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<br /> N()'1'�CE n� C0�1'PRACT B�LB ,
<br /> ��95-�,Of�9�S -
<br /> You and each of you are hareby notified that on the 22nd _
<br /> day of February, 1995, M. Maxine Conroy sold under contract to Nona
<br /> Dubbs and Dar�cel Dubbs, wife and husband, the following desaribed
<br /> real est�tie:
<br /> A tract of �asnd comprising all of the West Half of the
<br /> Southwest �uaxt�r of the Soiathweat Q Tow shi�1Tens(10)
<br /> S�11/a) e� c;�ction T'i�ix'tW �'o31r (34) � � rlall �
<br /> Nor�tk�, Range Elevem (al� W�et of thQ 6th P.M. ,
<br /> Cuur�2y, Ne}�xaska, �nd more particularly describecl as
<br /> follows: Beginning at the S¢autllwest corner of saio3 3+lest
<br /> �1��� c�f the Southwest Qua.rter of the Southwest Q�aar'�er
<br /> (k71�2 SWl/4 fSaa���e��st�Halfnoftthe15outP�westnQuart�x�oP
<br /> wa�a. 3.�1:I.� 0... -----
<br /> the Southwest Quarter (4J1/2 SW1/4 Sc,li/4� , a distanae of
<br /> One Thouszr�cl Three Hundred Nine and Forty Fight
<br /> Hundredths (1�309.48) feet to the northwest corner o£
<br /> dafd Weat Half of the Southwast Quarter of the Southwest
<br /> QuarCer (W1/2 SW1/4 3W1/4) ; thence easter.ly, along and
<br /> upon the north line of said W�st Half of the South�est
<br /> Quarter of tho Southwe9t Quaxter (W1/2 SW1./4 SW1/4) , a
<br /> distance of Six Hundxed Fifty Nina and Three HundXedthb
<br /> (659.03) feet t� the nortlieast cornex of said West Half
<br /> of ths Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (W1/2
<br /> SWi/4 SW 1/4) ; thence southerly, along and upon the east
<br /> �1ine of said WPSt Half of the 5outhwest Quarter of the
<br /> Southwest Quar.tex (V�1/2 SW�/4 SW1/4) , a distance of One
<br /> Thousand Thrae Hundzed Seven and Twc�nty Five Hundredths �
<br /> (1,307.25) feet to the soufihea�t corner of said West Half _
<br /> of the 3outhwest Quarter of the Souxhwest Quaxter (W1/2 =_
<br /> SWl/4 SWi/�) ; thence wsster3y, alcng aa�c� �npon the south R_
<br /> line of said West Half of the Southwest ��xarter of the :.'_
<br /> Southwest Quarter (W 1/2 SW1/4 SWa/4) , a distance oE Six =4-
<br /> Hundred Sixty Two and Twenty Fo�nr Hundredths (��2.24)
<br /> feet ta the point of beginning and containing 19•842 �`�.
<br /> acres, more or less, of whiah 1.469 acres, more or less, �
<br /> i� presantly accupied by public road rig�n� of way. �%�:
<br /> �:'
<br /> �/ �
<br /> M. M x ne C rc�y
<br /> Subscxibed and sworn to bofor� me on thi� _,?�7f�! . day of �
<br /> February, 1995. �
<br /> � -
<br /> iii�. ,, �... ' `�'/�
<br /> �MOIARr�qMMM�b� No ry Publi�—
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