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<br />. .Y.,,�F " . ' i� . . _ .. . � �.
<br /> ,. �'. f ,. f" .i.�.._ _ . r S. - . . .. �
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<br /> r �r'-, . ' � ,. � . ' �. � � . ... .
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<br /> ,�.r�+1A/h�.1J.�:}t. '...ii�i(+'Lr_n )•_'_ " '� . ' - . - ... rt:J�-. . " .... ._. ' _J._l�-�5.: . • _'_.
<br /> .
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<br />� _,.�....„ •::.�;•..'�� � .. .
<br /> . , . ��r 1��.01� I '
<br /> , � ,.
<br /> G. �Aalntenat�ce Rspalrm and Campllance wlth Lewee. Borravrer �hall keep tho Property In pood conditlon and repalr,
<br /> -+.-a : .
<br /> • � � ehnll prc�mplly rep�Ir, or replacs any Improvement whtch may be damnged or deatroyed; ehall not remove, demolish or aubatantlaity alter any
<br />:,,�:' , , In vlol�tlon ot an law.
<br /> _��.+•,;:,,,
<br /> of th�3 Im�ovemente on tho Propt�ty, ahall not cnmmit, sutter or pertnit sny cct to be dona In or upon the PropeRy Y
<br /> __:;;r„��; , . , ordinnnao, or requl�tion; �nd ehaA p�y snd promptly dlacherpe at Borrower's co�t end expense all liens, encumbrances end churpes levled. ( M
<br /> Imp��ed ur asaesaed agalnnt the Property or eny paR thereof. :
<br /> ;.�, ento or retief (hereirtaftar
<br /> ��:��+•� =� " � a. Eml��nt Domaitl. Lender Is hernby as6lgned dl compeneation, awuds, damage9 end other paym �
<br /> �"�'`��r�'� •pr�c�o�t.�') In connectlon wlth condemnatlan or other taking or the Propaty or part thereof, or tor conveyance In Ileu of condemnatlan. ,
<br /> � y�r� Lortdri►ahlll he entltled at ile option to commence, eppear In end proaecute in Its own name any acUon ar proceedlnys, and shall also he
<br />� �r�;n��'°�••-"'' ' �• entltind ta make rny compromise ov eelttemertt In connectlon with such taking or dimage. In the evont eny poRlon of the Property is so
<br /> � • � t�k�m or Mmaged, Lender shall heve the optlon, In Its sole and absotute dlse'retlan,to apply all nueh Proceeds, efter deducting therelrom ell ,
<br /> �k�,,. ,• costa nn�.i ex{�enses IncuRad by It tn connectlon with such Proceeds. upon eny ir�xl�btedness securedu onbsuchdcandtons sel ndor may . '
<br /> mny datrttmine, or to epply eN such Proceeda, after such deductlons,to the restors�llon of the Properiy p ,
<br /> dotarminR Any npPlicatien o1 Proceeds to Indebtedness ahall not extend or posipone the due cfete ot any paymente under tho Note,or cure '' �+;. :;
<br /> .. '��::: .
<br /> ,, nn�d�fnuft thereunder or hereunder. ' ,r. ,'• . �.. .
<br /> ' 7. P�rformanc� by I.�nder. In lhe event ot BoROwcv's 4ellure ta perfortn sny of tha covenants herein or make any payments •u:.�C�,y,(; ,j,
<br />'�•' ' roryuirc�d hxeby,or If�ny ac1 Is teken or legal proceeding commencad which materiaty attecte Lender'a Interest 1n tha PropeAy,Lender mey In .�in:i,.•,,}��,:�
<br /> i •..:'x.�__ �R�--
<br />-- - Ilp 07ett tiiSG6UOf1,but NRhaut ob!,.:,aUon 4o do s�, and without nntice to or demand upon BoROwe►end without releaaing Bcrmwer from any �;,�!�_- --
<br /> _ obll{�ni4tn, do any acl which the Borrawer has agreed but feila to do end may also do eny other act (t deana necessary to protect the �`;,�:�b;:._ `.
<br /> aecu�it�j hereof. Borrower shatl, Immedlately upon demand therefore by Lender, pay to Lender all costs and expmse� incurred end suma ._i•u; R.`
<br />� . e�cponc?ed by Lender In connection with the exerclse by Lender ot the foregoinc�rights, together with Interest tharaon at the rate prmlded(n � _`,��..F�—=
<br /> thi3 NcPe,which shttN be added to iha indebtedness secured hereby. lender shell not Incur any pe�cn�!L'���1fty bc�:uss^!an;nhiny It may �_,�..�;___�________
<br /> ,�,� do or emil to do hereunder. r�=��•"
<br /> �,,.:�.���:�
<br /> '� B. EVYtIt� OT Di�/Ult. The tollowing ehall conatftute an event ot detault under thla Doed o1 Trust: �_ =-�
<br /> � i��.
<br /> • (a) Feilure to pay eny Installment of pdnclpal or Interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due, or feiluro to pay when due eny ����='--
<br /> .`� f�1R��..:
<br /> other Indebtedneaa of Borsower to Lender; ;^`��•
<br /> � : _ ,.,__ ___��_ � .ti� u„�o � �4 na,d nt Trust. nnv document which securea the Noto, P.l._,.. ._
<br /> 7� (b) A brench of or detiun under any prwvww�� waua���o� ..�--. �'•.- ---- ' - "°.'-""„— :
<br /> •� end any other encumbrence upon the Property,
<br /> (c) A writ of execution or attachment or any slmiiar process shali ba enteracl agalnst Bortower whlch shafl�ecome a lien or, tha
<br /> Pr�perty or any portlan therml or Interest thereln;
<br /> ' (d)There ehnll be filed by or egainst Bortawer an actlon under Any present ar iuture federal,sUte or other st�tuto,law or reguktUon
<br /> reiating to banlwptcy, InsoNency or other rellef tor debtors: or there shall be eppalnted any truetee, recelver or Ilquldator of .
<br /> Bortower or of eu or any prrt ot!he Propedy,or the rente, Issues or profits thereo}, or Bortower shall m�ice t+ny generel essignmart
<br /> � �...
<br /> `' "" tor the benefit a1 credftora; "!�"�*'
<br /> .�:....�
<br /> �- (e) The sale, transfer, asslgnment, conveyance or further encumbrence ot ell or any peR of or any Interest In the Property. �Ither •,,��� r_ •
<br /> ' voluntarity cr Involuntadly, wilhout the express written conserri o4 lender. �"�"'����
<br /> 'sw•:�r�.
<br />. •h•�..^: �f;==.
<br /> 9. Remsd188; ACCeIsIO41on Upon DEifBUlt. In the event ot any Event of Default Lender mty declttre all Indebtodnuas �,,,,,,.�..
<br />. " " ���JM��'�, - ' R.
<br /> :� oocured hereby to be due and paycble and tho same shall Shereupon beeame due and pnyabla wfthout any presentment, dertwnd, protest or �-.yr;-����'-
<br /> n�tfce o1 any kind. Thereafter Lender may: ���-
<br /> . r� ..liy�as----°,
<br /> �
<br /> �� (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POYVER OF 9ALE granted he�ein, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Bonowa's interest in tho ,: '�:��' .. ,
<br /> P�•operry to b9 sold and the proceeds to be distributad, ell In the munner provided!n the Nebraska Trust Dead�Aot; �-'"
<br /> � . �1... '
<br /> (b) Elther In peroon or by agent, with ar without btlnging any actlon or proceeding, or by a receivor appolntod by e court end ''�t ��"._�•.
<br /> _, . wlthout regerd to tho adequacy oi It securiq�.enter upon end take possesslon of the Property, or eny part thereot.In It�a�wn name ����y�i
<br /> � �� or In tha nnme of Trustea,nnd do any acts whlch It deems necessary or deslreble to presetvo tho value,marketability or rentebflity
<br /> � of the Property,or pnrt thereof of Interest therein,Increaso the Income therelrom or pratecl tho security hereot and, wlth or wlthout
<br /> taking possesslon o1 the Property, suo tor or athemise collect the rente, lasue3 and profits thereol, Including those past due and
<br /> • " unpald, end epply tho same, less costs and oxpenaes of operaUon and col�eafon Includtng attomoyo tees, upon any Indobtcdnosa
<br /> secured hereby, all In such order as Lender may determine. Th� entering upon and taking possesslon of tho Propeity. tho
<br /> " collnctlan ot such ranta, Is�uea nnd profit3 and tho appllcaflon thereof as atoresald, shall not curo or walvor eny dofauit or notice of
<br /> def�ult hereunder or Invu!Idato any act dono In reapon�o to such detault or pureuant to such notice ot delault and, norivithstanding �
<br /> ' the contlnuanee In poaseselon of the I'roperty or the coUectlon, recelpt and eppllcatlon of rents,Issues ar profits,7rustoe or Lender ,
<br /> �•
<br /> ahaN be entitted to exerclse every dght pravldod 1or in eny of the Loan Inatn�menta or by law upon occurronce of any ovcnt of I
<br /> . ". det�uft,Incli�ding the dght to exerdse the power of safe:a�� i -
<br /> , .�' ' �
<br /> • (c) Commenco an actlon to foreclose thls Oned of Trust as e mortgage, eppolnt e recelver, or apeciilcally enforcu eny o1 the � .
<br /> -�-
<br /> � ,
<br /> - , covN�ante hareof:
<br /> ,., �
<br /> --�� _ ., - _
<br /> .. � ...r... --- .__..._� J��I L..__'__—...___.. .
<br /> No remedy hereln conierted upo�or reserved to Tn�sten oi Lertder Is Intended to bd oxetusnre of airy omer rem�y ncr�� o�:;r iari N�:..�.. - -- --- - -
<br /> ar pcnnitted, but eech shnll be cumutative, shall be In addltion to every other ramccy gh•en hereunder or now or hereafter exlsting�t Inw or
<br /> _ . In equlry or by statuta,and mey be exerclsed concurrenUy, tndependentty or euccesslvely.
<br />_ 1A_ Tn�goag, Tho TNStco may ree!gn at eny time wtthout causo. end Lender may at nny time end without cause nppolnt a �
<br /> ,,, nuccessor or oubstitute Trusiee. Trustee shall not be Ilablo tor any lose or damage unlass duo to nctlonablo negllgence or wnliul
<br /> ' misconduct. nnd shell not be requlred to take arry actfon In connectlon wlth tho entorcemenl of thls Deed of Truat unless
<br /> Indemnllled, In vrrlting, for all coste. compe+�3atlon or expenses whlch may bo osso�tated thereavlth. In additlon, Trustee may
<br />- become e purchaser et sny selo of tho Property Qudlclal or under tha power at snla grnnted hereln); postpona tho salo ot nll or any
<br /> portlr�n o1 tho Property, as provldud by law; or sell tho Property ea ct whola, or In separato parccls or lots.
<br /> � � i
<br />.. � .� � � t F1t�G0.1h10 12�351 Pago Y of•
<br /> . �
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