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<br /> License�e's sole rsk. '1Che Li�cn:,ee hereby wAives any clain� for damnges against the -
<br /> I�ice:nsar� its officers, empinyees, age�ts and indopcndont contcaetmr� for any d�mage or �
<br /> injury that may result to said im��r�v�,m�nt. If th� Lfsensor, in its sole discretion,
<br />- determines that any p�rt or all of N�e irrt�srrv�mr.nt must�i3 r��4vcd or is dam�ged by th��
<br /> Licensar,its employees�:�geatts,or independent contx�ctors workirtg for tloc Licensor durda�
<br /> the cours�: of tli�ir employment or duties with th�Licensor�tGe Lir,ensee agrecs tfl assume
<br /> and pay all costs rel�ting to the replacement m�repair of the improvement.
<br /> 4. EFFEGTIV�DATE. This licease agreement shall take effect on the date it
<br />_ is executed by the Mayor of the City of Grand Island as dated below. It shall cantinue for
<br /> an inde6nit� term until such time as it is terminated as provided herea�ter.
<br /> S. TCRMINQ►TION. T'his license agreement shall termin�te upon ona or more
<br /> of the fallowin�occurrences:
<br /> a. Tiie service of sixty days w��itten nntice of intentian to tern�inate ay�ny
<br /> party upon tlie other party.
<br /> b. The Licensee's application for a permit to alter said improvcment or
<br /> any part thereof, unless said �ermit is for work due tu an occurrence as described in
<br /> Paragraph 3 above and said work has the prior written approval �f the Li��asor.
<br /> c. The Lic�nsee's constnictimn or installation of any structure or .
<br /> improvement of any na�ture upon the real es2ate owned by the Licensor exapt that �
<br /> described in Paragrapl� 1 above.
<br /> tlpon tlie ter�nin�tiun of this License Agreement,the Lycensee shall be required,an�
<br /> hereby agrees, tv remove said improvement fram the Licensor's real estate at its awn
<br /> expense and without cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur eio lat�r than sixty days
<br /> after receipt of the notice of intention to terminate or any of the other occurrences set forth -
<br /> in Paragraph 5 above. Should the Licensee fail to do so, the Licensor may remove or causc
<br /> the remou:�l of said improveme�t from the d.icen�svr's real estate and the Liceusee agrees ._._
<br /> co reirnburse the Lic�nsor for �II its costs.
<br />� �..
<br /> -- _. C. S[JCC�SSORS AND ASSIGI�►S. Tl�is agreement shall be binding �cpon the
<br />