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. ,.. ;:.���--!7S+ . ,i . . `.� . , , .. � � � �'�µ��?�.;: <br /> , � -- <br /> 'a{i ' � , ' �. <br />. .t � . . ' - .lsN/rV-- .. <br /> . � <br /> '. -....�.... aa�w...._�""'.._..._.._""'...._._. ..........�..-._.._.."""''w....,_..�.....,..�.e�...__.__..,_.._:..._..._........__...._. _".. ......_.._._.......�..,.+.ww.vrwy.. <br />--.- ,. C 2: .........�_...__ .. - -- - ... . � <br /> '�`;`. ..�]Gi'�f .� - . ..�i " "i*W— <br /> .� ... �-4.{ ' l.ti. u • ( . . . � '.- <br /> � Ai.�N�U1lLEIL1GEMENT OF pEED OF '�USt : �� � � ` <br /> _ . 1 �+� ������ <br /> �nus�r�� �aF��ri ns �cr•ora�sicNi�v�: <br /> �� Yrueror underatnnd9 thnt Ihe document thet Trustor io obout to exocuta�a o Doed o0 Truo!and not a mortpnpn end that the powar � <br /> � of�N�provldad far in ti�s need a4 Truot�rovide� subat�ntlaliy differont ri�hte end obllpetione to Truator thnn e mortpape in th��vont oi ' <br />- n de}aul!or bn�ch o}oblipetlon undei the D�ad oi TruoL inctudinp,6ut not limited to,the I.ondei'o►ipht to have the Prop�rly sold by th� <br />-:�„w! ,_ Trwtoe viithout s+iy�udlaid proceedinp.7wtor repnsenu e�d w�rrente th� •cknowledpom a�execu od by Truetor ba}on the • ,,.r <br /> , . • rxecutlan of th�O�sd u}Trutt. �`'-`�(ti� <br /> � n .�5i��'r1���.� <br /> � ��, �'VE ON C VOD !IL T TOR � . �:,.,..:,.:� <br />_ � ,I , <br /> •. r„��Yi.•' Y � . :Ir,'•�I�.,.����•,•,-1 <br /> • ' L UISL H VODSIJNAL TRUSTOA . ..�`��`.' �.�'. � <br /> .. ' i:., _� <br /> ;1.,�, ..';.:-;�r4;�`i`':i_'�_. <br /> . . OL�p OF TRUST W17H FUTURE ADVpNCES '� `, ,'.:�,.;�'�*��';' <br />-_ �� ;;�•�' .�'ti.;��;�,�;.:.�-s;���; <br />" THIS DEED OF TRUST, is mndo ae of the ,,3th day of February , 19�._,by�nd emonp �fi�;����';"'�.k+'.,���`�i �": _ <br /> „��.�t�,..;_. <br /> ���i'��i;r.r_Si1�__:-�-a, <br /> � theTruato�, VRRNON C VODfiHNAL and LOUISE M VODEHNAL. EiID�BR,NA AND WIFE I. a"- <br /> , a,�-�=.,-_:_-- <br /> �(•,..��"�- <br /> '�� whose mailiny eddress ia 2613 NW AVS aF3aNiD IOLAND ��ere�8Qn3istor.' whethv om ormon), �: <br /> the Trustee, .�REND 6AACci <br /> � "� �_ <br /> '•�� whoen meilinp eddress te P O BOX 790 GRANII�SLAND NE bB80�_ Ehe►efn'Trutte�'1.�nA �=_-=� <br /> i_•.��:_ <br />._.-_ .� R."'—_ <br />__ the8a►�ficlary, T�IE OVERLAlID NRTION�L d�NK OF Ot21�ND ISLANO___ , �� <br /> . � <br /> ' . whos�mailiny addreos is p � BaX 16H8 GRl1ND ISLAND NE 69802 ,_ �h�r�in'Lendx'I. _—� <br />- �,;� FOR YALUABLE CONSlOERATIQN,includlnp i.endor'e extension of credit identified heren to_VERNON C VOpEHNRL _ � <br /> ��' LOUISF H VODEHNAL �--�o�� � <br /> � " Ihoroin'Borrower",whether one or morol end the truat he�fn craat�d,th� <br /> •` receipt of which is hereby ecknowledped,Trustor hereby irrevooably prante,trenafere,conveye end ea�ip�o to Trustse,IN TRUST,WI'fH �$ : <br />,_ POWER UF SALE, for the benefit ond eacurity of Lender, undo►and subjeci to the terme end conditlon�herefnaftx ��t forlh,th��e�l <br /> • � proper[y,tleecnUed es toitowe: ` <br /> �� �� .. LOT EIC3H�EEN (18), CAPTTAL HEIGI�TS FIFTH (STH) SUSDIVISIUN <br /> ,��_ TO THE CITY OF GRAND I8L11ND, HAY.L COUNTY� NEHFtA3KA <br />- -i. <br />.� <br /> •.,';;�;;�;r;� ' Tppother with ell buildinpe, improvommta,fixturos,etroote, nlleys, paseapewoys,easemHnto, rlphtn, privilepee snd eppurtanancH ,y.; <br /> ' located thereon or ln enywisa portoininp thoroto,and the rente,iasues end profito,reveraionn a�d remaindare tharoof, end sucfi pxtonQ <br />_ " property that is ettached to tho imp►ovamonto 00 os to conet�tute e fixturo,includinp,but nat limited to,heatinp w�d caolin9 equipmenC <br /> end topethor with tho homontoad or morital intoroste, il any,which interesta ure horeby released end weived;all of which, includiny <br /> replacemente end additiono theroto,ia horeby doclarod to bo o part of tho reul astete eecured by the lien of thle De�d ot Trutt�nd all of <br />:� the foregoiny beinp ro}erred to hotain as the"Property". �yr,�i__ <br /> - �' �'�M ;.' <br />� . Thi9 Deed of Truot chnit secure(e)tho payment of the principal sum and intereat ovidanced by a promietory nots o► w�dit � '- <br />- , ' . �t� �... <br />_. t' ��;�: <br /> eproement deted (�Zf 13 j�5 ,�„hevinp e maturity dato of 02/20/99 ��'"�� }%�;� <br /> . .. �Mn � ~p/�fr�'I� .J"; <br /> _ i�the oripine)pr(ncipul emount of 4 ?n F310_t ti ,end eny end ell moditioatlone,extensione a�d rundwd� C;�.�� "" � ?ra; <br /> �,•,;;�' � thereof or theroto end eny and all future advencee end reedvanao9 to 8nrrower lor eny of them if mme than one!herMmdar punuant to : �~^' ;y�+; <br /> one or more promisaory notes or a�odit epreemente(herein aelled "Note"1;(b)the payment of other sums advenced by Ls�der to protect ��•�$< <•• �. <br /> the eecurity of the Nate;lai the pertormence al all covena�ts nnd npre�rnente of T�uator set forth herein;end(d) ell pre�ent end tuturo • ' `' <br />° , � �-�� indebtedneee and oblipatione of florrowe►lor eny ot them if moro then onel to lender whether direot,Indirsot,eb�olute or contfn�en! " � <br /> , ond whether eri�f�p by nuta,puerenty,ovardraft or othorwioo.Tho Noie,this L�aed of Truet and any end all other dacumente thet secure �`. �_ <br /> tha Noto or otherwise executed in conneotion thorewith,includmp without limitotion puarantoos, eocurity uproomtr�ta and euslynmonte •�� <br /> of leeses end rento,shall ba roferrod tio hovoin aa tho'Loan Inetrumonto". <br />' � Truetur covenante end cpreas wi4h Londer es followe: <br /> , . 1.P�ymMit o!Ind�bt�dmso.All indebtednese securod horeby ehall bo paid when due. , <br />= 2.Titl�.Trustor Is the owner of the Property,hos tho ripht ond authority to convoy tho Proporty,end werrente thet the lisn orostsd I ,.�','. <br /> _ , hereby ia e firot end prio�lien on tho Proporiy,oxaopt tor lione end oncumbrencos set foRh by Truetor in writinp end deGvered to Lenda ' <br /> beforo oxecut(on of this Dood of Trust, und the oxocution and dolivory of this Doad of trust doo3 not violnto nny cont�aot or other <br />— oblipation to whlch Truntor ia sub�act. � <br /> _ . 3.Tua�,As��um�nt�.To pay bef ore dolinquenay ell toxos,opociol oeaossmonte ond nll otho�chnrpos ayoinet tho Property now or � ' <br /> I <br />_ , horeaftor levfed. , <br /> 4. lnwranc�. To keop tho Propony insurad age�n�t domoga by firo, hazerde, includod within tho torm 'oxtended covsnpo', end � <br /> euch ut►ter.hozords ee Lender mey requira,in nmounto ond tvith componioa ncr.oDtoblc tu Lcndor,numinp Lo�dor uo an additlonnl namad � <br />— ineurod, with losn payable to the Londer. In case of loafl undm euch policios,the Lender ia euthorized tu edjuat,colloot end compromise, � <br /> ell cla(mm tho�oundor end ehell hevo tho optlon of applyinp oll or�art of tho insurence proceods li) to any indobtednea�aocu�ad hureby � <br />— L i . <br /> and in mud�ordov e�Lande� mey deterre�ino,(ii)ro the Tmetor to bo used for tha ropaG or�onto►ution ot tho PropeHy or(ci)for eny other I <br /> purpoeo or objeot oetisfootory tn Londer without affentiny tho Iion ot thia Oeed ol Trust fot the tull emount oecured hereby before eudi , <br /> •, � � payment eve►took plaoe.Any epplioation of procoode to indabtednoss sholl not oxtend or poetpono the due dete of eny paymente undm <br /> ____r_'`�_�_,_ the Note,or cure uny defeult tharounder or herounder. ;�......___._—._ <br /> ._ .._ _. . <br /> -' � � 6. ��crow.Upon written demend by Lendor, Truntor shell puy to Londer, in auch monnor os Londor mo/dosignato,cuHicient aum9 � <br /> - tu eneble Lender to pny os they h000me due one or rnote of the tollowinp: lil ell texes, esoeeementa ond othar cherges apeinet the <br /> _� • � Propofty,(ii) thn promiume on the propwty in�urenae raquirod heroundo►,end (iii� the pramiumo on ony mo►tpepe ine��renaa rvquirod by <br /> Londer. <br /> � 6. M�int�nat�c�,R�p�lr��nd Compliancr with L�w�. Trustor oholl koop tho Proporty in pood condition a�d �opnir; shnll promptty <br /> �, repair,or replace eny improvemont which may be dnmapod or dostroyod;shall not commit or pormit eny weuto or doterio►etion of tha �� <br /> _-- ---...._.. . °:M,.�::..��I��II�_�._..._._. ._I_....,..I:.M_. _1._�_�H_It.._I�u _....t.ha: _._ ��o nn�Me�.. eh.11.._.�n. .ni� uNn.n.n ..+i1 <br /> .. ':� .. . _ _.. . . .. . <br /> �' " � sny Oot t0 bs done in or upon the Fraperty in ti�iolation of ony law, o�dinenco,or ropulation; and�shall pey end promptly diaherpo at <br />:�so. , Truator'o cost end uxponso all Iicn�,oncumbranco3 and chnrpos loviod,inipoaud or ossosood o0o�nst tho Prnporty or any part thotouf. <br /> =�: '� 7. Emin�nt Domaln. i.cndor is horeby neeignod oll compon�otio�i, oworde, domogoe n�d othor poymante or relief (hereina}ter <br /> .= , "Procoeda')in cnnneotion with condomnotion or othor takinfl of th�Porporty o►port thoroof,or for convayencu in liou ol condannntion. <br /> - � , ,ti Lender ahell bo entitled at rte optiun to commonco,oppoar in ond proaecuto in its own nnmu ony aation or proceedings,onJ shell el�o be <br /> •= ontitled to meko�ny comprQmiso o�oottltrment in connoction with such tnking or damnpa.In tl�o ovont nny portion of the Property ib so <br /> _� <br /> I i- Nnc a�a�wo�,w-�oaiwu o«a�na,,. ,oroo <br /> � O 1B8i N�tIMM OWt ol Canmuq Truet YW S���ryp lUwd�utn.4�ckn.NebrMt� � <br /> .� . .. . .. . .. . <br /> . .., _. . ... . ... . ... <br /> �.�.1_''__.--___ _ _ _.. _.-- <br />