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wR'•7;%�;;i�� }; :.�r. r -r.�... ;�. :..a�-....., ._. • .. ;Y�!'^rw'�rn'�►non"'-'° ' . <br /> •r}xi;i. ,.v�•: �- �•- <br /> 'j:i;: ' � ' i. . . _tt... .. �� ��{ .r. <br /> , �.,4d,}�f' T)J.ty4v:tK+-... .�� . `\ ,. . .. <br /> �r:�M.711'.�'��_ . � ' ` �...:L+�. . .—- .. <br /> '� EI ••Y.� . . .. . � ..,����►RR������'s�^•t••�(`��-°'l�r�v�.%'i��h i�••` .�'�—�o� _ �. <br /> —— ---- - ..�. =�',. <br /> . " . . ����..a..�r�Y..z..:��waar��s�^r� {�_.�'. <br /> '_"`"...�. ..v ._._._... ............��.ak-�..._�.".,.""'_._�.�`.�.....�� ...._ ..._ .. ...�.._..�_.._. _.. <br /> � ' � - <br /> � • j <br />_ ♦ � . <br /> �V47!J � : <br /> (C) FArP�Ir�lnew b�L�ndK Not a W�Ivev.Any ic��beerance by 6.ender In exercinlnp e�y�p�o�mody hare�tlsr,or r= <br /> otherwt��pttorded(oy eppllc�bis iaw,sfiati nat be a welver of or pre�cluda the axerclao of eny euch rlpht or�mmWy.The <br />= procurement ot Inturnnco orthe payment ol tanes or other Iiena or che�ae�by Londar ehall not be e wafver of lenda�'s vlphtto � <br />= accaSsr�is tl�o m�turily ot the IndWt�dnsu�er;ured by thls Dead of 7'ruet <br /> (d) aue�s.�nd A�w sound;JQMQ and�svrtN LhbNFfy;C�pMon�.T�ie covsnerh snd opreamsnts heretn can- <br />"! Wlned ehail bind,end the ri(�tits hereundAr ahall Inurn to,the reapective aucceeeooa and eeelpne of l.ender Rnd Yrustor.All <br /> cav�nance�nd epnsments ol Truttor�hall be iolnt�nd ievenl."th�c�lptiom end hs�dlrpa of the paro�reph�ot thfe Ds�d of <br /> Trust ers fnr cnnv�nlence only and ere not to be used to Inteipret ar doNne the provlslone hereot. <br /> (e) Rpu«M Mr NoMea�.'�he partlee hereby requast that e copy o1 any notlGe at d�iAUlt hereurtda nnd s copy of any natics <br /> of s�ls hsre��ndsr bs mallAd to esch pdrty to it�it►Deed of Truat ut the eddresa�t torth above In ths manner preecrib�tl by <br /> appllc�ble Isw.Except tor eny ather notice requfred under appltcabte lew to be plven In enother manner,eny notico provlt�d <br /> for In thls[bed of Truat shall be piven by malling such notica by cenHled mail addreased to the other paitlea,etlhe addree�eN <br /> tarth above.Any notice provlded tar in thfa Deod of Truat ahall be eftecUve upon maillnp In td�e manner dealflnated hersln.If <br /> Yruator la more then one pereon,notice sent to the addross set torth above ahall be notice to ell auch psreon�. <br /> (Q In�p�cYon.Lender may make or ceuae to be me�e reeson�bte entrles upon end InspecUona of Me Propsrty,provided <br /> thnt I.ender ohall glve Truator notice prlor to any such Inspectlon apecifying reesoneble cauae theretor related to Lendpr'e _ <br /> InMreet In th�Praperty. <br /> (y) R�canr�yane�.Upun payment o}sll euma seCUred by thi9 Doed of Trust,Lender shall requeat Truatee lo r@convey the <br /> Property�nd�h�10 eurrender thla Deed of 7ruat end all r�otes evldencinp Indebtedness secured by thls Desd of Trust to TrusMS. <br /> Truates�h�ll reconvey Me Property without warranty and wlthaut charpa to the pereon or penone lepslly entitled thsreb. <br /> Trustor ahall pay ail aoete oi recordetton,II any. <br /> (h) P�aona! PropNt�r; S�urtty Apn�nl.As acldltional security for tho payment o}tho Note,Trustor hereby flnnb <br /> Lende►undertha Nebreaka Unfform Commercisl Cade e aecurlty Intereatln a111ixtures,equlpment,and othar pe�rsonal pro�ty <br /> ueed In conn�cNon with the real estato or Improvementa located therenn,and not otherwlrse dec:lered or deer:med to be e pe�t of <br /> the�eal e�tate oecured Itereby.Thle Instrument sha!I i:w conatruod ae a Security Ayreement under eald Cods,and ths l.i►nd�r <br /> ahNl have dl th�rtphU�nd remecfies of e secured periy under aaid Code In add(tion to ths rl�hte and rsmrxlle�croat�d und�r <br /> end accorded the f.ender pur6uant to ti�is Deed o1 Trvcl;providod that Lender's riphta end remedi�es under thfs parapraph shal! <br /> be cumulaNve with,end In no wey a limltatlon on,Lerrder's rlyhtv and remedlee undar any ottror a�r�uriry ayr�merM eipn�d hryr <br /> 8orrowar or Trustor. <br /> (i) Liw��nd Encwnl�r�nq�.7ruator hereby wev�nb ond repreaen�that�la no deieult undrr the provlslon�01�ny <br /> mort4apa,daed of truaP,loaee ar purchaao coritract d�acrlbtnp all or any part ot e'�IPPOpertyr,or other contract instrument or <br /> e�9reemant cnnatituti�p a Usn or encumb►ance egainat ell or any part o1 the Propewty�cotlectively,"Uena"),existlnp u of the <br /> date of thia Oeed o}TrusL�nd that eny a�d all exlsdnp Llens remein unmoditied except ae discloeed to Lsnder In Trwtor'r <br /> written diacioeure o} Ilena and encumbrances provided for here(n.Truator ehall timely peAorm t�ll of Truator's ob�ip�tlom, <br /> cwenarna,reprsaentadona anu warrentioa unaer any end ail exislqnp antl tuturo Liena,ehell prOmptiy forward to Lendsr copl�s <br /> of ail notices of defeult eont In connection with eny and all exfating or tuture Lions,nnd ehall not without Let�dsrr'a p�1or wrff�sn <br /> consent in eny manner madlty the provlefons o}or al!ow any tuture advance�under any exiadng or tuture lki�a. <br /> U) AppNcWon of P�ynMnb.Untesa osharrvla0 reqsired by law,euma paid to Lender hereunde►,Including wuettaa�utlirokatlon <br /> paymsnts o!princlpal and intereat,In�urartce procasds,condemneUon proceeda and renta em1 profib,she11 bs�pp1Nd by <br /> Lenclsr to the amounta due and owirtg h•orm Trustor and Bnrrower In such arder sa Lender tn Ite eof�aliperetlon deem�d�Nnlihh:• <br /> (k) S�+�rpbMky.If eny provtsion ot Chie Deed of Truat contllcb with applicahle law cr ia du��arsd InveNd or o��e <br /> unenferceable,euch coMlf.�t or inv$fi�iry ahatl not eftect the othar provleona o1 thfa Deed of Truat or the Note rrhlch Can b� <br /> g(ven eHect without the conilicling provlsion,nnd to thfa end tha provlalons of thts Doed o1 Truat nnd the Note are declared to be <br /> eeverable. <br /> (I) T�nn�.'fhe terma"TruatoY'and"Borrower"shntl Includd both sinpular and plural,and+rihan tho Trustorand Borrower <br /> ere tho same penaon(sj,thoae terme as uaqd tn thia Qead of Trust sha�l be Interchenpepbte. <br /> (m) Oowmtnp Law.Thte Deed of Ti�:3t shell be governed by the Iswa o}the State oi Neixra9ka. <br /> Trustor hae exec�ted this Deed at Truat ae o}the date wrltten ebove. �u�"� f/' <br /> �I_/ � <br /> v�`�r� <br /> r► LLIAH P ZILLKRre1 � Hueba�n� <br /> IANM K 2ILL tor Wife <br /> . � <br /> . c„ ,.r.. ;.t . <br /> _.•..' � . . <br /> i <br /> � <br /> i <br /> I <br /> I <br /> � <br /> I <br />