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<br /> �Y��:di�n�,K1ie� � • • • " ��` . •�ni k
<br /> =u�s:[s�;,��,,7r.g•�d+�, ' . .. ' . . .:
<br /> . ���� oF Tr���T �i��� ��rur�c���+��a��� � �5-- �����9C� ,.
<br /> �; . YHt9 pEED OF 7RUST,19 mnde�5 01 the 17..k�.._day o}_ r'nb ,t0..._�;�.,�y and amor� .
<br /> 1'.
<br /> ;�'� - - ' the Tru�tor, �—,-puabaK►d-aead-+r-i�fe -- , •:��,�' '
<br /> t�._, . ..,,' ;•
<br /> •'t�at:�• ..+�, �vhoss malllnp addrAUla 0!7 N llth St Grand Inland�herAln"Tru�{E3r,�'�����ormon), �,�,;�5� � 4
<br /> `:��%�'{r7 . - �.t `F c •. . i.q_ s,tt;.
<br /> � -� tha'frt�etee. _..__F�SR'�51.�11—(1.141t_.�_11��hr_�rl�rt.l_nr�n_r_��inn �32 • •
<br /> .t •u .� t' r .'% �i:Jil;'�M1�.:;�-'��.
<br /> '� ''- whoae mallln eddreaa la p•O. Do;c 1�07 Grartd Ieland, N� 6k1El02 , S•�•��.'• ..�..
<br /> �,�� 0 (hereln"Truata"),end ��. t. . r,:.
<br /> .;��'�,;,;�' tho 8w�eliciaryv, Five Pointe 8ank _ � ;.�, �.1 �,•�;�R•,�;.{;,;
<br /> ':*-' ... •,..a : , ., � ..,� ; ,,
<br /> • whoae mailinp address ia �015 H. BroQdvell Grend Iblend NE. 6��0�-150? (heroln "Lender'�. � � � �•r�`•'�•�•''
<br /> . i. ..�=.:;x..a.:.;,:-f�,.
<br /> . :�.t:,,,,.,.
<br /> , FOA VALUABLE CON91DEW1TION,Inaludinp Lender'9 extenalon of c.reditldonUfl�cf hereln t�ZLLIAH P 2iLLL'R -��•�:;���.,�,�;y�;,�;;;
<br /> '•�" -�arao..o,-.
<br /> � Ji1LIANN K '7_IL4ER (herein"Borrower'.whether anfl or more)and the truat h�ain created, �r_���-�--°�__,
<br /> . th� rucalpt of whlch Is hereby acknowledged,Truator hereby I►revocahly gcants,trec►9fere,conveye and asalgns to T�uatee�,IN �-�--�-
<br /> � � TRU9T,WITH POWER OF 3ALE,for the benefit and security of Londar,undexand subJect to the term�and condiQona herelnaRev�et �!"�•-
<br /> •..•r� for4h,the real properry,dexrl�ed as follnw�:
<br /> - ' :s • NEBRASKA.
<br />�„` ' � `
<br /> . Toflether with ail bulldings.lmprovements,fixtures,atroeta, alley�passa8eways,easemente,rf8hte,privll�and a�purte- _
<br /> - , nencea IocRted thereon or In anywlsa pertalninp thereto,and th9 rente,Issuea end proflta,reeeralons and remalndsrs fh�lrsof,and
<br /> , such paraonal property that ia attached to the impravement3�;:s tc scr.�t;i;:ta�!:�w:�,Ir.�lu�!rg,blt no!Ilmltcd to,heyldrtp and
<br /> cooNnp squlpmenk and toge�fser with the homestead or marital intereste,ii eny.whlch i�terest�are hereby rebuaed end wetved;atl
<br /> � o}which,includlnp►eplacements and addiilone thereto,le hAreby declered to ba A paet of the real estata aecured by lhe tien qt Ntkf
<br /> . „ �V ` Deed of Truat and all ot the foreyoing being reterred to herein as the"Properiy".
<br /> -� Thia Deed ot T►uat ehell secure(a)the payment oi the prinolpal eum and Intereat evidenced by a proml6eory nobs a crtx9F:
<br /> - ,;�,
<br /> -�(; epreementdated �'pDru�ry f�th i�iq5 ,hevingamaturftydateo} pnhrnnT;' 15tt�73�2p ,
<br /> � �. In thn orlginal principal emount of S 551000.00 . ,and any end all modifl�atlana,extenelone andl rsn�rok�
<br /> thereot or there,to end any and all future advancea and readvances tu �orrower(or any af ther,�i�mpre than pne)I�nr�
<br /> �.�� pursuant to ane ar more promissory notes ar c�redlt eqreemente(herein eafled"Note");(b)the paym�r.t of othsr eume edveaced bg —
<br /> Lender to protsct the aecurtry oi the Not�;(c)the pertormance of all covenunt�and agreements of Trusior set forth hmreln;�1nd(d)aA
<br /> � preaent an�futurA Indebtadnes�end obligatlona o}Barrower(or eny of them H more t��n one)to Lender whNher direc�Indfn�ct —
<br /> ebsolute or�onUnpent and whelher arteing by note,puarenty,overdraft or otherwlae.The Note,*.hle Daed of Tru�t end any nnd s�l
<br /> � - othef docuente Uiat eecure tha Note or otherwise executed in connectlon therewlN,including without Hmitatlon guaranteRCS,amcuri3y
<br /> � � . � • egreemente end esafgnmente of leasea and rente,shall be referred to hereln as the"Loan DoGUC^,�ts".
<br /> Truator covenanb and egreea with Londer ea tollowa -
<br /> •- : •. 1.Parmsnt at Ind�bNdnw.All indebtednt,�s eecured hereby s�+all be paW when due. ��
<br /> c� 2.YMIa. Truator la the owner of the Property,hes the right and authority to convey the Property,and wflrra-hs that ths Itsn
<br /> created hereby la e itrot and prtor Ilen on tlie Pro�erty,except for Itens and oncumbrances set forM by Trustor in wrftinp�nd — ,.
<br /> ° ;� dellvered to I.ender before execution of thts Deed of Trus4,�n�tho executlon and delivery o}thla Oood of Tru�t doou not viol�t�eny _
<br /> . . .. •r contrect or offier obltgaUOn to whfch Trostar Is eubJect =
<br /> • . � . 3.Tex�s�Aa�nb.To pay before deUnquency ell texes,epeclsl aesesaments and all othor chnrga�up�inst the PropeKy ��,,__----
<br /> • . -:�,�. now or hereafter levled. __. ---
<br /> • , 4. Insur�nc�.To keep the Pro „�----.--».._z_--�..
<br /> , perty Insureel ayainat dama�e by fire,hezards Included wtthin thoto`m"extended covereye",end •�.`,,�_
<br /> . such other ha:ard�ae l.ender may requlre,In amounte and with companles eceepteltSo�to Lendor,nnminp Lender ea an teddltlonal
<br /> named Inaured,with losa payabte to the Lender.In caea of loss under such pollclos,mn Lender Is uuthcr�zod to adJuat cs�llect and .��y��,,�,����
<br /> compromiae,ell clalme Chereunder end ehal l heve the option of applying ell or part of the Insurancc�pr�ueds(I)to eny Indebtedness 'x':
<br /> , ° � r secu�ed hereby and Ire such orderae Lender mey determino,(iq to the Truatorto be uaed for the reaalr qrrecstoratlon of ths Properry '.��"� �,,,,,,,
<br /> __ or(Iiq(or any other purpose or objact eaNsfactory to Lender without aftecting tho Ilen of thle Deed ot Tru3t for tNe tuU amount aecured �'`��:.:�-��-��
<br /> , •• hereby befnre such payment ever taok place.Any eppllcation of proceeds So indebtednoss ehnll not oxton�or postpone the due - `
<br /> : dete o}any payments under tho Note,or cure eny defauft lhereunder or hereundar. • ' "°�'
<br /> , � � �� • S. Escrow.Upon written demend by Lender,Truetor shali pay to Lender,in euch mannor es Lender may desi��ate,sutticient ��'
<br /> •�• , euma to eneble Lender to pay ea they become due one or more o}the toilowing:(I)all tuxes,assesQn�r;r+.s end other charge9 egalnet . �''"ti
<br /> �° the Property,pi�1he premlums o�the property Insurance requlrad horounder, and(Ilq the pramiun:s on ar.y mortgaga lnaurance
<br /> , . ' � required by Len�lor. ' • '
<br /> �; 8. Malnt�n�nc�, R�p�ln e�d Compilans�with Lawt. Trustar shall keep the Praperty In good conditlon and repalr;shall f '
<br /> �� prompUy repair, or replace Cny Improvament which may be damaged or destroyed; ehall not commlt or permft any waste �r
<br /> deterloratlon af 1Ae P�cper3y;enall not remove,demollsh or substantialiy aiter any oi t'no Improvomenta on tho Properry; shall not �
<br /> , � � corttmlt,aufter or pwrmlt any act to be done m or upon the Property in violAtlon of any lew,ordlrtunce,or regulaUon;and ahell pay and
<br /> • prompUy dischar�e et Trustor's cost nnd expense alt Ilena,encu�r�branees and charges IeYled,im�osed or etssessed a�alnat the I .
<br />_ ' "�! Property or sny rpsR thereol. .
<br /> , 7. EmM�nt Dom�(n.Lender la hereby aasigned ail compener�tlon,ewarda,damagea end other paymenta or rel�ef(herelnatter
<br /> "PPOG@Od9'�In connectlon with condemnatfon or other taking of the Property or part thereoi,or for conveyance in Ifeu of condemnn- �
<br /> - � • • Uon.Lender shall be entltled at its optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In iM ewn name eny ectl�n or Rroceedi nge,and �
<br /> • shall also be entitied to make any compromise or settlement In connectlon with such t�king or damage.In the event eny poRion of
<br /> the Property Is�o taken or demaged,Lender ehell have the option,In i�sala and absolute discretfon,to apply all such P�oceede, �
<br /> ,;,�- efler deductingCheratrom ell Coste and oxpensea Incurred by It In conrtectlan wfth such Procoeds.upon flny Indebtedneas secured ;
<br /> �e�'-�' luivu��w�11w uu1�w�.i�.r��1��J�.�....J��—�__ _ _.
<br /> — _ ------- ....�.�..........v..v.w.Qo rauw�..o�vo�v...nno,vi w oN�,iy nii BuGi��rbceada,aner nuon deduciions.t0[i19 f6sTOftt000 01 L119 ---.--.—
<br /> � " Property upon euch condltione as Lendor may determtne.Any applloatlon of Proceeds to Indobtedness ehell not extend or postpone
<br /> � � ' the due date ot ony psymenb under the Note,or curo any dotnult thoreunder or horoundar.Any unapplled tunda ehell be pefd to
<br /> � i Truator.
<br /> ' • 0. P'alormaoc�by L�nde. Upon the o:.currence ot on Event o1 Datuult hereunder,or If any act Is tnken or leyal pra�coedtng
<br />_ commenced which materialfy ettecta I.ende�'e Intere�t In tho Proporty,Londor may In Ito own dfacretton,bu4 without obtigation to do
<br /> . so,end without rtotice to ar demand upon 7►ustor and wlthout releaeing Truator trom eny obllgatlon,do any ect whlch Trustor has
<br />- - r asreed but(alle to do end riinr nieu do any omer ect It doem�nec9s�ary to protect the securlty horebf.Trustor ahall,Immedlately
<br /> �• upon�emand iherefor by Lender.pay to Lender ell coate and expenee�Incurred end cuma expAndod hy Londer In connectlon with
<br /> the oxerclse by d.ender of tho foregoing rl8hts,topethor with Interest thereon at tho default rato provfded In the Noto,wttich shall be
<br />-; added to the Indehtednese aecured h�roby. Londer eh�li not Incur any Ilablllry because o}nnythlnp{t may do or omit to da
<br />- hereunder.
<br />— E..
<br /> r
<br /> . `
<br /> _ .. ..., . .. ... ... .
<br /> .. � � ..� .,,
<br /> ._ . , .. . . .. . . .
<br />