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<br /> `i . , ,�r•.�-�..w�Di � .�.._' _ .�....__........_._... .. . T.�,-,_•._-- - .. . . _ . �.-s�` . . ..
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<br /> . NlQ�tTt�1A�►MJ 1.
<br /> �,;�J_����.�.�� I
<br /> �b Mo�t�e te entend Into between� Ste�en W. Ryan and Kimb�y S. Ry�p�,_ husBen� � ,
<br /> �
<br /> � end wtfp � (heruln"Mortg��ar")and
<br /> �1ve__palnts��nk, a f�leb�ake�np 'r� __,_(hercin"Mort��gee"). �.;
<br /> Mort�or is fndebted to Aiort�te In the p�lncip�l �um of: ��,T1 T- � ,evidsnced by Mort�or'�nuta � . ;�.
<br /> dated Februawy 9 6, 19�������Note")provtdlu�for payments ot princlpd and fnterest,with lt�e baf�nce of the ., �,
<br /> _ � indebtedness,l[not sooner p�ld,duo and p�yable on..�S'•hrS�,ry� i 5. �,�98_ , '
<br /> Torecure thepayment ot the Note,with intrtc�t�u prorldod therein,the p�yment of�11 othersuma,with luterest�
<br /> �dvtnced by Mort�a�ee to protect the security of this htortyqe,and the perlormnnce of the coven�nt+and��reeraenta ot
<br /> the Mort�ar cantalned hereln. Mort���or �ioe� henby marty,��e �nd convey to Mortr�ce the fotlawing described
<br />, propedy tor.eted in Jiell._ � Cuunty, IQebr�slw�:
<br /> �
<br /> � Lot Twenty (20), Block Two (Z), Drentwood Subdiviston, Clty of Crend Island, i�, , .� ;��.�.
<br /> 1 Hall Caunty, Nebraska. , " ���,�:
<br /> ►
<br /> t� _ .*�;��.�;�--
<br /> s t`1 �,'��F'�' -
<br /> ��j �',���rL
<br />:i ' � . i�yp+j
<br />.. .��.f:.t�-���.
<br /> <u�..
<br /> L . —'-- '
<br />, 1 r� ' °.:____
<br /> `• � _..-
<br /> :.1. -_ :i._
<br /> 1y'•-- -� :'1�1���i
<br /> --_ _ ' . �
<br /> r
<br /> 'lbgethor with all buildings,tmprovemenb,8�xtures,streets,dleys,p�geways� e�semeaita�rithGs,pr�vilege��nd v.`��
<br /> �ppurtenances located thereon or In enywtse pertafning thoreto,and the renW,[�sues and profita,rev,erelons md remslndera
<br /> thereof;ineludfng,but not flmited to�hetdnR and cooltn�oqulpzwent and ettch pets�ntl px�opet ty thatf..�tttched to the
<br />• impmvementa co as to constitute a fixt�am;all of which, including ceplacements and additfons thorota,la hemby declu�ed � '(��•
<br /> to be�put of the rea]estate secured by the Uen o!Ch[�Moi�t=a�e and atl oi the[oregofng bain�ro[eae8 to herefn ns tha ' �T�'��
<br /> `�pIO�'�,.�• ��.:ay;(�..
<br /> .,..r • .. dtY
<br /> � Mortgegor[nrther conve��ants and egrees,witfi Mortgagee,e�follows: �� ���
<br /> � „ •x.
<br /> � 1. Paymenl. To p�y tho Indob2e�lnesa and tho interest thereon�s pmvtdnd in►h�u&enit�{e and the Note.
<br /> ,�� •
<br /> 2. Tltk. 1►tortga�r Is lfie owner of tho Property,has the dght�nd autho►ity to mort�age the Property�and „ �,�'
<br /> wamnta tf��t the tien c�ne�ted hereby Is a fitst�nd prim lien on fd�e Ptopertp,except a.�m�y otbetrrfse be set forth hereln. , �� • � '',, .
<br /> . . ��'�/:. :"
<br /> Q9`I4►e Ilroperty is sub}ect to a Mortse�e wheceln_F..t{Si�tAl��p Rlillcllny��,nan na��,,,_ � .�:^���•°�
<br />; �? .. . .:�4`
<br />.� b!he Mort�t�ee.cecorded�t Book�,Page of the Mortga�e ltecord�ot_ Ha l l__ County,� '!. �
<br /> Nebralu,which Morteare Is n Ilen prlor to the Iten oreated hereby. 3"�'�� ., '
<br /> ; . r.�.
<br /> ❑ 0lher pHor Ite�u or encumbrances:� ;:,`` '
<br /> � , .�� .
<br /> � •;t �
<br />� � . ; 8. 'faxes,A�essrc±nts. To pay when du.e sll taxes,specitl essessments and ali other charges�gclnst the Property �"�'
<br /> �� �`:.,,;� md,upon writtsn demand by Mort��gee�to add to the payments rnqulreti under the Note secnredhereby,cuch emount es !��'
<br /> tn�y be sutIIcient to ennble the N!ortg�gee to pRy such tuces,nssessments ot othcr cAtrges as t3i:y Decome due.. I
<br /> ' I
<br /> �n � � 4. Inarutce. 'Y'o keep the fmprovements now on c�teaiter located on tho rea!estate desc�fbed hereln insurnd ;
<br />',C,^' �pinct duno�ti by tire'And cuch oLher n�urds as Mo�ee m�ny�¢quin�In unounts and wiLh rnmP�ntcs accr�t�ble to the �
<br /> ;;�:� � Mo�i�cq aad n1tB losa p�ynhlu 2o tho Moitta,�re. In as� of laxa urtder aucd pol[cies the ltiiart�ee [�auNortzed to ��
<br /> „ �djw0, coilect �nd comprumira.In!a dirarotlon,all ddmc thonunder�t fb wle upNon, aut�odxedtoeither�pply the
<br /> :� prnceeds to the restoration of iha�v�rty�r upun G6o Indebtednuss secured hereby�but paymienC�s beieunder shall con-
<br /> °'- tlnua�until the�ums�md heraby+ue p�13[u tutL . : . , , •. ? . . . �
<br />"' • •::.in Q1C�a°:_:�I15iA�: i
<br /> -LL � ti. O Eutow Foe 7[`�tw and Inwrwce. NolwithsE�ndW�liydYNl�lt�ontatry�ia�puagraphs 3 md 9 hernof to the i '
<br /> "' cwrinry,Mort�or th�ll M�•Qo tho Mortragee�L lhQ tfine�f���k1�I`'y,:6�4Wimrnts at princip�l and interest. �
<br /> .� •_ _ _ _ ,
<br /> - '� one•tweltth of the tui taa.es,assessmen6s,hazand insurmcr remiums,md
<br /> Y Y ' p gtound renCs (if iny)wh[ch mey atWn a
<br />:� priorlty ovrr thls Mort`aae�dl as reaonably estirnited[1rom time to t[me by the Mort�ee.'Tfiu �mounts so pdd shdl be
<br /> � � he�d by the Mortti��ee�rltAout interest and applted to the pi►yment ot the Items In tespecE to w�tch such�movnta were
<br /> S- depo�lted.'Ihe�uma pafd to Mortga�ce henunder�re pledyed ao idctition�l security for the indebtedness secumd by thts
<br /> s:
<br /> _", ,. i Mort�t�(e.Mort��jor shtll p�y to Morfg�g�the trnount of�ny dettcleney between the actuel taxea,dssessments,tnsurence
<br /> f premlum��nd�+ound c+ents�nd the deposits heceunder wifhln 10 daye�tter demu�d Is made upon Mortg�gor requesting
<br /> � - - -_--= y irymenL tAereof.
<br />, � 6. Rep�fr,M�intenwca�nd Un. To promptly rcpaEr,mstorc ov reb�dtd�ny Duilciings or Improvements now or
<br /> _ hereefter on tRe Property;to Yeep the�'toperiy in good conditlon�nd reptlr.without wagtQ�iu►d hee hom mechdntc's or
<br />!;�; otherUena nat expressly suborrllnited to tAe lien hereot;not to makc�aut[er or permlt�ny nulauwce w exfst,nor to dfmin-
<br /> Ish or Imp�lr the wtlue of the Yroperty by nriy act or omissfon to�ct;�nd tn comply with �il requite�ttenta ot law with
<br />, � re�pect to the Ftoperty.
<br /> y� •
<br /> i��
<br />