /> �-,•�•�:� sh�u1ae. — <br />.yj� '_ <br /> ,:e <br />��� �-`: . : - _ <br /> , � 1. Natwithat�ndinp th�t this Aeslgnment Is�prosent asslgnrnent, Bomowa shn� hnvs pn�misslon to coNa.t ths�ts,Issues�nd proMs <br />�t^` � hom a�d mv�tDe the Ras�l Property �nd Person� Propeity ta so lonp w Barowrr duy end promptty pertama all ot Re obli�t(on�. — <br />_���.,j:�. �: — <br /> .� _, covenartts, �eprcsentatbna and w�rtantie9 under eny vtd aM note(a), rnwtg�ge(e), deed(a) or truat, eawrriy egreatnent(a), �nd/or u►y olher �__. <br /> -'�-�.-'��:'''=��'+ documMts and hstructlon�uxc�tcd by BonoKrer fn favw or tor the benefit a1 Lende►(ccPectNey, 'Loen lnstrument�'): provided that aach � <br />--=`�.n'�'+'d' <br /> _�; . .;� pern�isslun shi31 eutorrwllcaMy and wfthaut nntica tem�n�te in th� e�1e�t Bortowe► broaahee or othe�wlae faila to patorm �ny obl)q�llon. <br />:i��; ,, ' covenant,ropresenution or wuranry unda u►y of the Loan Inatiumenta. <br /> �''��"', b. My P:`ure or torbonranco by LEndK ta exerclso any ai Lcnd�r'a dghts w ren�edles hereundar shad not constftute e �vYMer of such �- <br /> ,. -,. � <br /> - t+�� ; dghte and remadiea o�othawfse prevent Lende►from extrdsinq such rlflhta end remedfe�in the future. <br />;:� ,�'. <br /> 8. Any rlght, power w suthorfty grentv,�d Ldtder hereunder may be exerctsed cither personaky or by ite attomr,y �r epent wtlhout <br /> '�i1=� btinging any ection or proeeeding,at Isw or In equiry, or by e tecetver ta be appointed by s court,at the disaetitin of Lender, without re�rd <br /> _ :+;. ��. ro the adcQu�eyr ot any secuiily fa any Indebtedness of Bonower to Lendtx and wtthout taking possesslon o1 oald Ral Property. <br /> i: ` �,. <br /> ,� �. ;✓' 7. Lendn sh�l not k�ar any NablGty tor feNinp to exerdae any rlpht, powe►or�utherfry prsnted hcreby, nor for�ny�ctFon taken tn lhe <br />--�'�`��'�' good f�ith er.erdse of whst Lender contidero to 6e its business Judgma►t purswni to eny such dght, pow�r or�uthority. Lender nhaN have <br />_�_._y t�y�M. W- <br />_-�,:ti,,,,+„`. no liability to Borrower,a ta any other person,for�ny demsge euftered by e�id HeN Property or Personnl Property uniesa dirQCtly caua�d by <br /> _:�nn4����� the wWNI misconduct a p�osa negligance o! 4ender. Lenda ehdl have no responaibllily for the acllons of ony tenant w oca�pant of sa{d �! <br />=i=�„ . <br /> �, ,,•> Re�l Ro�erSy, whether such tenant or occupnnt ehtJl be obUfned by Barower, Lende► or Lenda's egeni. Barower hueby agreee to �= � <br /> �-�R indemniy end hokl LenAor h�mdess trom rnd egsinst eny snd sM cteim�,c�use�ot�ction, loases,d�magoa,or expenses wMch Lende►might E- -T� <br /> •��� •���� Incur under a by reason o1 Ihis Asslgnment, or tor any action takm by Lender hercunder (except tor damages direcUy cauaed by the wWlu1 � <br /> F_= <br /> , ��rV�Fi��'�. <br /> _,�_�_;,y mlaconduct or grosa neplk,�nco ot Lendev)with inte�est theraon et the detauR rate Bet torth in tho note(e) secured horeL+y.Thn provisione of ;...�,h;,, <br /> ���a�"� ttda peragr�ph y sh�tl aumlre the paymmnt ot Borrower's indebtednesa to Londc�. �••.°°=,, <br /> ?:f.�'�:; :_a� : - <br /> :��s.;.,_,-.� • <br />-�=s�v�.� B. Un111 elf sum� owing now end U the tuture by 8orrower to Lenrler ohaN heve bcm pntd in full. BoROwer wHl transter end easlgn to � � . <br /> ::;;�:�,r Lender eny and aM tuturo le�ses upon all or any part of the Re�l Property end/or Per�annl Roporiy upon the same tertns end conditiona es <br />'.'"',�: hardn contdned, and Borrowe► ahaN execute, upan the same tertna end conditlona ea heroi�i Contalned, nnd Borrower ahtli execute, upon _ <br /> ', rat�uest of Landx,�ny end dl InsVumenta requested by Lender to turther implement thls Assl�nment end to furthar perfect the Interest oi � <br /> ' Lender In the leases and occupancy agreemonts end the rsyfts, Issues and the interest oi Lender In tha leasea and occupancy agreements <br /> ,� � �.-� �nd the renta,Issues ond avUla of seld Rea!Pro and Peraonal Pro nnd all othcr mon g gn y <br /> _-:$��;;�: perty peKy nys or ri hta nsal ed hereb . , <br /> - ,y, <br /> '"��'.'?ir�....�• � .. <br /> `^;r,�,�`•. 8. Thts Asstgnment sABp !n no way operato to prevPnt Lender (rom pu�sulnq nny romeety whfch R now has or heseaftor may hati¢ <br /> °�;'<~•,.�ti.- :;. becnuse ot any prcsent or tutura breach Instntment o} sr.curity now or hereefter h�id by Lender whlch may encumber aeld lieal F'roperiy or <br /> �:�'�+I..�: . <br /> the tetms oi any note or othor agreement which Lender may havo wit� �lorrower. The coliectlon end application of tha rents. Isouoa, prafit� <br /> :.�:�:.;-.-, <br /> -;:;��j;.;_�� end sveNs of said Reul Property or Peraonal Properry, or th@ cxcrcise ot�ny other right,power or euthority hereunder by Lender ahall not,of <br /> - RseM, cure w watve any de(auR or decterntlon or notice of defauR undci cald Instrument o! security or note or atfect any foreGosuro <br /> .�_ <br /> ���:,�:�,c; � pracaeding predleated thenaon. <br /> .i.v F• 4 <br /> �.� <br /> '����;•.'�,•�� 10. Bonowsr hereby t��atructa eH present end future tenents end occupants o4 eeld Red Property to pay elI amounts now or hereafter <br /> """"���'- due 6ortower under ench iendncy or occt+pnnay npreement pertelnlnfl to aald Reel Property lo Lender upon rece�pt oi noUce itom Lender to <br />����,i,b�':;�.. i <br />__'�:�'�.�.3'- so p�y the aams. <br /> -`• <.4:�' i <br />' �'�' 11. Bixrower wrmnts and r resents that Borrower hnv good tme to tho leases,rents,Issues and rotits horeb assl ed and ood � <br /> ,;;���?�<,'i�•�.� ep P Y 8+� 9 � <br />_ • �'"` rfght to asslgn the e�nM,and that no other pason, firm and/or co�oratlon has any rlght,tltle or fntereat thcreln;that Borrower hns duy and � <br />-, punttwly peitamed aN of the tertns, covenants, conclitlons end warranttc� ot ssld leases on Borrowcr's part to be kept, obecwad and � <br />`=?�'?����..,� peAortned: th�t Barowa hae diadosed to Lender aB loases end occupancy egreemente, and any and aN modlHcaUons thereof, to Lender, <br /> '-+n'��� tha4 aa{d leasn ero vaJM dnd unmod3fled except es apeciflsaly set torth on Exhlb(t 'A' and nre In tull torce and attect; Ihat Bo�TOwor haa not � <br />`�•�'�����"� prevloualy ndd, aeslgned, trensterred, mortgaged er �}tdgcd seld leases or rente, issues ond profite, whether now due or hercafter to � <br />�:'•�:��� become duo; that n�►rte o1 sild renta, Issuea and protits owing tor any pc�lod subsequent to Ihe date hereof havo been collected end that <br /> ,; , <br />..-.,_-- —A n • n� nl �Mn A� M nfMnn..{� Mmn nNnlw �..1 �F....� r�nfww..../ .1�. n�w.� ��nN ..��..- _�. <br /> r=i..:�.. � �.^.� . ��..� ..� ..� � �� ��. _....�.�.�.�. .. - • �..� �. �...�..� . - ., v. ..� w.iioo uiov��w�bw VI � <br /> T�,,�r;i cem�xornlsede lhat Bortower hsa not recNved any Nnda or depoalta irom eny lessee tor r�hlch credit has noi already been made on ; <br /> " " " °����' Borrowar'n�ccounte; and thif the Isssees under seld leases ara nat In defauft of nny ot tho tmns thereot. ' <br />�� �� . <br /> ..�f. <br /> .��. �: <br /> y,�' F1130:1LM0 (@/95) Pupo II of 4 <br />_ �`�'.���� <br /> '.v;�G <br /> 3t1WG0 <br /> ' � I <br />